Thursday, February 5, 1981 DEERFIELD LIONS' CLUB CHARTER NIGHT HELD Splendid Program and Dinner Dance Given Jan. 29 at Deerfield School T On Thursday evening, Jan. 29, one of the outstanding: social events for the new year, was Charter Night and the 'dinner dance given by the Lion's club at Deerfield at the school auditorium. A delicious banquet was served by Lion Phil Johnson and the following program was enjoyed by the guests, with Lion Thor G, Lundgren, com- missiuner, editor Cook county coun- (-il paper, acting as toastrttastert PROGRAM . .. Tenor Seto, American Invoullon Roar, Lions, Ron Led by Linn Harry Roberts mm! lender of Winne‘kn Lions Welcome. .. C _ Charles C. Knpachull Diutrict Commander American Legion Tenor Solo _ .. PT_T FF ' "Pietro Murchi _ .. . .. -- h m... nuuman . . T . ___ Igee'yAler1'i, Lions tnternatioruU Presentation of Curter, Lion W. H. McClelllnd District Governor _ Acceptance " Charter Lion M. A. Potunzer Lion President ._. . u . Lf II‘nIu nu... _ .. . Greetings and Introduction at JPttP. Tunor 5M0 Address This very fine program was fol- lowed by wards and dancing. The music was furnished by Lion Sturto- vant's orchestra. . List of tMieers Marshall Pouenger is p these pvppy roaring Lions. Mieers are: m Vieo.prmmlynt, I viee-prmri0qrht. H. A. treasurer. W. W. Mclh A. Nahum: by! 1yiltyrg F. W. Russo, Dr. J. H, Therrien, William Barrett and R. A. Nelson were members of the Charter Night committee, which made possible the very fine program. ..._. ...._ Fr"-."-."'""" Mvmlmrshil' Wm. H. Barrett. Chas. A. Hrrtulinl. R'wrmrrl Evan-a. Henry Hv-rll. Clu- "nee: Hahn. Philip .luhnmn, Theo. J. Knuth. Rudolph Loner. g, W. McGlnnia. W. W. Me. llvnlne. "my M, Miller. R. A. Nahum. H. A. ttlondorr, M. A. Poetenqer. Frank W. Rum". Sulnmnn Shapim, Edward H. Selim Dr. J. H. Thurrivn. K. L. Vinyurd. Clan-nu- Wilunn. Director! Thou. J. K Attend Meeting of Lake County Bankers The January meeting and dinner of the Lake County Bankers associa- tion was held last Tuesday evening at the Community hall in Mundelein. The five Deerfield State bank direc- tors who attended were: George R0okenbaeh, Rudolph Lauer, Solomon Shapiro. [Louis Soefkor. Ira Gardner. Deerfield School Monday - brown gravy. Tuesday - and cinnamnn Wednesday crac- - "Thursoy-Horne baked beans. Friday-Baked spaghetti and to- mato sauce. M hi >1"uioéuf mAaJif Chu'rfh w-pronidunt, J. W. MeGinnin: 2nd dorm H. A. Olendorh Iocrutnry- W. W. McIlv-ine: Linn tamer. R. n: mil twititcr, W. H. Barrett. n: J. W. McGinnia. R. L. Viny-rd. Kmmk. Edward H. Sella. LN. Schdr, â€amp-mm BANQUEI .. w DEERFIELD NEWS-FLASHES Menu Next Week Mashed potatoes and. Boiled rice Noodle Cl ., Alatmbhuze Rev, A. j". Johnson by Téulmnster Melvin Jones president of s. The other Harry Roberts iiGro Marchl PM": Mnrchi with milk soup and Frid Scouts. The Junior Garden club at Dearth-Id will meet on Monday afternoon, Feb. 9 at 3:30. -The subject is tu be Japa- nerie Dish Gardens. -iriijay aflerhoon, Feb. 1 field Grammar school (Pair Thursday evening, Felt, Neighbors party, Touche Mrs. D. W. Meyer's. __ _ Party) P. T, A we _'Lr "Mr; Harry Muhlke is substituting in the fifth and sixth grade room of the Glenview Grammar school this Strykér will give his farewell concert in the high school auditorium of Phoenix, Arizona, on February lo, prim to his departure for Europa E. Edwin Young, a prom- inent pianist of the west, will be his accompanist. Ellsworth will study with a noted violinist abroad. On Saturday afternoon, Feb. T at 2:250, the Evanston Children's theatre will present “Princess and Vagabond" at the Elm Plum school auditorium. Deerfield is always well represented at these pluys. The Roy Nearznrder family accom- Imnied hy Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Maggie and three children of Northbrook spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Willard Soukup of Freeport, Ill. Mrs. Snukup was Maud Netsiararder. Mrs. D. W. Meyer will entertain the Toucher's Bridge club on Thurs- day evening, Feb. 12 at her home on Deerfield avenue. - _Mra Minnie Wiilman entertained at dinner on Sunday. _ 7 Mr. and Mrs. Stdettet are living in the Deckor apartment on Deerfield avenue. - _ rig-hr! Mrs. E. Trier have closed their house and left on Sunday to spend several months' in Chigago. Mrs. Harry Baum returned on Sun- day from North Judson, Indiana, where she attended the funeral of an infant niece. W BEEN-WELD CALENDAR fur Feb. 9 to " Grand and Deerfield ave-3., Deerfield, Ill., telephone Decrlivld 435 DEERFIELD NEWS AND PERSONAL ITT Lay Deerfield Locals (Continued on pace 40) Send contributions to local correspondent before Tuesday mum. . Help her make your local newspaper interesting. evening. “Princess and Vagabond" Flare school auditorium. always well represented MRS. ROBERT PETTIS. Local Editor IO Feb, Junior Mus at Mrs 9 m 12-Rotary. 1. le-North 1:30 at Mrs. THE PRESS 11 A meriean i Louise mic Garden --Royal club In Lions ll -- Deer Buy Historic Log Cabin ls Being Torn Down , This log cabin was built from lum- uhich was occupied for rn years by Cnrrie Sehar and her brothvr.Christ Sehar has been turn down. This lo cabin wan built from lum. her out of William Plagues father's woods for Christ Wondling, about R0 years ago. It contained two rooms downstuirs and a loft, into which the occupants climbed, by [was in the wall. The lower walls wort! ('rudlvy plastered, but the ccillngu were the plain logs. It stood 1 posite Silje north shore dren here several offe chase. but pessibk Less than two you" ago. relatives [ornuaded the elderly brother And Enter to move into a modern bungl- low, built just south of the log cabin. In it were modern convenienees, and visitors enjoyed h-ving Miss Carrie Sch" explain the things which to her In the greatest joy In the new house -the electric lights und the myster- ious buttons to push, which the would demonstrate. Mr. Chrbt Better pan- --the electric lights ions buttons to push demonstrate. Mr. t Ivd Iwny Inc (all. OBSER YES BIRTHDA Y Iri) YI extent George llockenblclu “norm-Id qu' Jose by the rawhide. 0p- Istmm'n farm and many people brought their chil- each summer to new it, rs WL-N' tmule fur its pur- it had crumbled to such that moving it wan im. WU built from lum EMS GEORGE ROCKENBACH aLEBfth'rfis BIRTHDAY ur.", Friends Visit Aged Reside!" Monday. t'arettmemorale Ninetielh Anniversary Friends and relativm from 1 near came to ofter tvlivitatiott hundred tsixty-five gums reg in the ttuest look, Mr. Rod WI! the rurihient of many tel Ind unwind delivery lvttorr, fr tant skin's. trum thow who w ttlrte to be with him. . M Mum Mrs. Mrs. Miessner Hostess to Bannockburn Club it Mrs. hurl chum will Utkr hihil tub].- Mrs. Mrs. living Mr: (impugn primes om The pm. nliciu- in living room. Mrs. Arthur Harri: rhuirmnn hm: one her c Kenneth anh-r and M1 twr. They are auxin: campaign to win one had " pas M " A bakery sale will be held dry, Feb. 14 in Dumrmd'l I shop. under the nut-pica of the wad Rosary society of the Holy church. The Altar and Ron riely hu- been divided into six and this bakery Ink ll upon-o Yrs. William Desmond'l land. M ah in“ Tht rural ully In th reth Plenu- Almon Roch liammwkhurn Garden club rulnr monthly meetintt al yf Mrs. Otto W. Mhmnner Mrs. Hurry Wrixh Mrs. Edward SH'M'. [ Ptusi" Fuller, shadow “but Tun-hot. Comm thent Fl writh lllinui "tam it h tie Bakery Sale Feb. " iula um Mrrchandi Rockenbtu Edward J a I very able 4 Iurzv of the par mm mu In of the ho ‘autiful ttowe Ind In-nv Ru t tho tmt tah rrnmldttutrhte r "urinal: in tide Im- her committee Mr -r and MN. Otto Min m \icipnli Shaw l from two utr compliment I Mill, on Monday l ieth bin-I May of ninth of Ct me Roekent ‘0 tw ‘h Seq-w. sun room shadow [than obnon and in the a day wu "Sim- t a paper writ. .ine Beebe and Ir. " wan belu- most enjoy-bk. that the writer Din-meld M ommit itrht of I†I": Milt th1 of "st to the com the lowing Mar 'siti far the fifth I Garden ary ft dinm [I] Sutur- rieeteft *h One M M Min mil vine bum and All man who Attar Mr ttt In! " 1d 'or