"Central Avenue" Has Outgrown Name Md that th with Ann“ packing in lame 40 th lion hon mort mor tht th thumb nu “grown .ramner .kiiddr Plum (II-II CIIMM The Ridge Firm girls enjoyed t Itnooptieon leeture on “South Amer in" In! {hunky night. "iFi'iitGr.riiiurA ml , Tho N "no solo [In "If 1 Plum-m- ( lowing girls MN Mot W h- M he he q'llu M “n TM ht Y.W th the nu with surpri treet M "K Ridge Farm Notes Thur hot h "M M mm A nmnlu-Ile M " he! o, M ‘hil-I i sum. Sun HIH'I Lit, me Mint Centr ghoul he lama an tit In" R Mill UN M " tow al, bloc k T h home duh town le nan" t tWttttTMh the It m. in search ‘enue. Deerm and merrime little street mu he tlr h and th: " " at Pl il' H’mm P“ M rm M the mum Mm I†tha " di Mr h and Law-m. Wnkinn llrh‘ Mark I'M-(hr Salmon In!†Cwonm-c not“. "nth-In Fern. A. Dunk! This t-luh lee a] A mm so!!! " Farm Link» I the Ridge " ful of In father, ink The fl 1-an "r th" Dwight 'pr mt to titled "any I the " 1d Thur ttrm hair series an ‘ug Mi lulu at ‘h theatre running M is., pate an: Miss Luv" wank-um] wit Johann tire Buy Stunts ml to attend wrnuu thist' Heisrh William MM Il unlluy. Mommy hom Mr. and Mr nf Mr. and Mrs. John Beckman of t'vntral awnuu has been ill with ton- sillilis. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Winon enter- laim-d their hridee club on Wednes- " Naming at thvir home on Sprint tield nvvnuo. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sherman enter. tnined "svernl guest; u dinner Sun. up; Mrs. Roy Clavey entertained at bridge last Wednesday ulternoon " her home on Spruce street. David Gardner Elston entertained " a party on Friday evening, Jun. so in honor of his eleventh birthday m- niverury. In. Guruarht of mix and Mr. um! urr Hi“ Luella J. Willman wpent the u-k-t-ml with her grandmother, Mrs. mum- (ironning hf Glenview. Hay Stunts in this vicinity are ask- to attend church in uniform in a my: this next Sunday which is ther and Sons day. From each pul- ' the pastors will dew,te some time "rvsentime the merits of the Boy mt mnvement. In several of the u-rhv-s the Boy Scuuts will partici- te in the service!. The drive which being made these next two weeks Fr the purpose of increuing the purity of the Camp Mn-Kc-Ja-Wnn. d for the yearly maintenance of " "rettrtiaation. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nortun of Har. y. Ill.,sere week-end guests at the M Meyer home. Mr. and Mrs. illium Mueller of Arlington duh“ were Sundny guests It the Mr. and Mrs Mr Mr bme IM-kvmm 'snterttsined in honor hvr sevvnth birthday anniversary Al lem-sday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Diehert (Fran- i Kh-mpl and little daughter of Chi. my. visitvd minivan in tteerf1ehl on Noun |y evening. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Willmnn on. named at u five hundred .party on Mania)! evening at their home on reenwnod avenue. Mrs. Roy Clavey entertained It ridge last Wednesday utternoon " Ttan "I! tubers of the Wednudny after. five hundred club attended I 'e party at the Studebaker 'P in (‘hicuim this week, instead . rveulur Wodnesday “tumour: an: M! DEERFIELD LOCAL AND PERSONAL ard llnrz of Palatine was . M the William Hart»! home on Grind ave-hue on Sunday, Mary Lee of Blue Island is a nut-at at Um Peter Peterson an Elm street. On Thursday Id Mrs. Chttrles Lenka of Wau- viuitol ot the Peterson home. lh-ckman. the little daughter '. and Mrs. John Beckman of , ttvenue has been ill with ton- or Chieturo Inst week. Jennie Wilson is {pending sev- n-ks at the Frank Wilson home iisirs. C. W. Uchtman Ind Mrs. W. D. Johnston motored F and Freeport on Wednes- ms! woe Mr xlllmPI‘ "rank 7100" or home m Stu-i: W It of the Philippine ls. nnd Mrs. Charles leer mun. lower were the and Mrs. Roy Miller on Long Getty spent several 'k with her sister Mrs. of Washington. D. C. Jacobs Jr.. and little of Washington. D. C Jacobs Jr., and litth the guests of Mrs. F' um last week. will club ll. otertain the on Wednes- THE PRESS ls. The program committee of the we: Junior Garden club of Deerfield met the on Monday afternoon " the Grammar r on school to outline and arrange a pro- glum for the year's work. Shirley (ter- Blaine, Fannie Hoffman, and Arline d 'ill'lli,'t',eir camprise the committee un- Mrs. E. H. Selig bridge on Wednesday Waukegan road. dartiéziidlnce of Mrs. E. B. Jordan, Mrs. Fred Labahn entertained at three tables of five hundred and one table of buneo on Friday afternoon in celebration of her birthday anni- versary. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer enters tained at a family dinner on Sunday to which all their married sons and families and their dlughters and husbands were invited. William Mooney n! Highland Park has rented the Melander house on Second street. ' Deertield's Boy Scout local chair- man in W, W. Mellvaine and Dr. Wal- ter Metealf has charge of the speak- Pr! for this area. The beginning of this drive is to be'a “Kick-OR Din- ner" at the synagogue in Glencoe on Friday evening, Feb. 6. _ The American Legion members had planned to participate in the Deer- field Parent-Teacher association meet- ing, but this program was given in its p'aee. The P. T. A. will meet on Friday afternonn instead of in the evening, a! had been tsnnouneed, at which time a patriotic tea will, be given. Mrs. William Johnston spent Wrul. hesdtty visiting relatives in Lock- port, Illinois. On Monday evening, Feb. 16, a card party will be held in the parish hall of the Holy Cross church. Marshall and Orval Fredricks spent Marshall and Orval Fredricks spent Thursday in Chicago. They visited the aquarium, the Field museum and the Automobile show. T Mrs.. Elmer Hofhnttn has returned from the Augustus hospital in Chi- cago where she underwent an opera- tion recently. Miss Vivian Maggie is teaching in the first grade section in Maywood, at the Washington school. Miss Haz- ttie is staying with the Ray Hum- mel's, formerly Deerfield residents, who now live in Maywood. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Johnsnn at- tended the automobile show on Fri- day evening. Harry Muhlke and lrw ing Brand were amonz those from Deerfield who attended the show on Tuesday. Joseph White has rented the large Easton hose on S. Waukegan road formerly occupied by the Smith hotel. . The Deerfield Grammlr school Par- ent,Teaeher Lesociation will meet on Friday. Feb. Ill at 2:30. Following the business meeting'there will be a ton. The Just Sew club met of Min Sndie Galloway afternoon. Mr. .Ind Mrs. Thayer Batt moved an Saturday from the Ross Sherman bungalow to the house recently va- oated by the Harry Green family. Mr. and Mrs. Green have moved to Western Springs. Illinois. LeRoy Seully has tnken Harry Green's place in the R. A. Nelson grocery More, entertained " at her home on It the home on Tuesday Mrs. Margaret Freeze celebrated hir eighty-third birthday anqiversary Eighty-third Birthday Celebrated Wednesday on last “ednesuay at nn-r mun: m. IJeertieltl avenue. , Much of Mrs.' Freeze's early life was spent in Northfield. She is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Kriin- bill and was born in ,lR4R'on the Kr'un'cill farm in Nnthtield. She at- tended the Studley school which was 2% miles from their farm and on Sundays walked 2% miles to the Ev- angelieul church at the Northfield corners. At the age of 12 she rode the oxen on their farm. When Mrs. Freeze'was' 22 years old she was married to Mr. Fred Freeze and they had six children. five of whom are living: Ben Freeze of Lemon, South Dakota; Mrs. George Baxman of San Diego, Calif; Herbert Freeze of Eau Claire, Wis.', and Miss Bertha Freeze and Mrs. Roscoe Wess- ling of lyeerfield. Mrs. Freeze moved to Deerfleld in 1909, She has, three grandchildren, Mrs. Lillian Schinleher of North- Mrs. Freeze moved to Decrfleld in 1909, She has three grandchildren, Mrs. Lillian Schinlelwr of North- brook, Roy Baxman of Calumet City, and Dorothy Marmara! Wessling of "eerfteld. She has four great. grand children, William Jr. and Leroy Schin- lvber of Novthhrock, and Dorothy and Horace Buxmun of Calumet City. A brother Isaac Krimhill lives in South Dakota and she has two sis- ters, Mrs. Elimboth Rum) of Hop- pole, rl, and Miss Anna Krimbill pt, Chicago, Mrs. Freeze is a _ woman and is mule "Grandma Freeze," by her. The community gratulations h her. The January meeting cf the Garden club of Devrfleld was held at the home of Mrs. Lewis Ashman, with Mrs. Monroe MeKillip and Miss Sadie Gal. Iowety, assisting hostesses, Mrs, Wal- ter Metealf and Mrs, K. B. Jordan poured. ' The speaker was Jens Jensen who told of his European trip, describing the dim-rem types of architectum 'The card and buneo party given (It the Wilmot school last Friday ove- nine was a very successful affair. It was sponsored by the parents, of pu- pils attending the school and the tul. lowing committee of which Mrs. Ruth Prue was chairman. helped make the party so sueee.qsful---Mrs. Leslie Beh- rens. Mrs. R. L. Vinyard, Mrs. James Wilson. Mrs. Bernintt, Mrs. Harmon Hendrix. - The speaker was Jens Jensen who told of his European trip, describing the dim-rem types of architectum and gardens of each country, cohtrast- in): them with American homes and gardens. _ , The February meeting of the (lur- den rlub will be held at the home of Mrs. I. L. Brand, on Wednesday, the eighteenth. Mrs. A. R. Warner will he an assisting hostess and will also read a paper on "Garden Problems-- the Border." lens Jensen Tells The out of town speaker will be Mrs, E. L. Seheidenhelm whose sub. jeet will he "Continuous Bloom in the Garden." Wednesd Card Party a Success Thursday, February tr, 1931 of European Trip _ is a very motherly is omlearingly called 07.0," by all Who know mnunity extends cnn- IO' at home an