Now In the Time All records of book use, even beyond our imlclnntlon. were broken 1m Saturday It the Public library in Hinhllnd Park. It VIII n bnnner day in our history and the need far more - was never more keenly felt. Are you ttrtdirur what you want for winter reading? Now In the time, for thin wanker balm to Inticlp-w the uprlmz nardenlnu and the winter rudinu time will be over until 1932. -- _ A -. __ Sergt. and Mrs. Mike Maloney re- turned the early part of last week from a three month's stay in the south. where they visited relatives and friends, . Milka-y. el f, Mrs. Vigo C. Nichols was operated .upon Monday morning in the High- land Park hospital. She is getting along very nicely. Mrs. Harlow of Chicago. mother of Dr. Robert R. Bosworth, who suf- fried a slight stroke last week is get- tine along nicely at the Highland Park hospital. The Fort Sheridan Woman’s club entertained at a very delightful Val- entine party in the Hostess house on Monday evening. A large attc-ndl nnce was prownt and all enjoyed a most pleasant evening. Mrs. Lloyd Larson will entertain the members of her bridge club on Saturday night at her homo on Cen. tral avenue, Mrs. Harry Paul of Ridgewood drive will entertain her Friday night bridge club tomorrow. There will be two tables. Mrs. Arthur‘Swanson will enter. tain at four tables of,bridze on Sat- urday night at her home on Orchard lane. Winterwlue. by Zephlne Humphrey. June: in " Green Trails I Upland Prawn-u. by W. P. u a "and Easton. Deepening Hilll of Hingham. by Dallas Law Shun. field Huh". Around “I. WI!“ in Travel Book- of "" l, The Wale - - 7 Aim-ad n Home l kn! Dy: Mr. F. Steele is ill with the flu at the home of _his daughter. Mrs. George Child, on N. Sheridan road. Junior star club will meet on Mon. day evening at the home of Mrs, H. A. Bridges. 823 Ridgowood drive. Mrs. Solomon A. St. Peter enter- tained the members of her bridge club at her home on thtweneO av- enue Saturday evening. There were two tables. Thursday, Feb. 12, 1931 Winter Sun-him. by John Burmunhn. Tuc- " Night, by Arthur Young. The Sky " Night, by Cornell Rural School Iettttet, - ,, __ Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Bridges onter- tained at a T o'elaek dinner at their home on Sunday evening. Mrs. W. C. Shipnose entertained at a small dinner party an Fridny evening at her home on S. Green Bay road. The dinner was followed hy bridge. ._.. __m_e. Lincoln'l Blrthd.r TM library dean not clue on Lineoln'a Beauty In Winter "The way I crow nhaok down on me The dust of nnuw from a hemlack tree" q -Robert Frost, Last PnrmllnIWEWEI'I" "W Tor the South San. Pinchm yfr"istudr Windows. by Jame: Russell Low. Lone Cowboy, "tner. Roads to Roam. by Birney, Running! the Rockies. by Farris Wm:- Rfrrht_with Amgricu. “I '7 m7 VWIiidiHliil Vln Europe Amvrlcu'a Enulund. "nah-s. grout Ronda In Ireland, Colum. Local and Pefsonal ' ln_ihi mi] Su- LIBRARY Huddhutnn any. The little 'uuenta included, Dnrothv and Margaret Klemp, cur, lotto Getz, Joan Nuh. Pltriciu O'. Connell, Betty Lou McClure. Mnrilyn Wagner and Dorothy Mnilfald. limr Lust Friday afternoon the Rec- tor's guild of Trinity church had I "C,etaoeether" afternoon It the home of Mrs. Christoph Keller. There were six tables of bridge. Gloria Jeanne Golden entertained eight of her little school friends at her home 122 McGovern street on Wednesday from 4 until T o'clock in honor of her eighth birthday anniver- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bridges an- "ounce the arrival of a daughter born Thursday, Feb. 5 at' the Highland Park hospital. _ Mrs. P. o. E. Johnson entertained the Presbyterian guild at her home 1122 Lihcnln avenue on Tuesday aft- ernnon. Mrs. M. Maloney entertained her bridge club on last Friday ttfterttoott at her home in Fort Sheridan. The successful prize winners were Mrs. T, Reynolds. Mrs. Herbert Hut nnd Mrs. John Cvoke. field, Pa., where they were called on account of the death of Mrs. Aus- tin's tsister-in-law, The Water Syn-is. by A. P. Herb". Ln! Days ot Shylmk hr Ludwu! Duluth“. Hum-nlty Uprooted, iry M. G, Hindu. Two Think-u. by Mum-u komroft. - w. Thank Our "Inl- Rookn And munina have Itr% been trrrmented to the library by the blowing friend's: Mr. S. J. Finn. Mrs. J. D. Book. Mr. I. K. Friedman, In. P. D. Everett, Mm. Viacom. Mn. Mantels. Mrs. I. P. Shmr. Mea. R. L. Thorsch. Mn. H. A. Sentry; Mrs. chkrti, Ruhenn, Mrs. J. A, Goldberg entertained at a neighborhood supper party at her hnme on Vine avenue Sunday eve- ning, Mr, R. ll. Gunckel and non Le Roy were the Saturday guests It the home of Mr. and Mrs. Totterdell of Watt. kettan. Mr. and Mrs. Churlex Rey- nolds, parents of the Totterdelb' were also present. Dr. Peter H. Furno entertained It a birthday party at his home for the following guests in whose honor the narty was celebrated. Masher Peter Ir. Purim. ll years; Mrs. Josephine Stone of Chic-go. 45 years; Mr. Joseph Beauties, of Chicoâ€. brother of Mrs. Peter H. Furno. who wt: 19 What Poop]. an My “all the New Book- My-terlmu Universe, Mr "mes Jnnn. sir lumen in his nref-ee that this book I. deined In A Ismael for 'The Unlvone Around tu." - Main: Strum. by Mrs. Dorothy Cun- Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Austin of Wade street left Tuesday for Clear- In Search ot Scotland, Morton, Litrhthemrted Journey. 3mm. Hold: of 'Lpyittct'tders.ton., In Fro-u: und- Uncle Sam's Attic. by Duh. Sitku. Willouzhby. N BY E. Kent. Little Auntie-n Byrd. _ -. . Clrcllu the Glob. Full Fathom Five, Shut. Lnndlubber'n Lot. Wnrtter. 'Nuriat in Swim of Himself. Hutton. Vac-tin" Traveteh.rts um! TrFettata, Col. no kiiGRiiii In! Disillusioned India. Maker“. Liven of a Eons-l Lancer, Yuk-Brown Portrait of l Cline†tedr,, Honk. - 06733th Knuth-um Nurtu- New World, to Conquer, :1. llburton South Amerisy,9oeteq. __ _ THE Pill! your: of we on Feb. ip, and Mr.- Cher- les Kern of Chicago. 24 yen- of m. Cerda and dutch. were the future of the evening after which I birth. day ceke with 100 lighted undies was served with other refreshments. Mr. R. H. Gunckel attd Ion u Roy spent Sunday at the home of Mr. 1nd Mrs. Griswold of Waukenn. Select Your Furniture New Save now on room size rugs. 9x12 Axmins.'sterm; new design! to no at $24.25 On the Bridire-WAUKRGAN LAKE COUNTY‘S LARGEST, 01.1mm AND BEST STORE The Legion Survey Committee is trying to get a com- plete list of all World War Veterans in this city. We would appreciate the filling out of this form and the re- turn of same to DUMARESQ SPENCER POST NO. 145, AMERICAN LEGION. HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS. Name Address BLUMBERG’S FEBRUARY SALE J . BLUMBERG Inc. Have Your Inn. on Record Seeking the Unknown tin-Service Mon Luge Dresser Bed and Chest To Unknown Etc-Service Men of Highland Park; Illinois: Oblong Tlhle Complete Walnut Dining Suite Rugs You will "" from g to k 3-l'iere Walnut Veneer Suile to Years in Bunineu $69.50 $59-75 “ Darin. Drop Leaf Table with 4 Chair. gf‘uglid oak in green or butt mm It _ $16.75 'tarte brhnnl of Mir Phan- $Nbtotd M “II um I.“ mu. unto! Inn". 'ttr-hr 821 East Pnrk Anna. Prin- huh " â€.30 - a“ - ar.Frrai; tara 'i-ii"oi oh- 03k interior . 2 (one taint Reg-In 'too value Breakflst Sets 1'eiottr Chin.