Friday "Tol'able David" the fam- ous Joseph Hergwsheimer stnry adpt- ed to the talking screen by CNumhia pictures is to be featured. "Free Love" which is adapted from Sidney Roward's play, "Half Gods," will be shown Sunday and Monday. The cast includes Miss Tobin, Con- rad Nagel, Zasu Pius, George Irv- ing and several other notables. Walter Huston, Paramount featur- ed player who triumphed most re- cently in Abraham Lincoln," and whose performance as the general in "The Virtuous Sin," which is showing on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, marks him as the latest qualified neo- phyte to the ranks of individual stars, is a native' of Cunada. "Her Man" will also be featured those three Man" days. Tol'able David, Story of Fame, Filmed "To1'able David," the best story from the pen of the celebrated au- thor, Joseph Hereesheimer, has been made into an all-talking film. Joseph Bergesheimer has the roputntinn of writing books of more than tempor- ary Bitoitieanee. “Tnl'able David" is an excellent example of the truth of this statement. Judging from its popularity through the past years, it gives promise of remaining one of the classics. ' Due to the popularity of "Tol'able David," which was read by untold numbers of people, extraordinary care was exercised in choosing the east. One hundred and seventy two tests were made for. a suitable actor to play the title role. He had to possess a certain combination of eharaeteristies to portray the character as described by Rerttesheimer. As a result of these tests. Richard Cromwell, an unknown was designated for the part. He is a handsome youngster with that chum and naivete that make him ideal. Others in the east are Joan Peers, Noah Beery, Henry B. Wal- thull, Edmund Breese and George Du. tThe Virtuous Sin" Abraham Lincoln Is Among Features at Feature at Genesee V Deerpath Theatre The Genesee theatre, Waukegan, "J t1 . " the ml thin new will present an unusually attractive u,2/r"'lhl,nld,'l1eLl.'1C', tle p85: and p "l',',',',",.,",), oprlcitures for next week. . .".', . . . . . onie t, ritay and Saturday, D. .the present, ir1u',')iirtl',"', if“? loft, W. GriNth's "Abraham Lincoln," the mg the future, WI OT: f'))'1/', ' United Artists' all-dialogue screen 'j'r"i'g,')t1,',i,t/,"t'fr" on ursnlb1 am romance of the Enmneiputor’s life, 'l1'lUl'd ‘Eaiver's End" with Chas. .with more than 110 principal speak- Biekford David Torrance. Junior In: players m the east will be shown. "E,iiiiiiiii', Evalyn Knapp,' and Zasu Sunday "The Painted Desert" with Pitta will, be shown. ', William Boyd and Helen Twelvctrees "Free Love" which is adapted from will be presented, while on Monday, Sidney Roward's play, "Half Gods," Tuesday and Wednesday “Scandal will be shown Sunday and yonyy. Sheet" with George Bancroft, Kay 'er ',teeln2ts'r Jie,','.' 2,t,it, 2:2: Francis and Clive Brook are to be [lf a')ll"g'dr"lsi otii,r"'miiiii.t. featured. "No Limit" with Stuart Walter Huston, Paramount fentur- Erwin, and Harry Green are sched- ed player who triumphed mogt rev uled fur Thursday, Friday and sat. eently in AhrahatttLincolru" _and 'there urday. Saturday "River's End" with Chas. Bickford, David Torrence. Junior Coughlan, Evalyn Knapp,' and Zasu Pitta will be shown. . was; John G. Blystnno directed Because of his Russian military training, Alexis Davidoff was assign- ed to a technical advisory capacity with Directors Louis Gunicr and George Cukor. when Paramount he- gan recording on "The Virtuous Sin," ulking picture edition of the Lnjos ziladhrplay, "The General." Davidoff also plays the part of an oMeer in this feature, supporting such Thursday, Fel 1931 [HES off, the technical worker is " mom» her of a Eurasian military family. Iris father served in four wars for Rus. sin, and his brother, Andre, was com- mander of the Imperial Guards. favorites at Walter Huston, Kn) Francis, Kenneth MacKonna and July yna Howard. Mntinee [)1in Contuttgmt. l :10 to Clllilll "DEVIL am" well} EYRM. new“ A Son: Smithy “I Tuxedo Candy “GIRLS Win. an nova" Vluphon Ad: “was ALWAYS -TNE an? AND smut: The son of Gener WAUKEGAN s'm lt At Ts 6r _ VA I 'Imv I 1.1.r WILLIAM BOYD ' HELEN 'rw"hvrmtEEs srxmv. FEB. 15 "The Painted Desert" HELEN JOHNS AND HER " 'ld"'"'"' GIRLS VI ' HELEN MchLl.AN GEORGE BANCROFT KAY FRANCIS CLIVE BROOK mm. TtKs.. WEI). FEB. l6. 17, Iii "Scandal Sheet" THOW.. FRI.. SAT FEB. ISO. 20, 21 CLARA BOW "No Limit" with S‘I'I'AR'I' I-zmux HARRY GREEN _ OUR GANG COMEDY -oqt the 'ru---- hum-g Cyndie. ("luring -"- with with Dimitri David NR; luau THE PRESS Sl'NIHY ('onlinuuun TELEPHONE '" THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Sl'N DAY AN D MON DA y The only thin: new undu the uni Dwarf. Inu the put and pron-m; “Imam-tin. Ind trlorifrlntr the future. Dianna; 51mins! The Ion-t, loud-v. lam of your whole lite! Jun lmnlne! with John Garrick. "turn-n O’Sulliv-n. El hmnhl. Miriam White and b'rank Alix-nun. Just imagine! Emmi) when": s'ATUROA Y-Matinee and Evening TIM Tl'r2UtAY, WEDNESDAY. THI'RSIMY I’l-JIL I7. In. l9 Walter Huston - Kay Frarurb Kenneth Markenna in The Didn't the FRIDAY. FEB. 20 "The London Punch and Judy" Cracker Jack Party Every child will receive I but Added " the Malina only Richard Cromwell . Noni! Beery . Jun Peers George Duryea . Henry B. Wulllull If! the world um monk-r! Ttte L-nuul nun-u " ch “In: like Maul-Iain" mam. "our. Int. Du... III-w W Ion-II†TOL'ABLE DAVID 3 Nil/W Pol.“ II"! [run the (an: novel by Jun "liver (and Curie Pickford Junior Cowman with Helen Twelvetma Marjorie Rankin Philips Holmes . James Glen-II Ind Ricnrdo Code: "RIVERS END" "HER MAN" Zuni Pitt" _ V unmnm FEBRUARY 12, " FEBRUARY " with I ttt FEBRUARY " livid Emlyn K "Mt' One Day Only '4 "Tum l6 m