Mobilization of the scout troops of Highland Park took plut- on Feb. 7 at 2:15 p. m. " the corner of Cen. tral avenue and Green. Bay road. An order was given the scoutmaster or assistant scoutmaster of each troop that there had been a great disaster and to mobilize their troops at once at the above place for instant duty. Mobilization Proves Thrill for H. P. Scouts; Demonstrate First Aid At various places in the business section were placed scouts with bands on their arm to indicate their wounds. Squads of other scouts were sent with improvised stretchers and bandages to each wounded scout to give him first aid and to bring him to the emer- nency hospital in the "Highlands" graciously opened by Mr. McKillip for our use, The squads brought the patients to this hospitnl and were carefully examined by Dr. Lundstrom who commented on the efficiency of the squads in giving first aid and in- strueted them further in this work, Earl Gsell kindly allowed us to put Thursday, February 19, 1931 a smoke smudge in the building across from the "Highlands" and at a given signal the fire department from Ravinia and our Highland Park fire department threw opcn their doors and with much ringing of bells and sirens drew up to the supposed fire and rushed in the smoking build- ing, As the firemen came out over- come with the smoke they were rescued by scouts, taken to the hos. pital, worked over and were finally revived during which time the boys were being given instructions by Dr. Lundstrnm and the fire chief, Ed. Hoskins. Afterward a, very fine talk was given the scouts by Mr. Hoskins rescued by scouts, taken IO me nus- pital, worked over and were finally revived during which time the boys were being given instructions by Dr. Lundstrnm and the fire chief, Ed. Hoskins. Afterward a, very fine talk was given the scouts by Mr. Hoskins on the fine way they conducted them- selves in this emergency and invited them to visit the fire department at sum time and receive more instruc- was given the scouts I on the fine way they c selves in this emerge! them to visit the fire any time and receive any lions Lyle Gourley acting for the mayor addressed the scouts who then elected him a tenderfoot scout and gave him a tenderfoot badge. The troops were then called to at. tention by their respective scoutmas- a tenderfoot badge. The troops were then called to at. tention by their respective scoutmas- tors who formed them in line Ind marched to scout headquarters. After giving the scout benediction they were dismissed. murky brhnnl of Must: PW Elthland Pith "" Vim I." T mu LATHROP MARLEY. mm 321 East Park Avenue Priors begin at $1.50 weekly and Includo one prlvue lat-on and on. glut. with the d by scouts worked (we , during w' hed in the smol 3 firemen came the smoke 1 scouts, taken t Id over and w S. A, St Peter, District, Commissioner " & P Sales for Five 2 Weeks Show Decrease i from Last Year Period Sales of the Great Atlantic & Patti. fie Tea complny for the five weeks ending Jan. 31 were $97,55R.824. for the same five weeks' period in January, 1930. and is a decrease of $6,712,109. or 6.44 per cent. Although dollar sales were smal- ler this January than they were In year ago. due to the continued de- cline in retail food prices. the actual quantity of goods sold in the Jan- uary period, 1931, showed a gain of 3.65 per cent over the corresponding period in 1930. In fact, more goods were sold in January this year than in any other January in the history of the company. Estimated tonnage which compares with $10C270,933 during the five week period in Jan. uary 19.'ll was 510,421, compared with 492,425 last year, a gain of 17,996. nary 1931 was 510,421, compared with 492,425 last year, a gain of 17,996. Averatte weekly sales for January, 1931. were $19,511,765. compared with OPEN EVERY SATURDAY AND MUNI).\\ H\l-‘.\l'\l; institution and the LARGEST DISPLAY unfure "t FURNITURE VALUES. You will see that GOOD FURNITURE can In [ml/or Low PRICES Free Taxi Service fit, for North Shore i/ iii?" Sh Tif-i, d? OPPers Won†m, QUICK, COMFORT- i, /::'/“1m 19; . flu?" 'rl CONVEN'HZNT venient way o/reaching this " YEAR OLD in CAL s th C?, TW 0 n . tr,Rl, "?fll,ll?,flell, bilabluln'd lets, ArTN'ltFqL'T "LILY ~RE'1 llLErth-r0Pon'tEr" since you Iave Aucovereel this, 'tet" con- usage, you wt THE PRESS $20,854,187 for January 1930; a de- cline of $1,342,422. Estimated weekly tonnage in Jan- uary. 19lll, was 102,084. compared with 98.485 in January 1980; an hi- crease of 3,599. Boy Scout Movement Praised in Editorial by Metropolitan Paper The following editorial from the Chicago Tribune nf Feb. I2, MMI, is reprinted " the request of the committee in ell-rue of the Boy Scout is reprinted at the request of the committee in chime of the Boy Scout campaign on the north shore. The oditorini is entitled "Boy Scout Week" and reads as follows: This week the Boy Scan“ of Amer. lcn and their friends are evinced in I drive to establish n . . . . fund for the expansion of their work. in the midst of the effort throughout the nation to relieve the distress inci- dent to our business depression And to drought conditions in certain reg- ions, the Boy Scout appeal may seem ill f will see tlat GOOD arm a neu, tttea (ll off "r- SIGN/H ON YOUR ARRIVAL and you are ttt no w., palm III 400 I'll IITDGI' IOC‘ ytend for I copy by mailing the coupon In John M. Smyth Company, 703 W. Mali-on St. City hddrea. atiroat mctllm y El doors ol our More. JUST untimely. We do not think it should be ao eon-ldered. The work of the Boy Scout anoclation in conatruc- tive work of ttrat rate lmportawe. " in eitisenrhip building of the molt practical and widespread betteflt, prea- ent and future. This year there are over 12.000 on the acout registers. und since the founding of the organ- ilation 4.2701337 boys have belonged to tronpl. The love of outdo". halth huhitn, and the enah1ishtttettt of standards of conduct are the object: of newt work and it should be ex- tended to reach an many boys an pou- Me. There are many conditions in America of today which endanger the wholesome development of youth, and the American Boy Scout movement is one of the most eftertivo mean: of defeating them. unlly on the “on! papers. might we fontrimism orth A rrr tllc Loop, from (my cvatml Station, or from ANY TAXI from any important :Itlons ester" mu transportation to obligated to buy. M naval ruining ll, I0 P. M. Sale page: unicorn to demons! rate WE PAY JU up.“ mon their