LAKE C0W'1Y8hhllll 0F GASOLINE TAX Thursday, February 19, 1931 Amount Allotted to This County from 1930 Collections ls Nearly $185,000 Lake county will receive $184,661.41 as its share from the 1930 gasoline tax Director Garrett D. Kinney, of the finance department, announced to- day. Lake county will receive the sixth highest amount in the state, according to tt Sprinirfleld reports to the Waukegan Times. Cook county naturally receives the highest amount. It will draw $3e H4R,587.96 or more than one-third of the entire amount being distrib- uted to all of the 102 counties, $9,- lfM,19'.htm. MeHetrry'Gets $70,725 The net collections far the entire state were $'27,5rii2,579.10. Of this the state claimed its two.thirds of $18,388,3M.10. Refunds on nomin- ahle gunoline amounted to $945,535.24. The cost of collection and entire ad. ministration reached $1,209,689.50. McHenry eounty, the western neighbor of Lake. drew $70,725.59 as its share. R. M. Lululell. county superintend- ent of highways, and the road and bridge committee, in order to get this sum of money will have to draw upon the state treasury to pay the regular installment of the $1,250,000 road bond issue that is payable out of gasoline tax receipts and outline expenditures on highway improve- ments,. the Times says. This state does not send in the money to coun- ties in a lump sum without there be- ine an improvement.that would take the disbursement. The Mate highway ine an improvement-that would take the disbursement. The Mate highway department alsd has to approve such improvement projected by a county. line] Issue (lets Most . The principal and interest on the bond issue will claim close tu $100,- 000 of the gas tax receipts. When Lobdell outlined the bond issue for the county board of supervisors he futured on an income of approximately $125,000 fur this year but he admit- ted at the time that it could be much larger. A month ago he figured that the receipts Would run between $125.- 000 and $135,000. _ One of the improvements last year paid for from the gas tax was the cutoff in Lake Bluff that provided an adequate connection with Sheridan road and Green Bay road. Harrington Tax Rate Shows Most Increase of Any in the County Barrington, with a boost of 37 cents on the 1931 tax rate over the one for a year ago. today took the unwanted flrmt position in the county for an increase in taxes, it was learned at.the county clerk's offiee. At the same time. Wauconda not a had jolt in the form of a ten cent Rates for these communities were! the last to be announced because itl was necessary to compare figures with Cook county, which includes put! had jolt increase. $5.05 bn $4.95 fm $0,26, crease. Wauconda's rate will be .05 on the $100 valuation against .95 for a year ago. Harrington 'jumped from $5.89 to of Barrington, and MeHenry county, in which part of the 10ueona,hiirh school district lies, While rates for Lake Forest, High. land Park and Deerfield have been announced. these may be changed if the Supreme Court upholds the right of Lake Forest to create a community high school district. Tax rates in nearly all Lake county towns have shown an increue this year over those last year, according to rates announced. My" ... _ , Ct j,','. _ ‘53": um 4/4.; ie',atih' (f(i1iat";rcr. "ic; 7/4" ' it' ,y Tfe r AND HERE'S THE BARGAIN OF THE MONTH TO MAKE THEM ON! THIS HOTPOINT WAFFLE IRON Our Home Service Department recommends these (a $12.50 value) Chromeplated and with heat indicator-only $8.85 (85c down and $1 a month) Baking delicious crispy-brown wetffies becomes easier than ever with this new Hotpoint iron. It has an auto- matic heat indicator that tells you when the grids are hot enough for the batter-and also when they're too hot.The waffle iron is compactly designed and flnished in polished chromeplate (non-tarnishing). Never be. fore have we been able to price a chromeplated iron so low. . . If you already have an electric wof1U iron, here's a good chance" to have another. Then you can serve large gatherings and no one will have to wait. PUBLIC SERVICE 0954mm CORNMEAL "N WAFFLES .5l South St. Johns Ave THE PRESS Add mrnmul to boiling wuler and tank In I mar-h. Mining manually for about 5 minutes. Bret yolks of run. add sour milk, cold wan-r. shortening nn-I'munh. Sift together dry ingrrNiierttw and add to fmrt mir. ture, beating melt. Fill in the slimy beaten bi: lion-mans ILLINOIS (â€REM IIA L " A [114135 tluke Co. Bankers Make _ Donation to 4-H Club up mun-l rup- botiitq you: up nut II“ ' my ruld lulu mo. wit-In! my: but The Lake County Bankers' “socia- tion, through its seeretary, B, H. Crawford, and treasurer, Mr. Hokum, have lent to ‘H. C. Gilkerson. county club lender. a donation to be used in 4-H club work in Luke county this J, W. Kehoe, Dlltrkt Mum“ Balaton. Illinoi- H. C. Reynoldn. Diumct Superintendent The 4.H club committee of the Farm Bureau has not laid definite 'a t' 'F'g " while u "les Bah - all kuII-ml and. Ina-pow blah; â€In “Ha-pool. mind -oiag Mitthhttd Park 290» _ $38.5 ' 2 CP, K 'iit'd ft'MEiil PttttlMET FREE! At your Publk Service Store, 'ttis new book of waffle Iron recipes which inchadu gingerbread wtrfNs, chocolate brownies and many other deliciow ‘hingemll kitchen-Outed by our Home Service D.ttortment.Askforone. plum nnd has hot allotted this money to any particular [want-h of club work as yet. Half will tto to ttiris' club work, provided the Home Bum“ h cranked so that ttirls' work may urnnized no that continue this yen The bankers of worn! mongering moans wail-Me f, and girl: interest: ture of the county that worth lub work nested in 'or Luke oping the it future may t he agrric boys beat fee ‘ll