Mrs. M. M. Rutter who underwent an operation in West Side hospital, Chicago, last week, is getting lions nicely and expects to return home nicely and expects Saturday. Professor Einstein declares that it is hotter at the poles than at the equator on the sun, Ind we defy you to prove it isn't so. Acacia Club Holds Annual Ball Feb. 21 Philip L. Reed, vice-president Ind treasurer of Armour & Co, and chairmnn of Region 7 of the Boy Scouts, which includes Illinois, Mich- igan, Indium and Wisconsin, willbe the principal speaker at the annual banquet. It is expected that this banquet and meeting will be attended by ful- ly 1,000 Intent: and friends of scouting. It absolutely is necessary to make reservations in advance. About 800 owning und workera in the financial campnign will be pres- ent and make reports. Bishop Stewart, who for mnny years was rector of St, Luke's church, Evanston, is one of the outstanding figures in the Episcopal church. He is welt known through his writings and lectures outside of his own com- munion; while as preacher and pro. phet he is in great demand at the universities of our country and at conferences and conventions. Bishop Stewart will eontirrn the class presented to him in Trinity church at the 11:00 o'eloek service and will also preach. ' February 21, the Acacia club, Fort Sheridan, Ill., is holding its yearly grand ball at the Post gymnasium. Two orchestras will play; old fashion dances will be a feature. The grand march will be at 10 p. m. All kinds of dance surprises will be in store. The ball given last year by the Acucia club is still pleasantly remembered and it is aimed to make this yettr's ball bigger and better. Everybody is invited from 8:30 to 1:00 p. m. Car space available. The annual banquet and council meeting of the Boy Scouts of the North Shore Area will be held at New Trier high school. at 6:30 p. m., Tuesday, Feb. 24. Annual election of officers and reports of the year’s work will be features of the meet- ing. There will be community sing- ine, inspiring talks, demonstration of Scouts' activities. and the meeting promises to be the high spot of the year in Scouting on the North Shore. As far as sehting capacity will permit, the members of this commu- nity are invited to attend this servier. Annual Banquet of Boy Scouts of North Shore Area Held February M The Rt. Rev. George Craig Stéw- art, D.D., recently enthroned bishop of Chicago. is making his first official visit to Trinity church, Highland Park, this coming Sunday, Feb. 22. Bishop Stewart Will Visit Trinity Church Here Sunday, Feb. 22 Thursday, February 19, 1981 There should be I “standing room only" Sign at every performtutee It our local theatre this coming week it folks realise the exceptionally good program to be presented. And beat of all it is so varied I program that all uses, all classes of people, ell the different tastes in movies will be min. istered to. First of all let's Ice what to choose for the family treat where young and old may be entertained and amused and neither may be bored by the unsuitebility for the other. This week the vote will be out first for "Along Came Youth." This is a clean sparkling fsrce with Buddy Rogers, Frances Dee, and Stuart Er- win. A young Americnn loses all his money; becomes a preudo-erook in the home of a Spsnlsrd living in Eng- land, and 6nally wins out both in love and fimoeu1ly. A treat for all the family. Many children are permitted only the Saturday mntlnee Ind Ignin the manager he; atriven to provide suit, able pictures and "Going Wild" will give them n good laugh. Joe Brown and his antics will amuse Ind be found hermleu, and u a special de- light Rin-Tin-Tln will uppeer et the matinee in "Rough Waters," how the children love him'. I Parents do not take the children to see "Min and Bill" but whatever you do, do not miss it yourselves if you wish to see the beauty that may be found in aordidneu, excellent chur- aeterigationr, of Marie Dressler. Wel- lnce Beery, and Marlorie anbelu, and pathos and humor skilfully bul- anced and blended. This is one of the outstanding iilttts of these times. "Nid" featuring Joln Crawford, Robert Armstrong and an exception- ally fine cast bring a sordid gripping under-world theme to the screen. It is a very strong play well-handled and very well-acted especlaily by Miss Crawford who does notable work. Recommended for adults. An interesting and most entertain- ing program is being planned for the ensuing yen under the chairmnnship of J. J, O'Brien. The Woman’s Christian Temperance union will hnve their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 25 at 2 o'clock It the home of Mrs. John Christman,6'l7 [Aurel uvenue. On Friday of Int week the W.C.T. U. met with Miss Mattie Baker of Sheridan road for I sewing meeting and finished various articles for the needy. The next regular meeting St. James branch Holy Name will be held in St. James hall day, Feb. 19 It 8 pan. Rev. J. P. lHolley. spiritual director; Guy Viti, president; Margin]! J, Wil- lilm. vice president; George Quinn. secretary; Paul Muzik, tin-nail] sec- retary; Chlrles She-hen. treasurer; Frank McNeil, marshal. Holy Name Sogiety Atthe previous meeting the ine officers, were installed by ing ottieer Newman Shelhen: D.A.R. Better Films Committee Review W.C.T.U. Meets Feb. " to Mkt Tonight THE PRESS follow. install. of the society Thurs, him I underfoot "out Ind [we him . underfoot bulge. _ The troops were then called to at- tention by their mmtive momma- tem who formed them in line and marched to scout headquarters After giving the scout benediction they were dilmiued. At various places in the husims‘ section were placed scouts with hands} on their arm to indicate their woundsq Squads of other scouts were sent with improvised stretchers and bandages‘ to each wounded scout to give himl first aid and to bring him to the enter-1 gency hospital in the “Highlands†graciously opened by Mr. iiiiiriy for our use. The squads brought the patients to this hospital and were carefully examined by Dr. Lundstrom who commented on the eMeietter of the squads in (Mn; timt aid and in- structed them further in this work. Earl Gsell kindly allowed us to put a smoke smudge in the bulldinx across from the "Highlands" and at a given signal the tire department from Ravinia and our Hi'hland Park tIra department threw open their doors and with much ringing of bells and sirens drew up to the surprised flre and rushed in the smoking nild- ing. As the Bremen came out over- come with the smoke they were rescued by scouts. taken to the hos- pital, worked over and were finally revived during which time the boys were being given instructions by Dr. Lundstrom and the tire chief. Ed. Hoskins. Afterward a very tine talk was given the scouts by Mr. Hoskins on the fine way they conducted them- selves in this emergency and invited them to visit the fire department at any time and receive more instruc- tions. Mobiliution of the moat troops of Highland Perk took place on Petr. ' at 2:15 p. m. It the corner of Gen- tral avenue And Green Bay road. All order wu given the monument or uni-tent uoutmuter of ouch troop that there had been I great dinner and to mobilise their troops at once at the ebove place for instant duty. Lyle Gourley Acting for the mlyor nddreued the scout: who then elected The Royal Neighbors Juveniles of Highland Park camp, No. 5126 will give a homo party at the Odd Fel- lowa hall on Laurel avenue, Wednes- day afternoon, Pets. 25 from 4 to 5 o'clock. All Juvenile. are invited to attend. Prim will be awarded and refreshments served. Mobilization Proves Thrill for R. P. Scouts; Demonstrate First Aid Crest credit is due the icoutmu- an Ind uni-taut BettutmgtaterB for their promptneu in mobilizing their troops Ind the MBeient In their scouts were handled during this dun- onstrntion and I sincerely thank them for their 'so-operation. Troop 80 under the leadership of John.L. Udell were the tlmt to Arrive. had the lament representation and ranked that In emeiency. The order in which they attended were' Troop 80, 18; Troop M, 15; Troop 87. 15; Troop 32. 8: Troop M, t', end Troop 38, T. Juveniles Give Party 8. A. St Pour, DUtriet Commissioner The lechlntlve manure which in flrst this year on the pron-m of the [Illnoll League of Women Voters. in the Ollce Group Ballot. Thi. VII diacuued by In. Remand Simon- at the Int meeting of the nghlnnd Perl: league. Her talk will be re- ported in full next week as well u the one on living colt: given It the lame time by In. Maurice Polluk. who in state chairman of the lane‘- living cout- committee. F "The importance of the Ollice Group Ballot in so great that I numbor of civic org-ninth" have nix-d for I conference to dilem- both the w- an and the man: of bringinc it be- fore the public." My. In. lay Wood-Simona chlirnnn of the Mate Committae on Revision of Election tan" for the Joint Loci-lathe mun; cil. Representative Then and Senator Huebech have introduced H. B, " and S. B. 50 reapectively. both billa identical and providing for grouping the namea of candidate: by once in- stead of in a party coiumn. he party damnation. however. appear- after each name no that the candi- dates' alllliationa are clearly (inn. The tWee Crimp ballot in not a great or untried innovation. hacauae it in identical in form with the pri- mary ballot new mom-fully need in Illinois and hal therefore demon- Itnted its practical value. Voter: are familiar with it; and preaent hold. eru of public otBee ahould look upon it with favor since it in the form of ballot on which they were nominated. , Dhtttrt+ Sine I A further point which command- ‘the one. Group ballot to the voter: _ is that it markedly diminilhea the aiae of the ballot, though it doe- not re- duce the number of names. Row. ever, it would apare the citiaane of illinoie the vut quantity of unuaed - which made the general elec- tion in November 1 physical " well an a mental problem. Olllu Group Ballot Plan tte. garded An Important [Addition Meeting In W810 ' Notices line [one out from In. Simon to nil her commitue mem- bers nnd from the llllnoll We 'of Women Voters to other mm or- nniutionl. for I meeting to be held on Feb.’ " at the Womm'l City " of Ciliaâ€, so am contend action may be Ind. MEASURE SUPPORTED BY VOTERS LEAGUE Pietro Harem, Highland Purl: tenor ave a program of veal auction. for the student; of Sacred Heart In- demy, Tuudly doorman. H. van aceomp-uhd by the Rev. Rather Duly of lake Forest. Gives Program It Sacret Heart Academy Selection from Aidn, " lichen: and Pull-sci. and neural America no!" war. given. - The Iron hum-n mum bud duo played meal cluuial ulce- tlonl. -