Thrifty Wantâ€" Ad Reader FOR SALE O OR FOR SALE 1 bath. he FOR SALE â€" Beautifi OR FOR OR SAE A CHARMI HC FRONTAGE; 2 WORTH $16,000 FOR $10,500. KOT A DJ Apply Owner BEAUTIFI M 866 Deerfleld OR ALE â€"New BRICK bungalow th, hot water hent; lot 7TOxl5f iom; 3 blocks from depot in Phone Deerficld 467â€"R. BC PLCOAd BAIRD NR IAIRD & WARNER 1 WwOoOpEn M DEL FOR SALE 11 REECH IHGHLAN A V FOA MR. REICHE OWNER, Tel. M. P MB RE & WARNER AND WEI GLENCOE RIPARIAN A J D PARK OVER 100 FT CAR GARAGE: ;. WILL SELI VERY | SMALI T NECESSARY PRE PARK" nesw . property pOR HOME x 185 OWNER bluek dirt, hen . Lioyd, l6pdtf Od all ROOM | ror sALEâ€"6 ft Ds Deerfie sold . at LCE Ipdtf erficld. 49â€"51 with i8 â€"R a5tf 49pd good just St orl pd t f FOR SALEâ€"Business lot on Second st., 150 ft. south of Central ave.; lot 50x100; new i0.ft. conecrete pavement with ‘all assessâ€" ments paid; eusy terms; if interested call FOR SALEâ€"Will se FOR FOR FOR FOR SALE FOR FOR OR wood ; zoned for value:; owner on HOOKED WE HAVE AN EXCET BARGAIN TO OFFER IN _ THIS _ UNUSUAT SURDIVISION WITH | HOME SITES. NR FOR SALE ARANTEED STRICTLY FRESH EGG aff SALEâ€"65. ft. [; just north tively priced : SALE Overlooking Skokie Club ADDRF SALE WELI DEERI ALE FRESH DRESSED POULTRY A LE ALE HIC RENT "SKOKIE R Off I NEW T ALT, MATERIATS for making RUGS at remsonable prices. A patterns from which to choose ; olonial to the Modernistic. ‘The ed. is a soft fluffy eottonâ€"jersey, wide Fluff." Work is fnscinating Midlothinn Ave., corner of . West Mâ€"Ipd h 2110 FOR RENT HL ROTTED. MANURE FOR 8 Brinrgnte 18 hi (_ EXCEPTIONALLY _ FINE OFFER IN A NEW HOME NUSUALLY _ BEATUTIPUL WITH ITS WONDERFUL 1. SAMPLES Y.Z. PRESS AND P I1 house usiness ; HH AID abl terms all at telephone Vietraol will in luke shore ere Purk; ve LOT will. exchan IDGE" and lot in High« priced at ground to suit. . Address 47â€"49pd rage space if de ARK TATES aity number with Sheldr OFFICE will Addre THE PRESS R 48tfpd 50â€"2pd baths phone maller nowly SOtf Ipd 2pd 40 at 49 FOR RENTâ€"5â€"rooms Homewood ave. FOR RENTâ€"Nice comfortable room at 119 8. Second st aTtf FOR RENTâ€"3 FOR RENTâ€"â€"I FOR REN‘T FOR RENT FOR FOR FOR RENT FOR REN FOR REN FOR RENT ONE OR TWO YEAR LEASE ment available furnished. 546 Central Tel. H.. P. 557; 559, 405, 149 or FOR_ RENT 2â€"réom unfurnished / MENT . available, April 1; electric i ation . furnished. a UDELL BUILDING Tâ€"ROOM _ HOUS HIGHLAND _ PARK month MODER HIGHLAN Large light room, private bath:; for couple or two young Iadies; $18 per week.> Adâ€" dress "B. Y." Press office. 50â€"52pd able H downstaira ; and bath uy #1 Attraetive 6â€"roc lnrse â€" living or H MODERN 6â€"ROOM HOUSE IN kAVINIA BREG ROOM . Wigh RENTâ€"â€"Large comfortable room. suitable one or two; also small room ; hot water ; elose to transportation; rent reasonâ€" . Tel. H.P. 664. 520 Gleneoe ave. 49â€"51pd RENT . Centrally ARTMENT : lnrge :â€" larsee bedroom, : possession any REN H HARKNESS & BYRN ROOM AND BOARD #16 taira ; 2 large bedrooms, ath upstairs; ample clos e: screened and awnin nicely landsenped . m per month. . Phone OW 1 maid‘s room and bath Convenient to â€"transnortation 10â€"room unfurnished HOUSE & master bedrooms, 2 baths ONLY 150 PER MONTH Phone H. P. 400 T ~Upper month. . \Mixers ‘or trucks by CARL _ HELM EMENT CONTRACTOR UDELL BI 108 G orth ‘Sheridan Road ath HOUSE FOR RENT room unfurnished front apartâ€" leâ€" now : electric refrigeration 320 C 105 â€"ROOM _ BRH PARK: 2 ic NNY . 10â€"ROOM HOT CONDITION : in east 136 Central nve FOR RENT Realtork L BUILDING ave., Highland Park evenings or Sundays H 011 149 eomfortable hou entral ave second floor flat hed se : nute dining loeated living dinette time f 007 SOUTHEA be ueks by the hour OWNER matic of stenm h and HOI light hented M ith 44tfpd APARTâ€" rofriger R TR A! kitchen E. IN 50pd binth ivnte ; Highâ€" Atpd O ited 2pd 45tf FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR FOR SITUATION: \yA.“J'I‘E‘D 4s EFFICIENT HELP Better Employment service for North Shore SITUATION WANTEDâ€" kind; washing; cleaning day. ‘Tel. H. P. 4008. SITUATION WANTED â€" Young CAPABLE sITUATION SITUATION WANTED SITUATION SITUATION WANTED . E SIT SITUATION _ WANTEDâ€" FREE SERVICE TO EMPLOYERS . Everything in High Grade Help â€"All Nationalitiesâ€" NOW AVAILABLE Couples, cooks, chauffeurs, maids, governesses, butlers; hotel, restaurant, [office‘ help, . etc. References POSITIVELY Investigated ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS > SITUATION W SITUATION SITUATION FIUATION ~WANTED SWEDISH : 26 years SITUATION SEHOOT school girl sehoo! or girl wishes office work; earing for children ; clerking ; experienced. Tel. H. P. 3344. 41tf Reforences Personally . Investigated. NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Tel, H. P. 2520 Winnetkn 2 PAULINE®S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 8 N. First st., Highland Park 748 Elm St., Winnetka H SITUATION WANTED North Shore ut and hot water; ready for occupancy ; block from Northwestern depot; rent rea« nable. . ‘Tel.â€" H. P. 465. sotf would like take home infants H COOK children ; larse m ; kitehenette ; blocks from tr REN‘T uld Jik K HOTELI LEE TION W nt to take cure ing ; will d 191 de FOR â€"Exceptionally location ; oil p.m. â€" 320 Ce R it A VIN wishes to en venings. Tel Apartment WANTED WANTED â€"Experienced Inundress one or two fumily washings to Tel. H. P. 3475. + 52pd WANTED WANTED HRL . wishe children Benson Ave., Evanston Tel.. DAVis 8116 hy Miss Sheldon EMPLOYMENT AGENCY ANETD ANTED GENER INB usework tati ind H ‘ED â€"â€" 25e an hour; re of children by the do light housework. IA insportation STEWART «iroom and H like uke AI ifter attractive rooms; heat. . ‘Tel. H. P. ntral ‘ave. 5Opd Thursday rking, . typing ung, eapmble high _for children after H. ~P. 8157. 31pd Housework or ironing, 620 Experienc ind . eookir children H ienced Inundress o fumily wash« 66. S2pd SENIOR th Sh Winnetka 2662 ma ; close derate â€"rate neur Mornine eping room Central . ave whle couple : bath , Jivings : stove hent ; tile CAPABLE of any general H by the 38tf bath 50pdtf che HIGH maid girl day pd 49 apd H pd 2( 1¢