_/l)..?,..)..!. (â€M Thurldny. April 16, 1981 THE EVANSTON STORE - CHURCH AND SHERMAN MARS HALL..F.IELD & COMPANY I In Addition-a Decennial Dress Selling-at these Prices $19.50 and 'tts-Best, Values in Ten Years THE Because this year the event hats been extended to 3 days . . . that everyone may come and take advantage of the grand shopping opportunity. Because this year ever 150 command- ing values to sell under $5. ' Because this year the. $5 bill buys more . . . this evenhpfoves how much more. Eclipsing last year’s 55 Selling . . " H E Duns D Ion APRIL 16, THURSDAY APRIL 17,' FRIDAY APRIL18, SATURDAY m ---.-----..-r----.--- It lah