" NORTH SHERIDAN ROAD Closing out100 Silk Dresses that formerly sold at $10 mid $12. They are the best values wehaye ever offered. Friday and __ Saturday Only "Exclusive bet not Expensive†Mary Ann Frocks EEGQEENV T5573 POT l9 {ktuth St. Johns Highlahd Park ' 7" ONLY "PAD . . HIGHLAND “an. ILLINOIS phiiir.ataiiiiiayiA'iiit. tr. u I) (Cr') rra._,C.:,f NAME comm FOR GARDEN FAIR (Continued from page 8) vinia, are Jotningr "heirs, and the tett1t qtahltgLat, Abs..mu991 a; i'.fi'iiih?i,--'iit'g uni-or ttret/tttttem "no pr'omised. , .. There are to be iUh ponds, under the direction of Mm. Arthur Rd; one for boys end one tor girls, so that when, the bent-pin fUherman pulls up 1 prize from-the barrelphe does not find . small dolls or something equal- ly Myliko. . A man: plum treerbeinx conducted by _Mocactaumu_mr'satoatmitue. is going to blossom forth, BO, that all the children who have always won- dered what 1 sugar plum tree rally is, will now know. For the hungry and thirsty ice cream and pop will be available. Furniture Display The furniture committee, Mrs. B. H. Bede, chairman, will have hickory furniture from Duffy's of Highland Park, bird baths and trolling from Meiehttt,t, besides iron furniture lawn and beach umbrellai, reelininé Chai'i'i and other, attractive articles from the F. P. Smith Iron 3nd Wire Works, end the Geo. B. Carpenter Co. The butt, and mretreommtttee, Mrs. Atwill, chairmen, hava.tseeured a large assortment from 1rnutrhast's. There will be cinnamon and madeira vine hnlhs, ovalis in various colors, rub- Aiiir 16a" umbrellatnm lilies, choice gladiolus in named varieties, and or- $191195! bulged mysternother lilies and for all the spring biiftiC%iieh will he delivered early in the fall. Tulips, it is said, will be cheaper than they have been in years. All sorts of seeds will be on sale, and the com- mittee emphasizes that May is the best time to plant any of them either in the open or' in cold frames. Rock garden seeds and other perennials, as well as annuals, come along best if planted at this time. r' Textiles, bdskets and novelties, mt, der Mrs. M. J. Hardaere's committee, have been saint-ed from the Berea Fireside Industries of Kentucky, Brdwn Co., Indians, the Tryon Shop, and the Duncan studios of, Winnetkn. Bring your dinner guests and your apise- ti'tirtti""i5'"iitr"rtgtrRrmttt where everything is in harmony for your enjoyment. ' Tl! Pill. Mm. Brackett Speaks At Community Garden _ _ Class Session Here Mrs. C. C. Braekett gave I most en- lightening talk on "De1phinums" be- for’e‘thé Ciiiiimunrti Gtrdéix clean " the mutual a)tyrh,Nprmrrs,'tsctkt,lt. 22. Wednesday, April 115.! ""-'". . m, - W C i Members of the class were my pleased to eorttrrattstnte Mrs. Bmkett on her recent election as director of the Illinois Garden clubs. The pron-am chairman of the Gags den class is planning a picnic at the Wsnkegan tuta to replace the mttrtt- mutating on Mar B), so plem'kcep thabdatoa------- ___ ---_eF-e.- ___ -. __- a , .----- - The usual May plant sale will not be held at the Woman's club this yen as members are planning to putronixe the Ravinin Garden club's flower market. _ The home products committee, Mrs. B. J. Buekimrhnm,ehairmam has love- ly wuluble garden baskets, cushions, aprons, end other attractive article: The Competition committee, Mrs. J. C. Ewell, chjman, announces that all tie garden "clubs of the Ninth Shore have been invited to enter . Bower arrangement contest, and that Mrs. Frederick Fisher, honorary pree- ident of the Garden Club of Illinois, has consented to be chairman of the Judging committee. The Pottery and Glassware commit- tee, Mrs. Dnnielson and Mrs. R. L. Thorseh,--athaimtan,-trar planning to, set several outdoor tables, to display the lovely articles they will have for sale. Mrs. J. M. H. Lebolt and Mrs. Thorsch will set a picnic table, Mn. Pottery and trt-re-Mrs. R. L. Thanh. In! In. Michal. chairmen: In. H. G. Kornhmh. In. u P. Bullet. In. R. A. Mahala; P, Date. Mrs. R. Phillips. In. -iiit%irari;iGu--ahs P. We», chur- mn: In. W. M. In», Mrs. C. Van Duh- oen.lr|. I. Chi-hm: A __, --- - _ 'erw.--aF-Ar-adH-r-------------------- A“... 7 l' " ',trie,itcheir'Ahgltt “a“. man; Mm. M. Arm-tron. . . “an“ Yum} I a a nod. - ell rn ture-- n. . . mu: Mrs. M. Ara-m. In. M. EaaTa, In. tr. Hill. Home prodtsets---Mrs. B. J. â€Haiku. chum-n: In. B. Christan-on. In. w. Feddemon., In. I. L m. In. G. W. Whtteomb, In. P. Date In. L. W. Mk. In. an gun. In. in. q. {mu-g. gm V The coinmittee meinberiship is u follows: , Committees General and Micky e1tairmart--Mm.8 B KIDâ€. A __ _. Children's "tivftu.---Mm. . M. Glut-on. chdnnan: In. R. A. Harrington. In. W. J. Boater. 101.20. V: Hickok, In. C. R. Schumann-n. Mrs. A. Vi-chke. .. _ Textile. and -ettie.---Mrsr. M. J. Hardsere, chairman: In. I E WEI. In; Pull Dom. In. J. Hung, Me. Lt. A, Mustang. Barbara; In. C. Beech. Tel mfom---Mra. C. D. Wuhan. chains-n: In. J. B. bender. In. B. W. Much, In. P. I. B. Fur-ell. In. a. W. Whitman“ in. J. B. Van Form 7 ,7 _ Bebe. 'Iln. Wt. P. J. Kauai-mu. In. . 3 hound. In. W. J. W, In. W. M.» In P. D. Sumo. In. R. Watts. In. M. Black. In. tia."'""! In. V.,hbhn. In. R. " n ‘ , H. G. Eornblith a bridge table, and one gunmen: mug vill be set up- pr’oprin'tely. - 'a, _ "Buli'ini Gair, iii-TWP. C. AM]. chuk- mu: In. c. C. anew. In. A. W. CtmteeettttraterNt Jun- C. In“. - m-: In. ll Back: In. W. R. Irvin. Pm rwb--Mms. L W. hunk ell-Irma: " mu. m. 'ttttrt',',' an has m. rm -d--- Gai. m. m lop“: O-tttso-Mt. tr. M. Dana. - mn: Mr. J. B. Van Btu-m. Mr. P. V. m me. Mr, I. Helium! Mr. M muer. Mr. I. n. lbw. V . lures boohr--Mrs. A. I. Wall, chairman. tur0eartrtesh.--Mrr. P. tr, Saba. chub-In; *&};MW. _ " ..~".‘L,,,'.'~ LLALL Home Products _' Complete arrangements for the Army airpkties over Chientto gm any ARMY AIRPLANE 'ro MIME MI SPECTACLE 670 Pursuit and Bombing Planes To Give Demonstration in 20 were announced today by the War Department, “cording to information received by Mnjor General Prank Par- ker. commanding the Sixth Corps area, with headquarters in Chicago. On May 19 the entire First Air Di.. vision, unmarked in BruttadttrGmt- on? Benjamin D. Fouhisgwill leave Dayton, Ohio, for Chicszo when the plum will be distributed us follows: Pord-Lansintr..Airport, bombardment, observstion and press transports; Curtir.aursoidts---Pursuit and At- tsck; Pnl-Wsukee - Observation Nav. tionsl Guard; Municipal Airport - Division headquarters and special purpose planes. Starts at 10:00 A. M. “The hogr tLet, for the_flhieqtyt deg; JiiiiirtiiTgirf, is Tiliitlr. o'eritltr2iiICt1re preliminary activities at the various airdromes will begin bright and early; Chicago will be the Arst city in the country to be visited by 'a mili- tary‘armada of 670 planes, while on the other hand the Chicago demonstra- tion will be a dress rehearsal ot Di- vision attack - a sale of operation " novel to, the Air Corps as it is to the spectator on the ground. First: Envy bombardment planes able to any loads of “from 2000 to 4000 pounds. will show u typical for- mation of bombers making a raid. Second: Bombnrdment planes ur- rying six machine guns each firing nt . rate of 1000 shots per minute and having accommodation for 250 299339.: of kp,.rtt.),t.r.It.ttepltet will We "ii"ii'FiriiiiirraRirhiiii' 'ire'iiaraFirtTiifiT-" Through advance arrangements, shaman: theatres?! 12! 1rill be over the lake, immediately, in, front of'Clii- cago’s municipal pier, where thons- ands of spectators can conveniently see the demonstration. Composite Demonstration Immediately following the aerial review, a composite demonstration unit of nine bombardment, nine pur- suit and 9 attack planes will give a realistic demonstration of what war- fare in the sky is like. In order to give the audience 9. super-close-up of combats, which generally Wouldtake place at high altitudes, the mock as- saults will be staged'at heights wary- ingfrom 50 to 2,000 feet. T . Fifth: Pursuit will give an exhi- bition of how battles In fought when swift pursuit phnu are pitted spin“. each other, This yin include "dotp. thrhtintr" " well " comb“. act-oint- Ics. P _ The -demonstratiirn' 'will- have fivo distinct pluses. _ “mam?“ $tmrtttbNrft1- make 1- div- ing “unit on the “tack formation. This miniature air wnr is scheduled to Just about so minutes. At the termimtion of the arid quench in Chicago, the - will Man to Duyton. . except tht amnion tGite, compoud of National 'Gnard air units.' . Thur will proeobd to emu-1.44.. .0:- . liq-y GA, Min aWTiitiri'rhtittrifrcr-"*rR'iltr%Mt. "F' . . Thursday, April 28, 1881 Thur (ant. relnt wu 4 Con so e' from em nine. ate a for, I deit- was. pres! last , how after with 111. nth S.V.] the meni and I path mitt suce are offie liam zel, Shirt are: m Par? witl ven coln Dr. Cit: gar-1 balm Tea at l ho: too: De' uni J.iN aft: ea: res " M Ill. Drl Th ni' At