Elected Friday to Head P. T. A. Mrs, E., G»Punenhzok» £11;an the nominating committee. submitted the following: V Praaiiitc-Mra. C. E. Piper. ' 1riee-preaidenb--rMrs. P. W. Russo. seeretarr--Mm. B. B. Flatt. Trettaurer---hUs. Lewis Ashmsn. They will be unanimously elected at the next: meeting. The president, Mrs. Piper, and the treasurer, Mrs. Ashram, are re-nominsted for the coming year. Next year, the vice- president and the secretary will be re- m.“ 4' IME "" v. .11» ,_ MM2E "Mat,' "r" Ke, tho P. T. Avior. two atsttqe1mive years. . ' The Deerfield P. T. A. not Friday afternoon in the school manila)! with Mrs. C; W. Getty, the vice-pm- ident, presiding. V ' Pbin Health Work Mrs. A. C. Similar, the School nurse, announced plans for the beam week, April M to May- 2. Mrs. Julian Smith, chairman of the hygiene committee, read the pres. lamation' by Governor Louis L. Em- met-son, designating Health Promotion week, also M Challenge" concerning health by President Hoover, and ex- tvattsrfr-ottt the child’s charter. _ Theess'ociution decided not to bend delegates to the annual conference of the Illinois congregation of parents and teachers to be held in East St. Louis: cr'.--- Vâ€? _ . Accept Initiation l . The Deerfletd P.-T. A. accepted on invitation of the Deerfield-Shield, high school Parent-Teacher associa- tion for a Joint meeting to be held next fall, on Nov. b, " the Elm Place auditorium. This meeting is to be astudy of some of the problems of ar- ticulation of the schools of the high school district. , A joint board com-1 prised-ot-e-ti-presi4eatsr,tutd-pms ttrttCtf thttrrtitgtrkm -iirtiW 571756 Ware school closes in June and once preced- inir)he' meeting in the fall. V It wss decided that Mrs. A. J. John- son was to finish out the month Bert. ing hot lunches, utter which it will be discontinued until autumn. . Demonstrate Gymnastics ' The seventh and eighth gnde’ boys and girls gave s remarkable demons- tration of zymnsstics. under -3112. di- rection' of an. C. R. Stuart, with Mrs. C. W. Boyle " the piano. Mrs. Suaden is to be complimented upon the great amount of work she has accomplished in the short time she hue been supervising physical education. The exhibition' was enthusiesticslly received by an unusually lirtrs group of parents. _ The next meeting will be My afternoon. May tr, at 2:80. Princi~ Pal C. F. Bates will give a review af the year's world dar. In tpprecintion of tsremty-flve Ye": service in the church. Dr. C. Johnston Davis was presented I bi- g‘iuluhom 919mm. ttervi8. .of. an " IriditTftkriiir church on thm. DEERFIELD NEWS-FLASHES , “In Flanders Field: - th4rPoppiarmoaer...." Throughout all the destruction of war, shell-torn fUlda, shattered vil- lages, and blasted hillsides, one touch of life and beauty could not be de- feated. In all that region where death III ti .1.†littl wild red poppies still grew. Along the very edge; of the trenches. than!“ ragged 'shell holes, and in the machine gun raked fields, thebrnve little pop- pies bloomed. Where, comndes were left beneath the soil of France, the little poppies Sprung up and clothed their graves. The Poppy became the symbol of the dead - their memorial flitmtr. It became the sign that the high ideal: for which there brave young men an their =liy3,sa,.ut.,till.,vdiotuuhttom Taiiririir? That is whywe pin on the Poppy when we pay tribute to our World War dead, /rhe Poppy covers the sail in France beneath which they lie, and on Poppy Day (May 22) we place the flower over our heaits where the memory of the great "aeritiee they made for our country is forever enshrined. The Poppy has a doub1e,srntto1i- zation - it is a memorial -- and an emblem of service " well. To the disabled vetergn js, given on dppiirtiiriit' of earning funds, often the only source of income he has. FOr though there are many ex-service men drawing government compensation there are many more who, though hos piUlixed, draw no compensation. Think, then, what it means to them to be able to send home to dependent ones, money which they have earned! Then, too, tlie makers of the Pop- pies know that funds derived from their sale enable the American Legion and Auxiliary to care for other bud- dies and their families, and far the families of departed buddies, as, well. “Forget themnotl A: yam nearby, F--' -f11c-ttur-eembr--r-thi-urrr-r---- ' They are the We! Death did deny I tur mrldee---itrippud, blind, they try To Jtnd on earth the peace they know In Flanders Fields." --Deerfield Legion Auxiliary. Joseph Caldwell Addressw Joint Meet Last 1rharmlrtrat-a-Jninrnupeheou, of "the Deertuld Chamber of Com- merce, the Liane club and the Rotary club. E. P. Rummel, "tristanturerr. ml manager, end Joieph Caldwell, usistant mm! passenger agent of the C. M. a St. P.' Ry., were 'épeak- ere. "rYaruportation problems of Dt'erfuld were diseased. . fieavuzzo Barber N T Shop In New Location The Charles Scavuzzo Berber shop has moved' from its recent Iocetion on Deerfield avenue near the nation to the store one dob: north ot the Deer- f1eid.pltarmrey in .mzaiu building, The Ydt1oyt.9ltLtt11Le...t 't.y,b,ty?tit,tt,tgh What This" T'6titiy Mains THE P3188 The Ame club met Monday m- ninz at the home of Mrs. Barry Clr- vey of Forest avenue. Guests of Mr. end Mrs. J. R. Nota during the past week Were Mrs. Anna Non, Rudolph Natl, Mr. end Mrs. C. A. Nota and. son Charles of Chi- cago on Sunday, on Saturday Mr. o-r-lu-ut-s-arf-Chi-, were their guests endon Wednesday evening, Mr. â€dun. Wel\ter Meier- hotf visited them. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Merrell had as their week,end meats, Mrs. Mora rell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Meredith of LaRose, Ill. - ,7 - Mr. and Mrs. Van Blair and son Howard of Quincy, 111., have rented the Frank Jacobs Sr. house on Elm street, recently vacated by the Near- earder family. Howard Van Blair hasheemurjntua,t,f.hts Willittttt Kassie home during the put yea: - . - Mrs. Robert, Brown returned from California. lest Wednesdqy. Mrs. C. E. Piper llama-ed from her recent mum. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchiaon and little daughter-Louise Ann of Chicago wererut1testcsrt the S. “P. Hutchiaon home on Monday. t" A group from JheerfUld attended the Lady Ella' party in Highland Park on Wednesday. _agrrctng._ttoi, jtcgu_ita, ELEM! neuphritis. . - Mrs. C. M. Wilhmm and three chil- dren, Luella, Christ Jr. and Doris Jean spent Monday at the Walhofrer home in Chicngo. David Gardner Easton won third place in the marble contest in High- land Park on Saturday. David was the only one from peerfield. to receive an award. _ _ _ _ Dr. and Mrs. Willard Go1dring of Marengo m Miss Ihimi De Wolf of Crystal Lake visited friends in Deer- field on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnson were the guests of Mr. Johnson’s sister, Klimt}, 011:5an m; on Sunday.. Mrs. Alex Willmnn was hostess to her luncheon bridge club, Monday " rond. Mrs. Roy qrutehfikin will en- tertain the club this coming Tuesday at her home in Chicago. Dundee road is to, be. widened by the tttate., The Northf1eld church is is in the way of the new road and will have to be moved. .Mrtr. Woodman Todd entertain“ Dorcas Circle One Mo'nday evening at hex-home on Waukegan road. F Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Getty attended the reception for the new high school board of education member: Monday evening at the Be1field home in High- land Park. Mrs. John Stryker attended in ex. ecutivo bond mum at Alto mind: brhnch of the. Woman’s listiomry "Mr. and En. June: Fréoman vu. itedielatim in Borkott,-Wht., on: the week-end. Mm. Margaret Kirby of Rock Is- l'gnd ,is Tgtg tth “chit the home ot he: , m, 14m tiibr. Ir, Hoffman. of Dude“ - - T _ The Junior Garden club met. last Monday evening at the home of In. Deerfieldanals SQEieties on Tuesday in the Narcissus -d6iiitr.iiriaEiraitttatbahtd'a., e T, Cud:, L:lkw.,' Mr. audit“. Fred mum visits?! relatives in Evanston on Sunday. Sunday guests at the Samuel P. Hutchison home were Mr. and Mm. Witiiam Mutthison of Wankexun and MinswAlicer Bryant of Chicago. Putty Ann Bobbins hggv‘ ieeovered from the mumps. V Mrs. Fred LtBnhn Sr, and Mr. and 1tfrtc-Ges6tTrr-taBti1rtramr-asaimitiir Irma of "Evaluation were guests at the ’1".th Jr. home on Central ave- nue, "last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Briggs and family have moved to Grays Lake. The Briggs family were. occupying the-Dr. Hidettattf {muse on-Gr-tRRI avenue,. which was formerly owned by J ack Beckiey. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pottertop of Central avenue had as their week-end guests, Mr. Potterton's brother and family " iii-Imam V _ , --r---_-t--'-i--- -dirmr.-Avtttur- Wagner; hirsubonatd Clavey, and Mrs. Frank Jacobs Jr., are ,tteptiiptt9etelutt at the home of Mriirhriii' Atof Highland Park on Thttradnttdtermitm (today). Mr. and Mrs. Emést Diebert and little daughter Jeanne of Chicago spent Sundaywith Mrs. Diebert’s pa- rents, Mr. and' Mrs. John Klemp Br. of Fair Oaks avenue. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Beck and little son are“ moving to Evanston 'on my tirtrt.-ah. Basek-timi1rhwr-bre- siding in the Sokup hope on Shaman place. Wayne Reynoldsmho has been Vis- iting Wusky Stryker, returned on Wednesday to his home. in, Ames, love. -. A group of Letriommires attended the eighth distAei" meeting at Lake Forest on Friday evening. The Tuxis Society of glue Presby- teriatsdhureh In: 'isiued invitations for a party on Thursday evening at the church. . ' Obituary -, On Wednesdny, April 15, the my TiriiiidirriirarrisCEI1ii ariiiiiEirrIRiiiWF nee' Duffy Were grieved to hear of her sudden death. Of this union one non ha born who died at the m of two years. Mrs. Knickerbocker m the owner of the Knickerbocker farm now km is Cornell's 01-:an â€NM- sion, she having sold it to McGuire & Orr some years "o. Funeral services yen held on Saturday, Ntrf13th, It 10 a. ini, from Holy Craiaiirih with Rev. Father McDonongh ofBehttttg. Burial Was at Mooney'n cemetery. She leaves to mourn her death one Mar and. 1mm“, mt my _ie"" - . . . "P Mr . Gi