A Meet in White“. ' Members of the Highland Park and Deerfield Lion's club niet with the Lions club of Winneth on Tuesday. This meeting will take the We of the Thursday meeting of the e] or- ganization. . The. English display will be fol- lo‘yved bye exhibits of French trebl- tecture, June 1 to June St, and Con- temporary Domestic architecture, June 22 to July Ili, at Skokie Ridge estates, located in Glencoe between Dundee and Green Bay roads. . There is also on display. a very in- teresting model ahowing tu6-resitrtinst construction. Complete information in 'mtitatth, on the construction, equip- ment'and costs of the homes exhib- ited. _ anh_!_...499med interesting been Show!) :by the public ' in the.Euly American exhibition which more thnn 2,500 peoplé attended, that this dis- play has been continued along with the English exhibit for the bmteiit of those who were unable'to attend the original showing. ' The display of English Traditional Domestic Architecture of the lat Axi- nual Architectural Exhibit of - Fine Home Designs submitted by premiu- ent. architects, opened May 10 and will be continued anti! June I,' " 1016 Elm Ridge drive, in Baird it Warnerhrskokie Ridtrrrailstatea, Glen- coe. The ublic itr.,d _ . to t is exhibit which is open daily: from 11 mm. an 10 pan. _ i l 4r'ehitertsf Exhibit - _ Continues; New Type Construction Shown "r-'-'"""'"-)--'-'""; ' Dr. Barker ttrmrenteil his first mee- ‘sage on Sunday evening at the Beth.. any 1ilvtuttre1iea1 church, " which time he spbke 011% Road " Happiness,†he gave his audience tive cardinal principals of heppinessg they mehr-- I. Arihy'rti066& 'ehTthe bright side“ of every experience in .llfe; 2. Accept cheerfully the place of work. that you. (Continued on page 13) W ,-_-_ - n-vu. .r%eWBM. "wauu It W" thew!!!- 1:01,. cteB, gg,,ifts, gR9, gatgk on AtRrxap mu G-aw" 7317-3 ki Ff-H- aeee r " or: “i a,-' kkT-"-aTiia 9"?! "" qieG te-ai-K-s teIl1I=1gF_E = - ttSt-t ' 'eaTi',hee,a"2,e'e T ,7;..=‘ 2amem MiiiESEiMllrEaM8BECraiilt8, E?.'.? ‘L' in“. "“7"? " igttrMii% n! o†1731"» n . I,†.o 'ikTii2 the no: community last week by Dr. Charlie phiuil limits of the association. tel Btirker of Grand Rapids. Mich. It is in' u may as possible of the pl: the writer', decided opinion that the handling Lake Michlcnn Inter. Rotary club of our city should be don- The primary object of the on: mtulated by every father end moth- latter: is to afford â€an opportunity er af this community for bringing in the interchange af voter works . man of this type and ability to forlnntion. The advent of water speak to our youth. No one will ever tration hats given rise to many 1 be able to measure to countless good problems some of whieh are still that will come forth from the truths fu.phretttsa .of solution. The opl that he uttered to the parents and tunity of discuss!†these It youth of this locality. Dr. Barker has monthly meetings of the usocim n thorough understanding of psychol- h†been gladly Welcomed by Wt ogy, he kiioirs his nudience, and he yon-ks men. A! 19t evidenced knows how to bring his truth home to interefrt which P' being shown th thoseewho have come -to-tteae him. were-gathered 1n .nghland Perk I Men, women and young people ere week representative, of the we still stopping each other on the street departments ir.f, the folhtyintt tow corners, commenting on the, great Sheboygsn, Milwaukee, Kenoshn, ] good that has come to them through 'i,',','.",,),',,',',",,',",'),':",': L.tke Fomt' GI the messages of this outstanding at», nnetka, Kenilworth and Ev; character. ' s 1lto A Contributor Congratulates Ro- tary Club on Securing Him; Talks Outlined IR. BARKER’S TALKS- ARE APPRECIATED The old Ebenezer angelica! church building, corner of urel and Second avenue, is being torn down, and this marks the pacing of an- other old landmark in Highland Park. The structure was erected about 80 years ago and for many years served as a house of worship. In recent years it has been used for storage purposes. The property is owned by Fritz Bahr, and the building is be- ing razed for the value of the mn-) ‘terial therein, it in under-awed. l Ebenezer Church Being I Razed; Is Old Landmark Thursday evening, May 28, come td a garden party in the church patios-s of the Bethany Evangelical church. This party is being held in the inter- est of the Philathea class organ fund. All who attend are asslired a very pleasant owning;- » '. -erytc'tr-'--r-t'r'r Following the dinner water works problems wemrditseuatsed until nearly midnight, after which the association -ti96tmarTrriiRia-rair-itiiiiutfi=cctt Waukegan. _---,ntttjr,-eyr4btritmttai' Atrevtsntard Mi- 1yor Motel frorratteudhur the dinner bttatAts start he appeared for a few m6ments end welcomed the guests to Hritthhutd Park. Commissioner tHeentsiade, whose department in- ktude's the Waterworks, ofBeta11y rep- resented the city. The list of guests included Mr. W. W. DeBerard and Mr. F. W. Herring of the editorall staff of the Engineering News-Reel 0rd. t-- " B. Kindle out tdint water Joriri' ia.' pet1nf.endent gnawing. problem: some of which are still in the process of Iolqtion. The oppor- tunity of discussing these " the monthly meetings of the association has been gladly welcomed by water works men. An on evidence of the interest which is being shown there were, gathered in Highland Perk Inst week representatives of the water departments of the following towns: Sheboygan, Milwaukee, Keno'shn, Ra- cine, Wankegnn, Lake Forest, Glen-; coe, Winnetka, Kenilworth and Evan-1 ston. indent Party May 28 at Bethany Church -Hhtrtmrthrr-aftermms-ttrii visifors mnde an inferring] inspection of Byli- lnnd' Parkâ€: new illtrpr plant. " 1nd ‘pumping station. Many corn unen- taryr-criticiem in†passed the new works, it being gene!- y agreed that our community he wagon to be proud nttha aevaitopadent. Follow- ing the inspection nip tt dinner was held at Moraineyiotisl with George On Wedneedny, Mar 18, n meeting of the recently formed Lake Michigan Wnter Works “location was held in Highland Park. This group in com- posed of your work: superintendents Ah Fungi“ , vi,jttpyy,.,p ammunition m“ [' it her extend the my plaice] limits of the association, taking in’ as many " possible of the pinata handling Lake Michigan water. The primary object of the organ- Ptit.rtt, is to Jordan opportunity for Water Works Guiding Bold Meeting Here and Impect New City Plant may new THE in- " bakery Sale Mar,. " _-l _ The Ravinit Girl Scouts will hold . bakery sale Saturday, May 28, from " a. m. until 2 p. m. in the weint store next to (hell’s drug store. There will be on Ittrsctlvo line of home baked foods. Tith “mouthing good for that Sunday dessert.†' . aboire all: oGiiiGaGii"iii'"imiro7', tnnce group psychology is. This vis- it will tte an education in itself. The nursery school idea is no long- er new toe crest many mothers. But to some it is still a stringer. To these letter a special invitation it ex» tended to visit the school, now " 186 fir Ki ci,fl,'-ii(,ie,', guinea on the lake, Mt N.%idrfdiiit road. Here you can see for yourselves how this group of little. children, seventeen months to five yesrs, learn to co-operste in play, how. they learn social habits. and. is one of general outdoor acfiviti, with nature study Ind handicraft in- eluded. _ T Another word for mothers whose children find unoccupied summer diys .irlrttstrnscisscIatvria now enrolling a group of older children. boys and girls from five to seven. for summer, ottemoomr beginning the middie of; June; ---Thearrotmtm-ftrr-t' is one of general outdoor activity. This service has another advan- tage. Miss tevy will take children who have special problems to over- come, who' require special training nlong some trpeeifke lines. She has been extremely successful in such cases, feeding, sleeping, enuresis, having had-ehildrery.nd.er her care as young as seventeen months. - . cum. non more "an $1,000, It IS es- The Open Air Nursery school is (Continued on J1trtre. 50) V new granted itgt‘ul? children to ‘ TF _ tq __. -L...-..L.LLLLL,.L. board or" overn g or on more Ttro- . , . longed stay. “cording to mnounee- [-115th Ponce. Seek 'ment‘fronI»Mi§e‘¥’loraIJevy,dix-ector. 'Wmdow-Smaslung Vandal This announcement is heartily wer. . -Li.......... domed and-has long been desired: by Highwood police are seeking van- dozens of mothers who would aittyte dale who tossed paving bricks through happily plan vacations in the 1atowlc two Nate glass windows in the Ran- edge that thire-ir-w safe place to ieri ies cream parlor 'nt'419 'Wa’ulge- leave their children where they will ‘gan avenue, Highwood, early this bemhnppy and cared for ‘by an expert. week. The noiseles were evidently Opeh Air School Has c1r-P),1r1t-tstJ3srartr1hutihsr-, Summer Group Forming - ""-""'". _-_-- _-_ .---_ ---... -.......5 l Volunteer instructors will Aake December. 1982, are: Mrs. C. W. charge in the instruction of archery. Balke, Highland Park; Robert W. There will be . good "nu 1nd tar.. Luke. Highland Park, and Barold get with . distance of 30m_ W. Norman, Btutnoekhurn. Those Beginning lessons in {crime will " whose terms expire December, 1934, lo be given. F" "m ore: Mrs. Marie Word Reieheit, Deer.. All there kmsoni will be free. to fteld, and Arthur M. Lowrie, Highland children. butting will be' 1 moderate Park. reefer sdults;:- th the children and Phi! “will! adults-are-tttHt-th-their onto," Plans for on active campaign and arrows/in archery. and their rec-i against the pests ttre being made, quets ingt‘ennis. . and an ordinance Drovidinse for ex- PRE To instruct children ind adults in Phuia Laid by le' 3011. anthem and tennis. is the m- to Curtall Pest ‘ent enterprise of the recreation divis- "c Aimoi _ion ~of the East PhrkLboerd, under _ / . the 1iytttite,stt,rtttrarr: _ “gangâ€? M . _ ,' 'cs a.tttt'aiesgtt ',Hi_ei" , ters r. 'J..', 343.; _. ,-jis-i,iaa,1trtg, 'TU" t 5:45“. 1rftt ttht'Ntittttttaiij' . " P .r on or 'ferrets""',-""-""-""'"':" Commerce. . ' Park ’ntosquito ,ute.n Classes in beginning golf‘will coma a meeting Monday " meme Wednesday, Mey'20, at 7 3.. m. RNehelt, was named Mr. Tom Kelly, golf instructor tram Irs. c. T 1.ealke, tte the Sunset Valley golf course, win Trustees appointed take charge. _/ the county judge for t Summer Sports Classes to Be Given Lessons by. Recreation Service (by , . d 3199993; Peat ofBeer's Nigllt _ Lake Shore temple, Pythinn Sia- ten of Highwood in holding Put Chief's night this evening (Thun- duy). A spelt! hottr win-follow the The distrret maine will be held at Highhnd Park next you. At the annual election of oMeerts the following members were elected: President, Edna Watkins, High- wood," vice president, Grace Howell, Cryltal lake; warden, Laura Hilde- brant, Palatine; "resttarar, Gertryde Gooeman, Highwood: treasurer, Ly- dia Miller,. Harrington. . thrown through the windows from an automobile in front of the establish- ment. Mrs. Ranieri declares that. she has no enemies and has . had no recent altercation, with anyone which might explain the act. Highwood police de- 9131‘? that they have received reports recently that the shop dispensed li- quors stronger than soda water, but raids have failed to uncover nny proof of such charges. _ _ _ The~Highlnnd Park Edge put on the memorial services. 7 T All the ante ofBeem were present Ind many members of state commit? tees. Visitors were there from Chi.. cago, Peortn and .Wiaconain. _ Illinois Rebekah assembly District No. 8 held its annual meeting at the parish hohse, Waukegan, on Friday, May 8. T , Chosen Offitert, of Plan Canada _ _ 7* Plans for tn active campaign against the peat: are being made, and an ordinance providing for ex- penditure ort16,000 will take Arare of the flmineial end, as it is expected that from $7,000 to $8,000 can be raised b sale of tax . . . .wnmnts. . M mam“ Park mosquito abatement district, at a mee'ting Monday night.. arm. Marie Rssiisheit. was named secretary and rs. C. W. Balke, treasurer. N Trustees ‘appointéd last week by the county judge for the term ending December, 1932, are: Mrs. C. W. Balke, Highland Park; Robert W. Luke, Highland Park, and Harold T Equipment for the first year will cost pot more than 31,500, it is es- _. - _ "1pptipms4 whee titll ,_ _ ELM LARKE HEAD . ’ MOSQUITO CAMPAIGN to Curtain Peét; Trustees are Appointed Rebekah Assembly “HWY. Mar 21 District Here