“mom The . Bethlehem J.stra-e1ryjieaVclyareh--, Tifimis___w_fl_ . Rev. Earl J. Bruso,- Pastor Church school at 9:45 an. The old ,ayintt, fTrim up a child in the any he should go. and when he is old he will not depstt from it" still applies in this modern Me. In the church school we endeavor to cul- tivate those high ideals in our youth that {,shsll make possible manhood and womenhood that is full and " harmony with sll that is highest and 'toltlesthutti---- -.._ .-_s-- ~- _ F-r" _ - Hour of worship, 11 s.m. Spaiannsic. The «We sor- mon subject. “Pilgrims of eternity.†E.L.C.E. (Young People’s society). T mm. Leader, Wesley Btrrkers I Evening worship. 8 pan. _ Subject, “Dried-up springs.†p) preaching. "A church that cores." our services. " Prayer meeting on Wedneodly at .MQM.,.___~_¢__;_M St. John’- Bvanxelial Church Green Bay road and Homewood ave. , P. W. Fischer, pastor 9:30 Sunday school. 10:30 Divine services. Everybody is: cordinlly’ Invited to by 'llriiitaGiU' 'Alf riot attending my other school are invited to meet with' us. _ A blessing units all who come to the Bible School. _ Christian Enduvor meeting at 7:00 pm. Topic, “Overcoming the ou stacle: to _ Christianity.†Robert I1rei1slrsclssaderc_, v, a -----.r-t-- - First United Evangelical Church Rev. C G. Umgst, pastor Morning service at 10:45 am. Eve. ning service at 7:45 pan. 1:19:27 RittAsitstnLasusiu,atgteaL=as. All up gammy in‘vitad to attend tlttt.ugrgittgicantLunnkscuttiust-ttt. reading room. A free public reading room is main- teined by this church atM8 N. Sheri- den road, which is open duily from 9 o'eloek, in the nte1tlpttr_to [in the evening,’ except oi Wednesday; when it is open until 7:30. On Sunday the reading room is open from 2:30 to 5:30. Here the Bible and nll ttttthor.. iced Christin: Science literature may be read, borrowed, or purchased. Phat Church of Ohm. am First Church of Christ, Scientist, 1113th Park. Illinois. 881 Base] ev- g-ttd-et-st-slat-s-gist-tcl t'tl'a'rc-itstir: Scientist, in Boston, Men. The Sun- day morning service is held " 11 o'eloek, and the Wednesday evening meeting, which includes teptimonieg of Christin: Science .hadinni: at ,3: o'eloek, Sunday school .h open to pupils between the use: of four end 20, and is held Sundny morning " 9:30. Subject for next Sand-fl lesion sermon, "'rmth." r" _ __ V _" 9:30 mi; may Coaxial} ia." 7:30 ttttt . Nd†WWII Church " Reverend Christoph Keller, rector Service“ , tttmV J!†28th, s. "mer-- Thursday. July 33. 1931 utter" many. an. no] Communion. 1t,..G'l%fllrlh'tl'; ind THIS WEEKS SERVICES AT LOCAL CHURCHES The pastor wishes to express his sincere appreciation for tly my Mum that we" shown to him during the three weeks of his illneu. The young people representing the C. E. and S. S. of the Bethany church will lean for' Cums Double-Free- port, on Tuesday, where they will en- joy a Week of leadership mining. There will be no email board Gees ine this month. The Woman’s Missionsry society ot the Evantreliea1 church of this state had .s very successful convention ct the Freeport-Oskdsle camp. " This convention he conducted under the able leadership of Mrs. P. C. Noeren- berg. who has been its president dur- ing the psst four years. Several other ledies'in addition to Mrs. Noel-- enberg were present to represent the Bethsny church. 7 7 7 d The BetltnnrBvamruieat Church - - Laurel and McGovern ---c) -dtarsr-acauai-n,cat------- Sunday, chureh'iiehoo1 a 9:45 sum. Mrs. o. K. 'Wessling's clsss has charge of the adult worship period for this month. The pastor will speak on "Perils and "fetrunedts," at the " 'an. worship, service. His messege at the 8 pan. service will be "The intensity of purpose." Special music will be featured at ell of these treraitaaa,..atstme and receive the/int -utiratittrcttCsrrtrahipintrarittcrotherd First Pr-ter; Church, Mold Hark J. Andrews. pastor 9:30 Sunny Church .32th. _ 10:45 Worship and lemon. newâ€. 4o.m., Cub manna, so "Friday. qt8dCrtmtir'tbt, 801mg "uVeordttrtitasatsi q _. _- __._ 'r". ' '/ekiiF9tttr'tIiri' ftiiiiPcaMtiriirvft'"r' a small margin over the "Bhtes." The pastor gave .s short tell: shout the Holy City which he has visited thus adding to the interest in the close of the "mee." There wu a good attendance 1t our communion service Sundny morn- ning' end it was a moat Expiring oc- "eirsriiirrmiirigiiiririirTayii and girls recently received into the church re. ceived their ttrat communion in n group and helped to make the service a most delightful one. The Sanchy school attendance was also better than the previous Sands! andythe ,,Ihetév Obstacle Gel! eons-so was opened Wednesday evening of this week and proved interesting to those who phyed. The course will be open any evening when 4: group desires to pkg. Tta-ur-amd-This-r------- nings are suggested as convenient evenings to come around. A small fee to cover expense of lighting, etc.. will be charged. . 111(th Fir! W. B .Cird -- North Ave. " Laurens Pho- Rev. P. D. Hopkins, Ministsr '. WWW“ WW? the was. -iif talks on "The Ten Commandments in Modern Life." The series has been interrupted the past few weeks ‘-by other topics. It msy surprise runny tasumow-turth. Maerterrueeer-ttti. 1irsatthehmtdoftheittrtamomr the most serious ones on seven! oe- casions. It is undoubtedly one of the most perilious sins of our day. TEE FRIES 'tund-r--------, a"-------, _------ - - ' - - 9:45 Church school. 11:00 Homing worship nnd celebn- tion of the Lord's Supper. The Rev. A. S. C. Clarke will have charge of this service. .citclo. 7:45 Fm. Evening Berviee in English with Rev. Philip Bohi, pastor of the Methodist church It Antioch Wednesday, July 29, 8:00 pun.--- Mid-mk - let-vice " church. Rev. 'nasit lira. Nelson umwget- hits from Oakhnd. Neb. . Highyud . Park Presbyterian Church The Swedish" Methodist Church Highwood avenue and Evert: place William W. Nelson, pastor 10t8Caartrthmurseitmtt.. ‘l 0:00 pad. Meeting of the Friendship Laurel 9nd Lindén "aiiii" Dr. A. S. cum, acting minister - T Church phone 683 _ ‘Fanpy Loin Veal Chops Grogan’s Famous Boneless Brisket Corned Beef All our meat ig inspected by the United States .1 Government _ ". I' _ _ 89391918 Atr,fhrtyrrti0ptr . l. oi,' l _ Swift’s Premium Frankfurter, snort Leg of Milk Paired pound-.. Wm pound........ pound Choice Native Pot Roast Lean Pork shmriderRiriiiit" Leap Native Boiling Beef pound Fresh Meaty Spare Ribs fhrift'trrremtmrtitm-eiiii- Ii'ariefIi'resh Dressed Broilers " . "(r A ‘ A - , " N " v" ll t I ., c, 12: , I Ill . ll . l F. ,( ' I1 I ttlt] : , 1 MR _ M, __ MN , :3; meolnMarket 519 Central Avenue Herman FV Ilk From this thtmuron until Septem- bsr the Sundsy school will be com- bined with the morning service. A spocisl ehiidren'a sermon will be preached. The ,tteyiyttt,tt the -e9i1Weit fill 1riseiiseiidisiriiieiiid"iiiir" to our reward system. ledge-er Emailed Luther.- Church West Central avenue _ .--W. P. "hr,qmstor V The regular Sunday morning vor- ship takes place It 10:30, the pastor will punch upon the text: Mark _12, 88-44, hits subject being: "Religion, pun ItpCt7ndettutt.", [1on Catholic Church RemC- L. McDonough, pastor Daily Masses, 7:30am. - Sunday Masses, 6:30, 8 and 10 am. Confessions, Saturday, 7:30 to 9 _....................) :"33E _--. 35c 39c 28c 22c