F1687: Se m is " mild. mom, son, ttttt term. net! who†1-1“. who le in or built serv- with Holy as on tot) tr. last utr ELECTROLUX Protects foods . . No matter how long an Electrolux is in service in your home, it will be noiseless; It is SILENT permanent- 1r,%r no mgchinery tu/used iniit tit produce cold.. For this reisolrit never makes a sound, never vibrates, never wears out. _ In place of comii1icated machinery that needs oiling. "paitirttaptrrvrp: tun! replacement, E1ecttolt,ttttttr1lirs cold with an amazingly simple meth- od. A tiny gas f1ape and a trickle of water' are the only' devices used. These act SILENTLY on the refrigerant (which is hermetically sealed irrsteel) mills: g.r2ptinuotts, reliahlt_qtl4. ETectrotux, because it Contains no machinery-n-r-makes -atmstgimt noises or r uires attention. It pro- vides completely, trouble-free refrir. . ind fi . I . ' . . 1. Electrolux makes continuous cold. stopping. Temperatures remain at a constant level, giving foods the benefits of even, steady cold. The dependable, continuous, safe cold temperatures maintained inflectio- lux give all foods the protection they NORTH SHORE GAS COMPANY ELECTROLUX 1m: GAS RErRMaitltAMNIt depandalzlyWSlL‘ENll-Ly need to keep their full flavor and wholesomeness. _ Spoilage is elimi- nated. Wgiste is banished. Health is safeguarded; . - _ The freezing compartment of Elec- trolux is a perpetual delight for the housewife. Here desseris and other delicacies may' be frozen quickly, easily. Menus never are monotonous irrthéTiiiriie. possessing an 1iMcfibltiii. A great variety of frozen foods may be prepared in it. _ ' l With its continuous, even action, Electrolux freezes an endless supply of ice cubes. You haw: no worries over a lack of cubes for estery purpose. For 'pérpctuzll r-efrhiehit"km" service lit __ I o I o l o E ,ourhome. Regardless of the length iirttiirectrrimttttfttrreretarrskt- a sound or. require replacement of parts. When you hur an Electrolux you are 'iiariiii%TTG'eTiiiitirt""tirniir automatic reftigeratorthat will bring you enduring satisfaction. With tleven different models from which to-choose, you an own on Electrolux that will exactly fill your Telephone 3300-: Ethan TH! [3338 feeds desserts . . . chills salads 01 requireiiieiitV Fill "particuw' 116%?“ he givqn you if you’ll visit our state or telephone for our representative to all. . . Make only; SMALL DOWN PAYMENT and an Electrolux will beinstaiied in your kitchen. Take 18 months to pay the balance. The daily savings in food will save money for you. These savings will help pay for your Electrolux and after it is paid for you Will continue to save. Decide NOW to hare this common. frigersttor in your home. Easy Terms mm