mg he ma. let. at de- that was sther pipe, wing were the m tra with a re- Aug. good bogey wide these ' 1nd mind time b and q the _ it is the ml red new Mo, nent d on laid, 3nd mutt '.ene ante mi. l of Vol- the Liev- :30 ted golf Inn, lost spot le- near Itiful .eys I ye- dies’ m of feet mt rr. The Community Twilight indoor baseball We is martin the tNNV ondrouudofmuthiswuk. 1150 schedule curiae through to August 25, with men four night. Than are two diamonds at Lincoln phy. ground, and both diamonds will be used each night of play. 28 some: are scheduled. T first round "e". Highland Park News ---.t.... 4 2 Highland Park Preps w.....-..-.. I 8 ABC Oil Burners v-i---. 4 8 Public Service "w-tm..--.-..-... 2 4 Bowman Dairy Co. "r-"""'"," 'r 5 Qullity Manta m-..---.--.-"..-. 2 5 Second Round Schedule The schedule for the second round of the Community Twilight law in- door teams is as follows: CDI" end Book's Service Thur-lily. D2" stand for diamond 1, and din- moai, L, dtothaxf,,thacdinmoatds In 0n Lincoln playground.) . _ Monday. August ' Bowman' Dairy vs. Quility Masts ---DI. Beck’s Service vs. Public t%rvlee--. D1. Jommunity Twilight League Ends: First Round; Coming Gaines ---DI. -D2. tee. The aGMftitratiheseii,tr of the Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson of Deerfield venue m necking eon- mtulations on the birth of I not: " the England Park Wu] on Thursday. July 80. _Mrs. Emma Howe and Ming Mor- EM Pig of Ennlton In lowing {my ( andâ€) for Mood. tau, me'wmu be and m withâ€; A Tali-day. August 4 Ravini: vs. News Pusher-DI. Pres: vs. ABC Oil Bumersr---D2. Thur-thy. Ann-t 6 . Quality‘Meats vs Public Service-e Ravinia vs. Pretgtr--D2. Friday. August T ABC Oil Burners vs Bowman Dairy Flashes vs. Boek'tr---D2. ' Monday. August. Mt Book's vs Raarinu---Di. . Public Service vs. liunttetr--DE Tuesday. August " Press tm. Bowman-s-DI. Quality Meta " ABC Oil Burners Friday, Anya-Flt _ __ A __ ABe-i-mrrmmrmriekhr--D1.- Press vs. “Ry 30:59:52: Thursday. August " _-.----- Flushes vs. Bowman-DI. Ravinia vs. Public ssrviee--DE Monday. August " -t" Quality Meats vs. Jurtnia--D1. Beck’s vs. Press-DE " Tuesday. August " ' Flashes vs. ABC Oil mtrners---DL Bowman vs. Public t?erviee-m2. _ Thadâ€. August " ". T Ravinia vs. Bowman-Dt. ABC Oil Burners vs. Public Serv- ' _ Prunr,'hatrttsrt M . Press vs. News Fiaurhes--Di. Botk's V's. Quality Mei-D2. Modâ€, Aim " Ravinia vs. ABC Oil Burnett-DI. Public Service VI. Pr-an. Tic-day. August It quality Meats n. Plnau.--Dt. Rock's vs. Bo-r-De. r, August 6, 1981 Won Picture what happens to s do: do- serted out in the country. Bo may people turn to this cruel means of ridding themselves of e doe because. as they soy, “I eouldn't bear to have it killed.†Let's look at the alternative-- The doe reces fronticelly “tor the est. He thlnkrdt yes all s mistake. He ean't'itnrh. or sttreet their» ' tion-heh, too winded Ind exhausted in a futile Mfort to keep up. He finds he is 1oirine--otherr are pus hinv--he realizes he husJost sight of his protectors-those he has placed his eontidenee in sud pinned his. " fections to. He turns uek---tur my have returned tewhere they left him --it must have been s ttamar---tur will be worried if he is not there! Poor trusting brute-he will- never believe that they meant to dodt. lie Minds the spot end hunts hopefully about. Amer appears-he rushes to meet it---it speeds by and he sees noi familiar faces within. It begins to‘ get dark. He feels the eou--heartyf find some protection from the wind --he must not go far. His family may comeback it any minute "ttttRt' cell or whistle for him. If they only would', He shivers e little as the cold night creeps br-u's never slept outdoors before-he feels hungry for the first time and he has never leer-lied to forage for his food-where dull he look?. A paler-by cells to him-- he slink- "rar-he mustn’t let may strgnger pick him op-ther might take him too far “my, and tie him up ---then he wouldn’t be heps when his beloved family call, “here, Jim, here Jim!" What he wouidjive for the sound of the children’s voices com- ing home from school. It’s hard to be cold, hungry and so homeeick. What did they mean when they put him out of the out Where, where to go to find them? . Report Merger of Two ' Big Oil Beater Firms company of CfifittTiiChiiti" been ae..' quirisd by Kleen Beet, hte., e new corporation, according to an en- nounoement mode todny by J. B. "Hirsch, president of the Automatic Burner Corporation, of Chicago, who also assumes the presidency of Kleen Beet, Inc. Mr. Hirsch antes that the entire personnel, factory, d1iitr11stttton and service facilities of the Winslow oreanizntionori11 be kept intact. -- The election of Mr. Hirsch u presi- deiit or Khan Beet, In, in addition to his direction of the Automatic Burner Corporation, manufacturers of furious ABC oil burner, in of marked importance to the oil burner industry. . Together the two concerns repre- sent the third ingest Miniature“ of domestic hosting oil burners in the United Stetee. with - of s mil- lion dollars and with licensed deel- ere in 890 communities. Both com- penies have been pioneers in the oil burner industry. Kleen Beet burners were first menulectnred " yeers no under the lesdersliip of the lste..Wlla lies s. Reina. while ‘ABO‘eil homers use heed“: the “its! muss; (By Irene Castle Mesutmhtin) Dog Desertlng TB! 33388 Drama and Dance School to Open in Lake Forest Finns as under wsy for the ttPeet- irwenrlrthissfut1 af . school of Drum end Dome in Luke I Forest. Courses will be taught in ell bunches of aesthetic dnneing, including the bullet national, character, we end tap dancing. Mrs. Ennis, e teacher of long experience and 10 nears probe-1 sionnl trnininz will personally super- vise instructiom Competent instruc- tion and careful supervision is. re- paired for the development of grn'ce, 1itrttttramt"twttmtriosrttmr'hteh!l- dren, end special attention will be given these features in their instruc- tion. Speciul classes for mothers nlso will be “nibble. Prospective stu- dents msy obtain further information 'by calling L. F. 821 Tneednys end Saturdsys, between 10 and 12 o'clock, mm. or sny evening between T end 9, iwhen interviews may be umnged. Youth, Passes Away Last Evening; Funeral Services Saturday Edward LomiiirGi, ‘19, lof’ Palmer nvehhe, passed any last (Wednes- day) evening st the penny hespigl. He is survived by big phrenta, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lonngren, two sisters and two brothers. Funeral services will be held Seturdny maroon pt 2 o'clock it the Zion Lutheran church. Interment will beet Memorial Park cemetery, Evmton. ' _ tfl:: 1,tttis" d.:..;:..:..:..;::-.:).!:..:;:.;,",:,;:,: mgécwi i)", isost9 " "soil' Rebekah Lodge Observes Annual Friends' Night On Hominy, August 8, Sheridan Rebekahwm No.A0t qelebratqd their annual friends night. The fob. lowing otBeers from the vuious lodges fitted the following stations: Noble Grand, Alice Deyomttt, Wau- kegan; Vice Grand. Winnie Davidson, Waukegan; Recording Seem, Lydia Morgan, Kenosha, Why Financial- Secy., Miss Winters, Fond du Lac. Ahris.', Treasurer, Mrs. Hagarâ€, Lib- ertyville; Warden,‘ Gertrqdar Goos- maxi. HighlandÂ¥arktW~ dia Wehrenberg, Libertyville; Chap- lain Elizabeth Kriaaanitz, Wilmette; Past N. G., Mattie Kan, Wilmette; R. B. to N. G., Alta Hayford,’ Crystal Lake; L. S. to N. G., Mrs. Dennison, Sioux City, 1a.; R. & to y. G., Elsie Lsisenrintr, Kenosha, Wit; L. S. to v. G., Gladys, Cooper, Libertyville; Inside Guardian, Della Kruppa, Wil- mette: OutSide Guardian, Dora Me- Laughlin, Crystal Lake - New Law Bars Use of frtartrint Automobiles Alter lodge several men WWE enjoyed rand: refreshments served. - Bronze stars. that shine from the front and rear of hundreds of uno- mobiles through the ante. received . death knell last week when Governor Louis L. Emmerson. signed ' bill that prohibits all but-ante mils. meni- bers of the tenets] assembly, end pence ofBeers to adoin eaittwith them. RELIABLE LAUNDRY .18 North Green Bay Road "- 178-179: â€tannin. DRY CLEANING C0. Qggggtsghtgelgrggyd 'fFiiiiririi" iiiiiiiriiiiF" "nf"irEr need the special attention that only our tikilled workers and tseierttifie treatments can give. T Restored Like New! , The Reliable tauisdiy methods of cleaning will perform miracles in the reconditioning of frocks. oais 'CTO