I? HIGHLAND- PARK STATE. BANK The Old Reliable and Progressive Ban/6 _ TELEPHONE HIGHLAND-PARK 1800 ILLINOIS banks have organized to protect themselves and WW“ crooks. Through separate county federations, town guards hare been established and supplied with arms†and ammunition. Reward notices have been posted warning the crooks-telephants and telegraph operators have been schooled in spreading alarms. _ Every one itrthis communitywiil' benefit from this organ- ized effort. This bank is co-operating with this movement in a big way, because it is interested in the welfare pf this community- ___ _---- ___-___,,-.,--..,', _-- - L, _'ri_, Jr., __', _. x Protpsitritt they Community ' Till PRESS an: Exception- ally Low Prices V _ Fun-3m " North Sheridan Road Telephone H. 11:54 Moldaner & Humer August - Complete Stock of A" Fine Furs SEE