nd pink 1tttt and: to oot T 100. WW 'ili,ii, I I I’lan Neighborhood Luncheon and Musics! Program; Good j" Waning meetirig fot when and mm in. ' " """"°3"-'-" """"“" 'l/rho will hear Hamilton Holt.†', - It-tr/lf"!',?.'., Ray. W -TtkfiitiriitatruWrotttte 2% w -f --::c-uscP1e"iith. a.?thr,.-r,;-_--/a-- Cr7B.7, Mr. Willidn Bryon. in NOVemher. Mr.,Br$r'on is professor of sociology If-r Metituri td the 'Deeitiistd.attiistdal t'high 84:th Patent Teacher â€sodas cution and an parents of high school _ItpdgtitgC Are. ,agked. to Jt9tf' thet the? October meeting is not to he held) mm Thursday ev‘ening. Oct. 29, at -EIm Fhtee-iiuditetritmt., This is a-big r-9'mtaneetaeaetttiai1uthert.tAN: of the district. Harold Rugs of Col- .Im bits university is to berthe. speakers In is hoped that thgpurehm " turn mu 1005c? cent to this fttusprotrrant. Dan’s lot this change of' date in- _terfete with your coming out. _ "is'ia'rot. "", "_', "r,,, T"7T'mtrrYtrr-Ntte-er's '" workhve been completed by " able and en- "thusins'tic executive board of 7 direc- nuts ansLtuumtlttpk,dtrctheigrr.Ctp ch dstparttnertt 'is. very promising. The other: for the year stern-ai- L t; Mrs. Howard Bede;"aeoond vies resident; Mrs.†Karl Wagner, record- ing secretary; Mrs. Mason Arm- strong, corresponding secretary; Mrs. R. R. San“, treurtmrert Mrs. Prank 'Venning. Betretortrt9tirAtUn Wolff, and Mrs, Lylé Gourley. _ . . The Ravinia Woman’s club will be- gin its ietiy'ttiestorthe year 1931-32, Wednesday, October IC with" it imam, e,t,iehrlttriit1tp,.piicltt)tit1i'et1t. . m1 " fine musiwgimmkyz iriiiiriltii/ ’ipusspg- intern; gully-known meat-t Vow!“ High SchoolLP. TM. -- _ _,.', to Meet October 29 Interesting Program- __ r-' " This yeah club prognmi are most ttrreftt1ty selected brMrs. Louis thu- ler, program chairman and her com- mittee. [ ___z. Gil "ifiiorE a! an may; ‘0 ttere neatly “gun and “am IBM fer work in :21 island mg, A ' . on City tull-R. P. woo Main: the charge of mun Pings. many itt.tiet' to the house r Ida. homo chunky, moving " Xe.3y91tft, use! W.)§i°'.“ ,-rtrtr.nititrttratstrarrtriorsM.1" f ad_their ottt_uaruir-iepttriar fyr It Micki ti, in you! mods Programs for Year T'ii'iliiiirJrEiriiiiriirtiP an: Service ofhee, Utd; WW4 "rpIC-irN.Ce,a', r18 ' rt' be Highlanh Park PMS ., 1 _ " J“, " _ avert,†Lag†7 W , t ' '_', .. _", "trr.Learthtiett. A C, _i_re3rrti,Dra"trittaii8tttyst- ",,f-, T “7_§§M_M_, A The international organisation of Girl Scouts is doing much towards that -dtvektririettt 6f Feta? wonnnimoq Hui sully-on; of ijiiiGiirtiWjiiiitiyirs thé Girl Scout m'ovement has continued to become a inom and more irppor- tant part of our community life here in Highland Park, _,' we feel that on own» girls should be given every opportunity to ovailtliem- selves of this inexhaustible mam house. of bright, clean we“ (will ideals --rrmsas--ofcjrisir.-rtth-dssmrttersir find in the Girl Scouts o safe, demo, crude group of, girls myptrrr"'ray 'ieyr,, to welcome your children. To the parents of boys we can assure you that a sincere Girl Sqout is certain to make u better wife. ".. . . and so through the growth of the Girl Scouts we thttri1r rli_tlte_rt TieoFQr.iemNrrr," mu; wmum u. Md. Mm. Prank J, Conan. If". Nrriy, R, Clarita-Kn. Run-en 1t-ihay, In. new K. Goodman. “if our Viola RiiiriiiiriiN iiiitCEfia will become Just tt Kittie better pine in Whig}: .to. 11vt and-on ttat.ity. bush we hop} you will read may the, test of this little manage. -e “‘ . _ v ,' A. V ih' l I, you“ " BUMmtd Park Cgmggdfy Off-lace -iiGritiyttert E. Clark, chairman; Ila. Harold M. White. viee.ehni-tt tErr,_1targsfi._11aytret, tttearn' l!" ghrgsrCthsvrntirigycrimrts, ‘0‘ - . Mayor E. B. Mattel Mr. Julius manner kitchen Greenslade Hr. 30mph mTirvTiri Mr. Lyle Gout-by 1tmrrararrtrrairartmr" Mra.WilliamM. Rep r; 'T.8s'1',r,r'ecR8rf,v', Tke' Emma PAIR. mums, Tammy. 0mm 1, 1981 --F, WTtr2rSt)0tlrg DRIVE .mQQMMQNITY SPONSORS" «m §4.A Girt,qeoatuafrfeetd tonlt Ind u sister have: other-Girl Seat. 6. A GirtSeoa.tueottrtmtm. ". -G. A Girl Scout is a triad to an- Innis. .. . . . »1.'A Girl Scout obey- Ordas. . -Wtttrmge-ttgrGht M, t- -_-e -e-t-e" W‘ "A.hrtt-de-ibrar-arund for?. - 7 lint4o they accomplish their' part' Tsotmt _" â€WWW; A I-,.. _ .7 _ Gir1%pouU are" the coming womm- hood of AMI-Sen. Future citizens, homem1rkere, wives and mothers, rep- resenting the backbone-of our civilia- tion., . 4' _L' . ', - A mascara-inn #ttprttrthntal org minder: with' "Elkrly established eemtmanitreoatmtitteetr all m:- the world. . Mirth: 2rest-at--to-aetr11Y, the Girl Scouts mm for is foundlh their pmmioe: . "On my honor t will try to do my duty to God and my country. Toholp . other people " all dam. and to obey the Girl Scout kms." And‘now‘let‘s see wttttttttett" lute trumd. 2. A, Girl Scout is low. lt. A Girl 3mm duty is my. mini“ height! to others. .', and deed. to. A9trlteotttirre_htthuqttt 2irfrtr.iamiFMrFrhBrr Mrs. A. J. Metal _ (Continued on pa..- 8t) 11etrrrt11._131tlttrt, BenjaminAF. Lewis Richard L. Sandwick Dudley' Crafts Wgtson tr: _-_ ___ mn’tcrr’cz‘ï¬wm _ ish their putt; (iyttset-5rsglfr2%m4.r,r, ci----:-,;;-.-, u‘menl new shops isrisurunninrter . - join with mung-rebut: whg have .; l - - ' whim 33:12: ',,ntth3tit/6tiriii)i)iiiiFiil', 'The local merchants whorl“ be up. .,..,n.. rrHHVahsihv-rttrHhirt . til, Victor Brothers, Gtrrnett'i Smith’s, Daily's, Haldane! and .311- men, and shoes from Pews and the . 1ri2ltadms-tshop. - _ w" , ". l Open to Mein Gfiiraa; Wofllf UNDER WAY ON "i'r,iri,i,, FOURTH .FASHION SHOW __., To Be Held oet,_tramr9 in Y.W. C.Ar9toarrttrt MertharttiLAits-11 . Aiding Plan ,Work on the tomh'mzhland Park Fashion S_how-‘fs_we!l under my and Shit, fall, the Y. W. C. A., under whose. auspices thee fashions , are shown, is diViding the proceeds with the Social service, so that local chu- ity be well as tlte_urirh'_qlauof tu, Y.W.C.A. amrnieetsmt equally; my; admtagitrer ‘vn'll be' nomiml, and the performance will as usual be given twice. Thursday and My, Oct. tr aid ' itt"the' mummy ro6m dr, the .X:Y:§rizé§,§i£§‘EIE‘MWW envy g.“ -oettrih, forth exhitttwfftte eh- tirer mused by committee; Com: posed of Highhud Paik residents, 'att/har-anode/Sao-S-te-airs,,'. among the trirhrof Highland Park Ind 'tnvinrisieotnptetay. list orthe models, will ammu- .in the mm " thi-g." _-F. covopemtionv ot the' Gear whit; ","i.ii'r'ji,ic _ tthtatittttqd, mm. ao, _,s,_,s,sii's Ravinia P. T. A. Plans I . Annual Frolic 0ct..24 A charity golf game will be shed at Sunset Falter sink“ Sunday, Oct. 4, can: .%r.ttoth an!“ Winch. maximum attractions win he of: fend gloo.v Prisca will be awarded for blind bogey, low gross and low net. Supper will be served at " gents a plate for those who wish to. Iii by Friday momma. Oct. g. A not}; intl charge of hue donut will be and: to includefgrocm fees, etc. d (“its to new, and ove'tyttttetr the stand- him to enjoy t M; 'vernitte. aninia P.T.A.. announces that bum, ue under way for-the lama] full (may be held " the Ravinia Vil.. hit; house Oct. " at tr pam, under the dheethni of Mrs. George Kim m, chairman M the with: in mm, many mutating and and tutu-u we was phaned.jhclodhg dyeing, retro-hunts, gum 5nd pit-, ate. With am â€with! (In tptttslatcir, the. p'+drys. at Nmtattgrg " ll