I E _ Member 4, I unequivocally We the ttttt Mule 18ttrthm- gressional District t t upon gueetions where they have expressed themselves by referendum vote, I' ttl cast my vote in modem with their expressed m .7 1. As a Member of Congress, I shall. regard itas my first duty to advocate and enforce measures of strict retrenchment in each and every department of the government, in orderthat the present excess burdens "t i of taxation martre lifted from the shoulders of thef maéses of the people, This I shall do with the scrupu- lous regard to the necessities of the public service and its economical and etBeient administration. 2. I.ahtll work'diligently, with the highest purpose and best thought an ,ttort, in behalf of measures for a solution of _the problems of the farmer; agreements . between, labor and capital; more stringent enforce- ment oLthe banking laws; and for recognition of the invaluable- service rendered by the veterans of the armed forces of our country in time of war. 3. I shall endeavor to improve economic conditions that unemployment may be relieved b pledging the people my support of measures and policies that will tend to insure the sentiment continuity of employ- ment of the men an women of our nation. . (Congress; JAMES SIMPSON, JR. 1.. _ of- _ Republican Candidate fo fungi; 9. , '1umtia'trit'tiit.ritiiismtjis" iii new}. Congressional District, as well as in. Washington, for the conven- ience of my constituents. I 13th devote my entire time to the duties of Congressman and to the needs of the people of my district. _ '2it','l'l and oeensiona,' tromeirtiiGi ikiaGiyuGG mkegmlmd Belmont Harbor, for the accommoda- tion of water and air craft in distress. 5. I will vote to amend the-Volstea'd law and to sub- mit to the states an amendment to the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution so that control of the liquor problem may be vested in the government which the people have eatablisheOnd which they may change by their voice and vote as conditions demand. I am opposed to the return of the saloon. 6. It will be my purpose as a Member of Congress to support the time-honored Amerieatrpolicy of main- taining friendly relations with all nations and entang- ling alliances with' none. _ T. I shall insist that under all conditions and cir- cumstances our constitutional rights of free speech, free press and peaceable assembly be not abridged. 8. I am in favor of the establishment by the federal government .of a ttarbor of refuge, adequate for all F '.'-'r Fit if?€9:ii"=33‘m ߤ2§% . 33.. " . P4FF.P. .. .992 Ati'. Ceep PAie.e.su “"4. . 92tth' To' 'fjc?ii2:?s'jj.jiiiri.if4:ii .5 y‘ 'K8r.ti??, wwwhï¬a LTk.$r95i r . 2-. .3:va '?g.7..ii?i?ji7riri?:i. Congressional Distritt 13th .4 .