_--'ri.'ir"c'r , I., w-rr-.'. T"? --T'riir,riiiaiuiia7aTiririiLT, My"; mmngnmoimt- JStteiqrf,tsrs,,grtk1t.t,. ,7 A ' â€the ma his beett referred to ----r-- _ _ _ as the dark continent of American politics. The increased ,attention which it ix receiving.“ the present - _ time from am legishtures, inter- ' ested citizens, and students of gov- " . .emment indicates that it it to be A mo 1ontrer, theyâ€: neglected tuid Buck looked " the check."!'ho men were total strangers to him. Buck refused to swept the duck. F F "All. rights" up»! the men did." -1'tm'11 . come back tomorrow with The material in the epoch! appen- dix devoted to a discussion of Cook county; . " "well 13 the anyhow. county gprfmtmeett/Us been cheek- ed by J. L Jumbo, Cook county’s emciency Kennett. Eugene JLollapd -arrthe Stitit-eteatrtmirhr--Mker-"-- listed in verWi 'ng the material of the chapter on Public Finance. _ . Pertinent Articles _lrlttrNoeemtseeistteof them:- nois Voter contains two pertinent nrticles: "What ls wrong with our tax system," by Mary L. Long- worthy, former president of the Woman's City club of Chicago, and "'The-lhrrHt Continent" by Prat. Charles M. Kneier, of the Depart- Two men applied .to Fred Buck, in charge of the rental of ofBeett in" the Wenkegen National Bank building. to rent an oftlee. The men told Buck that they had the space they want- ed.eelected and otremtd, to.make ' deposit on the fhst month’s rent. . “That’s fair,"' the holder of the they: said and offered the ch53! "Ir. ink for $20 change. _ if? “I have nothing but a $60 check.†one of the mend swindlenxemrk- ed to his companion. ' a, -ririGG"iGiriiGiiiiriGri fuses" will unquestionably take pkee in this ï¬eld within the next ten year period. moat the 880 deposit." Bogus Check Artists _ _l_r1rttLtstrfkhtgttt11hrott, Bogus check artist. have brought 3 new "If?" game into Lake coun- ty, it was learned from persons who were approached as possible vie.. tims. . _ ?‘Wcll, I hnie 01111.1 and! amount 'of changer the other said. "ihtp- mt of roman! m" d thtt University of Illinois. Tho Voter nukes this editorial comment on the Board of Election Commission- em, who went om the material on Election: and, Putt Commithel. Dr. R. ALHetton of Northwestern university he: reed the section on (my "thiFiriiiiiiiiiK" -tiiirhiir" We†some vdueble suggestions for the chapter on elections. DeWitt Bill- 1tttp_tt..t, the, MM?! ", Menace Bureau has served on the and line of authority for the information than on State Government. ' (Whoa {my a) LEAGUE B HONORED Waukegan Rent Agent l Tuesday, 8:45 iran.---Cutt wk. "Wednetrdirr, -t.*rtartr-sehoiearow ciety. . ' ' 8:00 it.m.--Tr.mrtee meeting." - ., Feee Friday, 4:00 pan. "T' Girl Scout, Troop "l. _ 7:30 p.m.-lroop 52. Boy Scouts; Sunday, Dee. Ir-The Holy Com- munion and' reception of. members. " cordial welcome; _" V Daemon. Illinois, T i f ‘Rev..M.J..Agdrev_u, Pesto: I d, 9t80crtriiitdarCFiuiiFtieho'ot. _ ': 10:45 - Morning worship and; sermon. " i, 6t30---Youmr Peoples' Fellowship‘ in 9119131 1tt, Align My: Ketch. 'r-- ,. " _ Tt80-ailvenimr service. This 1am be the last evening serviee-durtn the United Spiritual program. Dr. George Roberta, pastor of the Lake Forest .Presbyterien church will much-the tHbrhMntt-- -eee"Vt-" -- _ -,', went Arorld plenty of good candies but branded u]! too short by the fun-loving public. “Pardon m" It is doubtful if there in I comedy made _»today so qpmrionsly funny to "Ptmfon Us." It ig I Mable ac. eomplitrhment foe Bal Bomb, who Laurel and Hardy are " their best. It fouldn be dimcult to- lm. ngine them better than in any cm of their shorts, for they have at a W for good victim“. Th. 9%. which deals principally with Friday: 7:45 pan.-Ahoir mhenrw eal. Members of the eontirmatton club: will furnish the spent] music for heart Sunday’s worship service. The St. Paul's Sewing circle is sponsoring, a collection of canned fruit, use-tables, jelly and preserves for the Bemenville Children'. home. GoodsLto be delivered to the home of Mn. Peter Jnhrend by Dee. 1. Saturday: 9:00 tan. "T'" Cttntirtnn.. tion instruction. . "Tri-e-iii')'-.;'-)",""'.?'.' pan. This is, to be a missionary service in! the Women’s Missionary society and the Young People’e Missionary cir- cle new: -ettatetger--Xherariit pre- tent the service, "To lighten the world'a darkness." The pastor will give a short address on the subject, “Christian gretitude and the world's Monday, Nov. 30: 6:30 pan. - ?hmkett, pigner spammed bx the chuta, Troop 2. E.L.tSE., mo p.m. Topic, “Where no ttti-te-lem-. -art-i--tht. country?†Leader, Mr. Ambrose _ 815 WTort-m _-- Rev. Earl J. Ema. PM i Cttamtratttetortu4tr,aars. ' It. ar. thur P. Mamet, Supt. Theme for worrbipe, 'Tlyn1t.trtWtvine for God." Divifm" "iiiiiiih'ip, 31:06 iciii. . Wes ch! music by the choir. A message by the pastor. ‘ _ Deerfield, Illinois . Church school, 8:15 am. Worship service, 10:30 nan. Monday: 8.u6-Children't, choir. Tuesday: 8:46---th* pack meet- M. Paul’s Evangelical Church "A church that was." iiftTCiltu Giearir 6171? Jiliirrii?i" First Presbyterian Church â€may. , :15 pam-MNH 'T"NrtTr.TtEF"aRtSe0ttiWttrii= 8:00 p.tn.-A Bible, class recently organized will meet - my 'ravsatipF-alNtrstlatsr,ixp,rtttrcusrkv. "me interested in the Bible and is mot limited to those who are aM. Heted with this church. The Book ‘of Genesis is being studied at this ‘time. andprrthe leadership of the :Pestor.‘ The public is welcome. Come and bring your Bible and your triads. - The Women's Missionary Society of Bethlehem Evsngelicsl church Emmaa'wm hiiiriihiiiiiiGrTC, Sunday evening‘services on Nov, 29. The many nations which the W.M.S. has studied will be presented in I pageant entitled, "To Lighten the World’s Dttrknestr." The men of the society will turn in their mite boxes that evening and the members of the Young People’s Missionary Cir- ole will also present their monetary contributions. Wednesday: 8:00 p.nt.-9id-wasek page}: trasryjtte. Come and make this. presence. Exposition of the Scrip- tures and intercessory prayer " wavs feature these meetings. The pastor, Rev. E. J. Bruno, will give a short talk on "ChrutUn Gra- titude and the World’s Need." ' Friday: 7:00 pan. - oiehestra practice. t _ Missionary Service at Bethlehem Church 7:00 part. - The Christina En; duvet society will meet under the leadership of 1rp1htmrdl,.rdtletr. Topic for "dttetTiigriiri,' Where we mission- aiies needed in this country? This meeting is open to all. “WI-0315 "iiii.c-'-hriirittiitr worship. Expository studies in the Book of Romans are being given during this hour. Theme, Man, not Paroled, but PM. ’Bfillf your Bible. This church does not concern itself so much with truth about the Bible, In with the Bible itself. 7 :45 pan.--ienhttt worship. Sub- ieet, nugget; of the night; Spe- cial music by Baden Rowe, I Welsh singer. “Mikhail MmataetieaUCueek -'l Corner Green Bay Ttdv-a-Ha-el- Rev. J .A. Von Gorkom, Puts: -, Sandâ€: an» mama-r: iriee will be conducted at this hour for" the work of the Sunday school. Amtesttmr of this ktmt is 'imenddj to fortify our spiritnul liv'es and to inspire us for serves. 9:30 'sary-fund" school. Lea- nnlhul'a km:- to Hickman Chases and competent teachers for all. Thngsday: 8:00 pac-tfide re- BETRO-NOKOL OIL BURNERS The ideal form of heat . . . is radiant heat! The some intense heat you feel from the summer sun. It is'just pure heat rays; No smoke. No odor. No sound. To harness these clean. siient radiant heat rays and put them to work in your own boiler with the new Petra-Kohl Rotary on Burl-nerds the _supremraohtevemen_t“of the world’s oldest and largest oil heat organization. ' VIC J. KILLIAN, Inc. OVER 70.000 HOMES ENJOY te1erhoet-eiHrkeri1e1d--sey- ran --Emth%r-sereieerr,-iaun. - t Evening service: 7 :30'p.m., under the direction of the Ladies Mission- u'y society.. A pmdraan bu been AThe clothing Committ'ee also wish, es to inform the townspeople that, in the articles thus far received, there has been, i great lack of cloth- iptt-ArrihilAerr_yt4ar but twelve avnilable the committee requests for them. With this splendid service those who have, ciothing suitable to be passed on to others, tts1.e'a'2'. at the Rharmacy, or can†r. Bout, as soon u possible. Sutufday' morning: 10 acm.--The Cotttlrtnatiott class meets " the par- achute: _ - ' Friday, Dec. 4--'rhere will be I Herring supper at the church par- lors under the arrangement of the Brotherhood. _ Thanksgiving services will be held together with the other churches at the Trinity Episcopal church of Highlnnd Park. Wednesday evening. Nov. 25 -- Set-Vices at the church, 8 pan. Henry G. Hedlund, Pnstor. Farris" a use. WEE flick-is no way of checking the possible. need for any designated articles, it would seem well to have .svailable a supply of ehildren's clothing, particularly underwear, if possible, rubbers and galoshes. field Pharmacy, has attain offered to accept packages of clothing at his store, and win, in response to a prayer service " the church. alhe- ehtthhtg comm of the Ihserfte1d Relief organization wishes to urge tht people in the commu. ity who are in aged of clothing to 3ytgpg1gggitLtiyAt with‘thcm u ugly}! “F6535 Ntrrai"iiiittay £53 mint; - of Dairy & Duffy, clarion, the haw meaty; wt.setyittttitt, etc, trhieh were recently biWiied By ti; boy. scouts of Deerfield, luv. been cleanod and at now being held in .ryttti3.itt.o.sr,crf1m distribution " th B. q. Cue! home, 908 Pair Oak. nvenue. possiEie. With the iraramT of cold weather at any time, it is hoped that those who need this assistance will not hesitate to make their needs known. Mrs. W. A. Tennerman, chairman of the committee, 'tut be reacha'at her home. 1020 -0aklsa avenue, or by telephoning Deerfield 446. She is assisted by Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank, tel. Deerfield 471, and Mrs. H. G; Cuehvtel. Deerfield 42. W _ tr mm" -.__ "a: Sunday school, 9:45 am. REALM»!!! (thatch Dtarttnstes Clothing -the __ Swedish