5’21 LO a ----Hhsrlranrrre 9663f . .- Red Salmon 333%“ . . Navy Beans '""p/ifd1y"' . Blue Rose Rice 533$ . . Aged American Cheese . Dr. F ice’s Vanilla Extract Ovaltine / . . . . . . Sweetheart Soap . . . Palmolive Soap . . . PthG Flakewhite Soap L. In: Gm! Alum _ Grapefruit . . Size 80 10 for 39c ‘TEXAS SEEDLESS You -.--.--------r-.----e- "tf" ____ --r-..-t.....- JU will be given an opportunity to sample many dif ferent kinds of Imported and Domestic Cheeses'. Kraft Cheese Demonstration THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY FQHNDER’S WEEK An unbelievable price for a can of corn, one of the most popular vegetables all year roundlLincthepanuy shelf with a dozen cans or T. ataxia bargain M22tt,"iee Flour i'iri'i1117'dl1'f/itil', 44-02. PKG CORN a Pm TEA Co: . NUL‘K’S WEEK SALE! p -'"-------.- 1932 ‘ FULL STANDARD QUALITY eke (Flt-3w GOLD MEDAL NO. 2 Middle Western Division 23c ttF 39e CAKE 5e 3 CAKES 25e 10 BARS 38e ttd-oz. BOTTLE 29e 2 us. 9e 2 LBS. 9e LB. 23e 23e 45e Tr" Pl... ed is not yet knowlririt" goodly amount. 1',he,-exae-auetyit 3????" During the afternoon the paper was all qthered and stored for t For the regular monthly paper collection the scouts of Deerfield last Saturday. Both Troops 51 and 62 had percentages of Scouts over the required mobilization amount and they thereby qualified for the award that will be given bv the Count-i] Troops 51 and 52 Earn Mobilization Award at Deerfield RELIABLE LAUNDRY The DRYfLEANrNG co Phone B. P. wi" - QUALITY LAUNDERBIIS and DRY CLEANERS Pork Loin Roast a"dy, . . u. 9C Standing Be'ef " Roast u 22C Smoked Hocklcu Picnics 'tPAL " S" Fancy Sliced Halibut - . u " fancy Sling! smusn...“ “4m Greet "asttaniie 85Pccllic, T '. IMIDOLE Wtrrum owmon Founder's Week Meat Specials and priced low! “-225 Chickens AND FANCY MILK- FED STEWING it ion eoncern. According to advices received by PiiFneli a Wi .. era, IItr_trtgi'ord 11mm“: tom _new models on the market next month, a V-eight and a four. The four will be greatly improved over the present excellent model, and the eight will be a notable advance in auto construction. Both will fit the same chassis and will sell at re- markably low prices it is predicted, although exact figures have not been received by dealers. Ford Company To Put Out Two' New Models _ - - _.v-- " -. nun-aunt. In. wan. ner, W. Lance, B. Piepenbrok, R. Hoffman. R. Jones, J. Engltrom, Vernon and E. Meiera, Ir. Gus, R. Cuhmore, C. Beekman, and K. Vet. ter, John Hahn. and Ray Dobbins. Troop 62--C. Stanza, M. and R. Memer, H. Allah-ow. D. and W. Reeds, M. trad J. Andrew, J. Reeb, R. and J. Gintér, S. Daniela, G. Lu- cu, W. Daniela, J. During U. Ab. rlhnmson. C. Robinson, H. Leyfeilie, H. Roy, E. Seley and Penton Hop- kins and J. McGnrvie. The scouts present were: Troop 51---Waiter ind Earl Toll, M. Heint- Ber, C. Grubert, C. Burnett. E. Han. -A- In I A, - - -- mummy, mummy u -t--i---===i" Co. l '" MODER WARDROB] l and HAT All checker p1 ty were invited 1 hotel last Satan at which time a 1 Alex T. Stem street, Waukeg Stewart Cartag, Victory Memori; o'eloek Wednes juries he ‘receiv was accideritally building by his 1 Members of t; ical and Dent; the luncheon ar the Lake Count ciation held in Feb. 12. Nearly one the Lake Com the Waukegaz their join gun: at the Woodm James Sevic Garrett Wils Waukegan hat possible drown crashed throu Lake, near La tti' South? Henry F'. 1 dent of Frey his home nea after an illn duration. E Wife. Rose; a than and six Suit for 1 death of cu of Great La] in the eirm bert Burke, 0 was fatally on Gran B: bile collision. TA TR Alertness Policemen, fought: fit until the Zi, arrive, lust struction of HlPDenin, North mummy, CO? "