. "Phone H. P. 29 Mr. and Mrs. Roy E._Clavey of Spruce at, Deerfield, are receiving emtttratrrhrtfrmtr-arrt-amrmrttr-t5r-d" daughter born Friday at the High- land .Park hospital. l Miss Augusta. Watson js enter- taining at a gtork shower given at Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmidt of hi Deerfield. Angle st., Northbrook, are thehap- Mr. and Mrs " parents of n Ion born Friday at who spent the I the Highland Park hospital. EJ91391- returnet Mr. and Mrts, Thomas Simpson o' ridny evening. 310 Roger William ave... entertain- Mr. and Mrs. ed seventeen friends and relatives at Libertyville visi dinner on Thursday; March M, in home on Sande: honor of their twenty-tifth wedding the former Lola anniversary. 1.... mm m. Stupey-S'mith Unit, American Le- ttion Auxiliary, met in the city hall of Hitrhwood' last Monday evening. A very interesting meeting was held. Mrs. Emma McDougall of Grays Lake, aunt of in. John D. Me- Dou'gall was well krioirat in High- pused away Saturday. April 9. The funeral we: held from her late res- idence in Grays Lake. Mrs. Me.. Douglas was well known in High- land Park. Let Supply Your Garden Supplies . Mr"d"ullra f, _Nrllll, Grass Seed Garden Seeds Vigoro tURN.OIL 3': y 'll'J2l!,-ta'l,'l - _ House Cleaning Supplies HOT WATER HEATERS g J'HONE STATE mo 9R WRITE : N Highland Park HardwariCo. _ .. ALHAMMA 3312l242,- - If- - Only one to a customer R For - The - More - Particular- House - Wife V ideal ixiish for floors, furni- ture, woodwork, 1inoleum--the polish that cleans and protects. Entities you to one Yi-pint can of the famous KORIC from? Old Epglish Liquid This Coupon and loc, 'H f quicker-drying, longer; lasting polish. thet caiier-to-polish', Entities you to one 1/4:lb, can of genuine KORIC gym Old English Paste ' This Coupon anlec one to a customer .Mr. Cliff Guild of Boomington who is attending the College Regis- trara' meeting in Chigg’zg. mill apen t eweek-end with his dingh- ter Mrs. Elmer Baum of Ridgewood drive. .Mrs. George Joseph McBride has issued invitations to a tea at her Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hagerty of Libertyville visited at the Robinson home on Sunday. Mrs. Hagerty is the former Lola Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Siljestrom who spent the past three months in 1ill9.ridh, returned to their home last Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Varney and family who have been living at 637 Glenview avenue are moving to their home on W. Deerefteht avenue m Deerfield. Mrs. Joseph Homor Lambert of 2400 DeemPark drive is up and able to be about attain after a two weeks illness. _ the home of her parents Mf. and Mrs. Dudley Crafts Watson for Mr. and Mrs. William Nicholas of Ev- ans~ton on Saturday, April 16. 29%??? it: 18 N. Sheiidan Rd. w "Illnmuw Ligdd Wax I 'u-.- now“ nu rug" The J'hilomathean Beading. club will meet next Tuesday evening with Mrs. Alma Jennings. Current Events will be the topic for discus- tnons - A ,, v, _ ' Mrs. Jacob Hecketsweiler i and Mrs. Elmer Hecketsweiler visited relatives in Long Grove Monday. in Mundelein on" sandal ' Mrs. H. F. Siemsen and two daughters left for Bremen, Ind., on Monday where they will spend two weeks with Mrs. Siemsen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Beyler. Mr. and Mrs: Robert Aynsley, Mrs. Braune and Mrs. Garbolet were nicely. Mrs. Mary Blanchard who under- went a minor operation at the High- Ityg14 Parkigspital 911,. Saturday. has Mrs. G. S. Rettig who was tgken seriously ill Sunday was removed to the Highland Park hospital where she -underwent a tonsileetirmr on Monday. She is getting along nicely. , Mr. and MES; CHEM-d Rai; wEo have been living on Onwentsia av- enue have rented the Gsell house on N. Chestnut. street in Deerfield, where they will move about the first of May. Mrs. “Edwin Fulkerson who un- derwent, an operation for inward goitre at the Highland Park hos- pital adew weeks atro,-returmsd to her homie on Wednesday, very much Lrpprpved. "tre . Mr. F', C. Noerenberg and Rev. H. F. Siemsen left Tuesday morning to attend the annual Illinois Com. ference of vanngelicd churches It Geneseo, Ill. Mrs. Alice Turriff of N. Second street will entertain thi members of her bridge club, Friday evening. Mrs. Clarence Wyeth and son of the Udell building' motored to Joliet over the week-end where they visited relatives. Little Beverly who was in Joliet all last week returned home Sunday with her mother. home in the tlher-Park apartments to meet Mrs. John McBride on Bat, urday. April 16th from 3 to 5 o- 'eloek. _llllllllllo.qlllll? WATER ll 1/2 Cotirllf' now at swarm mumps. Gr. tome and is ir"iiWit-tr- along 205' NO. LA SALLE ST., CHICAGO of gas Mr. Dudley Crafts Watson is leaving on a tour of the old South on, .Satprday.’ He intends, ta be Kone far about ten days. Mrs. Howard R. Will entertained at bridge and luncheon lastMonday at her home itrf-lhseris Park drive. vacation in Reminds; Cuba with ii number of her school friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Volwiler, 682 Yale lane-returned home Saturday after a weekfs trip to New Orleans. 7 Mr. and Mrs. H. R. White of Deere Park drive will entertain at a family luncheon tomorrow (Friday). Mrs; H. R. 'i7iiitT, of Deere Park Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hornor Lam- bert 2400 N. Deere Park drive have as their guest Mrs. Hornor's nephew Jack King of Winnipeg, Canada. _ Mr. and Mrs."Chas, ir. Long bf Framingham Ienter, Mass., an- pounc_e tlieyrrivty1 of a baby daugh- ter, Gale, born last smdtivnii;ril Ifl. - Mrysreontr, was formerly Miss Mi. and Mrs. C. R. Whitivorth and daughter June of Deere Park drive have returned from a two weeks trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Kleiner and daughter Bonita. and Mr. MeGath of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Prank Wyles, of Florida were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Winter of 118 N. Green Bay road. _ T _ Le Barons orchestra under the direction of Frank Von Geyso played for the British club of Lake Forest " Anderson hall last Satur. day night. Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Green and family of Aurgra. Ill. spent Sunday with the Harry McClure family of West Central avenue. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stukéy and children will spend Sunday' with friends in. Chicago Heights. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. R. Murfey of S. St. Johns spent last week It Flv. unsville, Indinnia as the guests of Mrs. Murfey's sister, Mrs Michael Washburn of La Feyette, Indiaia. Miss Dorothy Bard who attends . . “IURSDAY. APRIL n.- much a matter of ual getting ahead as it is of all the I munity getting a} working together. _ _.. That single leSs we really have lei the one bright pe __ -sueceeded it: brink ." out of the dark d ' depression.- A Move in the Direction h: Bankers I†taefhe THURSDAY. -_Ar_rur_i m How the United system as a whole strength and stabi moat difficult perio the subject of the of messages spouse nois Bankers associ to appear in local " ing this week. the monient. But may appear very s when we get all the 'ation and set them their proper relati< It is well known jects and events I before out eyes, WI them distorted out t portions. We fail picture from the r institutions, or th, one or two localit paper headlines of In this series of discussed the fun, ples of banking am of eo-operation bei the public. Facts will be presented , to the thinking re dentally, it is one business situation teria his passed. weighed more can being turned to thu back over the sht also a growing spit People realize tod keenly than ever . The Illinois Ba has made a move i tion and much . from its alert lead ing a. better und closer co-operatib and the public. RELIABLE . Phone I QUALITY L los