iform super- a;iia mutt-3:87; 1"" I C t , . "‘3" ‘: ~wr;:n:z:" ':..‘ â€2:" 3.4.V.x..:~:x.‘:_.. 7 “31) A: --r ;..;' L-ia',; .3 = 4 l Li . “s" - , n,».-: 'ter, t I rests tOI 5.01 g to r the ound xade I51 .51 .51 .16 .81 t' 'illrlh?,l',?,fyAl!e.i The regain lunchebn meeting of - lhe Ttthutt1rPrrk-rtavtta center of the Infant Welfare society will be held at the home of Mrs. E.al. Klein- schm1dt. 2620 No. Deere Park driFe, on Monday, April M, at 10:30 am. Kindly phone B. P. 3966 Before Sat- urday for reservations. A, rummage sale will be held at the Trinity church parish houge on Friday, April 22. Anyone having clothing, household goods, or any- thing which they no longer have - for, and wish to help yomeone else, in procuring goods at low prices, will they kindly call Mrs. ert Wood, R. P. 663, and, the goods will be called for. Infant Welfare Holds Rummage Sale Apr. 22 Trinity Parish House mcnuzgga 13:31:: Boct.hu :QCZTW, fg,t'Shop,,.t2, are 2, . - - I ' G I “I! AI one City Ratt. m. H. P. woo 'tht,',",',',', 'f,uht TrtPt'. an.“ “hm an] lbw. "nun. time is V?" hmrortaht. " Mhm Per.. Small winter can 1am. Move- tttly upbeat} or shelving for men of the club. Mrs. Wilford Shipneas gave the rcport of the treasurer und it was .a moat en- couraging to imte that the finapeess, of this club are in a fine condition. _ Hear Report. -F- Anyone ihttiiisstistrrm pTiv'iiiii-fiGr.' . ' _ . - nis this yams. make application for f go“ ',l"ttl, "In“: mm“: P,'g2 membership to E. E. Kern, 1255 Jud- yr we.d. , T1SnfsoIt, ttlt P, mohair son avenaecphone 4066, before April interesting resume of this years 23rd. r' work was presented to the members . . P99“!!! {1333; 2L IRIN?. _iiz) the" members ‘were triisetetf by an. array. of attractfvely Hanged tables eaeti with a lovely flower dir. play. The flowers all came from the conservatory of Mrs. Albert P. Sititt-r1eitree_tirtireii1isritt__t, annual meeting is always a lunch- eon followed by a business session, .so a goodly number of the members met at 12:30 in the club house. Mrs. John Oliver, the chairman of the Hospitality eommittee.had made all of the plane for the luncheon and The Highland Park Woman's club met for the last meetin of the ‘club Vowul XXI Reports Are Presen Program Given ‘ANNUAL (Continued on. Inge 38) ; 'Tht filfigiiittit, Park Pr/sis, For Member of the Chicago Suburban Quality Group bf Community Newspapers tier, frmmthe camp, will be thereto soul; and to show some moving pic- lure, of “m9 11%;‘31992 be; an. Ardedghitre Tea a funeral service. This -iriiririii not known. Insurance was ended United Eviinitsiieat parsonage on S. Green Bay road, and the automobile owned by the Rev. J. A. Van Gor- kom watt also ttttnpl1stitnht_t1L1the, svmarmgr 'Tm5r""TmTifiriigtTiFii' Convention Tuesday. April 26, at 8:15 o'clock in the Masonic temple, Highland}? pk, .- _ "-' - 'r-e-P- - _-' An-evenin of good humorous en- tertainment promised. Comé and lunch heart by at the comical old maids conve tion. Tickets may be obtained at " door: Fire Burg Garage . Wit, Auto Tuesday -. Highland- the ' Fidelit A membership for the entire fam-, ily is new onlxilomlor the mm: Boys and trirlf under 18 years}; Mre are offered the' same privileges for $5.00. Members may bring their out-of-town guests without any charge. r This is, mod time for boys and girls .trrttertstetjuin tennis to get tstitrted' as instigation will be given to those taking g membership. All captains and their teams for The five clay Atourts' located on Pleasant avenue just north of Roger Williams, will be in condition for play by May lat, if the weather permits. These courts will again tyr-amd-ree-mar-ark-sm-hurt- in as fine condition as any on the north shore. ‘ or t e wipteh? basement ping-; Ravinia Tennis Courts jOrganizing (Shoes Club To Open May f, Planned; 3 As Recreation Feature Expect Big Membership) of Community Service On 'Nesddr afternoon, fire des- '.mrttrirqtiiNW-iitmreri-iiir- i5rTEi Ytgent Flay Apr. 26 -- _ _" At Masonic Temple Laps, Itt, exec ant or‘re- t Life A 'V myâ€? Tuesday. at in the Ma ' k. _ HIGHLAND Paste, luaNom, . _ Mr. A. W. Vance, preiident of the T-trr--"- North Shore Trust Co. an be lthe itre-Yett----a---- -spenker-at the are! an- . _ , cue meeting Tuesday evening " At Mm, Mason tr 1:45 'rt..tht ttar1ors If, the: Bethany Park Lodee-No. 36trof , Life Association is County.†he is very well versed on this subject and will-EV. e message that will be of special inter“ to all the men of this vicinity. 'All men of the community not inter- ested in similar onlnhetioni have a very_co_rdin_l itttiu.tktEtlt be ttAte Evhngelical éhurch. irrriieiaGrii1 speak on_thts_ffI'h.rgtttrggsvtt_uu At the regular meeting and lunch- eon of the Highland Park Rotary club Monday noon, in the Moraine hotel, the program feature was the showing of intereeti icenic may; ii-'ii-'-'i're5rl'-hl-J-li-'-t"r"r'lad-'i'4 railroad by a representative of the ioadh, travel bureau. The pictures were greatly enjoyed by- members present. Rotarians See Movies Of Railroad Scenes 's THURSDAY, Ann. 21, I982 Saturday night. Railroad schedules will be adjusted to conform with the change but the trains will operate on standard time. _ Beginning next Sunday morning at two o'elotk, daylight saving time will be in etNet in, Chicago and subs urban during the summer. Turn the Start Daylight Saving . Want Vacant Lots for. . . n ay ormng ar ens to Be med thirahrterettintr aeti'viiF,iiii7i'iirG by eal1intrthe director , of. recreation. Mr. Barry L. Allen, B. P. 858. Harry Howe Bentley, Mr. Edward Merrill, Dr. Tremaine, Mr. Harry Vanderwerp, Mr. Robert Landauer, Mr. 1.hhsz,.ptesyieai-saseaaieii', r. ames Ewell, Mr. Jerry Leam- iet,rt2,rr:Arrgils.-yxn-steemiGG, and Mr. Werner Schulze of 108 Elm avenue has been very native in or- trinizing this club. Others inter: ested any aeqiiiiinteirwrth the game Following a request for a chess club Community Service is adding that to its already long list" of local recreation activities. This club will have its firs tmeeting at Elm Place new in chest or those interested in taking up the- ttante-for the first time are cordially invited to at.. tend, and they are also requested to bring their. own cheaamenn _ _ '. Walter? Ir. Rietz, "711}: Bear Mr. Vercoe "The body was taken to RM- 'tttgut'" prior: in Highhml .. rk.. . _ u . ' to the mark]. m "a immediahly l taken to the locker room and n doe- ' tor summoned, but pasted any in g; I few minutes. J q '; of age, of Norwood Park, dropped dend on the 18th vfiinny at Brier- gate Golf club yesterday (Wpdnu- day) evening. about 5:15, " he was Bntshfmt "rttthteetr hole? of ram are was the guest of Mr. B. R. Engel- hard of 377 Sunset rttad, Winneth. who said that Hr. Dull“ "tte-ed Mae 1tteootrltethatntilheah.ynrttt1 of in, of Kink iriiiiiiir,iii"ii'tii"G Park It is requested that those who are willing to oirer the use of their Iota for this good purpose, and also thdge who are willing to make. garden! for themselves, and who have not the facilities, get in touch-with the Lions by addressing eommunieations Dropped Dead on 18th tied out. The plan is to induce owners of vacant late which my be cultivated to allow persons who are needy and willing to make gardens for themselves to use these huts for that purpose. many soriiié i" ishiiiGFfii'G" if}; temporary chairman for the (Continued on [size 38) '." p.m., at which time arguin- tion and, business matters will be "GiiariiTtTiGG of Highland Perkin“! immediate vicinity mankind " the T Pearl theatre last Fridny evening in the interest of the ttttht “at _ 7 higher taxes. The interest in this . _ . matter was so greatly manifested by T -"t the unexmcted Inge attendance at this meeting, that the plans for n _ permanent organization of a Dear- _ '_, fitld Township Taxpayers' Ita-tin---- 7m tion we: postponed until a future A meeting which in to be held on Fri.. . ts---- day evening, April 22,. " 868 E. - fl1sIt_ttnl_uLvsltscgGeiiGiiuau,/iL-.a,a-a-aa,a, H. Dene! Presidea and Attend- ance Large; Plan Organi- _ latioil Here TAXPAYERS llllIiEilflGr, E Mr. John Dmihs, urn: so years we, of Norwood ark, dropped $918M IhrrkIistorsggh ii. Over HELD FRIDAY NIGHT Lanna: by Needy; Lions Club NU“ 8 soon-