T" UPHOLSTERING CABINET WORK CHAIRS RECANED & PICTURE FRAMING .trtoaserhsahmrhtettrrm.id when." u PHONE 583' . ARIO CUCCHiARA’ [RING ormd . UES um w may a...“ nth-M33? _ f-fur,"-"-" hem" Whatisndly adhymoithomumhm is a little good taata.--N 85 MU s. ms? BT. HIGHLAND mu: - WM: 'Tow did m; lat Mr, mun! 10, Iâ€. “BA-{M In gun .5 " Altttm" the is not e we Whom“. 1itttrttV t1mrr.py.mHrtt"ff the .Ueited ,eqtthtder1ttnFdh1_ttfftrr-ty, trtatetrthtttgaititatttt.doatttttefaer. thehneoegoioetolln Dangle I. Pt-tdet Coolidge we! 10ti!Mtttttlttrtrttter",trtFottit for-amending. G. Ogleehy. merehter‘hewen madtrtetutisttn-ittettvttrlttte ,tomirtattotsoverettughrqre Joeeph w.. Filer. 'st/Bt-hit, mum end the Mon one whoiein his!“ you. Nettie TttdtNNemiMmM.gortea,Demoevat. may budge - P. Donne In 1928 In Smell wee defeeted for ttCCttie-/frhtratdd-dttt- windiest-by Louie L. Em ere! enemNy two week:. ego in the eon. . . ' 1tttettt._tuttitttautfttf The tdrtthtttrtrstton of Governor Chicago. . n l Smell will be beet remembered be- 4ttetrDtmrt.tshtht.00ther, motthegreetherdroedhnild. Heieingood‘heekhendeetiveee ing progremheleunehed and out e member otthe Chicago her, hoid- into force. Hie t,tte,tg,'t'g will irttrturroettrfatt-fttettto eleoberecelled neoeoontofthe election commissioner of Cook conn- pert he wee obliged to pley when ty. Mr. Pita, however. ie the mer- etteeked by his enemies end in ell vel of the seven. Every dey he may of which he demonstrated animal be found about theboeineee dietrict oourege. of hie home city mingling with thou In his 71st your Mr. Smell is " who remein of the pioneer-I. voting hie time end energies to the Mr. Fifer ie e netive Virginia. men-gement of e bank in which he .uving been born in the em oom- wee inatrtummtal in forming e munity in which Woodrow Wilson number of yeere ego et Kentehee, first sew the light of dey. " e boy near which city he owns end over- he ceme to Central Illinois end to sees the operation of e large farm. Bloomington., . lie enjoye the die- He ie in good health. He sought tinction of being the oldest former the tgubernatorial nomination tim governor in the history of Illinois, timee in two of which he wee ene- having been elected 44 yeere ego useful and in three he wee the hot Novem‘mr‘. After serving four loser. yeere he defeated by Judge . Mr. Emmet-en 29th Governor _ magma. /" _ 1hmtterGovemim rr '__, 711:,de THURSDAY, nanny 10, ms years he ,rlu defeated by Judge ' Mr.Bh-ereeu29thGovernor Altgeld, Democrat, in the fall of Louis L. Emerson is 11linotd' 1892. . . 29th governor, retiring from tttBee _ . ' Bee Unique Record the 9th of last month and returning Richard Yates,' governor from to his home at Mt. Vernon, where 1901 to' 1906, has a unique record he was first engaged In the mercan- in that he has been in public once tile business and later a banker. It most all his life. He is a native of fell to the lot of Mr. Emerson to Morgan county, Jacksonville being hold public oMee during the meet his birthplace. As e boy he beam trying period in the history of the familiar with the executive mansion cohntry. - Unemployment, a world while his fathef was governor. The unsettled and economic conditions senior Yates serVed during the Civil never before equalled, _Mr. Emmer- War and was one of the most pope.. son was loaded with burdens that In of state executives, m is the impaired his health end almost only man to have held the once claimed his life. three terms, two of which were ----.._-..'_ successive, and the other wes‘a cell Benefit Card Party nvrqu'r, wuss-u - u-yyv-“n. __-___ see! in the 1ateammpaign. . Inky! than! Poplin“, . Funk ty. Lrwden,aommor from 1917 to 1921, enjoys unususl_popn- My was the. rink and me of the voters. His strength mans" an farmers 1r.tntrrmexsdtntedc “He do. euned to seek a second term in tteo, which he could luvs had within opposition after having sought the presidential nomination, which wee won by Warren G. Ending. _ Col. Iowan: he: mule his home on his farm in Ogle county for more than thirty years. He owns an ex- tensive but of land and operates his - under his personal sup- ervlsion. ' Lowden iron occu- sionsl visitor in tgrrrintrtuld and his -m I. III." -* source of 'a'iriiir'Ttii'" tiiGiind E On every hand one - "rraraitrtn " hm to service by his party in ttttU. For the first time in may years Mr. Yates will be out of public oMee, having been defeated tor con- gressman at lute in the party land- slide Int November. Hie term ex- pires March 4 next. It is. expected he will return to live in Brtrintrfldd,. the home of one of his two dutch- ters. Mr. Yates is in his T0's and Judge Dunne, Democrat, defeated Mr. Deneen in 1912 and he served for four years. He was beaten in 1916 by Col. Prank O. Lowden. Judge Dunne won his party nomin- ation over Roger C. Sullivan, the party hose for a generation. Mr. Dunne and Mr. Sullivan did not get along very well. Mr. Dunne la re- called " a public otheinl who I""! honest and upright. He we: elected 1 member of the judidery 40 your: ego and duo served one term as mayor of Chicago. an own] ree- ord, Duncan,“ points to, n being. hottest in eier, way. ' Judge Dunne retains e close per- sonal contact with .thttntetp James Hemilton barf: and else with Car- ter B. Hartson four times mayor orChieatro.Htsdrt Dunne in else on eloee terms with his state organza- tion and en admirer of _Goyerty1t the ensuing Hey, is going shops. He served two term: " governor from 1906 to 1918 may“ defeated for a third term in the party tsplit of 1912. He scored a e ack In 1924 when he was el to the United States Senate over I. A. A. Spngue, Chiagol after defeat- ing #edill McCormick in the pri- One who comes in edited: with Mr. Charles S. Deneen marvels It his Bne physical condition. Both in the practice of low and in the fUld of politics Mr. Deneen has been ac- tive and successful for 40 yea: and he ls keeping up a fast pece now.- Defeat does not dieconrige him the least; whether it be in the primary of hisrparty or at the polls at a general election, Mr. Deneen takes defeat on one of the fortunes of Mr. Deneen bu been defeated may times, but be than comes back. He in the solitary Republi- cun lendewin Illinois who remalils of tlgggroup who were active 25 and years ago. And today in his 70th yen he heads I group of men and women in Chicago who.will be heard from when the party is re- organized or reassembled. Mr. De- neen be: then stood for a fine type of men in public ofhee. not in good health. Charles B. Deneen, who will be TO Fun]- at Phyulcd Condition d . .Chrsd, For Br the Sate During the iinaneial megs of un- l, employment.‘ the Illinois Emergency indie! Commission asked the home t to devote two.buildiaxa to the are i of unemployed women. These edges, vere and for by. ttttstate. _ In the nursery the children are and for during the day by trained l and skilled workers, while the moth- i er: ere employed or are seeking em- :ployment. Each mother must are "or her own children at night. The ?Se'nh Beckett Stevenson Memorial ;‘Home in the pioneer in the work of r.' keeping the'femny, hue or and]. ( together, inatiad “hulking it up; i, believing that every mother ahouid jheve th -otttritri1ttr of her own' 'ehildrerr'nt least I pert of - F Thenureery now-hes ohe on.the .beet. ifpot the best, equipped dew Won of mu an!" of 1mm 'strrihdtmd9ruttrm_ttrtarqrdens. WWII-u" has Small was a manor-hip aspirant av. times. In 1ttt2he In. 'reorttertderittiofoppoasentw, tuttrmtegrtittetoHr. Dunning 1920 thnnt1-tlte victory": John G. 03W. Four year: hut-hovel: the nonunion over Thurlow- G. Ttie a.drtthtitrtrsttott of Gonna? Small will be but numbered be. emtttettftutrmattiardrrndbtti1d- in: panhc hunched and put In hi: Tlst year Mr. Small is de voting his time And energies to the monument of I bank in which ht was inatrttmesntal in turnip; a number of years ago " KW, near which city he om and over- sees the operation of I Inge form. He in in good halth. He sought the trtttrernatortat nomination the time. in two of which he won Ino- Benefit Card Party for the Stevenson . Memorial on Feb. 23 The annual benefit card petty for the Barth Beckett Stevenson, Mem- orial, 2412 Prairie Avenue, Chicngo, will be held 'I'huradny, Feb. 28, It the Medinnh Athletic Club,, 608 Michigen Avenue.. Mrs. Mary Shiv.. ely, of Evanston, viee-prxra)dytt, is the chairman. Mrs. Roy o. Nereim, of Highland Park, and Mris. E. J. Bmseur, of Winnetka, are coo chairmen, T The home was opened with 1 capacity for only nine women, but grew so rapidly that larger quir- ters were soon sought. This was found possible through the generous aid of the Ute Senator Willism.B. McKinley, who sure her the. two stone building st 2412 Prairie Ave- nue in 1914. Senator McKinley was president of the board of trustees until his death in 1926. Col. George T. Buckingham, a trustee for sev- eral years, succeeded him. It is not sf permanent hope, but a. refuge where the down-trodden end deserted mother may come and in e homey etmoephere tind cohnce to go on end rebuild her life. When? she in enin’ self-supporting, III. we: on and makes men (in mother unfortunate, . T _ _ ' The Senh Beckett Stevenson Memorial-Home is the only organi- zation in Chicago .that keepe the mother end child together. There are other ortmrtisatioms . Who will keep both, but the mother does not have the opportunity to so out end flnd work and mr-establish herself. - in; iiaAttn J. no. of Evanston, in W'd tho mutation- This home was organized in 1893, following the World's Pair, by Dr. Sarah Hockett Stevenson, . woman who had spent, the maternal-g of her. life alleviating suffering sud bettering socisl conditions. At this time Dr. Stei'enson was president of the Chicuo Woman's Club, ind was “slated by her club in carrying out her plans. _ Four Other Building. Since that time the home expend- ed until it was necessary to odd to its quarters end it now has four large buildings tidjoinirttr the orig- innl building. Last yen its {Imily consisted of 532 dlfNttmt women and 312. different iihildren. The month of December averaged IO women and children n. day. Its motto is: "Be1p hristL.. tixate Math." an CiiiiG.Giiti, of any institution in the city. This department is sponsored by Dr. Don Hendricks and an dental work tor the children it done from 7 - _ V Boob end Work _ . Books can help in getting I , or keeping on. Besides the . book. supplying technical inf den which are nbundently ' thamnmhoouoerhow tot . job -the detttita the oppli must look otgtforrutdthettetrtntt1 " There are the books that I gout verloxn ways of Yasmin; money end there ere book: on the (“donut TOi cations, whet quatiNat1oetts ‘ Ire needed, end whet 'g,"ytt'g,t" from each of them " 1 life wo k. (ht this last nutter we die nut of the promises formerly he! , out may be neceeury.) Melly poop m using their enforced leisure in try- ing to fhtd through books the ork they are best lhted for, and than in studying the technicsl boo on thet particular vocation. The H day. “The - wtittte cloud .1 an an Fobnury 22, WaattitretoeN, It'. Chindblom, Congressional Ar mm from the 10th districa men] nimble volumes from In: Department of Agriculture. 0 of “Diseases of the Horse" Ind ( ease: of Cattle" have just bee ceived. . It is not often that our com nity has the good fortune will." red author " n guest waiter. Bat Inch was the case on Wedn " evening, Feb. 8, when Miss Ada Claire parby, well-known wri r of ehitdrdn's book: w“ the ‘guo t of thtu The library is indebted to . _""?"?,),,'),,',',,')?,',)',',)":,',?, LIBRARY _ H _ aa"ii,"'"i'iiu- . . F How manly the pnbont Mon _ Hit? PARK lLLINOlS from suit m'."??" than thirty RIB ROAST ' ' Prime Ribs, 1b. w-.............-.... RIB ROAST 6th and 7th Ribs, lb........... por ROAST . BUMP CORN BEEF . Boneless, the pound """.'"" WAMBVRGER-8TEAE the pound _.........-'--... the pound o........'-.....-.- ROUND STEAK the pound .ttt.et-tet BUMP ROAST , the pound ....... VEAL STEAK SHOULDER VEAL (6 lb. cuts), the ponnd...... lhic CAL'vns mums the pound ........CL..,................ JONES SAUSAGE MNKiV the pound _..'..........-..........., TENDERLOINS, lb. Native Beef,;lb. .-....-.- Native Bed, lb. te..._m.t.t_t...-t.__. BEEF STEW Boneleu, the pound .._.t..._..... BREAST VEAL the pound -....... the bound - SPARERIBS PORK CROPS the pound ...W...W._. CALYES LIVER JONES SAUSAGE MEAT 41W} SHORT LEG VEAL Roast (6 to 8 lbs.) lb........ BUMP VEAL. ROAST the pound ...._..., 'i'see, i, I' North Shore Library Club; Beef orAreal the pound...;............u.;... m, the " Lamb Stew Please Leave Your Order' Friday ' for Saturday Delivery pound --..-....... spams Ind» Monday, Tuesday, Wed 'Mtsdar, February m, an: and and loudly Only; Feb. ' of Lir;EEfi ---'--.- r.) Mun! Imp m the c reed leisure in try- Which ugh book- the ark 3nd , itted for, and than in Am mimics! boo on books nation. The H which each type 0 it! instu: _.............) 11c, r._' TURKEYS,thepound.........................21c 1.d21e CHICKENS,thepound......................18!/2c M TIt DUCKS,thepound..........................19!/zc 3le SQUABS,4for..............................$l.00 ..._. M.&H.IHAMS,whole,lb.....................l'l|/2c ........19cM.&H.HAMS,ha1r,1b......................13I/,c 21c HAMCENTERSLICES,lb....................23c ._._t.-.. BRICKCHEESE,21bs.for....................29c ........Me AMERICAN CmilEMil,21bs. for ...............35e _ 21e POTATOES (Friday only) the peek.......,.....) ".'"""' - LEG LAMB, Yearling, lb. 15e; Spring, lb. . . . . . . . .21c q.... 2le SUGAR,PureCane,limit10|bs.for.............44c In! PRESS lec l " m $e for the pie. {not when she and Mm. whiter: of the and Donald-Shields High School were i w chums. Lam-u E. Richard: wu one IN of their tum-its author: with whom {poet they corresponded hind she spoke of rk. I life long friendahip with her. She rent is on Intimate terms with publishers l, out and could spook with authority on hm the contacts of an outboxâ€: life "rr- which no attendant on the writing work nnd publishing of books. Her hobby it“! in American history on! each of her le $e le L4c 2e s PORTERHOUSE C STEAK, lb. t.wt.tt._t :MOUR’S CLOVERBLOOH Kitchen, doa. .---Mtt/eqy q Selected, doz--IThe Table, doz. ..........._...V.19'/;¢ tartan. It Was may unfortunate that the woodm- proventod a larger attendance. But those who listened to man Darby forgot the storm out.» aid. and the trains they had inund- od to take. With a delightful - of humor â€and in a very entertaining manner also spoke of her early am- bitions to be a writer. Thou In: bitten: dated from high achool day: "tho Nazism. Lib-pry cum m. dimer " th Gm Tu Pot the tle .diotyttrd to an - madl- books has an historical setting which add; to ita worth. In some lnstonces she has delved into funily records and attics to tInd source mo- fetid for her work. In the chil- dren’s room you will find copies of her following books: " "mekorr Goody," "Pinuoreg and Paulette!" and "Skip-Come-A-tam." Another literary attraction during the “stormy week" was the lecture by John Mnrefuld at Orchestra. Hell on Tuesday evening, Feb. T. Be be.. gan the evening by telling two sea yarns reminiscent of his early sail- Ing days. They bore out his belief thnt it in better to be born lucky than with mot wealth or wisdom. The rest of the pron-om wu de- voted to ,the reading of selections from his works. On the libnry ORANGES Large, Navel, the dozen JUICE ORANGES 8 aozen for LARGE GRAPEFRUIT 2 for .---..-.ettwtrttr--tettttt_t__._..P. MEDIUM GRAPEFRUIT 8 for .t_-trrr.-.-__-..._."r'.w...'..._-' SMALL GRAPEFRUIT 6 for ...tm..-t.t_tw_........_.wt...... TANGERINES the dozen .wmww-.wwtm.ttq_t_r_t.__". EATING APPLE 8 lbs. for tttw...-...-...-..-.....-.- PEBSIMONS ROUND. STEAK the pound -..-..._...t SIRLOIN STEAK 2 for .-.' the pound ’Shoulder Lamb the CROPS. the pound... Round Steak My Only. Felt, " John Masre41eU _.............) ttlfgfP.1l'..'.'.. _.............) g,','lleln','le POULTRY 19c 15c 39c 49c 25c Me 29c 23c Me 15c 27c bcby uleep could she enehle mother to make My with the house- work‘. It we: a chore for which the euthor has been grateful all her life. By the: male glue penned for school; in the yeue between eight and seventeen the mapliehed fifty' per cent of i lifetime', radius. We chore we: the moot peeeeful one the had; those were‘the dnye when hm- 'rockinl for an "eeeksim brothers and listen. Only by hoping a. Miss Chase's tell, heritage in- "m" """" , . ' eluded the 21:11:11 as. an. we. ' . r-te- ' V of shipwrecks to tare cat’s Math. Willie Kane, 'gt'ttttit: fbe One of the Manhunt “tritium of the World-NW 11M ti! um Chase's “My Heritage" 1. - that 'txmtr. .n nonem- that it reminds the reader how good- for iotts in _the New P" Phe Do. Ir In: his ohm. patina“. . P'"""'-"" Tho question tint th- them all Magazine Article. cuckoo is: "What phat of in - In the reference mom mu- the palm wont to . u out!†ahehatryrmtrfttttttdaBttttroeht' books which but“. putt-1.9!â€; "tdrttrreh_ottreUstt8tttn -dofth-. ' -4iauntroattrtt-rtsntine who ward born beftrr.-uaar, 1900. But my“. mylcunvho and: MirrmmtCt-'s"AGood1rmrt "'ltv'ga"",'atrirht= MimCuaemealuthe, tnomir-hestahomtttheerad1e Ilia, were oo-operative. newspnpe; ttle hull! n “It of an outstanding mumlne uticlu for the current month. If your time for mnguine reading is limited here at some articles which will help you keep abreast of the times: FRESH PEAS 2 pounds for ..._ LErrUCE 2 heads for _e_."'rr"-'"""', CARROTS or BEETS 2 bunche- for SPINACH the peek .-_tr.rtttttttr.t..tet CELERY HEARTS the bunch tetttt.tetltWte.W't_ World Without many by Stuart Chue in Harper" Linguine. Teehnoeraer" 0am d Cm by Al len Raymond in Current Hilton. DRY ONIONS V Wor1Gnd Wet-Henna" by Sun- uel S. Fell in Survey Graphic. The Home of Exile by Nora Wain in The Atlantic Monthly. It is the author's unique distinction to have lived for some your: on the adopted daughter in the household of a yulthy Chinese funny. . 10 pounds for GREEN BEANS 2 quarts BEEF TONGUE Sugar Cured, lb. ttet' COOKING CELERY the Itook tteett-ttm..erm.M... Rib Lamb Chops the pound.., the Pot Roast Universe in the Bedhy George W. Wed-ed†Olly. PA. " ltr...............) 1.2.9: 12le 15c 25c 25c 15c _...9c 21c 19c 19c 19c 15c I the pound "an.-.†l, PERCH mum: 8 paine- for ..,...4 WHITE FISH the pound ...... 10 hm for T""' A. P. runs 6 paeue" for ...........; M. I ll. BACON . 3 pounds sliced ......... the pound _.-----" HALIBUT STEAK , the pound ............;...... SALHON STEAK ', the pound ............... RIB PORK ROAST the pound ...tt-eF_tm.-m.-_... LOIN PORK ROAST the pound _.--..--". the pound ..... SPARERIBS " the pound ------r',i- PORK (mops s'" the pound Il'.!'...,.." Flt-H Ln'an.ch:i HANS. the pound........... you: annularâ€: SALT PORK the I ter1remttmaet-iii-t-ebt within hex-"until show u- otraherrrotetttir thunk. tgrrodemtYrneudttast hum The 'tte-ted tormA DWI otl"LrG'G"rlr'ulUflTil2' 'msnerftteettrrLoetmtNttdorth. 1tgtt,tf,,'dhtil1"eutttt “than“!!! ‘Mu d-dtrrtHiditturbhth should have 3 Mick library. TPV Jiid Liu, ir. 'l New York Mirror. it An inmate. can 1 $1000 life policy . one Samuel J were paid promptly f but suddenly stop in: n few Ceeesota, Gold 'ttdei, 2,ti'i'ii',/i,'ii,ii" 39e Limit , ' Vaduz-lay Only. " M.†fit. Guru†- a“- trunnion bonny km†any ht Tho A“ M. Ardrttuiemtoi-hevtuttiis ,ettes1ot9rrmhr1itt-tttht_ No Ipplicant has “My, F11 St! Feb. 1'tl, L" 1Se 'dll'.:, Aqo'-u-. a? Lg....._49c trr.10le LWIZic "rLttu't rlll‘mry db. ._W_$l 7-18 c, 13e 33e IN 28e 23c Me Me 23e 49e Me Ile 23e $le 25c $1