JOHNSON & DAHL COMP Put Your Car In Our Hands â€" We‘ll Make It Look Like NEW ! Frames and axles straightened Your T#ewriter Man Telryhoe 5587 [ _ by _: MRS. WILLIAM M. PLANT THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1983 363 .K'v"v. v‘uwiv, mï¬l OtMles â€" 24§ N. Green Bay Road Sol. A. St. Peter PREFERRED ‘INVESTMENTS, 175 W. Juckson Blvd,> Rm. Aâ€"2108. HAR 5681 Body and Kender Work and L A. CARPENTER 20% Discdunt, Bring and Call. Fine RELIABLE LAUNDRY ‘| AND DRY CLEANIN G CO. The Weddi AN IgUMPER SERVICE Speculnmmf)o'r orders â€"Laundry and m Cleaning Chris oN $ E. xf., CATTON 18 Ncuusiye mas Cards tionery ne Repair Shop y Work Guaranteed. nitting Shop & Invitations te., Ete. te., Ete. ISPLAY AT Sheridan Road iver H. P. 178 SPRINGS The prison visitor was going round the cells, And/was asking rather fatu: ous questionk. “,Wai it your love of drink brought you here?" On August 17, 18,}19, the North Shore Area Council put on a Handi« craft and Woodcraft exhibit at the Century of Progress. Troop 51, sponsored by the local Rotarians, and through‘the courtesy of H. G. Cazel, and their scoutmaster put on an <Indian Lore Exhibit.. A week later was Nt;i;:hnl Boy Scout Day at the Fair, thirty boys were tiken by truck to the Fair through the kindriess of tne Village Board and Mr. Giss.: |. _‘ * due t« Carl Witt acted as Rotarian of the day at the weekly luncheon of the Deerfleld Rotary Club : last Thursday at Shugrue‘s Restaurant. All Rotarians are members o&the National Recovery Act and NRA was the Round Table discussion sub~ ‘ "Lor‘, no, thiss," replied the man, "you can‘t nothin‘ here!"‘â€"Byâ€" tander. ons d Books for use in all grades will be on sale that ‘day at the sthool. All books will be the same as last year, except the English books, which will be changed in q;ndel three to eight inclusive. i Deerfield Rotarians Discuss the N.R.A. ‘School will open Monday, Sept. 11, with an all day session,. â€"|â€" > Principal C. E. Bates will be at the Deerfield Grammar School on Saturday, Sept. 9, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for the purpose of réeeivâ€" ing registrations and meeting parâ€" ents who have questions to ask perâ€" taining to school regulations. /\ Book Sale Saturday _ At Deerfield School lamini‘:fl’er not ‘only fiction and light reading, but also articles on public‘ events and problems, prominent rreople.- travel, education, business, religion, social quï¬om, and other matters of broad interest. Many of them are devoted to speâ€" cial subjects, such as fashions or machine tools. Magazines present much information before it appears in books, much which never apâ€" pears in t:::ks at‘all. . i s How Books Are Atnnzqï¬ 3 Library books are arranged go that works !on the same subject are together, and works on related subâ€" jects, like money and banking, are near each other. ‘The system used in most public libraries is the Dewey Decimal Classification. As used in the Highland Park Public Library, this divides books into ten classes as follows: | i [F% > 100 General works, encyclopedias. _ 100 Philosophy and psychology. _ . 300 Social sgciences, economics, edu-‘ cation, finance, g‘ovemmegt. 400 Language. yM 500 Science;: mathematics, astronoâ€" my, physics, chemistry, geology, ‘ biology. e & 600 Useful arts: hygiene, engineerâ€" ‘ ing, ure, domesti¢ sciâ€" , ence, business, trades, chemical ~technology. Cs 700 Fine arts: music, painting, sculpture, architecture, amuseâ€" ments. i k 800 Literature: poetry, dnm&, esâ€" says, criticism. pc t3 3 900 History, ancient and mot P _ travel." i Each of these classes is gubdiâ€" vided. Thus, one branch of the Useâ€" ful Arts is Agriculture, 630; Agriâ€" culture includes Dome:ï¬c(Ank;nlll, 636; and Domestic Ahimlll;j,f the Horse 636.1. At. is that of the class to whic% the book belongs. The lower of ! On the back of most library books is found a combination of figures like this: 635. The upper nu Circnlati*g books ~are volumes lent for home use. They include popular vms of all kinds, books for study, practical manuals, biograâ€" phies, histories, travels, essays, poeâ€" try, scientific treatises, novels, classâ€" ies, and, in general, books intended to be read through. I Reference books are kept for conâ€" sultation at the library. They inâ€" elude _ dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases and other works !u:q for answering | questions briefly | and quickly. They include also‘nronnd files of magazines, government docâ€" uments, and rare or very expensive books. | h PSR A can often save time and enable the library assistant to give him service, if he himself knows thing of â€" library imethâ€" ods.. Here are some hints for selfâ€" belp given with the reminder that the libr assistant is always pleased to help and should be conâ€" sulted in of difficulty. . Where Look For Information Information is found in three principal s: circulating books, reference ks, and current and bound magazines. t CHLAND PARK PUBLC L HICHLAND PARK ILLINOIS Two 8200,0? payments | were made in Lake , these receivâ€" ing the money 1 unnamed, Two others received 000 each, one reâ€" ceived ‘ $25,000, one $15,605, and others receivi er amounts. In Highland 1 one person reâ€" ceived ©$500,000,) er payment was $120,00 on the life of Charles Benson; and other smaller amounts Were Feported. |..} . .«‘ â€" Deerfield residents received $27,â€" 000, the largest payment being $20,â€" 000 to an unna person. Ravinia residents were, paid $78,000, one payment â€" being ,000, _ another $22,859, and $5,000. . 000,000 : paid 3 idents of this state during 1982. f Chicago led ois cities in life insurance pay with 85,800,000. Highland Park: seventh with a total of $1,250, and Lake Forâ€" est was eleventh, with a total of $697,000. ~Evanston was second, Winnetka W:E h, ‘Glencoe was thirteenth and Wilmette was fourâ€" teenth. l } C Win $1,000 a year for life! Or one | of nine other great cash prinsâ€"â€"{ just for a slogan .. . an idea. Read | full details of this remarkable offer | in next Sunday‘s Chicago Herald | and Examiner. . _ ... : > If IHlinois nnki'zpird in payments among all states, also being third in population, -ï¬itl& a total of $256,â€" North Shor# Cities Receive Millions In Insurance Payments Life insurance j licyâ€"holders and beneficiaries in Lgke Forest, Highâ€" land Park and| other North Shore towns were paid séeveral million dolâ€" lars in 1982, rding to the Naâ€" tional Underwritex, a weekly. insurâ€" ance newspa ed in Chicago. Knopf. Time To Life,, Our Stoneâ€"Pelt Nininger. * Remodeling â€" a Small House, Let‘s Go Fishin Art of Being Women *ndJNewspt'pers The New Bulletin of the School of Business of the University of Chiâ€" cago recently| conducted. a survey of the newspa r:reading habits of some 1400 women in Chicago and its suburbs, the result of which we have just been look n:;,iover. The survey covers some (20 leading . features, which ranged i pularity from 78 per cent for the feature cartoon to 11 for bridge lesson. What particâ€" ularly interested us was the fact that book revihivq' claiming the inâ€" terest of 16 per cent, were sandâ€" wiched in between moving picture reviews and death notices. Which, the more we think about it, appears to be a not |ilogical position.â€"-‘ Prin¢eton University Press. 1 These are 1 Mrs, Irving E Park and re finest ‘artis intimate joy 0: You may ing or sentim your book plai looking for i the ‘exhibit n library, | The commonest ‘headings are names of the #uthor, the title of t book, and the subject. For examp John Muir‘s "Travels in Alaska has three calï¬â€˜h‘uded respectivel Muir, John; Travels in Alaska; an Alaska â€" l!)e i?tion and â€" travel, Hence, the og will answer questions: Hag the library any boo by Soâ€"andâ€"§of Has it a book wit suchâ€"andâ€"such a title? ‘What work has it on a certain subject? Simpl look for author, title" or subject, a for a word in the dictionary. The Card Catalog { This is the general key to the brary. It consists of a cabinet: drawers in which every book is resented by two or more cards. Each card has a different top li or heading and is filed by it alp betically, so t the first drawe starts with A Aï¬.fl:e last one with Z. Eac wer has a la which gives beginning letters 0 the first and last headings contain in it. Novels, which have no call n ber, and poetry, plays, and essa which have special call numbers, arranged alphabetically by i author‘s names. Most biograph of individuals are arranged alp betically by the names of the indi viduals. : number" distinguishes s in same class mm one cn'm T gether they are known as the book‘ "call number." Books are arra first by their class numbers, books in the same class by the book numbers, "A Book For k Plates | \| th ve planned the drawâ€"| nC t &’» be expressed on | P: , but if you are stil as, do not fail to see| CO w on display at th %}‘ d Adapting <the bq H D. Eberlein. rom the. collection of, Stieglitz of Hrghltnd resent some of the t:El::) found in this â€"a book lover. , by Charles Reitell. a Woman, by Olga by Gove Hambridge. d Planet, by H. H. You To Discover" he book‘ “"‘] arra ers, ;ï¬ all n m 1: essays. ste |beu,» t f iy theif | ;, graphi i d alpha,| P® THE ) M H. P. Chess Club Will ‘| â€" Have er Sept. 18 I â€" e Highland Papk Chess Club will have a dinner &t the Moraine Hotél Sept. 18. Eleqtion of officers will | also take pl and arrangeâ€" me are being e to have a matth with one of the other chess clubs on the North Shore. his coming Monday evening a new tournament be started to detetmine the club chfgmpion of 1984. C. V. Wilson, of Ravinia is the presâ€" ent ¢lub champion. | September. ¢ [Hese men will be gent as replaceâ€" ments for those who have recently obtained jobs. More|than 17,000 C. C. C members have been conditionâ€" ed at Fort Sheridan. | p The Lake County Bankers Assoâ€" ciation â€" will have : September on next Monday night, Sept, 11, at the Moraine Hotel in Sept, 11, at the Moraine Hotel in Highland Park. fayP , b Appel, ‘president of the Highland Park State |I anh‘ is chairâ€" of the committée on arrangeâ€" 500,) Forest Tr$ps To i â€"Train At Ft. Sheridan Fivye thousand more "forest soldâ€" iets" of the Civilian Conservation Corps will arrive at| Fort Sheridan for donditioning about the middle of Cd?nty Banker 1 Meet Here noon. Werner Schulke of the Highâ€" land Park Chess Clul defeated E. A. Bh of A Centu of Progress C ‘ team at the a: E el chess game. Angel chess differs from the regâ€" u} ; Q:He in ‘thlt,nn additional piete called the Angel is added to th ,t which combjnes the moves of the Queen and the Knight. The ad ion tends to .: ke the game more complicated ‘and throws the player off book chesg entirely. in the partner ’ ame | Werner f% l:ethmd Miss 'ken, who was one jof the spectators, defeated Mr. Hanson and Miss: Zumvorde of, A Century of Progress team. PRESSs \Agel chess and ner ichess wert dem Hall of Science las an the newly elected offices for the coming year will be installed by Commander Grover| Sexton of the Tth|District, assistell by the degree staff of McKinlock post of Lake Fopest as escort. | : ate Commander Charles C. Kapâ€" scRull and Distrigt ‘Commander Hériry Foval will the guests of thvening. e following will be installed to fill the various officés for the comâ€" ing |Legion year." Post Commander, Harold Bridges; senior viceâ€"comâ€" mander, | Arthur Swanson; junior ior |viceâ€"commander, Ja Thomâ€" son}j Henry A. Hahsen, chaplain; David Stukey as ance officer; The regular meeting of Dumaresq Spéncer post No. 145 of the Amerâ€" i : Legion will be held next Thursâ€" day evening, Sept. 7, at B o‘clock at t 1 Masonic Temple bpilding, 21 nofth Sheridan Road, Highland (b) Comply withf sions of the agree one! you are petiti cepted. " Charles C. Kapschull, ‘(p) Have thit pétition approved by the trade association. If there is no itrade association for the busiâ€" nesk, have the petition approved by the local Chamber of Commerce or 0 representative organization designated by NRA. | $ (¢) If the trade| association, or other organization| approves the tition, send it to NRA in Washingâ€" ton| with this approyal. ; + _(a) Sign the nt and mail it to the district office of the Deâ€" ent of Comm {in Chicago, in this district). <| ; C (b) Prepare a ition: to NRA sqtting out the reagons why certain provisions cannot be complied with, and requesting that an exception be he United States |Post Office Deâ€" ent, the . unpfficial "spokesâ€" mah"‘for NRA. . | If there are some|peculiar reasons N ‘a particular provision of the preésident‘s agreement will cause inâ€" dividuals great unavoidable hardships, they may still get the blue eagle by taking the following * rner Schulzw ins ; Chess Contest At Fair ry Mrazek as antâ€"atâ€"arms; ur Montgomery, Gerald Mehren Len Wah! as tristees. he National Re ion does not i dships: on smal egion Commander, To Attend Meeting Here that I am I owe to don‘t you rre the ac n)jizrove' the A in Washingâ€" ral. | f all} the proviâ€" ent except the ing to have exâ€" mry Adminisâ€" , to impose E EVEA j Itllllll urâ€"boardâ€"partâ€" strated at the Su?dly. afterâ€" e of the Highâ€" ion of officers and arrangeâ€" le to have a e other chess Will i n Monday her 30 cents local ty 139 North EARL W GTELL & CO., Pharmacists mc-m.:m.a ) .Bâ€llofl“An. Phone m ho 1 oL } 2300 Highland Park, h. : | | Ravinia, M Fresh Sliced Bana hipped into Badger Vanilla Ice Crean: d then e added to make this delicious Special treat â€" na Nut. We know|you will uppro\‘e of this Badger Special Weekâ€"end Brick! . â€"| | Badger Ite Cream Company | §c:t' IT JEWELER AND OPTICIAN . 392 Central Avenue â€" High] | en: DAYS 9 aim. to 6 p.m. j T gUNDAYS|2:30 to 5:30 for reading only. [ You are cordially in to the Reading . where the Bible and all authorized Christian: Science literature may read, borrowed or. purchased. 124 SOUTH UPHOLSTERIN CABINET WOR REFINISHING MOTH PROOFING PICTURE FRAMING f | OUTSTANDING o I * | Wisconsin Quality | <|8 | _ Ice Cream Weekâ€"End Special for September 9th, 1933 |\~â€"|«‘ BANANA NUT FURMttRE REPAIRING Bigger Incomes for Salesmen of lowâ€"priced cars I. H. NEMEROFF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM Cl;e let‘s new com};ensation in â€"t st liberal ever off ered PHONE H. P. First Church of Christ, Scientist | i ghland Park $it . RUEHL & CO.== 43 NORTH SHERIDAN ROAD 583 Street ARE ALWAYS REASONABLE" Maintained by Beautiful WEDDING RINGS Solidâ€"18â€"K White Gold Set with 3 Dh-onds.....i..}l:ég | _ $1.00 a week t DIAMONDS BEAUTIFUL WwEepomng mgf ENSEMBLE. ‘The engagement Thielbiamona, Diamand wese o,}“foxr 1{.:;; White Gold. Both Ti or rice f ofmq, only p 339 AND WEDDINGC RINGCS Made in SPECIAL PRICES We are Sole Agents Phone H. P. ;HICHLAND PARK Highland Park , for this PAGE THREE § bj §4