Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 23 Nov 1933, p. 9

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V gene L ortAo.rtWiaiii"q" v scan or iiiFitiiiiiire 4..."; tieat ' “a. 1. ototewema' rev-i cm am My! .4 nu. ttr-iid 't ”anti hulk- 1m Indium! I” "td lr, It - M An ad dvértuigq [and]. m . 1.. ttsdi.'t Alma-cm. “a F :m?‘ . of t,';iitiitijj,iJ,iii" i'i'iii'i'. min tu, my - Jiirki'"al7s'hl'"d ',, SPIzINés V Tbij Omis’b‘u' did "".9. mus-cl Ant pcuo?I. Inc. I”! Beth OL organ: 9': m ,l‘t‘M'K'Iylhlf. In" warianv, ca. rah '(‘lle tetPhett I...“ " in?! 8-.- "a 1.00.“.- Snl IOIC than..." “was ML cum ,3 “alert. gidi'i';til'a'u'. A kw. [mum [lllCK at ter4-e 1w aritnm-- lu i I?" _':"?,.", d 'hik Wan)" 'r', H. J FAWCETT. Mat. fi?itsjl's,'iasili;r iii' ou RS A lt'I but In over- t ”than Phoenix t oer-on. (Zia-dict. , pr. Spring-2 Aqua ‘31.} in... ' -uhnr,c,rrux DA“ NO' _:fj1illhihl (out of It Scum Arbou- mu to the Con“. wop'! tryleopo only "would: mic. In”... Chandler. No Extra Faro ’GW” .WG.A.DJL hi - _ " M 'TED lib. $5.61... ' V gm; [NIX . thaw 983 W " Fs,.-))'.?, 5,. an 2 5213 as PA i‘Cntherine Jane. the two-”mid “he: of Mr. and In. Men M (Anita meson) is when the ice mm she went. It. B. abort of the Hydro! Conway; we; we sword” to - perm ' go. Catherine Jen’s perm ;to j." her pictures on their 1 al- . for all this adv it ttdt, lave may 'lovely pictures "i"i-tf_ttndtlltttle-trlte W Several months up Get):- June m o prise winner.“ m Chase’s hone show. Her pic- - was featured in the SMY Wm, riding a pony end eating ‘hugeiee cream come: It within iieturt which attracted the “ten- uon of the Hydro: Company. _ ', Donald Mudoneld of Conner:- jilu, Ind., and line Irene Diem ( Cincinnati. Ohio, were rue-hon list week at the Edwin Smite!- g‘ome on Orcherd Lune. , , In. Elmer Chm entertained " i luncheon bridge Patty Wednes- tit. Louis. . an. Katherine Jayne, one of the than of tho Nernrtter.ry Librnry, M, van the (out of her angle tt aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Con- on Sundny. ' In. B. cur Reeds and sou tannin of Joust were Sunday din- g: guests at the S. P. Hutchiaon home. Other visitor! that day were P. Hutchiaon's cousins, Mrs. Mat- Brown ond Min Alice Middle , formerly of Clarksville, 110., tho on now in Chicago. 'Mr. and In. Fred LaBalut oc- mpnniod by In. P. C. Binder- Miss Frances Biederstadt tad rs. Mildred Gibbs visited Jack ibbs on Sundoy " the Chieago unior School near Elgin. Joel; will plaid Mis rs. Mil ibbs on unior Se d th ith 1 cl _ “matte. @115. t Qty bands i Mr. and trf the 1 he Ftir d have you] in C a John KI, in home 4 I Mr. am We me: {one has: T Joan y mac girl ya awn- Ml! qu an Star I (irst his ' utomobik tt in IIT, m . may tul nifnir. d to two 'tTL.' , Mr. Int trave mow Bum hot i, Mr. 1nd ttate, n " . We in , "i In. Oscar Benz'a aunt, Miss Elizabeth Baertsche, is quit ill, at her home on Westgate Road. . i John Hahn attended a treout'lead.. dra’ meeting in Milwaukee on last Tuesday. ' . . ' E Mrs. Alex Willman entertained he promoters of the Altar and Ron- er bands on Monday evening. t Mr. and In. B. L. Daviehave loud their summer studio home, tll: Fairways," on Saunders road d have moved to the Highland rote] in Chicago for, the winter. 5 John Klemp Sr. is seriously ill at his home on 'Fair Oaks avenue; 2 Mr. and um Philip Scuny Jr. gamma, Novmu a; ma i, Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 25-26; will be the any: of the maul] an festival of the Holy :Cross Catholic Church, sponsored by thei $11on Name Society in the pariah lull. , 01ifrord Stance: and 'll'tt Her- her visited friends in W ton on Sunday. _ p, " her home on pethid food. slum- and In.‘ Hurry Clavey hosts nt'n bridge patron turd” main: It their home on Iii?) avenue. Elia Olive Emma of Lake forest was the met-end my“. of 'rs. Boy Ginny. . Hume: J. Mood Left Sunday on a lime in Wheeling. , The Queen Esther Circle will meet tomorrow afternoon " the home of In. J. T. Gimnm. ' Mr. and Mrs.. Philip Sadly Jr. Are guests " the Charles Frey home new MeHettry dn Sunday. Joan Young: 111: a very Itieky little girl Saturday evening! and In awarded the beautiful owe: in: ther" 'rhanttses/ine holidnys ith . classmate. John Kenny, in Mr. and Mrs. Gilroy of Glencoe we moved into the former F. W. Limo home on Forest “can... Mr. end In. George Sunset and lr. and In. Floyd Stem? were ttttday (can): the Edward. Hank UPHOLSTERIN G Cabin: Work and BMW mm...“ Fill,' :23" means? on won , at mile Ith- C mien quilt " the Deerfield East- n Star iurtr. This is not Joan’s st his prize - I116 wu than on ltomobile by the Amerian relax! not in Highland Park van! In: no. The party (inn by the "rfUld p.ES. m . very success- , nifnir. Door prizes were award- I to two Northbrook guestnL In. SHEET METAL Henry G. Wi --4U11 Highlad Park tgoth-- M:- Cts-ettttr Gk. 520 LINCOLN PARK PLACE T net: Lined: Am ALL OF OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED V Furnace Work PHONE 038 _ 144 North First Street trip to Kansas City and -cfGirir - nnd in. manic . 9r1l!1Rrpiit,pi _ t LOCAL ahd PERSONAL -rrr'T'T"T""'"'"""'r'"'"""'"! Mrs. B. J. Dickens tid be Elsie ¥t."end Mn: D. T. gender. end Tate of Chicago Vere , F of In. son David have ‘returqed from I: J.’ A. Reichelt Jr. on . four,irsek's butt in the Eut- ; The community in: IN to ab f like Dorothy Walling attended tend the Royal thi inner on . MIN!!!” party in eohpliment to Thursday main: t t) " the Ir.u?til, Jane Friedlend dn Sum-day Fred B. Meyer home It. nth Wen- end ,ee‘emk-endcu‘ a theng multitud- , _ E. edlend home in an“. l F In. Philip Romm :e nded the I . and Mrs. Banning Stryket‘ funeral of her game Pt,' erlee J. and no children, mu, Bomim Allerdt, in Chimp n: edneedey emit dd, an" mo to Ottawa; (yesterday). Inter-me t, in the 111. The Stryker fmnilt had been Graceland Cemetary. ' saying.“ Theodore Kmk'a home) Mr. and Mrs. Fred . eyer end .Mte' Luella PM“ " Chieattd two grandsons, Pre o d John gaggle“; with her mother, Mrs. Meyer, were guests tt M and Mrs. M _ Richerd Sims id visiting " the me of her eon CII cc Sims in omcwood, Ill., wh+e she will re irruntitretmmrv. ( . Helen Pehr of ‘Mtnhettnn, 111., e visiting the Cheater Weeding andanc Rapp families. D . W. P. Weir spent Monday in Mit whee when he conducted an all-d ' coaching conference in thu h “ministration " the Pres? byte , of that city. : of ti Ind and Sir: Mt. and in". Late} Kenning (Re ita anson) have moved front fl,'au','l' “d will live with Mr. Haggai, ”rents, Mr. iutd Mrs. C. P. 1min: 1,ttpgl We. . F Mi. and rs. Willi-1m Hellman and ' c chu h Min byte oft P rence En n I trie Ind Shie 3 Hit It . and Mrf nd I J. ' Peti htrtCPri_da Finance and Lonile Hertel of Eve n hive moved into this dias trie Ind ere lttending' Deertultr. Shie a High School. It . and Mrs. Theodore LeDuke. Mr.’ nd Mrs. Imam Setre, and J. ' Peterson of Rockford were here Friday to attend the' funeral of ik. Peterson', dauehter-in-1nw, Mullahs B. PM . l the "T1tirtr-Pive Yen's Ages" col , n in the Libertyville Indepen- de eppeered the following erticle: "Diq'rfield now hue n telephone 'aet_d, if iisu want to communion“ with' New: York or other points, come do I to our town. Tho telephone is i Dr. Kneek’e store." . M .' and Mrs. Carl Mehrtene (Eu- nie tr) ennonnce the birth of a den ter on Thursday, Nov. 16, at the Highland Park Hospitel. iii the col n, in de nape: "Dtiriield if m w: New: Yorl do 'Vto I is i Dr. I M .' and nie . daud. ter l Mrs. A. D. Willliems entertained the} Bird Club on Friday afternoon. trt. and Mrs. R. D. Reeds and son Carter were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McMahon in Chicago on Sunday. .. Mt. ind Mri. Lansing, Beebe have moved to Chicago. _ ( ' , - .The 'Deerfuit) Grammar" School Orchestra, under direction of Miss 1riritlttu Engels, will make its flrgt apmrance " the Christmas oper- etta'ttrottrarn for the Fuent-Tmh- er Association. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. William Hutchison are spending a week visiting in'To- ledo, Ohio, and Kokomo, nudism. , Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pettis and son Bobby, Mrs, Fred: Kassie and Mist Vivian ‘Kncxiey visited Mr. Mi. and Mrs. E. B, Wortham en- tertainéd " dinner on Saturday evening. The Worthams who hue begq, occupying the Leslie Brand home for the put nix months are moving to the Senecs Hotel in Chi- cmhext Thursday. . - Sunday. it; Jexinie Orion, manager of _ . TeIephone 949 E BRAND 'iiii'jl1iiii),t,s 'it-in-law ind dai gluten Mr, it. Curie. 'ul,',)','] of Wau- were Sunday dinner guests R. E, L. 301mm} West Central Avenue " C. t. Ntth, nt Zion an WINDOW SHADE. CURTAIN i'ums __, WOODEN POLESj TDAVERSE ROD$ SHADE ROLLERé-i How about that basement? Fix up t floor and walls,; before the holiday I' For practically any treatment of window decoration. tmGGEtyrroNa Gum GIVEN the Mold telephon , me. ha! mttd from JNtsia, 'it' and_is minim in the a t "rot Dr. Spritar's once on _ “an. Mrs. Kenneth H 11t - taim her sewing club, dually funeral of her game I}; arlea J. Allardt, in Chicago n: ednuday (yesterday). Inter-me t. in the Graceland Cemetery. F Mr. and Mm. Fred . eye: and two grandsons, Pre a d John Meyer, were guests tt M and Mrs. Harry Norton of Ba , Sunday. C. E. Bates attend monthly meetings of the ' tender!“ Harry Norton of Ba ltr! m Sand”. C. E. Bates attenddt F. monthly meetings of the .. - , tandem! round table held Int nit: eve- ning in Evanston. . ‘. when pl” attended a meeting 1 " Princi- pals' Club Wednes V .A nine " Barteltttes' Inn, No f th tok, with Supt. N. E. Watson At. no North- brook public school yo "" actingr on host. a r Mrs. R. M. Miller members of. the TU Sewing Club this we of Mrs. Alex Wimm Patti: will be the nu Mrs. P. P. Bro V leaving next week to visit rel l in Foley, Alabeme. During h (tt nee, Mm. Cheater Weeding wil j _ her phce on the trtaif of the I e eld News, printed at Glenview. ff '. _ - - Mrs. Clarence H nf (gained the Areme Club me ber on Wed- neaday evening. i, , _ A Mri. PhitirfRomin ' w 1 be host- ess to Circle One of (the St. Paul's Church on Thursday it n. Mr. and Mrs. C. " anon en- tertained at dinner , M ndty eve- ning. I; f - - Raymond Jolmt.tyttiylt lived for several years ‘on Fa A) ka avenue in the Sam Ball hon I, w married recently to Miss A jna..Gusbafson of Highland Park. ii, C ' Mr. and Mrs. Ear I‘Ku , who re- side in the Koren 3e house on Central avenue, en ed put-of- town guests on Sun w, - Mr. and Mrs. H'bld Reilly of Chicago were Sundrggu u of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Oe it. V n the (Ne- ning they were guests Mrs Wil- liam McKinley in M.“ d tin. -- Betty Hoffman, ihititt, and Mary Alan Hokanson, taught. e attend- ing the zit-state 1gi,'i'lt,', I orches- tra at the Universi _ of Illinois' on Nov. 22 to M, ineliiWr which is a signal honor to t a1ifUd to may. Both girls in senior: " Deerfield-Shields 111% S hool. Parents m cord ‘ly invited to Parents ere cord Ar 1y invited to attend the Friday ' al mem- blies at Deerfield . pm armchool.‘ On Friday, Nov. Slfhl th , will be motion pictures of jrts le Orphan Annie, the Pied Piiri, f Hamlin, the Hut iit the ng§a d William Tell. They will beilho for the upper grades " 9 '..'it C,',', for the lower grades‘at 10t8,t, -'attt. Mrsw Downey of R301 ' Ill., is visiting her daughtx‘, Mrs. Fred Millikan of Wake: _ ad. -iiii/iriurinia 1iiel f Chicago wu the week-end I of her sis» ter, Mrs. Jack _iro!tahit.t, . " - The choir of the) bt lehem Ev- angelical Church 1 we . ves- per service on Sun 4:30 pan. Mr. Olson of the nth ood Metho- did Church will ttiool ist. There will be duets and emu numbers. Jain}; __ v ".o t] [502." set Hi tLI S hot piiiie, is 2t, a} Sl4hl th , of in 1e if?” f '. lhl. d as hostess to 'da Evening ', s the home nu run "ttr Its. Hi. (has -. HEAD RICE Witter. foe ........... GREEN SPLIT PEAS ' We 2. lbs. for m.................'.".,............-.-...--.- I, Pure SAVOY HONEY MIXED DRIED FRUITS 1 tb. . Gitnrnateed to mtrr8 lbs. W...” POPCORN NAVY BEANS racy Michigan 4 lbs. Philadelphia Cream CHEESE 1,5: I SAU$AGE MEAT SE for __............-.-..','-........-.......-... ; c met-tpei. m. _.m-m..._ere__ Galifpmia CARROTS COLO COFFEE Luge bunch fc Fancy SIRLOIN STEAKS PORTERHOUSE STEAK We ’re featuring this new lamp lb. Ar. n..." Gert ost ' very living room needs . lamp like this. One vitch turns On bright shadowles indirect light I general illumination. Another switch turns on irect light for your easy chair. The We is [cured silk. The base is frnished in bronze , . . ‘. lnly $9.95 " your nearest Public Service Store. . T 805 Donnell! 'trdlmMt, Phono Bee" Friday db Saturday, November ‘ Groceries -' Fruits is Vogue! I . W" but', tor ' PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Sirloin Roast. In. lb. mm: PROM" msimngaitr suave: Its “fr -" Jfiit! gt a rea" tsie' '0'" Other loan imp dealer! an featuring specials thin and: OF NOR'I'HIRN [Ll-[NOB t " geis, SOL GROCERY and MAR ritl). $995 io" It " "v 1Cie4 MEA . the f4arlt '2,%'t, s/l..' 4 'ttt I. Ite 30mm 18t Ge ttt g tbr BEANS APPLE! Fundv TOKAY GRAP PE Good Health TOILET 8 NIH fee _.....'..... N orthern Spys or w, T933112?) Yellowior White; a lbs ..-.. bud Mayer BACON 11 Sliced; Vrlb. pkg. _..----.-.--"""'-" m...“ _ Swift’s SUMMER SAU an? I Very instr; lb. SWIM Gm- or War Kundsomehmpo Theanetalbesettu' eeedirith Anted '-sdailsh- a Weld-ll . r- ind-ink . icy-rho!) hiadba,‘ madly-47m Dura mug-411w MW/w ham/thud . igfar inn, m‘ my“- 'lieab'au't hwy-J MORE TM,

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