Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 23 Nov 1933, p. 1

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5.31 IN liiit" E? T thee by it ,Io- inetd “a Mon-lun- We I min-61's: . lo: ,l9c _ _ S; ,, 25c \PPLES or _, ..‘..,..50c ...$l.25 = iare $2.25 Mc --e Mt; .. 19c 19¢ _-__-. 19c Se Te le)')) ')'j;jv,s!, on; m, " 53: "seater-tttyr)!!.'."'-')' W ': Pttr-tltCtt't!ttt1iFittat, _ w" _ Ttetieftltartuhdr ir..i 3 q The $400,000,000 unploythont "- D] upmumcunwmu. 'e “County Mondnrmomitwretiqstttts Bi 'uiktiati1trttitytetft101rliir% m on the and rolls, drawn V I: O=WyfnmwmxwthCthf GioHtietttettr'ttkara1'hi,iyett .- 'iGioeehtdrtreettetiytt'tftu placed on highny work in his 'coantr,oadntotFti_t,4tttttt, tots.iutotedtothuemutthwhklt In. 2986 fmniliaq on rend. TtsetimtgopereentoftHyttts wiiirrtomeattntthrmerolu, whether married or ninth. The tsets and 50 per cent will he drum from additional men on the relief roll: and than unemployed but not draw- ing relief. __ - Those not on relief must Ale In npplicatioi! with the mind. Fro. Employment Agency " 129 Luke Street, Wanker“. _ -'. No employees “the CWA an ho garnished for m . After 970 Men "e, ”signed to highmy work in Lau" county, the renninder of the 2581 to' be om- ployod will be assigned to civil pro- jects already in propel: in the county under the mm outlinéd by the Illinois Emergency Relief Commission. at new one: that will be developed. , Many of the families on relief in this codnty will not he given work. because ft would be impossible for them to present able-bodied workers. It in not known yet the quote that eeclrcity and villas! in the county will receive. V C Urn-killed labor will receive Mte en hour end killed lebor $1.20 In hour hued'on e fire-dar week of ”noun. If}. won 1ipttiyhot Turkey Bale Being _ Held at Highwood A Thunhzwmx turkey ttate is b in: Ji'eld by the BMW Smith Post No. Mn of the America Lotion. hi Highwood, - nixht until» Wed-' My of next 'mk, Nov. 29. I This "ie, which will be 1 bmtetit for the juior drum and bugle com, iatxaeutdst8u_W'txr1tes..Av.- enue, 813M N am turkeys, 30.00 and chick“. have been'contnctod for and " be cold. Judge Persons Will . E Talk Here on Monday E Tho Woman’s Republican Club of Highland Park unmana- g - in; to be held on Monday. Nov. 27, It 2:30 o'clock in the Jimmy room of the Highland Park Palms The lest regular monthly meeting of the Intent Welfare will be Mon- dey, Nov. 27. Heb "amnion: for luncheon by Pride»: ' . "iiiiGUdiiuail be ntthe hum of Mrs. Prttn Reinhold, 2584 Doc. Park Wit t0:lt0tPu.i. ' " president of the which humbli- can Women’l Clubs, will tMI of the meeting of Republic» men held in Cinncinntti in October. The other ”other will be Judge PM The eleetton and installation of ,tewdtB-tttrtuexmttgttr-rtll be the moat import-at future of the Mum-although W is I ereatdeatu-hteteth'dleto itteettueureaerNit. E"?! merntrer_dttrttet-t," tt-enriiitlitofttvtur, patina other under will be Judge PM W; " 21 Nan-u; Sheridnn road, L. Persons, Judo of the . f?yntp when the Hon. Dwight Green; U. Court of Luke County, who, will ad- tr. district attorney, will wk on dress the. mutiny on the subject of " work against crime. . "Humanitarian Future: of the "All Maggi“! or any Coupty Court.” Infant Welfare Will Meet Monday, Nov. 27 before January. IT’S BASKETBALL ‘8an Mild-8m High Jkhotst, unity baakMts.tstt can yin on! its season st 1:” WMnr' ttein, of this “a. Nov. M, with I one aunt the Guru. W School " tho Mold-Shields mansion: in Highland Park. The out - for Deertuid- Shioldl will ho mint the Maine Tow-hip My): School at Dec Phil:- on Doc. 6. Th that”. " Highland Path will In “not Wuhan th- after-trt of Fri- dny, Dee. 8, " t o’clock. of this weak. Nov. " with 3 guns adult the amt. Huh School " the Mela-811W tymnuinm ht Highland Park. The next game {or Deertuid- Shield: will be “that the Maine Tow-hip my): School " Dec Benn of, Cum! uniting": ~01 the tone pic-l t 'e: Af r e short dreamy intro? d ion a ivigbrm movement illite- t tea the) well known Hardin: or " uh” (km. This is succeeded Jr n 1"tg,tr palm represent- 1 _ the a 'vgl of the native Ian. . a lover.) He plays his native lave c " (slain to Clarinet) which is t ' takeh up by the violins, etc. B leads into the "Song of the , Girl," which gradually dies (Kay and it succeeded by the " ence of the Betrothat Ceremony” ttt brim ‘;the piece to e lively c lusloni. d ion a t tea the " uh” d b a my! i _ the a a a lover. c " (gm t ' take B lead Git d y an “§:nce o! w leh bri t is Int km]: _ p nu in: Color: I and Bub” 'tpm haw tl (Tortieht' the , . vod 3 Woman 'binson and I I listic drama , t pieal whim I eh ondoyed. Fridny mid s . P.l with Co: . in: 3:!qu c ustenntion a put form for ocean. Roman! ldptr struggle a: and, abbey-$1 photottrartte, Who We. certainly had a hm]: t is Int km]: ....... two Silly Sym- p nu in: Colors. _The Three Little I and Bub” in the Woods. Why tn but them when"? :Tonight the but showing T" I vod u Vomatr-9tatt'trirt,tr Edward btrinson and Kay Funds. This listic drama with interesting his- t pieal tly9ound will be Very I eh ondoyed. . Fridny mid My, Nov. 24-25 . P.l with Conrad Voidt. Story , in: gnyutcry melanin: around c ustenntion of Boatlttt.t 1andhttr put forttt, for airplane: in mid, ocean. Romanee--1ivelr action And ldptr struggle against vilifinyég‘twtll 7 V '7 _ tum " with Robert 2,1,tS,,t',atf, luck. mph BP- "ur. _- : 1 a . A.__--J u‘J- Ti"ir 1m" our lunch treterved.Mae% Duuler and Mulls” Barry. fit “Tn: Boat' Annioti "'A Pen . 'ttttrt! aT, 3:051! married couple when his but}: Ill' Iiteeu, Itte Hon. Dwight Green To. ', Talk To Lekionnaires :Sevenl hundrod Ire expected to attend the speech] smoker this "F nib: at Amelia!!- Legion! Penman? other post, living in this commun- ity, und also all men who served in traiWox-ld Far, m cotdinlly' in- to attend. The “dress will be- “Mi. 'itonttnrho,attrndatt ”50mg an" F _ ,3 ', .51).. page?“ mm will!» Msmmn’ndtmmyhn- cured from .the' chimn- M. A. triiii": Whom WW 1014, or from any member " . concuozthelodn "The High'wood Saunders" or. chestra of tNhwoird, will be '01:. of tIto' main features " the - My mad dines to be held next Kathy We at Wttten Hall un- ldr the and?" of Highland Park Had“ No. 446, Loyd Order of cone, to which .11 members, their tpa; and friend's!!! invited. CA aplendld'protnm ot song and other to. will wooed. the dance. Thu 1th. in chm-[o bu Hen mix ,ra,6irttyit pu pmert Highwbod Serenaderi ‘. to Play Moose Dance in. page: min-sou will In qlrilmuiotrturt-r?y"t- trt'ped from the" chairman. M. A. l an. itrr when!" WW k 1014, or from any member " . y calm of the loan , :2“ng we was» tint you bring vimr fricfndn and BOW" “4 one 'hom join as, in on: of those tood titrte, and ”in” by *' dohig you y have mum turkey for that th'2,%,1t dinner," is the iris '"ariiiirrtdiiir at. thiillinxly Itotoeraphdd, gSundty. Nev. 26'conet guy 1yt!f--; Each ' f o 1 _ V J AR. Better Filius . F Committee Review about 8 o'clock. ypnd Sound. , Nov. 24-25 tin " rm: Conrad 'all'. Berry l "D mystery new nomad W nation of Boathttt 1111th ip . m for damned in with. tht,.! my}: Cbnéert it [ an Forest College {Via of man she rennin: loyal Fr) Mn the follow} ' . _ ids, mu bit E. A. Belmont, I of an Highland ‘Pnrk r of Com- mimse, the opinion [ mud that m. state ales tax, he pus-ed oti to the constant in such I way thithewillbea _ theinin sues Tax, in to _ active for . two year period nly I, 1988, td, July 1, 1988. it 1 tax upon not): 'me-d l thi-biuincu of' all!“ tangible! ttt 1 property 10pm or con-um vionl. and the tax pinned: for the tl, six months are to be and for I rend, Mter which time.thep j smtobe ud,ed to reduce , te’s portion 1'il2ltte,try,ltt,x, io rqatetstate. mts Illinois _ of Come dame. since the c on of the that manure. he: _ mended to all marchente that he ket plnn ct adding the :to, the selling ptiee of the comm ity as on added expense was the bi t and moat "ithmetienllr co I t Although there is no clause _ ' e tax men- u're prohibiting o ‘e hunt to odd the 2% to the sel Att rice end BO iridtentimr it, the ate Adminietn- trn and other pol a. a have rule tutthetnxmu eherbenb tirtred by the mer M the telling pri ; (Continued l, Dr. Dunstan Bra ley harm spéak " the Highland Pt omsn’s Club tiext Tuesday even , av. 28, " 8 o'eloek. This is in pen meeting and the public‘ is inv0fted, free of abuse. ' ' r - _ Dr. Bradley is stok of the Peo- Ne's Church, Chi J and is well known u a ape: r o r the radio tln subjects of cu 'ent interest. i, "Do not miss I o portunity to has: 3 greet on ' a man who is a keen observe m! he trends of the times," is the {invitation , Open .l',',gitl'rlf6tt f Woman’s In Tuesday i, As his been' tht relistom for the hut sever-1' yen re thi members of the Highland Par Fir Department 'te reclaiming to tolbe distribut- ed among the n y; children , on Christmas. The 11an feel that runny children or, not reeeive my toys at Chri ma)' if they did tot use this met . é . L Lest yea the fi ' at rebuilt over three hundred to Th y In "king anyone Who hue ld thy: that they do not want and _ be rebuilt, or repaired, to send emi to either the tintral fire static ttCentral Ave- lui,' and Green Rind or to the iavinie station li, hid " Burton 'md Highland Av in Ruviniu. (rd',,,' requests Me tyen made lor gun be done in til i' toys starting the a t Hi: auigeet for i'l'u 'day evening is: "What Are W‘SFI ing'." Fire Depart tit'; 18 Requestin itg', for , Needy t l ristmas tev" depnrtrnent td in“ and get the ys. "hit thin in} pituible u the force must be keiil to; full strength it this time of t _. yehr. The tors should be delive 13? soon a poe- sible so that re T t; (and, painting And’ it's a ' tttine to like the likes of oth ' (o enjoy ne- ing others like; they like, whether we o _ like it or not. .We an lit t; feet that they‘like it, end-i t {plasma out of that. 5 ' 4 w9meu dike d. k lteatttiN1, and men like " " though toner: like to but half-way ' t. ' And if you'll; J to_m III bitter and bet ' beam we know what you b' the way of rood coeds Ind? _.b‘1°°'- . , mie to like you like. DJ MIR, To’think about; ,utother peo- ple 1ikt is wprth {MEL _ -'. The likes of pet) lt bias: widely on the “rhea; j down deep we ttll like much @3de things in life. . f. g they wom wand; THOUGHTS ttid m {turnout for the 21 members of Fir Department I tol be dhetrfbab. if l Rbul or to the tid " Burton in Raviniu. e bran made for tall. and get the np§53ible u the to; full strength yepr. The tops " soon " poo- its: people and painting no deliver the More Christ. 'ATION Occupation or includeu purchuen. an. who». ,krmsDAi/Novmurirt a. inst 4) BlliMIhl)IYalJllau8 FIFTYYEARSOLD Anniversary of Local Church To Be Observed With Special The Bethapy 1ihrantte1ien1 Church of Highland Park will celebrate next Sunday, Nov. 26, the Myth univer- sal-y of the erection of the flrtrt Evangelical Church in Highland Perk. Dr. H. R. He'mlnger, a pro- fessor in the Ehmntrelieal Theologi- cal Seminary, of Naperville, he: been secured u the speaker for the din". Dr. Heininger needs no introduc- tron in Highland Park, having spoken here in: seven! other occa- sions. Many of the men and boys "The King of Kings," Cecil B. De- Mille’s outstanding motion picture dramatization over the, life, minis, try; 'suffering, death sud resurrec- tion of our Lord and Ssiriour Jesus Christ, will be presented at the Pres.. hyterisn Church of Highlsnd Pal: on Sunday and Monday evenings, Dee. 8 and 4. Dr. Heininger will preach at the 11 mm. worship service. The main anniversary service will take place " the 4:30 vesper at which time Dr. Heinintrir will deliver the en- nivernry message. All of the (Continued on page 4) Lest winter season this procrem was given in about 150 different Chi- eego churches for thousands and thousands of people and generally hundreds had to be turned “my be- ceuee of luck of seating -tity. And ith, the ume thing Yet when.. ever it is given in my church them. Meny of this country's lending personalities have reputedly ststed, that this film production is one of the greatest festures ever put on my screen in the entire world. It isn't only on entertainment but s sermon more powerful Ind heel-t- touthintt than any sermon ever de- livered from sny pulpit. It has slso been highly recommended. to the churches by prominent ministers and churchmen throughout the country. Dr. S. Psrkes Cedmnn. president of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ up: “The King of Kings' is the wheat end best motion picture in the world to- day end no. men, women or child should miss seeing it." . " will be presented here by the interaction“ Church Entertainment Astroeidtiom under direction of an. M. Arvid Hydehn of Sweden. It's not given for the purpose of tasking . Dr. B. R. Beltane! will especinlly remember him " the popular' father-son speaker of two yen: ago. "king of Kings” To Be ' Shown At Church Here money but the heavy expanses of bringing such a prom here must be met, no everybody is asked to come prepared for . generous like! church here. ,treriiir./ Everythini coming in nbove the expenses you to the RED CROSS The Drive Will Close Thanksgiving bay Services Next Sunday Park " the " outlini phiers ine group. tial menisci picture nudism! tere) ari':amtatandine I1 al It . T Ind many " n Highland Park 1 rumor Dec: 5. ' l the 33:?” will be f El _ '/ Auditorium snag the by , Mo I , fdieizn co the Ch " Duly News, in Bert lightly ten ”In: Mr. amt will awn to he. £3th Park tum t will meant the " oili‘lthst largo. i outlini . tile policiel the loci Dengue The pom the H" In] tspent" file: " tuifielti. Chiclgo. N Gard spenf d pl nt and 2tttt day " tuifiel .Puk Con _ new in Chicugp. V. 16. i Fourkfen members of the clan met " heielutt house a motored in n bopy the conserv toily when they were et by Mr. non. chief guide " e park, wh conducted them thro h the L'2Ul rooms. Altho 'h ny were thh question's fdttl't','.. reen, u malady with answerb a explmtiony. It is‘un troseintr, k by tropo ical J'i;t,,li1,tt And Eastman and by bepptif formal English garden plantanto y nothing (f the cor- geous 3in y of f'hi,'t,t'",2t,r'r, of "tir nd and oolo , which in the, any; ttraetion just now. But to bi' noted by I mu: so at home kitb, his Punta, u versed in their ttlttttt, and to may to inform the; din, (h An opportunity moot wo'tthsthiki, . .53}? iNil" hSSe-"SB‘VmTwné iii other," trip for the mm of the elm who were not gblaj to go. Aim lowing thi ebrtaervatrrry the clip: gathered " s nettby tea room {tr lunch before mining to Highln d ttnre.-AJotttrithtted. The iniitngement of the Alcyon nnnomteetr)i1rat of on that in cow. sidention of its patrons the admis- sion 'rttiee,pri11 not be “Mead " this time Sell though may of the surroundi theatre: on doing so. _ The mature “traction It the Al- cyon tbr WM only in the very popular movie “I Loved A Women." with Edward G. Robinson. Key Funk-is, Genevieve Tobin end " plen- did 'ruttrsor.tirte can A picnic; of thrills, bawdy, Ind romnnoe it “Blind Adventure” which will, upped: for Sunday only on this week's 'pr/ern. ' _ "P. P. 5;," . flint that received four start, from the motion picture eritrea, till a story of nienee': dream, a outing'islnnd of use] in the mid-Atlantic for the landing of nit shim. " Espechuy nddod for the Pridnt If Suturduy Bron-m is "krtkato . one of the wo volun- oea hemmed in Van Lpon'a Geoc- rapht.dks) the territie tandem of the 1.Trhiy most tmaehtrotts inter- no, Muddy during quant- men is cloqely; as one hundred feet. A Lanny] and Rudy comedy is includ- ed Jii the program. ', “my: and "Krakatoa" At Akron This Week Dread}; ind Wnllue Decry cone: to the (hlrors on 'MMy, Tuesday Mgt skim T. h may and , tttt the o u mm m in can.“ plans, In. “but P. f.'ltde chute of ticket "tap, Mm. G r Grady of music, and uh: “Ox Everett of ruminants. The p of the dine. VIII In and Wetpiutur of next week. Ev- eryone h been mid" for this splendid 3mm. Another beautiful tagrtoort it' colors like 'The Three Little Pi " is ineluded/in the pro- gram in?“ is culled Vrriptr N.)- tune." i' The pupal “mum due- tfl the main! tea-vie. depth-at of the H d Park Woun‘a Club will! be on Friday 've.te, Dee. 1.: at the) cl» has. L I I Philanthropy EIL, Will Bearetd Dee. 1 Aiir piecing and inthret, an F (ititii)eii',riii', tnd'iemsititie- at”), “it in Germany Yum b. of,. 'ttis) Wat!“ ehfirtt"t of the sung» h sttiiet or My?» Here On Bee, 5 Cor, Jetih, is being an , orguiation of of " omen Voter m Class Visit 1tefarfield I f Adolph Hitler a a ”gamut: of He vi“ sped: " rem: of Guam in Aldon to tri of Watery mmity Gard: Id Pnrk Won Annie" with , Mule It: " Club . dive day “on in actuation- of foreign m the eve- an input a develop- In: I tan in .to his umbrod by the Illinois n Clauof rtg ad review- 'ark Nov. " the H ain'- Club will I the q Y. o. eleven from t H1061 high whool‘n - . l, A tion is can: by ", who phyod _ In sity and Ina th t dink. Be h up 80 plum. Jchool Ind to! t M men have u“ net entifie " lint- . mm. in d? . are pod- anoukl, I p] when punti ' fUld mni _ field at the f, and Win L launch at ; 4 and Chuck S in 134) win l cord M. can, 81At. " exceptionally scoring. the: tackle pity: I counted for by whipping Bock and We vdile. Other Men's Club power by m Evening t Grown, The ducal: of I commit“ the plans furl head of uni-1 Hwy. Wit! Mr. and In: Mrs. J. Weini The Linea} nounees m l for parents t at the Bette definitely " subject: l 1 l ate being from June Hunky. I1 Same and I The mun taught by amuse. of A prelim _ . of the db- cuuibn no in heH an Tuesday av ' N . u I FM. at the . Hal-II. 318 Elvin ve. tho plans. for the bio .m- unwd and . r Hitter I. to nut Ev problem. deliver a In the am hum . cranked - 01th"- ingmdo irFi, " timbre rta,qttt .099 inn. in P.t1'f "in: joining; ill! and. h made for in: dents which an that one of this. m with I for do." l u fol but not e a starting . (In French. tri . OI dent: of the of (qniltinx 1','ae,'tti Instruction to no mi- Next Baum day. which]. nit ONE DAY 2) Di (3y XII! To fe Ilt drimatien, in?” a At the It. and Nouns " it

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