Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 8 Aug 1935, p. 4

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43 «8 Eag Fis Hizt 34 §§1: $K%. ho To # Wednesdayâ€"Thursday Sundayâ€"Mondayâ€"Tuesday with VIRGINIA BRUCE â€" ROBERT TAYLOR â€" HELEN TWELVETE . PINKY TOMLIN â€" NAT PENDLETON f Comedy "Pretty Polly" . Spolfflxght + Top Form â€" Novelty â€" Rox News NEXT WEEK : "GIRL FROM 1 LVE." 64.z â€"Tnf Efium«m a zfifls IN Saturday Mat 2502 â€" z’n':.wpr. Ave., Lake Forest Thursday and Friday : | ies Comedy "Main Street Follies" -"yi;v.}?y";‘““‘.' ftialg > Metrotone News with PAT O‘BRIEN â€" JOSE] | HUTCHINSON . JEAN MUIR Comedy, "Poker at Right" â€" Latest Paramount News | . Tax experts have estimated that the interest payments and provisâ€" ions for the retirement of the fundâ€" ing bonds would cost the taxpayers of the county Tess than if the présâ€" ent system of trading on extended credit were continued, The 4 per cent funding bonds will call for a one cent levy on each $100 valuâ€" ation. The resolution for the i: suance of the bond sets up the r quired amounts levied from Let us show you how to 1953 for the interest p.mqm and the retirement of the bonds.. Sercens â€" Roofs â€" Mill Work H.P.1377: . â€" 366 Central Ave. Your house can be cool and eOm-; fortable when it.h'blhtuhg m outside. _ROCK WOOL BA placed ‘between your attic &fii t 217 joists gives your home a perf temperature at all times. Pss ~During IOt approximately |80 per . cent of the tax extension of $4,866,454.06 were collected. Taxes forfeited by prorerty owners last year totalled $134,706.65, and there is being held up .an amount of taxâ€" es pending final letfloment of gourt litigation, .. .: . | 4 \ the collecfi::'sper_iod of 1934 there were forfeited, by property owners $2,269,332.06 in taxes. Interest and penalties on these delinquent taxes have grown to $832,641.12%. $ Records in the treasurer‘s office show that from the first year genâ€" eral taxes were collected and reâ€" corded by the county ups?ro"h the collection, period of 1984 there "OIL FOR THE LAMPS OF CHINA" act was in proper form or the atâ€" torney mlrflmld not have perâ€" mitted to have it become effective. He also stated that some of. the statistics given in the handbill on county taxes did not jibe with the records of County Treasurer Allen J.. Nelson. °* [ o A statement from State‘$ Attorâ€" ney Charles E. Mason, read at the meeting of the board of supervis@rs yesterday, said that the legislative The handbill asks for an opinion from Attorney General Otto Kerner on the constitutionality of the legâ€" islative act. 1 1+ .3# "Our Democratic goveérnor in IIIâ€" inois ‘suffered to became .,ltv ‘the current funding statute which proâ€" vides the radical change to oblige voters to petition for a referendum which heretofore was provided withâ€" out. any such impossible petition," the handbill ‘says. 14 . The handbill attack:‘:t" constiâ€" tutionality of. the 1 tive act and admonished the political parties and state and federal administraâ€" tions for unbalunced b ‘and increased expenditures _ sociation, H. W. Lundyimnm dated July 25. : I & Lake County Goes PAGE FOUR ‘â€" Ralph Steel Summer Comfort f Young noricil "Flirtation Walk" with J JACKIE POO?&I-; A‘EY‘ E‘A‘g’l‘-_(_)!- ROGER PRYOR (Continued from Page 1) tinee and Eve: | E4). I iL SQUARE LADY®" t "THE GLASS KEY" on a Cash Basis . HENRY ARMETTA . .. _ _â€" ’letyg + Musical Cocktail â€" News R. "DINKY* of corn, 3 tomatoes, 1 pumpkin, melâ€" ons (1 of each kind), 1 ‘bunch of beets, 1 bunch of ts, 3 potatoes, 1 of each kind of squash, 1 bunch of turnips, 1 of each kind of cabbage, 1 cauliflower, 1 egg plant, 3 onions, 1 dozen pods string: beans and 1 dozen pods lima beans.| â€" i of Third Floor 308 Waukegan Nat‘l Bidg. _ _Entries for the community Garâ€" den Show to be held August 26 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the assembly hall in Winnetka‘s }miw house, must be sent in to Mrs, Ernst von Ammon, 1430 Hi avenue, Evâ€" anston by August 16. The show is under (ghe auspices df the North Shore Garden center. t ) Vegetables which may be entered in the contest are as follows: 3 ears Ourngm & Wash. Sts., Wn«bn;n Community Garden â€" |_ Show to Be'%dd f _ Monday, August 26 They are {put up in assortments of six idifl:;.ntj fi“to.d ?fl“, consisting of padded [prin orms to be filled in by ‘players and are adaptable to fnumh‘n} of players from two to a dozen or more.: Poxl 4 ; on Your Own 5 1G NA T OR E .. _For entertaining house guests, ‘lftor'{ dinner | competitive social games that â€"test |participant‘s familiarity . with everyday facts and happenings are in high favor, servâ€" ing as they do to as well as stimulate the mental powers. Among such party games recent introâ€" duction are the series known as the Afterâ€"Dinner Party Games assortâ€" ments which | are féatured mt‘l‘:; sively in Highland |Park at Green Tea Pot Book shop. "I‘m Short of Cash, Jim, Sorry I Can‘t He You. Perhaps he is sorty. yway, is it fair to ask ds to "holid the bag" if ‘te "in the red"? Here‘s a plan thas doesn‘t endanger friesdships: HOUSEH (§Lo FINANCE CoRPOR ATION Manager: MR. V. J. HULTMAN Tea Pot Book T\bp : Features Party Games To single people and xd couâ€" ples. No other signers or security. HOUSEHOLD LOANS to| married couples keeping house. busâ€" band and wife sign. No of friends, relatives or AUTO LOANS on liberal Full amount of loan is paid 0 you in cash. Repay in monthly to fit your income. Charges only for the time you keep the . No payment due for 30 $. . Call, write or phone for a inter> LOANS â€"~ "NO MORE L+bnis" THE SPRING® _ |_ . _ Phone: Onhrlofl.ii WASHINGTON August 11â€"12â€"13 August 14â€"15 A ## small can; 10 for RIPE OLIVES 7 cans for 4 "qnam: for Savoy Fresh Garden Tender PEAS N’zlium, 1 108 :;3 se e oe enc ced Early June PEAS 4 or. bottle; 2 for ..._..._......... Small Sweet PICKLES PAPER NAPKINS 80 to pkg.; 13 pkgs. for . Dr, Prices VANILLA â€" mked Ration, Red Heart, Ideal og, Doggie Dinner, Kenâ€"Lâ€"Ration, Rival | eb o ABF 4 l 'Sqi:urity \California § BARTLETT PEARS â€"_â€" #l in heavy syrup; No. 2%, size can; 4 for Yacht Club CA Light Meat TUNA FISH ‘91 _ The Duffly and Duffy Cleaners will meet| Glencoe in gnother novelty ball 3::::, using the 12 inch ball, at Sunset Park on Friday, Aug, 9, at 6:45 p.m, â€" it 22 rolls for : The '$heridu{ Rebekah Sewing Circle will have a social card party at the home of Mrs. Ffiod? Roscher, 1045 Deerfield Road on . Thursday g"‘h‘&viA“& 9, at 8 o‘clock with irs. Bruno Nechville assisting. __Five hundred and ‘bunco will be played and prizes awarded. The public is cordially invited. _ _ WALDORF TISSUE‘ SCOTT TOWELS 14 rolls for 10 for SCOTT TISSUE Rebekah Circle 10 cans for i Prizes wil Ibe awarded in the folâ€" lowing amounts in each class; first prize $5.00, second: prize â€" $3.50, third prize â€" $2:00 and honorable mention â€"â€"â€" $1.00, im 8 for Monarch MUSHROOM BROTH {} No. 2‘-"0 can; 8 for College iInn : Assorted SOUPS ‘Vegetables ‘must be cleaned and at the Community House ready for judging by 10 a.m. August 26. Names and addresses are to be regâ€" ilteteq ‘at the time specimens are ; Classes for the show will include 1: . Best group of vegetables; 2, best toniatoes; 3, best egg plant and 4; ‘best beans. No. 2 "f:lfl can; 11 for Heinz‘s SOUPS No. 2 size can; 11 for Unome _| 3 APPLE SAUCE â€" 4 quarts for Texas â€" GRAPEFRUIT JUICE No, 2 size ¢an; 7. for yoy |. 8RAPE JUICE GREEN BEANS No.| 2 size can; 4 for Savaoy | > ; ~.â€":; Monarch Garden Green or Natural ASPARAGUS:! _ _ _ GOLDEN BANTAM or Savoy WHITE CORN . No. 2 size can; 8 for 10 cans for sacuritiy Snider‘s Young PEAS Phone H.P. Thur;dgy,- Friday and Saturday S 4400 Holds Card Party To Meet Glencoé _4 .1 ok BLUE GOQSE FOOD MART THE PRESS . On Wednesday, August 21, the annual :Highland Park Playground day will be held. This event held annually during the last week of the playground season is always looked forward to by the children. In{flu few remaining weeks of the | playground _ season, omnl; events have been planned for the drten attending the playgrounds: maintained by the Highland Park Park district. The first of these events was the annual trip to the Cubs Ball park to witness a ball game between the Chicago Cubs and the Pittsburgh Pirates. _ Another trip is planned for this coming Tuesday, August 13, when the chilâ€" dren will be the guests of Mr. Comâ€" ]mresident and owner of the C White Sox.. On this date the White Sox will play the fourth place Boston team. Any child wishâ€" ing to attend this game should , reâ€" port to the playground instructors at once for there are available only one hundred tickets for this game. The | children are expected to pay only their ‘own transportation for this game, the trip to be made in buses chartered for the occasion. Playground Season ~ Is Fast Nearing End $1 s $1 s1 $ . $1 .$1 .$1 .$1 $1 .:1 $1 § $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 §516â€"518 CENTRAL . (ouk | GRAPEFRUIT No. 2 can; 7 for Savaoy Monarch COFFEE Crogse & Blackwell PRESERYV ES 1935 packed; 3 for 4 for fl Â¥uR:..â€":...:...: y‘s or Dole‘s PIENEAPPLE JUICE No, 2% size can; 8 for 041 No. 2 lltese::: CrJ.e & Blackwell Salid Pack TOMATOES N‘# 24 size can; 4 for No. 244 size can; 5 for ht ?’I;VNEAPPLE ; rge cans u*ortiad favors; 7 for Crossée & Blackwell SgCKEYE SALMON 4 large cans for _ _ © Maâ€"Brown ,PhESERVES 10 jars for Maâ€"Brown :gr‘y cans for Libby‘s Savoy Mammouth RIPE OLIVES in pure olive oil; 12 cmf.; Jumbo SHRIMPS Norwegian SARDINES | gfl‘é.HEN CLEANSER _ , Nemints BWE . :. 3. 0..2, .n Spabere ceeeneeed crril hoi lt ale Dry Gingerale, Root Beer fiparkling Water L C G bottles for :.â€".._i.1 :} > <|> [ Royal Ann CHER’F:ms No. 24 size can; 4 for|_.._.__ fl5 cans for Yacht Club fi}mation,' Pet or Borden LK MATO JUICE nd M LOBSTERS RMALADE ad and Butter PICKLES ACHES in heavy syrup & Blackwell FFED OLIVES 4 for for plus bottle deposit 10 for 81 Monday morning August 12â€"Port Clinton, Sunset ,ar fi n groups to Central beach for swimming. Raâ€" vinia group to Roger Williams beach for swimming. i $4 . Wednesday . . August 14 â€"Port Clinton, Lin and Sunset, groups to Cen :â€"_ Ruvinia group to Roger Williams beach. â€" Thursday mr;:u:fgm;; ues Boys baseball: Lincoln at Sunset: All children from all the playâ€" grounds in Highland report to ‘Sunset park with their lunches in the hiorning and sp 3 day playâ€" ‘ing games, contests and track events [for which prizes a warded the winners. : Further ‘information on \the m?gm.d. y will be pubâ€" lished in the near future . Tuesday en A. 18 «. Children from allâ€" ‘ou to attend White Sox ball Wednesday morning August 14â€" Girls baseball, Linegin ‘at Ravinia; Port Clinton at S 4 Monday af ‘An 18 :s General program .. unset, Port Clinton, Linegln, ind Ravinia: _ |.‘In the 9 $ playâ€" ground artivities are be carried on with swimming and baseball reâ€" ceiving the most The schedule of pla ivities for the coming week is as follows: â€"S1 _ uJ Og _ BPA - BA l :1( LB.23 11, i 3 g A$SO:' ~$s1| COLD MEATS $1 Sll 77A si| M E 31| ROASI SI ' -6fha; "1f| +s 248 S . ] 3| °05 : us J € sli p 1RI' S$1 on A $1 BUTTER Brookfeld POT ROAST BOLO LB FRESH ’f VES LIVER ~30., B. 171C 6th and 7th ribs 19 TT @g) ! Geneth and h 822 N. First 8t. o Ieconstruction Prid | Auto Repainting â€"â€"* g' ‘ And r..‘.' ""..“? ' â€"SEKRVICE gtiw Sn ofs ‘0.3 »m in« fos fosue HURSDA y w ink e ths o im PR 6 es M A TS CGNA »8 | BEEF Delivery AST | te «Crnoo lac ds I m . =; ?',‘7 1 and fitral ; i Tbs. $1 moon: A at % AUCUSq ,

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