DEEBPIELD LOCAL I'm-Innu- Wedding The lonly Mn on tho "tate of Mr. Ind In. Bicbtrd I'm-nor in Bannockburn will be the Inning for the you!“ of their daughter, Virginia. to Mr. John Woodrow Lento: of New York, on Monday damn, July Mr, " four o'clock The bride will we" whit. utin Ind cluntilly lace. Hir tulle veil will luvs ounce blossom: in . halo of-1 Net. Ill-l Dickuy Format will be her Iilter’n maid of honor and the bridesmaids will be Min June and Min Knthleen Cllklnl. dnuzlatm of Mr. Ind Mrs. R. M. Calkins of Bon- nockburn. All three will we" white mnrquilette. Ii" Dickey will wear I yellow ham-Mir hat and watching yellow shoes and will cur- ry I garden bouquet of blue flow- erl. The line- C-lkinl will have lut- nnd Ibo“ of blue mud prderl bouquets of yellow Bowers The groom. tho Ion of Erwin A. Love- ton of New York, will be nerved by Carl Frank of New York, u beat nun. The ushers In Kenneth Del- mnr of New York ind Frederick Gottliob of Wtttrwatosa, Wis. PAGE TIN DEERFIELD LOCALS The bountiful interior of St. Eliz- ubeth'l Church " Glencoe, deconb ed with guden ftowers, made I lovely setting for the mnrriage serv- ice of Wharton Locke Rogers Ind Susanne Mitchel at four o’clock on Sutuniny, July 9th. The entire brid- ll party w“ dressed in white; the bride-m3“! curried bouquets of sur- den Bowers and the ceremony was conducted by Rev. Richard C. Tul- bot, Jr. MltehelMtotters Ninth!- The bridegroom is I son of Mr. Ind Mrs. W. W. Rogers of Wilmette and the bride's parents, Mr. tutd Mrs. William Rennie Miteheil, who now live in Highlnnd Puk, were residents of Gloncoe for mlny yours. A Inge gitlnrinz of friends and relatives witnessed the ceremony and the immediate hmilien were en- tertained It I wedding supper " the Gleneoe residence of Mr. and Mrse..George H. Mltthewg, which was loaned for the occasion. The bride WIS attended by her sister, Margery, and the bride- groom’a sister. Doris. Philip Rog- er; acted as's best min and two other brothers, Robert and Russell. and the bride's brother, James, were the ushers. Mr. James R. Preston of Glencoe, an old friend of the Mitchell family, presided It the new electric org-n whichhns Just been installed in the church and which was made use of at I service for the first time. Moving pictures taken by Mr. Rnlph A. Hofbauer. a cousin of the bride, will be an interesting souv- enir of a pretty summer wedding. The trridi, and groom will make their home in Evanston. Mrs. Alex Wilhmut and Mrs. John ,Wvleh were hostcssses at the mun-t. ’ing of the Altar and Rosary society on Friday owning at the Holy Cross church. There will be no August mocling of the society and in its stead will be a house and garden party at the' home of Mrs. Elmer L. Clnvey of Wont Doorflcld road. Th6 benefit can! party will be held at the (flaw-y home on Wednesday afternoon, August 10, at two o'clock. Altar and Rotary Mrs. Alex Wilhmu, and Mrs. John Wok-h were hostesses at the mum- in}: of the Altar and Rosary society on Friday evening at the Holy Cross church. There will be no August m Mrs. Bruce Man-or n) will be mu- ot the the wedding of M elm of Evanslon wlm Modern hotel, all outside rooms, hot and cold run- ning water, some with private bath. Including hiking, "rimming. dancing. golf. room and mull. sped-l IlmllICP nu, $24.94 and "M' for two. "' an. fro- out via Bt, [Ill- I“ all VIM - Mb. Shades Hotel “Shad." lull. “We WI“ " Indiana's Most Scenic Resort ONE WEEK ALL EXPENSE VACATION tot reservations. (I¢-<Imluh Marjorie Mr. Bad In. Orville Cochran of Chkmhwcn dinm m on Sum-11y evening " the hon. of Mr. and In. J. W. lemma- of D-fuld rout Mr. and In. E. Brett And 1:.- ily no on n two weeks trip in an Treat. Dr. Venn W. Brian on July " Among the pmuythl - will bra.poetapartroatt_r" the home of Mr. m! In. Brut In." of Wilma mad. Lieutenant Daniel L. Hin- Ind In. Hines, who moved to the Wing nmrtmenu lut'month from Port Sills, 0k]... are removing to Port Sheridan. Lt. Hines ha been or- dered into quarters " the fort, Eight non-commiuioned otBeera who Ire living " the fort have received order. to vane this month so that the large building prop-m an be started. Many of the old buildings are to be torn down. Sergeant and Mrs. Ray B. Huh Ind fttmily of Fort Sheridan have land the Dr. Walter B. Metealf house at 1061 Greenwood new» and will move in about the Mteenth of July. W. R. Mitchell was the real estate broker. Mr. and Mrs. o. P. Burnett and childreh of Rosemary tenure Ire spendirtthia month " Ephraim, Wis. Mrs. Edwin Wood of Row-wry terrace his " her guest, her aunt, Mrs. John W. Hart of South Haven, Mich. " Min Agnes Derby in visiting her aunt, Mrs. G. H. Budworth in Ian. caster. Win. Mr. Ind Mrs. Rudolph Knuk and 1amin have moved to their new home he" Long Grove. Mr. And Mrs. Clark Banker (Ver- ene Gunckel) Ire in Watertown, New York. Among those from Deerfield who ure attending Northwestern univer- sity this summer Bre Minn Lillian Aekerman, Rev. Eur! J. Brute, Richard F. Hamill, and Edgely Todd. The recreation project being upon- wred by the Deerfield (Jr-mm" school Board of EdueBtion has met with much success and over one hundred children are now enrolled in the various classes. There Ire evening chases for the older boys and girls and adults, Ind these groups are still much smaller than is desired. Any one interested in handeraft, sports; can. is invited to come up to the school Ind join the Mrs. William Whiting and dnughv ter, Mildred, of Chicago visited Mrs. Elmer L. Clnvey on Saturdny. Miss Clara Ender and her broth, er, Mr. Arthur J. Ender, went down it Moline, Ill., on Sunday to visit at the home ot Dr. and Mn. L. A. Dondlnville (Eva Ender) for sev- eral days. gran PB, _ Mr. and Mrs. Alex Willmnn Ind son, Kress ,spent Sunday with Mrs. John Beck and Mrs. Louise thster. mnn in Fond du Lac, Wis. --n Mr. and Mrs, Cliiford Hammer and children have moved from Chestnut sthrcet and nrc living in Chicago. _ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tnylor and two daughters, Dinah and Roberta, of Dec-meld road spent the week-end in Centralia. Ill., with Mr, Tray’lor’s futlu-r, who had come to this state from his home in California. Mr. and Mrs." Joseph Wachholdcr (Evelyn Kent) announce the birth of a sun on Thursday, July 7, at the Highland Park hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Huhn nnd two daughters of SprimtheH avenue have bevn vacationing: at. Lady-' smith, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Petersen and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dobbins and :lnughlvr. Patricia Ann, tfre leaving on Saturday morning for I two wevts vm-ation at Fish Creek, Wis. Miss"3hirley Blaine left on Satur- by for I woo?- trlp to (In an. Ind the Smoky lambs. with Mr. and In. Walt-r Samson of an. em. Little [any]: lam h Iplndin‘ (his welt " tho halo of her Aunt, In. Blue. Blaine. up: Sally has you. to Cl. lomia. Hll sister, In. Roy In" and family no Ilse out than. In. Philip Beully Br. l. lam. for the west thou: the fir" of Amt. Mr. and In. Dan Hunt and {um tlr spent Smithy at Ruins, " Mrs. Mike lendino of Old Im road underwent In appendectomy on Wednesday at the Lake County hospital in Waukegan. _ no Brae. Blaine until, out Sunday with In. Sadie Blah. in Pnnklln Grove, Ill. Joseph Behesaler, who submitted to a mnjor operation seven] mk- ngo at the Lake County honpitd, is now It his home in the Striker apartments. - - - - Mrs. Albert Ward Ind two dingh- ten of Independence. Iowa, visited In. Robert E. Pem- on Wain“. day. Mrs. Ward is the former Bau- lnh Tibheta of Lake Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Ward have just returned from the Rotary International con- vention in Sun Francisco. Mrs..R:ymond Goodman will be hasten to the members of the Door- field Unit of the American Latina Auxiliary on Monday evening, " her home, 866 Central'lvenue. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Penman 3nd daughter, Doria, Ire spending this week in Canada. Mrs. Ralph Peterson was.hostamts to her bridge club last Wednesday afternoon at her home on Knollwood road. The club will not meet again until the latter part of August. Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Olson of Greenwood avenue were among those from this vicinity who attend- ed the Viking pienie at Gurnee or. Sunday. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tree: of Sprirur6eld, IO., were guests Inst week at the John A. Bothnnn home on Chestnut street. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Putt and daughter, Olin Camille, of West Virginin, spent the put week " the Jack Morton home. Mrs. Watt is Mrs. Morton's sister . Mr. anders. Charles Cook, John Morton, and Myrtle Koeppil of Peo- ria were weekend guests " the Walter Hoffman home on Ottoman uvenue. A A surprise birthday puny was given for Mrs. Raymond Dobbins on Sunday evening at her home on Wm' street. Mr. and Mrs. William Drake of Jamestown, Minn., visited " the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Stick- en Sr. of Sheridan place on Sunday. Norbert Strutzel has returned to COOL, CLEAN t:0llllrlli0tt'll' Many â€In dun-h - "I v-ior loom _ or. -'i' -dlltrqqooarhbt This Summer you can cook in I'll Pill. hia has. In and â€Us, In. It?" s whit " the mm... Us“. In. Punk Pug. In but to “I of his friend.- " a put, on Baud†than»; In honor at his mouth binhdu autumn, a the home of hi- pcmu, Mr. “(I In. Win" Pun. Jul: Inner-Id at “at, WI... In spending the um " the home of Mr. and In. B. A. Ill-cox of Central Ivonne. in. Edwin hisâ€: to host“- to the member. ot her Wndneuhy bridge club this Inch u her homo on Central "can. Min June Nelson started her bench play clnu for mu. ton on Monday. Kin Nolan will cum her third year " the Northern Illinois State Normal School " Deth in the fall. quite I number from DeerfUld went to the Elsi]! hospital ground- on Sunday to no I baseball gum between the Deemld Junior lotion team and “other district term, Al- gonquin, Nay a good gum; The score WM 6 to [in favor of Algon- quin an Greettslade will entertain the contact club " luncheon todny It the Twig and Think. formerly the Cuztarv-alu.aettt, in Highland Plrk This is the fourth of] series of nix parties being held by that club. Misses Lue11n and Juliana Will- man spent the week-end " Luke Lawn, Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson at- tended a putty on Tuesday evening It the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Peddle in Hikhhna Yuk. Mr. nnd Mrs. Rlymond Dobbins entertained It I picnic supper on Saturday evening. Out of town guests were Mr. Ind Mrs. George Mylott of Chicago. ,. Mrs. J. L. Smith of Albany, Geor- gia. is visiting her daughter. Mrs. W. W. Stem Jr. of needle“ road. Mrs. Albert Mitchell entertained the Eastern Mar Guild on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Clyde Behoottorer was the Issisting hone“. Mrs. Manley Antes wla hostess to the Evttrutelieal Daughters yes- terday afternoon, " her home on Walnut. street. Miss Molly Devine of Highland Park spent the week-end " the home of her brother, Berry Devine of North Chestnut street. The young people of the Holy Cross church are planning a beach party for Monday evening. Officers of this organization are: president Margaret Pfister; vice-president Robert Haws; secretary-tre-er, Mary Pfister. There will be an ice cream socill on the lawn of the Deerfield Pres- Mrs. John J. Rink and Mrs. Rob. PUBLIC Saunas COMPANY MMSLJoh-Av-u - “In†OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS warh- and " lam). “I! 16,ftmssth-trttintrtro'dV but. -omttiPafthrNrsd" " Mr. And In. M Glover and son, Jackie. of KM Woods vil- iud " at William Tumor-nun homo on Smithy. ' In. Raymond Boll ad her Mr er, Funk Damn upon: seven] darn of Int Ink with In. Bell's sister, In. Paul Read: in Anton. Phyllis Belt remind in Doom“ u the guest of Ruth Tennemnn. Touch“: Ind clean of the church school not on My "on!“ " an homo of It. and In. Hilton o. Olson of Wert 1ueMuid mil. Mr. And Mrs. (but Sch.» en- umined relatives from [on this Do you rush madly up the basement stairs on wuh dny to Answer insistent phone eaiist And would you like to know how to eliyWLate th.isy8ttoysition delpqiler? _ _ -----_ Aht bar lag! "The unver- irvirr--ver, simple-JU" CA1AcHittttlyyf1'ni177_-m.__, -e_e_e__-i-____e__e_- .____ OUR bUALITY AND ECONOMY UNEXCELLED ANY- WHERE. . r-et Jam 'he fhud, W... oe" WEE DAYS’LI. (06’... SATURDAYS ' I...†Sun. SUNDAYS 2:80 p... to 5:30 p... hum-um tnvttadtovt.ttthsttamdhs.rt-, mcwnlmlw-glhuuLh-mudwm ARE YOU A STAIRSTEP SPRINTER? CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM First Church of Christ, Scientist Highland Park lend the quad "aoniisGouirr, tmere-tber-He-hed-ttrt ..-e the rgd'o'd'gt'd.8Ltggitl l-Baie-ft-get" dire" #rseueoriodeeodiier,ioo.b-ueet fiflr,ot=it.'St,'rp,ttdr,'l,eg any“ moan-Mme 'd'1u'l,S','NlrUd1"d'. u norm "IND“ BOAD luau-id - it -tnesekatthMrhmrr.onruaat "can . It. and In. Out! R. In: and two alum m width: In. - W, In. loan, tn New". lawn. B. R. Christensen. oo. moan-Rm Pb. It.“ PM 8|. THURSDAY, JULY " "" 394 Central Avenue