non "ILVI The known! Men of an Rich- ard hm: homo In Baum-khan vu the “was for tho wedding ot unit daughter, Vlrttnla, to Jottp Woodrow [Anton of New York, on loud-y Harmon u four o'clock. with Dr. Gordon Bruin" of the L. P. Ptostryterian church reading ttto uni“. bum-Punt Wedding A sunny sky enhanced the belu- ty of the nrvioe. The bride wore I frock of white aatinUnd chantllly lace and her tulle veil wee held in place with clueten of - blob‘ some. She corded a shower boa-n quot of orchid: and lllllel of the‘ volley. Min Dicks-y Former vu her Ilster'e maid of honor end the lime Jone end Kathleen Celkine of Bennoekbunl were the brides.. maids. Alt three wore dream of white org-nu. Min Dickey vote . yellow hone-hilt hat end yellow Ihoel end carried a bouquet of yel- low inrden flowers. The bride-- maids wore hats and shoes of blue and curried bouquets of delphinlum. Cart Funk of New York nerved the groom u best men. Ushers were Kenneth Delmar of New York and Frederick Gottlieb of Wauwautora, Win. DEERFIELD LOCALS About one hundred seventy-ttve guests attended the wedding Ind reception. Mr. end Mrs. Loveton will live in New York, after I hon- eymoon spent in the north woods. . Min Edith Metal! w“ hostels It I bathing pll'ty on Saturdny at Blackheath Country club {allowed by I buffet supper for twenty-flve, cue-LI in honor of Miss Virginia Farmer 3nd John Loveton Ind the bridal putty. It the home of Miss Macaw! parents, Dr. and Mrs. Wai- ter B. Metal! of County Line rd. The bridal dinner WM given on Sand-y evening by Irtsmss June Ind Kathleen' Calkins at the R, M. Cal- kinn home in Bannockburn. Mr. Loveton came from New York last. Thursday. Partie. Tea Room The old C. B. Elston house has been remodeled by the owner, Mrs, Knute Warner and opened on Satur- day an a tea room, "Open House." Mrs. Warner has conducted another tenroom of the name name at Min. ocqua. Wis., and will be happy to welcome old and new friends at the Decdleld Open House. Kilroy. Deerfield young matrons. are venturing into business in the village in the near future. They will open a dress and novelty gift 'shop, in the Stryker building, in the Hen-0nd store south of the corner on Waukegan road, which was recent- ly vncated‘by Frost', electric shop. The electric shop is several doors south in the More Lormorly occupied by the R. A. Nelsons. Mrs. Clavey, the former Irene Cashmore, and her partner, Mrs. Kilroy, will both make very attractive proprietressos. Playground Project 1 Recreation leaders of the North Shore arm attended the Glenwood Park training camp It Bltavil Inst week for recreation leaderé of Dis- triets I, 2 and 3 of the Works Prott- rvss Administrition phyzround projects. Among those attending from this vicinity were Ralph Pox of Ihserfield, George Barnes of No. Dress Shop Mrs. Roy Clnvey and Mrs. James QititytND ©lS!BMlliSlm Phone 1880-5570 Sunset Valley Beverage Co. IN THE canâ€. Ilka Mal a! Elsi- wood, Blah m o! “banning Am Brown at Winthrop Harbor, 53-173th lab: of Burt. “In DOOM. not, hours head tho hill of tun-Hon being pro- noun! by the bond of education of the manor school. Uador tho undone- of Ralph War, thou on hold ml: may “(about at 2:80. Madeline In!“ conduct. the hour with the cooperotion of In. C. A. Wolf, “button of the Welt Dame†Township “bury. - The 'Gtdaxnantr- consumed on following truck “out Dur- wd’l may!†noâ€: _ - “Playgrounds no unwind from ' I. III. until noon Tawny through Saturday morning- from 1 to 6 p. In. and , to 9 p. m. Monday through Fridu." Min riorothr" Kréhling of Chiea- go in spending this month with her cousin. Min Shirley Wing. _ Mr. mind In. Bury Ciitrord HIWGI and children have returned to their home on Brierhill road ut. er a month'. nation " Pine Lake, near Ladysmith, Wis. Miss Betty Chvey ehaperoned . group of children to Riverview Park, Chicago, on Fridny evening. Among than who went were Shirley Wing, Dorothy Kreitling, Gladya Pure, Margaret Kimminzl, Eu Trute, Jaek Clnvey. Kreu Willnun of Deemeld and Bobby Greenllndc of Highland Park. Georire Erisrstrom underwent I mn- ior operation in the Highland Park hospital on Saturday. _ Robert Hatch has accepted . runs!†to the west count from the CCC camp It Iron River, Mich., and will go to Oregon. Major John H. Wyman and Mrs. Wyman are moving this week from Central Ave. to LISalle, lll. Mljor Wyman is leaving the service and is going into private business. As Cnpuin. he wu finance oMeer It Fort Sheridan and when the CCC transfer was made his 'iision went to Spurn, Wis. _ Mr. and Mrs, Douglass 1arkinl and dsuuthter, Jerry, of Chicago," spent the week-0nd at the Robert Page home on' Arbor Vitae road. Mrs. A. J. Boelter of Lon Angela. Calm, arrived Wednesday for I vis- it with her mother, Mrs. G. L. Brand Ind other relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Bonner is, the former Charlotte Brlnd . Mr. and Mrs. Ray D. Remit of Chicago visited friends in the village last Monday. The Reeds family will make a vacation trip to Arkansas to visit Mrs. Reeds' parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Ilutchison. . Miss Laura Wessling is back It Mrs. John R. Afmstrong and chil- dren of Stratford road Ire spending several weeks with her mother in Julesburg, Colo. Mrs. Lincoln Pettis of Weslaco, Tex., who had been visiting her ais- ior, Mrs. Ever Larson, in Oxonia, Wish has returned to Deerfield to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Penis. ' . . _ Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wesaling spent the week-end at thé W. C. Fohr hom ein Manhat'tln, Ill. Tel. H. P. 1858 Hilhluld Put GREENSLADE Electrical Contractor 148 South Second Street Electric Shop Reid M. m. the In": BM W has in Nov Cumin. but. “In a month'- um with her shit, In. liken A. Prints. In. [Arm [abomwl moth. n b [suing this took for a visit with. autother daughter in loath America. In. Rosina 395nm b orstertaitr lng the CCC girls " her homo on Thursday afternoon (today). Mr. uni In. Erie Janeen of the T0531“ bully " CHIN! Uh. Elihu, lint, up": the ink-0nd Ill. at the A. J. Johnson home. Ther In. Robert Brown bu mud attended the Tammany u trot- her home " “I Chant In“: for diet: Field on,tuurdsr. . the winner months to Robert B. Mr, and Mrs. George Shaw, anon and is taking I trip in the with their daughter, In. an Inc welt. Recent cards from he: were Orsborn and her Ion, Charla, have reeelmd trom tun Uh City, returned from a week's visit Tiiid where she h vUiting finds. Mrs. mm. w. 1mm in Jdenou,‘ Jul: Johnston of Btdros, Y. Ion. _ is spending two tech with his par- um Edna cube". y,“ the on... ems, Mr. and In. Willing John- nhrln grtt-nr " My. nnd In. Hubert “on of “if OOH! IVER“. In. Edna Orlborn wu the over- night guest of Mr. and In. Baker! in Chm†on Friar. -- --v- - Mr. Ind Mrs. George K. Ubl have purchased the house " 1108 Outer- man new which VIII former!) oe- cupied by the Phil Scullâ€. ite. arid Mrs. Roy “Ilium Ire residing in Libertyville. _ Mr. Gd Mrs. Ribhud Kreu spent Monday in Madison, Win. - Miss Isabel Biederstadt returned to Highllnd Park on Monday After I gen day visit at the home of her m ther, Mrs. F. C. Biederstadt of Central Ivenue. Mrs. Maria lntrnnuovo and three children returned home on Sunni†from I week's stay with relatives in Sioux City, la. A John White, who wu released‘ Olive Attended the conference on from Wndaiin on June 14, is now Sunduy. back it the prison farm for Inother The Dunun Graham. Ire occupy- six months stay. ing the home at Clay street vmbd Mrs. Leo Lumen and daughter, by the Lynn Roberta, who moved to Lorraine, of Greenwood avenue,', Hazel nvenue. spent Friday with Mrs. Robert Wardi Mr. Ind Mrs. Carl Martin are liv- ‘in Chicago, _ ing in the former August Huehl Mrs. Will‘nm Johnson, who is ill with diabetes, his been in the High- land Park hospital the past week, returned home on Sand-y. Mr. and Mrs. Arms Prana spent the past week in New York. Their daughter. Miss Caryl. remained with her sister, Mrs. Harold Gigs. Attic, Fan. Night-Time Cooling Brings Til I’ll]. Ir.nlllnl.l.lyoundhn- uyhn‘outoOn‘o-lorum tiotttHP. . 8.3mm by B. Back and In. Hut and that (all, moved from Portt_sttoth.WMtrr B. - ealf how on Granted "on on Friday. Mr. and luuC-rl T. Anderson and two ehiidren upon! Sunday with Mr. nnd In. In.“ Betuooae and .3. Tech!» an“, a Crystal his. I . The Tue-day owning bridge club met last week It the home of In. Hams Bahr. _ The D. L Harrell and the Eugene Buyen have been vacationing " Minoeqtm, Wis. The DeerfUld Recreation project is sponsoring a pet show this afternoon (Thursday) " 8:00 p.m. at the school. It will he held out- side, if the weather permits. Members of the Bethlehem Evan- Lrvlicnl church attended the Naper- ville Purk Bible conference on Tuesday. Other eooperntinit church- 05 are Highlnnd Park. Prairie View, Omega, Ind lulu. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Front: And daughter, Min Olive Attended the conference on Sunduy. Mr. Ind Mrs. Curl Martin are liv- ing in the former August Haehl house on Forest nvenue. John Weyer and son, John Jr., who had been shying " the August Winter home on Elm street, for the put two months, have returned to Rosemont, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Alma] Petersen Wm be hosts to members of the Beth- [than M dub this "all. (Thur-(by) It Mr ban. on Dou- Nid nu]. III. “In M. Ruhr, and“? â€do." of Misha “and“ " Mord Bull-nu szlon in Word. 00-3.. will wank on “Random Dav-lopuat of the Small Child." Mr. and In. III-sou PM and childm upon: the took-0nd " the Ohm Holin- homo In Belch. Win. Lem And Carol Holman u- corapnnkd than to DeeadUtd tor I whit. In. Irmie Brand and In. Anne Daniel: grill be has†to the Con- tmet club It luncheon next Thurs- day " the Hamlin hotel. Min [Ann [nub of River Por en has been visiting at the hem of her sister, Mrs. R. M. VIM. Mr. and In. C. E. Piper at! family no Rationing It Klywud, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dobbins and daughter, Purim Ann, Ind Plumbing and Beating ELECTROL OIL BURNERS 51gy, laurel Avenue - Highland Perk Shop Phone, Highland Park 271 - Residence, M. P. 439 SINGER SEWINGMACHINE Co. " B. St. Johns Ave. - Phone 995 - mghlotd Park, Ill. SALE ' RENTALS - PARTS B-uoorte1imakeaere-trtgmaehia-nrtdvaanmt.eMag-s _ Complete line of Singer Vacuum Cleaners _ Seying Machines Electric Irons, and Fashion Aids HOWARD MORAN landmnuryl’mm -dinetnro-hs.truh0t% ThoJutlcvdnb-dm "trmmtnatth.ttoatr.UDr.Doeo. £5,803!!anth In. labor! have you out with "who. Baton. " llu Edith local! In. " " houu mt. mu Dorothy Wilt-I of Dayton. Ohio, who I“ her einaq. mu " sum-d “innit! In California. ' Quality Cleaners RELIABLE LAUNDRY DRY CLEANING CO. HUIIDAY, JULY 11. "" Pu- M. P. "I P. Grok. “d non for I month’- Tuit thovidnltyo!