Wednesday ‘through Sgturdly, there will be a baseball me " 6:30 pan. on the ball diamond in Foss Puk, bringing together the very best of the semi-professional hall mm: of the district. in addition to Perm C. Waldâ€, who will lppelr for Richnd J. It om, Lake county's own undid-u for United States senator, nil un- didntes for county alike will be in. trodueed. Thuradnr, August 4, has been not aside for the demoeratie putty Ind this day will be highlighted by the pemnd Ippeannce of Conn-eu- mnn Scott W. Luca, who in the democmic candidate for United States sen-tor. All county candi- dates for once will be introduced. Free old time Ind modern dune. ing will be the feature “traction on both Thursday and Fridny eve- nings, with Funk T. sum. pop- ular deuce cdler It the "mike." A cordinl invitation bu been extend- ed by George Biederm-enerat chairman, to everyone who enjoy: this form of recreation/to be the guests of North Chieago'ss business end professional men on these two evenings. ‘ The pArtrrarn for Sundny'lfwyill climsx the celebration with the up- penance of seven senior and ten junior drum end bugle corps in n parade which will start " prompt- ly " 1 pan. The pantie, which will be reviewed by Lawrence Ap- plequist, Mate commander of the American Legion, will be headed by the massed colors of all the Legion posts in Lake county, and is one of the most eo1orfu1 spectacles to be Been, drawing thousands of in- terested spectators from all over the northern section of the state. The finest talent in the stnte is represented in the registrants for the drum and bugle corps compe- tition with Victory and Square Ports of Chicago, Elgin, Cicero. The junior corps, with members ranging in age from 8 to 18 years, will present a most recent activity of the American Legion in its Americanizaticn program. At 5 p.m. on the hull diamond in Foss Park,.three each of the Senior and Junior Corps will com- pete for cash prizes amounting to 8500 Ind this colorful display at- tracts many thousands of interest- ed spectators. The celebration will be held in North Chicago's Fops Purl: over- looking Lake Michigan, where un- ple parking spice, and every mod- ern comfort and convenience will be provided for visitors. North Chicago Days to Be Celebrated August 3 to 7 North New and Luke county no Aidan; tho mount than the datum mum] North Chic-(o Days Colobntlou will at and“ I†on wanes-by. August 8. Span-eyed try Shanda Post No. 397 of the American lotion. and balm] by the human und prof.- Iional men of the community. tun um: has drum emdl o! I. may as 12,000 p.091. in pmious you“. Featuring the ttrat two dam of the celebration will In the upm- ance of prominent republic“ Ind demoerntie candid-m for puma of- Bee. Wednesday, August 8, has hon duignapd u Rtputrrtean Dar, and THURSDAY, JULY M, "It SPEECH Ion-j - ".""wn§'“lau7‘la§m_' . "'irriika [m at Nor-l 030‘. "" "hi Ar... - w. Modern hotel, all outside rooms, hot 3nd cold rum ning water, some with private bath. "eit'dhtettNrte,orhmrshte, dud-g. you, no. and mummnh. Maximum"; "Gullah-Imago with-mad Wu“ -hl_ Shades Hotel Widow-w†hm Indiana's Most Scenic Resort ONE WEEK ALL EXPENSE VACATION Q. Who: won Shard-II, mm, and Alexandria Cathy“ cm, A. In 1835 by tho Loci-lawn. Q. What was the origin of Stud- to] College! A. It was originally edict! Rock Spring Seminary. having bean founded by John Manon Peck " Rock Spring, and run under the lus- piees of the Baptist church. In 1838 the site was changed to Upper Al.. ton and the mine altered beau-e of a menu- donation on the put of n Dr. Bhurtlee of Boston. It. When “. the CW SW but â€and! A. In tht nu 1808. Q. Who; on Jonathon Coll.†muted a charter! Q. What in the length of ths term of a. Trustee of the Uniucru'ty of Illinois? A. Six yours. Q. When was the Chieayb Theo- logical Seminary founded? A. In 1854. Q. Who donated the ttrut “to for the University of Chicago? ttrot."'", of Spriagfiatdt A. Thin eolloge in granted . ch-rur by the Omnibus Bill of 1835. A. Yea, convention: were held at Peoria in 1844. Jacksonville in 1845 and springfield in 1848. A. 11-min 'Field actuated the first 9 new. of lund for the Uni- versity. Mrs. Tanner wu Ada Thomas of this city, before her marriage to Dr. Tanner. Parents to Blame For 9-10 of Juvenile Crime? One of the Mun, Interesting Articles in TH E AMERICAN WEEKLY, the Mm- zine Distributed With NEXT SUN- DAY'S CHICAGO HERALD AND EXAMINER. Q. Were than any "hoot con- ventions hold in Illinois prior to 1860t Q. What law prescribe: that much. must keep recorda of all marriages? T Presbyterian Pulpit to Be Filled by Rev. Eugene Tanner Rev. Eugene S. Tanner, Ph.D., Professor at the University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, will occupy the pulpit of the Highland Park Presbyterian church on Sunday, July 31st " the regular 11 o'eloek service. _ Dr. Tanner was educated at Mid- land college, Fremont, Nebraska, and on graduation from the Presby- terian Theniogical seminary, Chi.. cago, received the'T. B. Blackstone Fellowship in New.'rmstament Greek providing for two years of grudunte study. At the end of this time, spent " the Divinity school of the University of Chicago, he was awarded the Ph.D. degre in New Testament. A. There Ire five, erected in hon- or of Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Dbnglls, Pierre Menard, John M. Palmer, and Richard Yates. Dr. Tanner will have for his ser- mon subject: “Jesus Christ Speaks to Our Day." The music will be furnished by Miss Irma Cooper, so- prano and Mr. Mpurice G. Ivins, baritone with Mrs. Ivins at the or- gan. Do You Know ' Illinois? The management at the Chicago White Box bush.“ tee- han in. vlted the children from the Highland Perk Playground: to attend e one between the Box and the Claw/dead Indians on Seturdey afternoon, Aw guut 13. Children wilhinc to nuke this trip Ihould nuke narration- et once with the lnetructon on the various pleyground: for ticket- have been received for only 200 tickets. The trip will he nude in buses uhutered far this purpoe. The bus expenles will he pro-rated muons the children Ind etch in ex- pected to pay his shun. This is the only expense on the trip " the children ere to be (next- of Mr. Comiakey at the gum. White Box Invite Playground Children to Ball Game ir-'--:'--) ‘ |IllIIllHIM|II|MIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIn|IllllIIIllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllilllï¬llllYI|lllllll||ll||lllllllll|IlllII|llllllIll|M||IlllIllIllllllllllllllllllllllfllllflllllflllllll Plan are now being made for the annual Playground Phyday. Thin year several of the playground- from the surrounding communitlea are being invited to take part in this annual event. .The plan. an now proposed ealleor huehall tour- namenta. track 'uui.tield meet; hone- shoe, checker, volleyball, and tennil tournaments, and other inter play- ground games. Also there will be exhibitions of handicraft work " well as dramatic: and entertain- menu by the children. This will be an all day "air with the‘chil- dren bringing their lunches Ind spending the day. The schedule for ghe week of Au- gust t is Is follows: . Monday morning, August I - Story telling on il playgrounds. Monday sfternoon, August 1 - Swimming " the beaches. Tue-an} morning, August 2 - Boys bunch-ll, Sunset at Port Clin- ton; Ravimn " Lincoln. Tuesday afternoon, August 2 - Tournament programs on all phy- grounds F Wednesday morning, August Ir.- Swimming lessons " the beaches. Wednesday afternoon, August 8 - Handicraft work at all phy- grounds. Friday Bternoon; kiiiruiiCiiin, (ral program on tUI plnygroundn. Thursday afternoonrAuguat d-- Tournament programs on all phy- grounds. . Wragg: So Chubbwitt'i denom- pher hats left him. What wu the requm? . V Waffle: She came into the ofttee one day and caught him kissing his wife. - Thursday morning, August 4 - Boys baseball, aninin " Sunset; Port Clinton nt Lincoln. Friday morning, August 5 - swdrtyyintr)eststrns at the benches. B. E. Christensen, 0.D. OPIOMETRIST 394 Central Avenue Highland Park. Ill. Ham Hkhlnd Park I!“ The First National Bank Tl. Pill. IN OUR DAILY AND CONSTANT EFFORTS TO MARKET OUR SPECIALTY, NAMELY: High Class Banking Service National Salesmen's Crusade Red Cross Issues Caution to Swimmers With 7,000 " war-nt- ulgned and and. '.iiver, unit.- only an right gstmrttinatitm a! "relternie day- nnd enrol.“ swimmers, " the Amri- can Red Cross life “Vin: service, which has done more that my “in gle Agency to reduce the unnlnl no entrance ot Inter mldonu. Lat you Ipproxlmntely this number of drowning: were reported in the United States. D. Melville Carr, tor of life saving in the g7eruSC,Ur'," lug- tests the following utety precau- tions: "Learn to swim correctly. "Swim only at supervised ph- tee. New. "Wait two hours other outing be- fore entering the water. "Do not try to show " akin: not possessed. F "Never swim alone. "Avoid long swim. "Never dive into muddy or lilo]- low water without Brat exploring the bottom with the feet. . "If caught in I swift current, swim with the current, making for tht thore at angle. "Avoid changi'ng an: in mull boats. "When I boat overturn» Itny with the boat. "In paddling I canoe, keep the weight low in the boat." The Chicago chapter in cooper- ation with the Cttiengrt Park dis- trict is now conducting 3 series of eburses in we handling of small can. Swim only within easy reach of WE JOIN ENTHUSIASTICALLY IN THE “‘5 "mr%mrnaLB-rrrmrnaattoatxt-ttet of Highland Park to swim correctly Audrey kindle. daughter of It. Ind In. G. B. P143110. 814 Oni- lund drive; Janette Bryant, dingh- tae of Mr. MB In. R. A. Brunt. 328 Oakland drive; and Jerry Baum, non of Mr. and In. E. R. Baum, 804 Ridgewood drive, will play un- der the baton of A. A. Ending. the den of college ttandmastera, Itch the Patric Band Cnmp Concert band Sunday in the Winona Tub- ernacie. Local Musicians to Play at Winona Mr. Harding, the. director of the University of Illinois hands, In: the recipient of the famous Soul- Library of Music upon the death of John Philip Song. Aa director of the University of Illinois Bands; he has become well-known all over the United sum. . Miss Prindle. in taking private instruction from Roy Known. for- mer Chic-go Symphony Butist; Min Bryant is studying from Doll Fields, first humanist with the Chicago Civic. theheatra; and and Mr. Baum in receiving lesson: from John Dolan, French horniat of the St. Louis Symphony. The-e young people will remain in the Petrie Bond Camp for two no]. weeks. Humid N. Finch, direetor"of the Highland Park Rich School Band, a N I?" “nuns IDAD 0w: WE& DAYS ' I... to ' I}... SATURDAYS , a. II. to ' D. II. SUNDAYS 2:30 p... to 5:80 I»... YumaMDdubMQ-Mnh-Lmthllhhlfl "'"""""'"'"""""tthtNtt'2'"". "-d.e-h-.6. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM First Church of Christ, Scientist Highland Park "Oh, very well then," he laid; "we've just had a letter from . girl, and Ihe'l suing In for breach of promise." Mr. Find: will also dimet the hand in a Ipscinl concur: " " worth Forest, I mum-r any " miles from Warsaw, Indians. The bride of I few wak- nomad my: her husband wu d-ed. “Erna-t. dearest," the aid. "I know there in Ion-0th!" troubling you, and I want you to tall me what it is; your worries no not your worries now-ther In our worries." will In the not 'reed-ttte at be PM. Bad Guy (or tho Id 01 July "at. It. Ptmtt, who in - idmt of the Illinoh High School Bandmnun' Mod-mu. will di- rect the Patric Band Clap about bond in its - duly allâ€. Illl. as wall In the concert Sunday afternoon, July 81. Quality Cleaners RELIABLE LAUNDRY DRY CLEANING C0. “an M. P. 178 AND PAGE mum CC'