[ new. clutch “than Ind tttti.. ogeh' served tag union. . DES Snap of Royal iea will meet on Dec; 12, a eight all.“ on Deer. mud election of eld. Mu . Otto Wendell Good dinner guests md Mri. _ 7.- f Auburn, m. of Chicago. are Thankazi Ilium Rose of P the L'Aittlon . updating _ me and All. . a granular mm Repairing k NICE STATION. ND sown!“ Weir in conduct Ming Conloi httinisstrettiotethe ber twthrrSrmt k. F. Henrie Stu. Deerfield, e--. e built on 331 PERM _ _ T Ivey was hos 3r bridge club. toon. Mrs. " tain the club He and M s of Dr. John New. York City thence the p eld Preabytcr' Lpeukers who ability in stra December 1, Re! D.D.s executi match Extensi icago Preab my; on Doe ' Lee Sniff; the Preabytef Man Educati 15, Rev. Will mat of the Ch League, Chiea Wendell, Good e their 20th r at ' party' .HL’S Istruction c sum-o miner 28. 1940 LEI“ r},.A~UNDRY"l RING co. r leanérs Mr. and Mrs. Ont] Fredrick: of hinge, Mr. ind Mrs. John Dewyer f West Lake Forest and Mr. and rs. Leslie Schukie tad son, were hanlagivintr Day guests of Mr. nd Mrs. Emil Fredrick: of Central venue. I Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Goodma- are were guests.of Prank Jones f Baton at the Congress hotel on Sunday. _ . Mr, and Mrs. R. F. Grohe and son, Richard, of Knollwood road, were Thanksgiving Day guests It the WW. Jill-fits-tatt-- home in. E2- ianston; c" L--yrc-"ther-,7t'eh1 of Spring- lield avenue†had been visiting her 'kismtthter,-ahrc- EWCSChmidt "of Park Ridge. , Mr. and Mrs. o. G. St. Peter and amily of Waukegan andir. and a. James Kilroy were Thanksgiv- ng Day guests of. Mr. and Mrs. any Clavey of Forest avenue. LNSunday guests qt the John w. at: home were Mr. and Mrs. Ray- hond Gtoa and mu of Frééport, Ite. S. W. Flint and Mrs. Henry 0103 of Bentsetwi11e. The Frederick Ritter family Ist Clay street spent the Thanksgiving Day holidays in Tennessee. . ,Mrs.,,.H_n.ny _C1ttvey attended a party on Friday at the homo of her mother, Mrs. O: G." St.. Peter in Waukegan. It was Mrs. St. Peter’s 52nd birthday anniversary lad; the J. G. SLPeier’s tatrwadiilit" in; uiversarr. _ Mr. end Mrs. Leslie Haggie and daughter of 1ilvamston-weri, dinner guests on' Thursday at the Fred Haggis heme on Octet-man avenue. '; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Manuel of De- roiV were" 'holidhygguests or their unt, Mrs. Robert' Brown of Cheat- ut “Erect. j -9 Mr. end Mrs. Edwin A. Wood of 0843th terrace and their (laugh- or and husband, Mr. and In. em Hansen of Chicago were htnkaziyinc '“Dny guests at the Mr. and Mrs. E. li'., Nelson tuid ittle daughter, Linda fhseiie,%tent Phanksgivjng Dir. with Mrs. Nel- on'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. lit. V. Tabb: in Chicago. 7 _ Mr. Ind Mrs. Leslie “groin urn-l l Mr. and Mrs. Relaunch Piepeu- trok, of Lake Forest were dinner meats of Mr. and Mrs; John Vetter m Thursday. Mrs. Piepenbrok is he former Dorothy Vetter. _ “wand. Mm. John R, Nota am we sons spent Thanksgiving Day It the George Non home in Chr. Kev. Piepenhrok'n brother, Rev Ernest Piepenbroklot Indianapolis Familiar tr, at their home on or- ard lane. ' Thoma and Walter Piepenbrok I ttdi-tia, Ind., were Thank». Evin: Day guests " the home of ev. and 31111". G. Pieponhrok. horttna and Walter are son. of ev. Piepenhrok'n brother, Riv. madly. Nan-her 38. In. Arthur;Seiferle bu gone to St. Petersburg; I]... to visit Mrs. Wil- liam Agnew, former auperintendent and organizer of the Dorcas Home. He has obtained work and will re- main in Florida. When Mrs. Agnew left the Dorcas Home 'several your: ‘80" Arthur, wont to live with. In. In Gardner. Robert' London, in- other of, the Dorcas boys had plum med to terr-to-Se-hte-ttcams,' but after resigning his work at the Front: Plumbing shop, was offered tt position in Chicogo, which he ac- cepted. He, the, lives: with Mrs. Gardner. Benton Sum-s home in Evsnston. (r Edwin Wood Jr. returned to New York last Tuesday after s six day visit with’his parents, Mr. sud Mrs. E. A. Wood. Re is on the BS. Swift Scout of the, Hollow Line which is bound for Houston. Tearns Dr. and Mrs. C. Johnston Davis of oeerfie1d road spent the week- end at tlieir farm st Iberia, Mo. ‘Miss- AgnesDerhy had is her guest on Thanksgiving Day, Miss Gertrude Shit-ls of Burlington, Wis†at the iemararf-hewaraeeatur-arr.--ritd- Mrs. David Derby of Journal place. MiilNsrltr-aad-NiisrS.hut are in, training " St. Vincent’s orphanage in Chicsgo. _ _ _ 1 e" Mr. Gk Mthaward B. Selig had as their guests on Thgnknkiv- likefeciili? ___- j‘lionthly mama installments that mymrown meme.’ 1ktunedtht't_mnetothisottias Suppoethatyouneed8100andean trrapp1ytioryuur1ottn.Justtmdttte radii)! repay 89.77 a month. The ampoettte1mresraietterttsraten.. taMesttmmthntrturimttaiintettts 'klein-ti-ttttmt-tFoes. m'l1-t8100ioanirttuitin12 mummy. "no"! “Am om 1t"tltttlM%tiE HOUS HOLD FINANCE " 'tnlllillllllll, IlllguMilr "I"! A JOB wuo nuns A Lon" _ bum “Wheat! Why 2hhtattutohethehrttnmomtt i,lEi"i'iEtsi'ill'iEi't'k'h"i 'ii'i'ii!il'.F,1ts1,'itie, "iif,i,ii,',rlrik'i'i'h,i,'iyiit Mgr',,ttg'fgtpta'?t',rt'id truesttHBtmryttefthetatttntonrt u 'i11?'Et'tti"iirt'lly,t,'tll?r,?, mgr. tRG f.. g,"dh'ah'r,th"atgr""""" --- a, Wttrthqtmt Sam M Binding, Seeond Moor no WWII Street FO may... W Telephone: Ontario 7110 _ 'AUKBGAN ' . -ea*"-arAraF""aat-as-. How you can borrow $120 to '300 quickly and Simply 125 'EEDnach loan? Yo-thor-' " Ll! ' 1m 103m 129.9 155.34 PUISOHAI. 1oAHg-$Stt To 3300 51.91 66.89 $655 13.30 19.95 â€as 33.25 39.91 83.14 79.51 WY“! MY BACK new I"!!! ' t Ind-dummy. 8‘54 with 2133 36.29 46.28 54.25 IS.68 18.18 on. Ft ing Day, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph New Maurine. 'her. and In. Archie, duy Sena. and Joseph Bhaifer of Tomb, Mu. Wis. Mr. and In. Sam: and Mr. 8.8. Shatter remained over the week. Line end. ' 3.49 If.“ 13.97 17.46 20.95 27.88 34.77 41.64 10.48 Presbyterian Circle Three, It I luncheon on Friday at the home of Mrs. C. M. Christensen, planned a Christmas party for members pad friends on Friday, Dec. 27, to be held at the home of Mrs. In Gard- ner .Mrtc,PrisderieU Koebelin oy Cen- tral avenue 'lpent Thanksgiving Day with hin- son, Rinehart Koebe- lin and 'famiiy, in Highllnd Park. Pet-toft-hte-" seeirrttte4rthtettetttk4ioiri'uumisr 'eptomtrioaniruxomenien'trnoetthiy ittstai1mentsthntt1tymtrorminame. SuppooethatyouneedSlOOandcan‘ radii)! repay 89.77 a month. The table than that your installment: m'l1-t8100ioanirttuitin12 $2.86 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM wherethe Bible and all the writings of Mary Baker Eddy . they be read; borrowed, or purchased Authorized Christian Science Literature in English. Braille, Ind foreign 11W in 0.130 unilabh' _ - . 'ToUrttr-.- by: 0:00 a.- b 'too I... Saturn!- ' n... a ' Lu. V m. 8t80 1 to up!“ 28.47 11.45 14.31 17.17 FIRST cnuacu iiitAitisr, SCIENTIST 8 2.44 " up“ 9.77 12.21 “.65 19.43 am YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO USE THE . I . an m. "alt!“ 66.N [11.52 " m 15.31 19.06 22.77 " NORTH SHERIDAN ROAD Gus, " 'ter?: -.-' 8.04 Fintmasitntnistrtatxtu.int-tth Ftiti ,mtrpeotKn. '5brequirethatlar, mslb or use adamant. no N or 15.93 ttttetd0a-smttdeontunttture, 19.03 mrornotn0Noeredithtquid-de I t oftHeatdrorre_Andrmtdoet't narrow ttavetomktHent_1tnr-mtrter' t',l',"t"tiri, todgnttteittnnp-rititymkYm' get your loan quickly and imply. T Send the coupon now " hee wanml . ttottkietmettairtirtghg1inAmmtittet. . Noottlitmtioettrrttoermrt ‘cha-ulhuhphuorul. "u"'"---, 'etNmattaatrmaNtitxtqtrmt- I m madmmmm I a -ettr-tteti."BmrtrrGet I HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOI. CRP.. We..." with MAINTAINED IV 1trnottntotidtbeothtrrterkds. Ask tbrpaymmtauetttrtrlanttouttmm.) Ptrmtrntrtrtthetatgeamre- thintr.'NrirtchdedttmmatHd- hold's rue ot2A% per month on tttatpttrtofatmiancenotexeeedhtg $150, and 2% pet moth on that pttrtofahaianasine-ot81S& nitrate rrutst.ttantttetrtaximum p_ema1tttdttrthesmal1Lattthaw. Notethattheaooneryourepuydho immunized». montuOrHfrrtts%omaBerrmr, menttttiriittltta"6.43rmtnsttt" 20 monthl " “my“! SM Mr, and In. Delbert Meyer spent the week-end with Mrs. - fnther, Adam Cannon. in Brown- town, Ill. _ Mulnd Mrs. Carter M. Christen- sen were host: " dinner to eight couples from Chicaco on Saturday averting at their home 9:: Sunset court. - . --_.r_._.. Mr. tind Mrs. George Pettis, Mr. a'nd Mm. Edwin Johnson and two children. Sylvia and Edwin In, and Edward H tttireti were dinner Earl John-ton Jr. eeUbrated his uventh birthday alumna-y on Friday afternoon a the home of his parents on County Line road; ' My: St80 p... u use p...