LENA GLANDT, Representative Anewering the country’s need for young men to train in the United States army, Joe Notagiacomo eno. listed Saturday morning with the Lake county draft board in High- land Park. Be is the fourth volun- teer for board No. 1, alao composed of two Highland Park youths. They are Wallace E. Glade: and Edward Korma Jr; Theme will)» aub- feet to call in the next induction scheduled for after Jan. I. Among those applying for 1 mph tinge license list veg? wen Elmer, C. Hensley, Fort Sheridan, and Minnie Mary Polinine, Highwood; aapiuianc-aiLpassraauAigrh.Lto,.4 Park,. and Frances S. Liske, High wood. THE BEST or EVERYTHING FOR THE TABLE CiI0i0irlrrljiiijiiiijir" I 747 - 748 t HIGHLAND PARK" L yenugl,nve.,l -s-iiijiiiegu.scrhursdar-Fridar-%rturda,r 747 - 748 l My. padEiée Gift Post Toasties rm Mule-W FRUIT BMKETB 81.50 all " Fancy Glut hr Plaid ASSORTED FRUITS Phones CORN FLAKES pkgs. for Pram sen-nun CAKE FLOUR hggedliom 21c WOO $2.75 Order Your Christmas Tree Now Extra Fancy California Balsam FOOD SHOP I 389. . The Dorcas society 3nd Brothers hood society of an Zion Luther†church in Highwood will hold their annual Christan: party on Dee. 16. _ . . I ON SALE AT OUR STORE and at the parking lot oppdsite the - Alcyon Theatre. Each year the two groups join for special gifts, entertainment and Christmas singing at .this party. Men in the Brotherhood ore re- quested to bring; gitt forgpo ld its members. Mrs. E. L. Nash is the program director. _ CHRISTMAS TREES _ Little Forrest Candi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Amit Grandi of mm avenue,_entertained . group of his friends Saturday afternoon in the tItroreArtetlu)t rooms in Highwood in honor of his t 1 v. - ble decorations were in keeping with PICNIC RAMS, 1b.. .19e Fresh Dread ' S'I'EWING AND ROASTING CHICKENS, lb. . . . .29e PORK ROAST, lb. . .23e Sill] Loin LEG Oli' LAMB, lb. 27e BEST HAM, lb. 28c, 31e Meat Specials rigA/igAta Cantonment-"Val Shpulder, lb. 29e 510 6 lb. "we 7to$|b.uvmgo Tolephono H. P. 53 SPECIAL cl the Christmas holidays. Mr. and In. William 1)on lave moved to their new_home on Western avenue. . Mr. aha Mrs. Wm. Luebeko had as their guest int week their Nth.. er, Mr. C. P, Thomaa, of Wuuconds. marked the opening any for the sale of 1941 city vehicle sticker: " announced by City Collector Thoma Russell Jr. -" The prices _ are " for pleasure can and $6 to $20 for trucks, de- pending on the tonnage. The city gnmgnee Atttes that stickers are to be pasted on the wittda-hitgd on or before Jan. 1. Ttrmm1r7TmrTum0rarmr're"'o"""?"Nr people who are sophomores or jun- Due to the popularity of the Bel- lamine eluh meeting Tuesday night in the St. James church with young- er high school students, the Meets decided to divide the club into two Last Wednesday, Daughter Six O’Clock Tomatoes . No. 2 cans o................, for 25¢ '7 Pure Granulated Sugar _ 10 pounds for --..--amy _American Family Flakes 2 medium pkg. -...-.4'tt 2 bars .. Holleb'n Lemon Scented ttdosen. baht gait: G. Vegetables T Tens Grapefruit Luge sisr_c........-........a fol 3 pounds Florida Juice Oranges Lux Toilet Soap Sweet Potatoes Central Ave. Tangerine: 2 1%? 43c COFFEE . Ballet's SUPREME a for 23¢ 11¢ " ion in high school will oomph. th. Junior group, and thou who an union or over" " you}. of 1:6 win be eligible for the unior_ group. "TB'unior group will hold their meetings the tlmt Tuuduy of each month, while the junior: gill meet G" tie' second Tuésday. This pant Tuesday marked the flmt meetirig bf the junior group. The., Highwood Citizens' School club held its regain}- meeting in the Cuore Arte club rooms lest Thurs- day evening. Plum were diseutsssed for a Christmas. party to be held on Thursay evening, December ‘19. Following the business meeting games and dancing were enjoyed by tho membeia.sith rxsfr1sshmttm being served by the refreshment committee. All mothers are looking forward to the next meetings: the Oak Tee. race School P.T.A. on Juan-y I. Reason is that the fathers will hate sgsazsrssustuhsc.atrstitnpIgL_eill: -iGirra7traTiRriiiarrTiiria7'wii:r son, program chairman Reube'n or. son, membership chain-mun Thomas Galloway; with Herman Juhrend, W. A. Thomas, John DeSmidt, El.. mer Carlson, Charles Wore, and George Kenry. . have to provide the eat-er-tTa-ti-erik," However three mothers have volun- teered to help Floyd Mlmder, new. enth grade teacher, with some phase _of the progrem.- They are Mrs. David Dahl, Mrs. Sam Como and Mrs. Virgil Lenzini. n Men on. thfeommittee are Pres- 1;!th William, JYyhrif, _tytertttttt The; Highwood Boosters defeated the Luce Forest team last Thurs- day night with a score of 15-12, which was the result of an over- time period.' The Boaters basket- ball team will pldy agaiii tpnight (Thursday) 'at the Oak “Terrace school gymnasium. The city of Highwood and its fire chief. Arthur England, have much to worry them these days in re- gards to their Bre department. First it was pointed out that due to the present location of the fire siren, the volunteer firemen cannot al. ways hear the signal. An instaan was pointed out that in the ease of a strong south wind blowing, tU Hitthwdod siren Ittut" be heard itt Lake "Poretst,- but not in the south- half of Highwoogl. Therefore the men living or workin} hi that vi: cinity sometimes do not even know ;thereh‘ss been I eall., - I 1'? was suggested that it be put on top of the city water tower,hat that wss vetoed by the mayor be- cause he said "if the wind 'ifrottt. the north, it would be hesrd‘ in Highland Park and not in High- wood." _ Rumors stillpetgistin Highwoo that the North Shore line won] be very Ttlad to have the sire moved, u the paint in a whimsiei QualityCleaners My. Does-bat It, "" RELIABLE LAUNDRY DRY CLEANING co. Pia-c n. P. 170 AND “Iâ€. Second it v ‘Sheridan is i that "sound i nghWOOdI , when the tir, mare-Hm Sheridan dire fire. neck!!!†that mamma- The whine ' specw app“ to cooper.“ I went, u it. W01 pered by call- his department the location of duces nothing gignaln when t try to telephm the fire is, wit fire has burned firemen can tre tion to lean England exp!†all persons I location bf a minutes befor members of ( pent may Bee formation as l