Wednesday evenings have been set aside for high school students at the Commmunity center and all high school age young people are invited to come to she first open house on‘June 16 at Training courses for volunteers who are to participate in Highland Park‘s summer recreation program opening next ~week are in full swing. One thousand registrations were sent through all the elementary schools inâ€" forming children and parents of acâ€" tivities sponsored by Community cenâ€" ter, Highland Park high school, Y.W.C.A. and the jointly sponsored «lay camp at Sunset park and a big response has been received. On Tuesday, Miss Laura Cross, Y.W.C.A. secretary, offered a trainâ€" ing class for the volunteers who will staff the sewing and cooking classes and Grammar School Girls‘ club. The volunteers included Mesdames, Dwiâ€" ght Davis, E. G. Stupple, St. Johns, B. J. Bevan, Savin, Theodore Fischer, C. J. Sandel, E. N. Greenebaum, Lawâ€" rence Stein, and Miss Ann Arenberg, who will be the swimming instructor. Two cooking classes will meet on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 and Thursâ€" day mornings at 9:30. The sewing classes‘ will meet at the same times. The Girls‘ club will meet Tuesday afâ€" termoons and will have a varied proâ€" gram of outdoor and indoor activities. the program will be set up and volunâ€" teers assigned to their various groups and activities. Volunteers include Mesâ€" has sponsored the joint recreation proâ€" gram for the commtunity, is conscious <f the fact that because of limited personnel and,no funds it cannot do all that the community needs. The younger group of children has been completely left out of the program. The ‘Coâ€"ordinating council hopes that perhaps a coâ€"operative group of moâ€" thers will demonstrate what a neighâ€" borhood can do by pooling its joint resources and possibly giving impetus to a program which can be helped by «community resources next summer. Extra copies of the recreation schedâ€" wles circulated through the schools may be obtained at the Community center, Public library or Y.W.C.A. Sunset park day camp on Friday at 9:30 at the Y.GI.C.A. At that time, dames A. S. Alschuler Jr.,. E. N. Greencbaum, Tousley, Paul Mathews, J. Allsbrow, Harold Bennet, George Barker, Frank Selfridge, and Wilkenâ€" son. High school girls who will asâ€" sigt leaders include Jean Watt, Mary McFee, Janet Smally, Jean Gatewood, Jearn Heinrichs, Marjorie Elmore, 8 o‘clock. At that time, they will get together to organize a high school inâ€" formal dance club for the summer and to make plans for conducting the club as they want it. Subscription rates: $1.50 per year, 5 cents per single copy. $3.00 per year outside of Lake County, IIlinois. Issued. Thursday ‘of each week by the Highland Park Press, 516 Laurel avenue, Highland Park, Illinois. Teleâ€" phone: Highland Park 557. Communications intended for publiâ€" cation must be written on one side of the paper only, and be signed with the name and address of the writer. They should reach the editor Wedâ€" nesday moon to insure appearance im the current issue. Resolutions of cendolence, card of thanks, obituaries, notices of entertainâ€" ament, or other affairs where an adâ€" ammssion charge is published, will be Elsie Plant, Editor Thursdoy, June 10, 1948 Training Courses for Summer Recreation Under Way at YWCA Joamne Lillie, Annâ€"Rose Murfey and Beverly Schmitt. The day camp will open at 9:30 a.m. June 16 at ‘Sunset Miss Eleanor Schmitt, Girl Scout secretary, will train volunteers for the Entered. as second class matter March 1, 1911, at the Post Office at Highland Park. Postels, Louise Howigan, A. S. THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS Sponsored By Council Society â€":â€" Womens News â€":â€" Locals council, ~which Thus, deliverance from the hand of the oppressor was seen by the direcâ€" tors to be no miracle at all, but raâ€" ther a simple witnessing to the fact that power springs from the prayer of understanding. The directors also announced the election of Mrs. Daisette D. S. Mcâ€" Kenzie of Cambridge, Massachusetts, as president of The Mother Church for the ensuing year, succeeding Mrs. Elisabeth F. Norwood, of Brookline, Massachusetts. ' At a ‘luncheon Saturday in the Orâ€" rington hotel, Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. James Parker Margeson Jr. of Evansâ€" ton announced ‘the engagement of their daughter, Jean, to Howard Francis . Wood‘Jr., son of Mrs. Gerâ€" trade Davie Wood of Highland Park and Mr. Wood of the U. air forces. In a statement to the annual meetâ€" ing offThe Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Bosâ€" ton, Massachusetts, the directors first emphasized the word "prayer," then followed with the "miracle of deliverance" which is to be accepted, they said, as the logical answer to righteous prayer. Miss Margeson was graduated from Milwaukeeâ€"Downer â€"serminary a n d from Smith college. Mr. Wood, who has an art studio in Chicago, graduâ€" ated from Cranbrook academy in Deâ€" troit and attended the Art institute of Chicago. William R. "Bill‘ Low of 241 Laurel avenue, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Low, has â€"returned from Delafield, Wis. where he attended St. Johns Military Academy. Home for the summer, he will enter his senior year in the fall. Miss Jeanne Jenkins returned the first part of the week from her studies at the University of Ilinois where she is majoring in commerce and merâ€" chandising. ‘The Christian Science board of diâ€" rectors today placed "prayer" at the top of the list of defensive and ofâ€" fensive weapons that freeâ€"thinking peoples are counting upon to win the suppression. T Elizabeth Low left for New York last Friday via Wheeling, West Virâ€" ginia, to attend a reunion of Smith college girls in New York city, Miss Low graduated in 1941 with a bacheâ€" lor of arts degree. Annual Meeting of First Church of Christ Is Held Howard Wood Jr. Is Engaged Miss Marjorie Shay has left for New York City where she will attend the graduation of her brother, Charkes Keith Shay on June 16 when he reâ€" ceives his commission as ensign from the naval reéserve school at Columbia university. â€" MRS. DAISETTE D. S. MeKENZIE Incoming President of The First Chureh of Christ, Scientist, in â€" Secretary Frank Knox of the Navy will deliver the commencement adâ€" dress and will award commissions as ensigns to 37 members of the Univerâ€" sity‘s Naval R.O.T.C. following the regular graduation exercises. Presiâ€" dent Franklyn B. Snyder will deliver the charge to the graduating class. Department heads of the Highland Park League of Women Voters met recently for an allâ€"day luncheon meetâ€" ing at the home of Mrs. Louis Haller, president, to formulate plans for the new year. Because of the coming primary elections in the spring, one of the major emphases of the league‘s program will be on "Who Picks the Men ‘That Run for Office?" with members studying the caucus and the political party as agencies by which candidates who are to run for office are elected. William L. Burkhardt, 2455 Edgeâ€" wood Road, Master of Science; Walâ€" ter Erwin Durbahn, 158 Beverly Place, Master of Arts; Andrew Ernest Jaâ€" cobs, 323 North Avenue, Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts; Laurence Herman Lanzl, 335 S. Linden, Bacheâ€" lor of Science in Liberal Arts; Alvin Ruben Larson, 514 Glencoe Avenue, Doctor of Medicine; Mrs. Dorothy Cave Schuler, 337 Oakland Drive, Master of Arts; Alohzo Gass Tenney, Jr., 2605 Meadow Lane, Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts; Lois Edith Thorson, 339 N. Avenue, Diploma in Nursing. "An innovation will be small meetâ€" ings within neighborhoods to foster informal discussion," states Mrs. Halâ€" ler, "to minimize transportation difâ€" ficulties among our large and widely scattered membership." The league school, a series of educational proâ€" grams opem to the public, will be opened again in the fall. 4 Department â€" chairmen who were present were Mrs. J. S. Baker, newly appointed program chairman, Mrs. 0. T. Knight, business office, Mrs. Richâ€" ard Loewenthal and Mrs. Myron Gutâ€" man, coâ€"chairmen of the department of foreign policy, Mrs. Ferdinand Kramer, chairman of the department of economic welfare, Mrs. Leonard M. Rieser, chairman of the education department, Mrs. Waliter Neisser, chairman of the social welfare departâ€" ment, Mrs. Van G. Kirk and Mrs. Monroe Ottenheimer, coâ€"chairmen of the department of government and its operation, and Mrs. Melville Keim, public relations chairman. nesday, June 16, on the campus meaâ€" dow in front of Decring library will be : Voter‘s League Formulates Plans For Coming Year LOUISE HAESSLER RETURNS FROM SCHOOL Among twelve hundred students who will be candidates for degrees at Northwestern university‘s 85th comâ€" mencement exercises to be held Wedâ€" Two Highwood boys receivi dc-i grees will be Henry Claud Jm. Jr. 221 Sard Place, Bachelor of Science in Commerce; Nello Orin Ori, 238 Everts Place, Bachelor of Laws. Many degrees will be awarded in absentea to seniors who have already departed for military service. Ten to Receive Degrees From N. U. On June 16 Miss Louise Haessler, daughter of Mis. Mildred B. Hacssler of 1737 Rice treet, returned home this week from Vassar college, where she has comâ€" pieted her second year. Miss Hacssler has two roommates from college visiting her, Miss Ellie Witherspoon of New Orleans and Miss Elizabeth Miller of New York City. IN WVAR &><â€">,. AS IN PEACE se The First National Bank L HE management of this bamk is pledged to conservaâ€" of depositors‘ funds is our addition, the bank is a memâ€" ber of Federal Deposit Insur» amee Corporstion, which > mare each of our deporsitors agrinst lom to a maximum Mcember of the Federai Deposit Insurance Corporation of Highland Park Dorothea Seese Weds Lt. William J. Woods The Highwood Social Service will meet Monday eve June 14, in the 'Highgmf city e Ae s â€"odiock Robert Saielli, chairman, will preâ€" side. Members are requested to attend. Miss Dorothec Marron Seese, doughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Seese of Bannockburn, and Lieut. William J. Woods, son of Mrs. 1. F. Woods of Louisville, Ky., were married Saturday, May 22, in Trinity Episcopat church. c Following the service, a reception was held in the parish house. The out of town guests were the groom‘s mother, â€"Mrs. Woods, his grandmothâ€" er, Mrs. Grace R. Moore, his sister, Mrs. Henry J. Anderson, and his aunt, Mrs. John W. Moore, all of Louisville. ‘The bride and groom had a short honeymoon at the Seese farm in Inâ€" diana and have gone to Waco, Texas, where +Lt. Woods is stationed at Camp Hood. f HIGHWOOD SOCIAL SERVICE TO MEET Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rohn Seese of Bannockburn announce the marâ€" riage of their daughter, Dorothed Marron, to Lieutenant William Josâ€" eph Woods, Army of the United States, on Saturday, May 22, at the Trinity Episcopal church in Highland Park. Lt. Woods is the son of Mrs. I. F. Woods of Louisville, Ky: Miss Kathryn Seese was her sisâ€" ter‘s maid of honor and the bridesâ€" maids were Miss Lois Buhrow of Deerfield and Miss Marcia Randall of Evanston. Dr. Harold Born of Eigin served the groom as best man and the ushers were John Ward and Midâ€" shipman\ James ~Fitzgerald, both of Evanston. DEPOSITS IN THIS BANK ARE INSURED GOLFERS: Play the North Shore‘s finest daily fee course SPECIAL SUNDAY FEEâ€"Golfâ€" On Deerfield Road between Skokie Blyd. and Waukegan Rd. at BRIERGATE ers teeing off before 7 a. m. 18 holes $1.50. Sundaysâ€"1 :00 to 4:00 .p.m.â€"$1.50 Afiter 4:00â€"§100 LADIES‘ DAY GOLEF! Chicage Phone: Whitchall 6530, BRIERCATE COUNTRY CLUB Mondays and Fridays Deerfield, Iillinois or Deerfield 595 CEampbell Chapter To Meet Wednesday Volunteer for Red Cross Work Evenings Campbell chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold its regular meeting Wednesday evening, June 16, in the Masonic temple at 7:30 o‘clock. There will be birthday cakes for all members who have birthdays in June. Volunteers for any type of Red Cross service may now be made beâ€" tween the hours of 5 and 7 p. m. the first Monday and Tuesday of the month at headquarters, 529 S. Wabash avenue, Room 501, Chicago, or during the regular registration hours during the day. PÂ¥ WILL REOPEN SOON â€" PINK POODLE FARM STEAK â€"CHICKENâ€"CHOPS SINCE 1901 LAKE COUNTY‘S MOST EXCLUSIVE RESTAVURANT Telephone â€" Directory . _ Closing , @ Your new telephone direciory goes to press wery soon. In order to insure accuracy, we check and recheck every name, address and telephone number before printing. * H you have a telephone, please look at your present listing in the directory to make sure it is Watch for Opening Date BUY U. $. BONDS AND STAMPS VNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Air Conditioned 2 o‘clock at the home of Mrs. George L. Fairbairn, 219 Central avenue, Wilâ€" mette. Jo Dyer, of Evanston, will reâ€" view a current play in honor of the new alumnae. The (ollowiun:ily“dl-‘- nae officers will be presented: Presiâ€" dent, Gladys Nelson, Chicago; viceâ€" president, Mrs. Elmer Oberg, Wilmetâ€" te; secretary, Mrs. u-h.uw Ch'n&umer.l(uvm ve bart, Hlyp,mm*: man, Mrs. J. Theodore s anston ; publicity chairman, Mrs. J. C. into the alumnae chapter for the senâ€" ior members of Alpha Gamma Delta at Northwestern university will be held Saturday afternoon, June 12, at Stupeyâ€"Smith unit, No. 501, Ameriâ€" Gllaqim’uflhryofflighwodfl sponsor a bingo party Wednesday eveâ€" ning, June 16, at the home of Mrs. Ermmest Ayers, 243 Washington avenue, FHighwood, at8 o‘clock. Legion Auxiliary to Sponsor Bingo%arty Door prizes and other prizes will be awarded and refreshments will be GRADUATES FROM WEBSTER COLLEGE lege unit of St. Louis university, St. Louis, Mo., this month. ® Annual Reception Planned by New . Alpha Gamma Officers LIBERTYVILLE 1031 of Highland