Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 23 Dec 1943, p. 5

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4) B w t Mrs, Zimmer had a home on L&urel Tut is how living with her To Mrs Prevoy, on Aigaikicare. The girls are: Barhara Bailey, Joâ€" verne Buim=t, Dorothy Dickinson, Mary Jane Eriksen, Nancy Harvey, Nancy J Pat Lynn, Naomi Madson, Ann mr, Mitz Netvman, Marjorie Pfisâ€" fmu&cUdvcnity:,kE!fiagoattht autumn convocation, with the Convenâ€" tional Bachelor‘s degree, was Leqnard M. Reiser, Jr., of Ravinia. The ‘family of Mrs. Louisa Ahrens wish to express in appreciation of the many kindnesses of friends during Leonard M. Reiser,.Jr. Received Degree At U. of Chicago Mr. Pfister is past. president of Highland Park Gardén Men‘s ‘club, and hoids office in the Men‘s Garden Clubs : of Amepe& For the past two years, Mrs..Plister has served as comâ€" missioner of the Highland Park â€"Girl Seout council â€" y Shortly. after the first of the year the C. Eugene Pfisters will move to their new home just,. west of Libertyâ€" ville. For the past several years they have lived, at 2385 Lakeside place. SARD OF THANKS nue, néar Halfl Day road. The girls brought her a sweater and a Christâ€" ma;hm-fl!byDorothyDickimm. one of the Girl Scouts. tcf, "Nancy Riggs, Lois Scheemeacker, Joan Smith and Margic Wolt. ~ * :â€" _‘‘Mrs. C. E. Pfister, Mrs. Harold Pfister,. Mrs. © Edna Dickinson,, and Mrs. | Jens \Eriksen: accompanied the Pfisters Will Move To Libertyville Fifteen girls, bers of former Girl : Scout No. 5, went to sing Christmas carols| for 91â€"yearâ€"old: Mrs. Zimmer® on T , Dec. 21, for the fifth tive| year. Mrs. Zimmer, 91, . Honored By Annual Carol Sing > Tickets for the Holly Hop may be obtained from Mrs. Bushey or other members pf her committee: Mrs. Nathan . Corwith. Jr., Mrs. Robert Harvey, Mrs. Herbert Holt, Mrs. Hetâ€" bert Kerber, Mrs. Arthur H. Mason, Mrs. Alired Turner, or from Gsell‘s in Ravinia or Highland Park. The New Year‘s eve dance was planned in answer to the demand of the club members for party all could attend without worry about gas rationing. â€" Decorations for both <dances are being planned by Mrs. P. B. Garrett, Mrs. E. E. Kern and Mrs. Alfred Tarner, to make effective use of holiday! greens, silver and white. On New Year‘s gve, the Ravinia club members | will sjoin with their friends and neighbors to ring the new year in, with music by Bob Peary and his orchestra from 10 to 3 a.mi. and a buffet breakifast to be served after midnight. Reservations for the New Year‘s eve party close on Tuesday, Dec. 28, and must be arranged for in advance with either ‘Mrs. Francis P. Linnemann, HP. 4282, chairman of the dance committee, or with Mrs. Carl E. Herbst, HP. 2528, and are limited to 275. There will be a club table for small: unit reservations. On Thursday evening, Dec. 30, the Holly Hop ‘will be given for the teenâ€" agers home from school and college. Dance music from‘9 to 12:30 will be by one af the swing bands of Chicago, Henry Brandon‘s, now playing at the Pump room on Tuesday evenings with a broadcast at midnight, and at the Medinar club on Sunday cven‘hp. The Holly Hop is under the direction of Mrs. Albert~J. Bushey. * Next‘ week |is ‘party â€" time . for Ravinia Woman‘s club, with dances to be given on Thursday evening and on New Year‘s eve. â€" t Holly Hop Thursday, New Year‘s Eve _ Party Friday % Among the students to be graduated : RESERVATIONS $20 Society NEW YEAR‘S EV E CELEBRATIO ~ DINE & DANGE To EDDIE SHAW‘$ Dining: land dancing will be feaâ€" tured orf New Year‘s eve at the Hotel Morain¢â€"onâ€"theâ€"Lake. ‘Mugic will be provided by Eddie Shaw And his 10â€" piece otthestra. There be enterâ€" tai hnd favors. â€" > | | Reu#flfiom may be m1‘e by cafl- ing . H.P. |4444. <if ' Georgann Hendtick Hom¢ from School To Spend Holidgys atl(anq arrived â€" spead(h{ parents, . St. Loui with her Greenslac Mary Coll% Hom college. school Mordine Plans Dabnce For New Year‘s Eve Miss Palmer hadâ€" com hundred and!ten hours of f ing at Palwakikee airport b accepted by the W.A.S.P.S. msh"schop earned her Miss Pal cial pilot. | Irene Palmer, Licensed Pilot, _ Joins W. A. S. P. Miss Irene Palmer, daugh and Mrs. Géprge M. Palmer St. John‘s avenue, left on Sweetwater, | Texas, to entti in the women‘s air force a field. T } fim}’“nq? ; Betty Arnsw % IMSW Greenwald. | | i4A Jacky Weil, Patsy Porger,; Bartell, m Gardner, Clair wanger, Patten, Joyce Alice Dorick, Junior At Knox, Listed in Who‘s W ‘Alice Dorick ‘was the onlyâ€" a group of twelve students College honored duringâ€"the f by inclysion in the annual "Who‘s Who in â€" American and Universities", listing leaders on | the various : throughout the country. Mi is editor of this year‘s book "and a member of Pi sorority. She is the daught and Mrs. Wm. G:; Dorick, Avenue, <| | : : Adrienne ‘Rebishini, Lorrair mond, Isabel| Edwards, Ram Joan St. Cyr, Patricia Wui Tery, Sharlene Robinson, J Mfiifl'l?ehflnbooth!: 18 to 25. | Naney â€" Trner, RBeverly Ariene Barker,; Jane A ‘ thy Flinn, . Jean Washburn, Jof ter, Julie Elbert, Mary F Uhling, Betty Baonâ€"Durent, â€" vin, â€" Susan | Straus, / Delores | Girl Scouts are serving in stamp and hond booth in Wo u__fonm,j $5! ; Serving In W ar J Bond, Stamp Booth Local Girl Seouts) Miss El‘:fi'So..Seémi eceived her bac ilosophy lastâ€" J ) for Holida afty Jane G istory ;nd;:fi lerinx .Hall. W t | Nou is spending t Jane Gr_eexi ze Instrue LShé'is the , da s. Wm. Einbeck from Hight in 1938, Miss bachelor‘s. degrt c;am;“dim 4th, Shore‘s t is a licensed 6 * dot t,‘ an inâ€" cal educaâ€" t College, e holidays rs. Robert | St, Miss helor‘s‘ deâ€" ne at the glade, or, yS ° â€" t at Chiâ€" ig student : of the ter of £./ > ind Park Einbecker pted one ht trainâ€" being Â¥ j r of Mr. of 929 S, ec, 3 for . training \ Avenger commerâ€" Rigwes earâ€" istanding of Mr. 1 North | quarter lume of ia. May, ; Susan n Kline, e Hamâ€" n, Mary ndy Saâ€" Strauss, icolizzi, ‘ Doroâ€" he war worth‘s 1Df§t§nt P_oihi:é to B'e fiRegqesented on! . ; : \Christmas Radio _ On‘ Christmas day, men and women of, ’; American armed: forces in every quarter of the globe will hear three hqours of special Christmas radio programs, featuring | entertainment stats, ngme bands, and personal greetâ€" ings from the Secretary of War, the Seq y of the Navy, and high offiâ€" cerg| ‘the various : sérvices. On Cl:}i tmas eve and CWM' day, the pegple on the home: front will hear programs from mflierq; overâ€" seas| including a chorus of 200 Ameriâ€" can | soldiers in the Holy Land, a Chtistmasâ€"tree ~decontinf- from. an island :: the South Pacific, and inidâ€" nigl ass from some place behind the battle lines in Italy. â€" /; â€" > _ ‘This activity is sponsored by the Youth Activities section of the Highâ€" Jand |Park Coâ€"ordinating gcouncil in ation with snn Plice thbol ~UNRRA grew put of an inâ€" vitation which President R elt sent l4st year to thinyfthneo‘l)}fled Nations and eleven Allied Nations to icipate in a planning conferâ€" ence, |All the nations accepted, and a fidal agreement was reached this fall. | ‘jt proposes to coordinate and adminigter relief measures; it assumes the j r to acquireâ€"properties, enter into oBligations, create agencies, and manage relief work. Whenever, posâ€" sible, it suggests that each member iriment carry out : its own relief ‘ammar age boys who like to play basketball are ifivited‘to come to Eim Plage! sthool gymnasitin any motnâ€" ing next week from 9;:30 to 12 noon. Lez;\ ird‘‘ Johnson is | instructor | in chatg ts i 190 6 1CM . Tl'ending figure of the organizaâ€" tiondl getâ€"up has been designated as the |Directorâ€"General (Herbert H Lehman), who ‘holds full power and authority of , administration, appoints the ktaff and sets up the relief strucâ€" turé} "The budget has been tentatively set 4t 24 billion dollars. The plan has been Bggested, but not adopted yet, that gach nation contribute one per cent f_Jp its national income.‘ The agr nt provides that the expen«es shall ‘be allocated\ to. th¢ : member go ents ,.in . proportions deterâ€" ming wy the council, | ' and |uge its own with plans made UNRRA. governme mm}f (t;%‘\y Coordinating Council Sponsors Basketball Instruction At School â€" Tolagquaint members of the Highâ€" lan‘df irk League of Women Voters m’th‘b facts about the UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Rehabiliâ€" tatioh} ‘administration}‘. so |that |they uuy' inmunicate . with senators, and reprégentatives when it comes before Co 'l to approve our final partiâ€" cipa ’E: Mrs. Sidney Mandel.reported its history and purpose to board tnemâ€" bers ‘of the league on Dec, 15. | / Actuaint Members Offloters League . With UNRRA Facts _ BLOOMING PLANTSâ€" _ for Christmas _ + CUT FLOweRrs OR PRETTY CORSACE ;: j 'W.anofham & ;f AT mc:svou ARE w'“?"‘,m»;'fiY S e *« a f Call us at Deerfield e y fol & Christmas Greens and W , __â€"| KOTTRaAsCH, THE FLoR®sT . / s Lodge to Hold w Year‘s Eve Party 13 Deerfield Greenhouses omens News â€" resources in accord in consultation: with Phone: Deertield. 5 / THE PRESS ot The certificates acknowledge . the "patriotic sacrifices" of the specific church "in giving the services of" the specific former pastor "that he might serve God and Country as a chaplain in the armed forces of the United States" and are signed by the Chief of: Chaplains. . 7 (Chaplain . (Colonel). B. J. ‘Tnfl*ey. chief of the chaplain‘s Branch of Sixth Service command, wrote perâ€" sonal letters to each of the churct to accompany <the certificates f1 nished© by, the chief of chaplai Washington. f p. â€"{ois igee Pkg! S . Aurand,. commanding general, Sixth lService command,, with headâ€" quartets in Chicago. â€" | > . â€"/|| Praise Offered Army Chaplains Approximately 300 certificates have beenâ€" sefit to hu:"ches in â€"Illinois, Michigan and »i/igcomi;‘:i which furâ€" nished army chaplaing," it , was anâ€" nounced today by Major General H. presentation to Major V. Pfiox execuâ€" tive officer ‘of the unit. A small plaque ‘inscribed with the names of the donors was put|up by the men of the unit. Ail of the 'fuMM for this "off duty" lou:#e were \selected and arranged by thei members of. the Legion: comtittee working in conâ€" junction with the Camp and Hoépital committee of the American Red Cross. n Sorlt { A new day room furnished‘ by th* Americanâ€" Legion auxiliary of Illinpis for th¢ mien of the Sixth Setvice comâ€" mand| Jaboratory at Fort Sheridan was ned with oppropriate cereâ€" monties at the post Wednesday night, Dec, 15;.aqcording to John T. Rhett, post commander, _ [>)> . > .; . Mrs. Ralph C. Webber, prujdent of the auxiliary for llinois, "made the . _A bulletin from the University . of iMW announces the graduation, on Dec. 16,.of thrée local young ladies. Thiey are Mary Kelsey Binder, daughâ€" ter of Mr.,Td Mrs, Carol Binder, 837 &m ; Ave!, Miss, Mirthâ€" Durbahn, {daughter of Mr. and Brs. Waiter Dur> jbahn, 158 Beverly Place, and Miss Monie Eyler, daughter of Mr. and â€"Mrs. Godfrey Eyler, 344 Marshman St. Alt three were graduated from the College‘ of Arts. Engagements of Miss Durâ€" bahn and Mss Eyler were announced last week. 1. 3 Volunteers Open New Day Room At Fort Sheridan © â€" ‘_Miss Cynthia Howe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Halsted Howe, . 210 Central Ave;, is spending the holidays with her ‘parents. . Recently elected president of the Freshman class at Bradford Junior College, Bradford, Conn,, she is also a reporter for the Haverhill Gazette column. 4 frown Umrcae. The co in Brown University. The committee meets with ‘the Dean of the College and the president of the Student Govâ€" ernment Association to plan programs for the weekly chapels Miss Goldman is a former student of Highland Park high school and is working for an A. B. degree. â€" . f Cynthia Howe : Home From Bradford For Holidays â€" Miss Jean Goldman Named for Chapel ©â€" Committee At College Three Local Girls Graduated From U. of Minnesota Miss Jean Goldman, daughter of Mr. id ‘Mrs. A. Van Goldmin of ; 288 Ns e 1 i) / w? F .t 11 CAns se S 9 20. $ fls 3 '%g@ :r”‘fi;:zf.g;. & .F*Cfi?\‘ Fe < Members of the club are, i a" day ‘rpom for the soldikrs at camp a pool table is. one of :;: articles t needed to complete furnishings. | Anyone interested in donating a table may afi" Mrs. Jack V. Cline, Northbrook 245,, or wri het in Northbrook, / ~ [Z" r Need Pool Table for: Camp Skokie Day Room The First. ‘Nm‘ioml'l Bank Cheerful and light heatfed flowered prints to make Two charming ‘‘Betty H ‘or brown predominatin DON‘T BURN PAPER anl uns MERRY GJ l(onb-ro&l’o‘cr,l lu-.ooc.l’- ‘Member of : F |Reserve System / Highlatd Park wl i | wISHES You d Ts fror ts ntthritesicteisisice exs : CIABKEE uk Nirs. " designs of printed royâ€" in grey, blue, red, green Mrs. Aquila °L. Good, D9 Harbor eet, Glencoe,â€"on 22 celeâ€" ited her 90th birthday. ~Twentyâ€" : of her old friends ded a surâ€" se dinner party in honor at :homeofhetiou.’hrfil’.Good. Kamsay road, Deerfield. * irs. Good has spent the last 20 rs of her Tife in her pome in Glenâ€" . â€" She is a great patron of the ncoe library which is evidence that 90 years have in no way dimmed s. Good Celebrates h Birthday at Home Son in Deerfield i p en is > $

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