Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Sep 1919, p. 3

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< u . IBIMflBliB lift jLLCOHOL-3 PER OKMt. . A^ctabkftcp««tMfcf^ similatin^tkeBaod bjrRefrd*- I tingtheSnwcfes and Bgwefcj [ Thereby PromotjntPfo*** Cbeerfwoessaad^w; ; neither Optam,Morplw«» I IflneraLNoT TtAHCOTfC j^y^4{QE£U0n" it- (k«u^p«tlon«idDta«2fl and Fcverisbnessaott , LOSSCFSLEEP JBB CBKTMMCOLWW® -TWT!W^YORgl Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Alwaya Bears the Signature Bxact Copy of Wnppb flS8 For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TNI MNTMI* MMMVY, WW WWWIfi Wearisome Rivalry. "You never complain of the weather." "Why complain? The best you can do Is to start somebody in an effort to show that he is a more accomplished kicker ^han you are." DISCOURAGED Mr. teller Was Almct Helpless From Kidiey Titrable, Bat Dou's Hade Hi® WelL "I was in terrible shape from kidney trouble," says D. Reuter, North St., West Chicago, 111. "I couldn't stoop because of tne awful pains in my back and the steady, duu misery almost drove me frantic. I had to be helped out of bed moraines, the pains across my kidneys were so bad and nobody knows the agony I went through. I couldn't do anything and was almost helpless, it seemed I would never get well. At times everything in front of me grew dark and I couldn't see for severa] minutes. I perspired **• ****** profusely and I was thirsty ail the time. The urine passed far too often and burned like scalding water. The passages were scanty and I had no control over them. "For two years I suffered, trying medicine after medicine without relief. I was just about discouraged and didn't think I would ever be able to work again. Hearing about Doan't Kidney Fills I used them and four boxes cured me. My kidneys became normal, my back got well and strong and all the other troubles disappeared." Sworn to before me, J AS. W. CARR. Notary Public. QatDeartat Aay Star*. 60c aBex DOAN'S 'VfJi.V FOSTER-MILBURN CO, BUFFALO. N. T. $100,000,360 to Remodel Warsaw. Remodeling city of Warsaw, Poland, will take 12 years at an estimated cost of $100,000,000. "BWER CROSS" OH genuine mm "Bayer Tablets oi Aspirin" to be genuine must be marked with the safety "Bayer Cross." Always buy an unbroken Bayer package which contains proper directions to safely relieve Headache, Toothache, Earache. Neuralgia, Colds and pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents at drug stores--larger packages "also. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlfr acldeater of Sallcyllcacld.--Adv. <:* Filling the Bill. * "That parrot you sold me last week doesn't talk at all." "No, muni; you said you wanted one that wouldn't be a nuisance to the neighborhood." -- Boston Transcript. VI SKU. FARMS, business pl&cM everywhere. Buyers on hand. Write what you have to sell. Green. Unity Bid*.. Chicago. W. N. U„ CHICAGO, NO. 39-1910. ADVISED HIM TO GO SLOW darky's Peculiar Reason for Wanting ton to Be laay on His "Pen Arm" for a While. "George," said a Florida man not long ago to an ol0 negro in his employ, "I understand that you Intend to give your son an education." "Dat's my Intention, suh," responded George. "I know myself what 'tis to struggle along without learnln,' an* I has determined my son ain't goin' to hate no slch trouble as Ise had." "Is your son learning rapidlyf" "He shore is, suh. Las' week ho done wrote a lettah to his aunt what lives more'n twenty miles from yere, an' afta while he's goin' to write to his aunt dat lives "boat fifty miles from "Why doesn't he write to that aunt tT' smilingly asked his employer. "Be kaln't write so fur yit, suh. He ktn write twenty miles fust rate, but 1 toie him not to try fifty miles 'til he gets stronger wif his pen."--Jacksonville Times-Union. It Makes a Difference. "Well, my boy has discovered one tkinf since he returned from the war." "What's thatr "He's found oat that he has to be formally Introduced to a lot of girls who used to be tickled to death to dance with him when he was weartug his uniform." Cutlcura for Pimply Paces. To remove pimples and blackheads smear them with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Once clear keep your skin clear by using them for dally toilet purposes. Don't fail to indude Cutlcura Talcum.--Adv. KNEW SOMETHING ABOUT IT Engllahman Need Not Have Been Surprised at Acquaintance's Knowledge of "Jim Bludeo." In his book "Winnowed Memories," Sir Evelyn Wood relates how he once met a quiet American gentleman In England, und they began to talk of American poetry. Sir Evelyn mentioned the well-known poem "Jim Bludso." which he highly eulogized. "My enthusiast"? praise of the poem excited, I thought, an appreciative purr in my companion, but he remarked quietly: "'Jim was a fine fellow/" "I said, *Or oar author made htaa so 7" "*Oh, but he was.' "'Why, was he realT 44 'Yes, I knew him well.' " 'But don't you think that the post embellished Jim's act? " 'No, I am sure he did not* •"Well, but how can you be suref "And he replied quickly, 'I wrote It.'" The gentleman to whom Sir Evelyn was speaking proved to be Col. John Hay, author of the "Pike County Ballad*,," who was then the United States ambassador In London. SHOW LITTLE CHANGE FaH Coats and Wraps Very Like Those Worn During the Slimmer Months. ? DOLMAN SHAPE IS RETAINED Often the Case. * f White--Is be In business? iftack--No. he Is the president o# oar Business lien's association. The wife of a photographer doesat always look pleasant <ks2&» A dish you II -- always relish At breakfast or lunch with either milk or cream Grope-Nuts fills a requirement for nourishment not met by many cereals. V No cooking No wast^ < > At Grocers Everywhere. Predictions That It Would Lose Its popularity Have Been Proved Unfounded-- Capes of English Tweed for Those Who ;* Motor. » u-V - tf 'Otitis been denl# * f<ftr >ottt for many years and has secretly cherished, a longing thereafter, this Is the year, doubtless, when this longing can be gratified, for so expensive are the lovely cloth things that If possession Is based on the matter of cost then a decision in favor of the fur can be made, as there will be no very great difference In the price, remarks a fash- Ion writer In the New York Sun. Of course I am referring to the elaborate and dressy toodels which all women admire and not everyone dan possess. Of course the sumptuous things of ermine, mink, sable and seal are regal and lovely in capelike and dolman effects which swathe the wearer from tip to toe in a luxury indescribable. Just as in the fall dresses there is nothing radically differing from styles of recent months, so in coats and wraps there is no departure from accepted models. ' in Army A favored style Is seen in the fine warm coats of camel's hair following the design of an officer's trench coat belted and close fitted for warmth nnd comfort. These lovely camel's-liair coats are often mounted with deep fur collars of softest texture, such as brown fox or lynx. The huge patch pockets and deep fur cuffs which were so In evidence a season ago are no longer featured so emphatically, either on this sort of coat or on one of the velvetlike duvetyns or wool relours. The dolman shape persists in spite of the persistent rumors to the contrary, and many of the most exclusive bouses are showing the dolman, not only in the less expensive materials, but in the splendid furs and brocades and velvets as well. Much embroidery In self colors done in heavy silken threads is observed--perhaps for the reason that the great cost of fur will place It beyond the average pocketbook. A curious notion Is seen in the use of monkey fur placed fringelike along the bottom of short jackets, and Used also to trim fur toques. Monkey Fur Net Popular* The use of monkey fur on aft eveu- Ing wrap of heaviest black satin is not unpleaslng, as it has been cleverly done, but monkey fur will not be greatly admired, however smart It may be considered. On the particular wrap which it embellishes the back has been caught up in a sort of overdrapery suggesting the drooping blouse the French makers exploit continuously. The fur Is used as a banding underneath this drapery and extends around to the front and down the sides of the coat. The very long hair has all the effect of fringe and is soft and silky. The sleeves In this wrap are really mere slits In the front sides, and they too are edged with the monkey fut and form the collar, which Is so made^ffint It buttons up around the ears or falls away In a little cape effect. The lining of this 1 andsome wrap Is of white satin pailletted with huge black velvet dots. This fashion of doubling material adds as much to the cost as it does to the beauty of a garment and the fall cloak is apt to be 'as radiant inside--perhapa more so than the outside. Less pretentious than this silken wrap and very lovely is a handsome straight-hanging coat of tan camel's hair with perfectly unbroken lines down the back except for a tight plain yoke across the shoulders. At the sides a pointed pocket effect Is introduced in brown seal, and the high rolling collar which ruaiples around the throat is also made of the rich brown seal. The sleeves are long and tight and finished at the wrist with a narrow cuff of the brown Seal. This is an excellent example of a conservative and beautiful coat suitable for every daytime occasion. Velvet Wraps for Evening. So many women have Invested In handsome fur pieces for wear with the one-piece dress that the demand for the untrimmed coat is met by the manufacturers in velvet wraps for evening wear which have no fur whatever about them. These are for the most part made up in rather simple designs with long, loose lines, plain, rather tifcht sleeves, and resembling elongated Jackets. They are very graceful, and with the addition of one's own furs are quite as sumptuous as the average woman need demarn.. For motoring some very smart capes of fine English tweed are made with lamb's wool linings, which unbutton and can be quickly removed. These traveling capes are a delight for steamer and motorcar, and are copied from trench coats much used by officers during the war. The tweed Is so treated that It is Impervious to rain It is found that the heather mixtures and intermingled colored surfaces are much better for a wrap for general use than the solid colors, and for this reason smart coats in twilled cords and invisible stripes and mixtures are much In demand for bad weather wraps and general service. . Of course many women find It practical to use the coat suit through tbe winter season, and for this reason have the coat heavily interlined with lamb's wool or llannel. Years ago we often saw the lining of jackets of this sort made of white and gray rabbit skin, also much used for the long and allenveloping evening capes, but rabbit skin is costly these days, and one rarely finds It so employed except for motor and ocean travel. • It is quite possible to Insert an Interlining of one of the fleecy warm woolen fabrics without adding clumsiness to the coat. No combination Is lovelier than one of the soft bltto heather mixtures with a soft gray fur. One such coat suit lias the plain skirt which is demanded on all the newest models and a rather short jacket In a box coat effect, except that it is no! distinctly a box coat, for a belt placed across the back prevents this. Skirts are only slightly shorter, but distinctly wider, SO inches, and even more, being the accepted measurement around the bottom. Because the skirt l is short the majority of coats will reach only to the hip. A clever model has a panel down the back, broken to hang over the waistline and extending In a position effect slightly longer than the sides of the Jacket. The material used Is tobacco brown duvetyn, very soft and rich looking, and the fur collar and tabs placed on the back pajp^l are of brown seal. Thonsufe Hive Klfeey Titrable and Never Suspect It Appficasts for Insurance Ofaa Rejected. Judging from reports from druggists who are constantly in direct teach with the public, there is one preparation that has been very successful in overcoming these conditions. The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview of the subject, made the astonishing statement that one reason why so manv applicants for insurance are rejected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large majority of those whose applications are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. It is on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be son and mention this paper.--Adv. The Stilly Night. The most consoling thing aboot going to the movies is seeing jso many women in the pictures opening their mouths and not saying a word you can bear. . " $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh Is a local disease greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treatment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE , 1» tnken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Svstem. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease, Sves the patient strength by improving • general health and assists nature In doing Its work. $100.00 for any case of C*t*rrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE) falls to cure. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. F. i. Cheney * Co., Toledo, Ohio. Uncle Eben. "Do tlredest business man I ever saw," said Uncle Eben, "Is ohe dat tried to go to de races, play golf an' take in a music show, all In de same day." BACK LIKE A BOARD? ITS YOUR KIDNEYS cjne iNationauy : Accepted Weill Tint ' ? Nt Pmckmft Without Cms and Cirri* it- "'-.y 2Si&x* Jtttmiu Tm Mujt A,kfw Almbmstiwt . i • . s i We Hand You the Package That Puts Health and Cheerfulness in Your Home Smoked, grimy, papered, painted or kalsomined walls a0| %, | menace to health and offensive to the discriminating housewife. Alabastine Is so economical, so durable, so sanitary, so easy to mix *•§ apply that it it universally used in securing proper wall conditions. Alabastine is used in the homes, schools, churches and on all kinds of imdw surfaces, whether plaster, wallboard, over painted walls, or even over did wallpaper that is solid on the wall and not printed in aniline colors, Alabastine is packed in dry powder in full five pound packages, requiring only pure cold water to mi& with directions on each package. You will readily appreciate the economy of Alabastine over other methods, and remember h is used in the finest home* and public buildings everywhere. Be sure you get Alabastine, and if your dealer cannot or will not supply you, write direct for sample card and coioi designs with name of nearest dealer. New walls dtinand Alabastine, old walla *}- prtctau Alabastine « - wis • y/t MMHL4*U ITHC WORNMI 1kSl ••i-M re's no use suffering from the awful agony of lame back. Don't wait till it "passes off." It only comes back. Find the cause and atop it. Diseased conditions of kidneys are usually indicated by stiff lama backs and other wrenching pains, which are nature's signals for nelpl Here's the remedy. When you feel the first twinges of pain or experi ence any of theae symptoms, get bbu sy Ostrich Trimmings. One of the newest touches to the evening gown Is ostrich trimming, which Is used In fringe and In clusters of tips closely curled. At a point In the dm per.v of the skirt, where the folds are focused at one point, a hunch of these feathers in three shades was used as an unusual decorative touch for one gown. . - WAISTCOATS OF ALL SORTS Popular Chiefly Because They May Be «.%. :-V' Hade As Expensive and Diotinctiv* As Desired. Waistcoats have gained an even greater vogue than was predicted for them in the early spring. The reason that they persist In really good style in spite of the fact that they are found in most of the cheap ready-made suits is because they can be made as expensive and distinctive as their wearer wishes. Some of the smartest are made In the newest weave of silk Jersey, which Is very heavy. This is embroidered at th£ neck and across the lower edge wiin colored silks or w^'s in a conventional design. Embroidered silk Is sold by the yard for waistcoats. It is embro) 'ered by hand and it costs from $8 a yard up. It may be had in a narrower width for a slightly smaller sum, but as two strips of the narrower width are needed for the waistcoat the expense is even greater. The woman who is nimble fingered can reproduce this sort of embroidery herself. It Is worked on heavy silk, In an all-over pattern, with colored silk threads and with the occasional introduction of gold or silver threads to point the design. Dress Suggestions. No end of pockets appear c clothes. "Caught fringe" appears as tlfmmlng on many mantles. The very short sleeve has made the long glove necessary. Soft pongee makes delightful WQOI embroidered blouses. Te Wash Pink Goods. When washing pink cotton goods the color may be made fast by using "red" Instead of bluing. Boil a piece of Turkey red in a pint of water. Bottle this and use it like liquid blue, experimenting with a little at a time until the right tint is secured. PRILLS AND FLUFFS. Irish crochet blouses are new for fall. The stately Medici collar is again In favor. Large hats are* prophesied for early fall. Simplicity is the keynote of all the new styles. Long silk gloves are tan and cream colored. Feathers and frnlt is a novel sail- Uaery combination. Long Gloves. trfng glomes are the proper ftilng for formal occasions. No woman of fastidious tast« fancies the unconventlonallty of barn arms when the rest of her is all dresa-id up for a formal affair, yet some of the most formal frocks now have the very abbreviated sleeves that Parts Is using. Tbe president's wife, recently" returned from France, wears long, soft l(id gloves wrinkled on the forearm with the new gowns that she has brought back with her whenever she attends functions of s formal character. Silk as a Substitute. Owing to the popularity of ostrich feathers and an increasing demand with a diminishing supply, some buyers, it was said, are looking around the market for substitutes in the event that they cannot get all the ostrich novelties they may require. For tht* reason manufacturers cf knitted sill scarfs feel that there Is a big season's business ahead of theta. While the ordinary demand would normally prove sufficient to keep them busy, it is believed that the desire of retailers to obtain substitutes for much desired feather boas will result In a record number of orders for the wart bouoea --New York Sun. ported fresh every month from the lrboratorics in Haarlem, Holland. Pleasant and easy to take, they instantly attack the poisonous germs clogging your system and bring quick relief. For over two hundred years they have been helping the sick. Why not try them ? Sola everywhere by reliable druggists in sealed packages. Three sizes. Money back if they do not help you. Ask for "GOLD MEDAL snd be sure the name -GOLD MEDAL" Is on the box -JKlr. h. C. of L. J i m -- h e a r you a r e g e t t i n g a b i g salary now." Jack--"Why--er--I thought it was until I got it" Dolman Fur Coats. Though separate coats of cloth have abandoned extreme fullness for mor< fitted lines, the height of fashion Ir fur coats is still the very foil doiraac type. Among the saddest of all spectacles to me is that of an elderly mau occupying his last years grasping for mors dollars. Alabastine Company ISM CtsndvilU Ave. Grand Rapids. Mkl. Snappy Styles for High School Chaps Young Men and Men --who appreciate style o without txavagance. H l The "Gold Bond" Certificate In the pocket of each garment insures complete and lasting satisfaction. m M Popular Prices ©cfis (tbmpanyr Cincinnati %1v|l its Msas 4 - " V ' : * % ; .fjiy W visa m CIGARETTE -in' |:j, ft , * coiu srowr IITHKN you see this famous " trade-mark, think a minute! Think of the delicious taste of a slice of fresh toasted bre^d! That's the real idea baek of success of Lucky Strike cigarettes. Toasting improves tobacco just as w< as bread. And that's a lot. Try a Lucky Strike cigarette-- It's toasted About Ready to Give Up. Jane was barely getting over an attack of measles when she contracted the mumps. When her father skid: "Well, how's little Jaugbter today?" she replied: "Oh, daddy, I'se dist not worth Junk." )fftW Bens. Ssfreshes, Ssslles, * Beats--Keep your Eyes Strong and Healthy. If t hey Tire, Smart, Itch, or Burn, if Sore, Irritated, Inflamed or Granulated, use Murine otten. Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists Wri e for Free Eye Book, •nine Eye Bcaety Css^any, ttfcago, U. S4L 0km Many lasting friendships are doe to the distance between them. FREE SAMPLES The quick relief Vachgr-Balm gives for Catarrh, Nervous Headache, and many pains, is so marvelous that It pays us to give away FREE Samples, where It is unknown. Write for a Free Sample and agent's prices, while this offer lasts. E. W. Vacher, Inc. New Orleans, La.--Adv. Tyranny often defeats its own SM1KE uxl SM; v** E-Z STOVE POLISH Jf Ke»df Mix* -- Re*dy to Issass HASSW A HASm « BtTV no Uad anywhrr* without ML | For inturuiattoa «boM C«b» kdiltm *Urt- I l*y-UeU»«r, C«fe*a iWL AFL. B+Aim+rm, MA. -mv: >xm

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