h:t: v " ON YOUR New Fall Suit! We can make you a saving of $10 dn a Suit if you buy of us before the pre&ent supply is sold. These Suits were bought at a price so we can sell them for less then we will hrfve to pay for a new supply--so do not delay your purchase until -too late. Call and we will be glad to show you our stock of Suits and let you judge of the saving we will niake for you. JOS. W. FREUNTy W EST McHENRY, ILL. atiiiih.Yf* " ^ ' «r • ' ••••v. • ; ' M . 7/ * '4 t ' r*: f-j, • ,;;s v.- f " v f: OUR BIG •i. *at lMertilring Eabalmmg dfeWkS A SELECtlbN very seldom found in a town many times the size of McHenry. Our aim to keep our stock up to the standard has been quite successful even during the trying months when factory deliveries were so uncertain. We attribute our home as well as our out-of-town patronage due to our splendid selection coupled with fair prices and prompt deliveries. Let us fit up your home. JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS W' / A desire for service lias animated us in the assembling of our perfectly matchless line of General Mercbandise--Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Notions, Etc. It is a good sized job to keep up a stock in condition to meet the wants of all the people, but that is just what we are doing. We are prepared at all times to give you the best of the market clean, fresh, satisfying groceries of every description. Try us next time and we'll makp good. Also see our line of samples from die famous In- •^ernational Tailoring company. The snappiest tine OB the joarket today and prices right. Telephone 6341 Good* delivered. WEST McHENRY M. J. WALSH f V Underwear Whole Family For good wear and warm underwear try our line of union suits and two pieced children's, ladies1 and men's heavy fleeced lined rib wool or part wool. We try to .have your size when you call. BROS. MCHENRY, ILLINOIS IS Pussle: oratt Mabel K rum pen is agiii ' xm the sick list. , \ • Violet Davis is a new student in the freshman class. \ New window shades have been put up in rooms 2 and 5. Examinations are being given in the elementary school this week. The ancient history class are completing their outlines on Greece. Win. Justen has quit school, his family having moved to Kansas City. Ira and Earle Dowell are new pupils in rooms 1 and 3 respectively. The English IV class have begun the study of Burke's Conciliation of the Colonies. The eighth grade has ^subscribed for Current Events, a w eekly paper which fits its name. Miss Phalin was absent from school last Friday. Miss Genevieve Knox substituted for her. The senior class held a rather lively debate last Thursday, the question being the sewage proposition. The first quarterly examinations in the high school will be given Thursday and Friday of next week. The Home Improvement association held its regular meeting in the auditorium Wednesday afternoon. The sophomores are busy planning the Hallowe'en party which is given annually as a reception for the freshmen. ~ r The junior class rings have come. It is interesting to see how "conspicuous the juniors' hands have become. John Givens is now a "licensed hunter" and has made good. Tuesday he was out at 5 a. m. and brought home a duck. The sophomore and freshman classes wish Ruth and Royce Mc- Namee a pleasant cruise south, which they are to start this coming week. Cora Loeber, while going down stairs Tuesday evening, fell and bruised her knee very seriously. We trust that she will soon recover however. The new student body organization is progressing slowly, but with great success. Robert Green has been elected president. The organization will soon be completed. Every political party seems to be well represented in the American history class and if the Socialist party would only change its name its number would be increased by a very valuable member. Misses Alice Knox, Genevieve Knox, Eleanor Conway and Mrs. Vogt and Jencks were among the visitors of last week. It is always encouraging to the teachers for the patrons and others interested in the school to visit. The first meeting of the Parent- Teachers' association was held at the school building last Tuesday evening. A fine crowd attended. A program, consisting of community singing, a solo by Miss Blanche Meyers, recitation by Catherine Walsh, piano selections by Glenn Peterson and a short talk by Mr. Treadwr.y, was given. After the program refreshments, consisting of ice cream and wafers, were served. The association decided to • hold regular monthly meetings. The high school classes have been organized and the following officers elected: Senior class--President, Harvey Nye; secretary-treasurer, Rosemary Nye. Junior class--President, Adelia Heimer; vice president, Theresa Conway ; sedretary-treasurer, Howard Phalin. Sophomore class--Pres., Gladys Van Natta; secretary-treasurer, Mary Pender Walsh. Freshman class--President, Cloice Wagner; vice president, Wm. Harrison; secretary, Herman Nye; treasurer, Earl Walsh; sergeant at arms, Alice Miller. KNIGHTS AT BURLINGTON McHenry K. of C. Witness Initiation In Wisconsin Fifty-eight members of'the McHenry council, Knights of Columbus, motored to Burlington, Wis., last Sunday, where they witnessed the conferring of the degrees upon a class of seventy, The McHenryites were extended a hearty welcome upon their arrival in the Wisconsin city and those who made the trip declare that they were well entertained by their brother Knights at Burlington. Those from the McHenry council who made the trip were: Henry J. Miller, Thomas A. Bolger, John Bolger, Ray Conway, J. H. Miller, Jos. J. Rotherme^ John M. Freund, Chris Smith, Henry Freund, Math. Welter, Jos. J. Miller, Ambrose Schaefer, Jos. Huff, Jos. Adams, Jacob . Miller, Otto Adams, Fred Smith, Math. Adanis, Edward Buss, Donald Givens, Frank J. Freund, Neil Doherty, Martin Knox, John Meyers, Hubert Freund, Happy Weber, Peter Weber, Herman Schaefer, Nick Weingart, Geo. Weber, John Schmitt, Harvey Nye, N. E. Barbian, Jos. B. Hettermann, C. M. Bickler, Alfred Debrecht, S. N. Smith, Louis Adams, Math. J. Schmitt, Wm. Smith, Albert Huff, J. M. Huff, J. M. Schmitt, Anton Schmitt, J. H. Adams, Math. Schmitt, Nick Miller, Arthur Adams, John A. Miller, Wm. Thiel, Mike Freund, Math. Lay, Jos. F. Schmitt, Jos. Lay, N. J. Weber, Jos. Kattner, Tony Blake, Wm. Freund and Arthur Kattaar. i aw svanr nkit rxan HONDAY t WEDNESDAY THURSDAY, OCT. S3 iWm. fox 1 '<•$ presents '; v Madflaine Traverse IN When Fate Decides and A Mock Sennett-Keystone Com DANGERS Or H BRIDE '•&*«**$ -- y SATURDAY. OCT. 25 THE TR1ANGU -presents- Roy Stewart -INPaying His Debt and A Triangle Comedy A DOG CATCHER'S LOVE featuring Slim Summer field Peggy Pierce Glenn Cavender A farce with real punch SUNDAY, OCT. 26 ,')• WM. FOX presents Wm. Farnum IN v Hie Mao Hunter and A Real Comedy Entitled THIRST I MATINEE AT 2:30 Admission, It and 15 Cents TUESDAY, OCT. 28 THS VITAGRAPH A Rogue's Romance WE CAN SUPPLY Satisfying the inner man is our business and when your table is laden with food stuffs from this store you are assured of the purest in the land. We always carry a fine line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Canned Goods and Bakery and our truck delivers to your very door. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone 84-W TWO YANKS TAKE BRIDE (Continued from first pace) Smith's hall at J.ohnsburg. The bride was born and grew to womanhood in this locality end for a number of years has been active within the social circle of her yoting friends. Her modest manners and pleasing personality have made for her many dear friends, who esteem her most highly. Th groom was bqrn and raised near Johnsburg, where -he has always made his home, working on the farm of his father. Two years ago he answered the call to colors and served his country for a period of nineteen months, a year of which time was spent in France and several months in the fighting lines of the blood stained battle fields of that country. Since his return from service he has been with his parents. He has' rented his father's farm and will take possession of same next spring. In the meantime the couple will make their home with relatives. Their many friends extend to them their very best wishes for a long, prosperous and joyous journey thru life. "When Fate Decides" "When Fate Decides" is an impassioned story that will go home to the heart of every woman--the story of a woman who remained true to her duty and her womanhood even when she finds her marriage a heartbreaking tragedy and is tempted to leave her brutal husband for the man who loves her. Madlaine Traverse by her stage experience, temperament and magnetic screen presence, is peculiarly fitted to portray the role. At the Empire theatre this (Thursday) evening, Oct. 23. Card of Thanks Wo would like in this manner to thank all kind neighbors and friends for assistance given during the illness and death of our dear mother, for masses given and the many beautiful flowers. Most heartily would we thank Rev. M. J. McEvoy for his untiring efforts in her behalf, al- ---lis* FORCE ft fe that indottltaffle wflf that sweeps a man on---"Minds' him to obstacles--and carries him through in any under- Exercise this tremendous power that is yours: •; I Determine that--regardless of circumstances--each Week or each month will see credited to your Savings Account here an additional deposit* ^ Scoff, like Napoleon, at circumstances. Say, like him, ^K^GiiHastaBees^ I L . Built for a Purpose To serve long, hard miles of resu usefulness, Fisk Tires are bigger and stronger and sturdy -- just to serve you more faithfully than you've been served. Handsome, too, with tqugh, black. non-skid treads • light side-walls. 1 " are built to an ideal! ' " To be the Best Concern in the World to Work for and the Squarest Concern in Existence"to do Basinet* with.'* -Msf Next Time BUY FISK •W &h»* iy OVERTON & COWAN Titn« *to' RttkW I S u r MATCHES AND SCRATCHES OR MERELY '( Pressing a Button v How do fm 'Hgkt four Gas Range? The old, scratchy way with a match or the new easy Press-a Button way? We are daily installing scores of the handy self lighters on Gas Rangers now in use. Simply pressing a button lights the burder. No dirt, match stubs orfu8s. Price ooly 12.25 totaUiT Western United Gts it Electric Co. /! Watch Your Elbow SINCE Doctor Bell invented the first telephone there have been seventy-four types of Bell telephones designed to combine strength, simplicity and utility. The desk telephone has more than a hundred ffeuts and is built as delicately as a watch. The smoothness with which it works depends in no small degree upon those who use it. Rough usage is sure to impair its effectiveness, Care should be taken to prevent the telephone at your elbow from being knocked tp the floor and its delic^e adiMsroent* damaged, ^ CHICAGO T&U^HfeSlii COMPANY ways and especially on the eve of her departure. McLaughlin Faintly. The new cement road between Grayslake and Hainesville, Lake county, has been opened to traffic and the road builders have started work on the Volo end to connect with that already completed. According to re-* ports from Lake county, it is now very doubtful if the toad now under construction i»B! * «', fall. CL- ~ ALFORD H. POUSE Attoraey-at-Law M M West McHaary, HL Telephone N* lM4t ? SIMON STOKFEL •„ Inanrmnee agent for all -lMser of*" property in the best WEST MeHSNKT. . ILLENOIB •srjnoDg aip uiof For news read the Plaindealer. . .. •,*>