Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Nov 1919, p. 7

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'r- Saturday, Nov. One lot white MiddJ^ Blouses, $1.50 value, to close out each$1.11 White Shaker Flannel* 30c val., Saturday onlfc per yard...-- .»e4 : fr. V One lot of Bungalow Aprons, special for Saturday only yi. $lJf We are also offeringr ft ^ new line of Bungaloi? Aprons, Mouse DresseiJ " | and Petticoats at from -$1.5® toWI| Heavy galvanized stock ^ pail, U. S. Army goods, reg. $1.50 value, each _.85C; 12-qt. Aluminum Kettles, each $3.M 8 and 10-qt. Aluminum Kettles, each... $2.5# We still have some of y§ ; those U. S. Army 4^ buckle All Rubber - Overshoes, at per pair .$2.9$ jFancy hand picked iNavy Beans, Saturday <?nly, at per pound .lie Fancy Rhe, 20c valUt, Saturday only, par lb.. Jit Large can Evaporated [Hk, special tic Baby can Evaporated (Milk, special... - ;r^r- $e •-- --. Apple Jelly, per glass ..Hie Fancy Clover and Basswood Honey, per lb 4§e pint jars of faocy et-; tracted Honey, each ISc Bulk Cocoa, fancy quality per pound - -- riit, Jin i' li i i lg'» Armour's ii^etaffc Cooking Compound, 2- |b. pail .........,.. . .. .lie LOUIS A. ERICKSON GENERAL MERCHANDISE WEST McHENRY :g WISH TO ANNOUNCE that I hav# ; opened up a first-class Shoe Repair Shof kt Centerville, McHenry, and am ready tfy •erve you. JVfy equipment is of the very latest type which assures my patrons th# best of workmanship and prompt service. Your patronage is respectf uUy sefeted. J. E. HAUSWIRTH McHENRY, ILLINOIS Every BIG SALE ind Saturday WE HANDLE ONLY THE BEST GRADE OF MEATS Special Hostess Corn, 20c can, 2 for.--.... SSC Armour's Veribest brand Corn, 25c can, 2fbr__ He, Armour's Veribest brand Peas, 25c can, 2 for 46c Large Grandma's Washing Powder, 25 pkg, 2for.48c Brag Washing Soap, per bar _ _.8e Kerber's Hams, 10--14 lbs., per pound .... ttc Picnic Ham, per pound _ 22c Bacon Squares, 1--3 lbs., per pound Sic SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL BEfeF AND PORK EAST SIDE CASH MARKET & GROCERY HENRY HEUSER Phone 39 McHENRY, ILL. When In Need of Underwear for protection against the cold, you will do well to inspect our line of men's, women's and children's underwear. We have them in both union suits and two piece garments. « y lien's heavy fleeced union suits, all sizes $2.25 Women's fleeced cotton union suits, all sizes.$1.50 isses' fleeced cotton union suits, all sizes, ^7 75c and up to : -.$1.25 Children's two piece garments, 40c and up to 75c JOHN STOFFEL, WEST McHENRY PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT 9PSOAX. ATTENTION QIVKN TO THX SAUK OF DresMd Be«f, riattoii, Hofs, Vwl, Pratt*?* Hide*, Etc., Butter and Eggs ~ ' ^ 1 This Is the oldest house on the street Tags and pcioe application. COLD STORAOB FRBB •*?« i * ». Paltea St. Wb«i«al, Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. im of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert P. J, WiHtfni to Union Sat- Thomas, who was so very ill with urday. (typhoid fever, has made rapid im- H. Nelson was tip from Crystal provement and is able to be up and Lake Friday. « jout doors every pleasant day. A. R. Yanks was ft business caller j Leave the dug loose and have your in Greenwood Saturday. grun loaded and do not sleep too H. Wille shipped a earn* stock to , soundly you that have chickens. It Chicago Monday. 113 rumored there is a class of people August Wille was out from Chi- that wants them and axe getting a cago the first of the week. goodly number. Take warning, none Mrs. W. Glawe and children were are immune. week end visitors at Woodstock. | Elbert Thomas is still very sick. Mr. and Mrs. F. Reed of Wood- His strength does not return very stock were visitors here Sunday. much. He takes no solid food, but Mrs. P. G. Pederson and children his heart trouble is thought to be were Woodstock callers Saturday. improving. Monday night he was R. M. Lynch and Mrs. Lola Ben- delirious all night, but in the mornnett were Chicago shoppers Wednes- ing reason returned, and he was restday. jing.- " • . " Mrs. W. Abbott and Mrs. H. Wille were shopping at Woodstock WedneMr8 y S. Wakefield and Miss Etta! S<iUPJa^ ft V * i-4?* M b: RINGWOOD Mrs. P. A. Hitchens was a Chica- TL evey were shv oppii ng a.t Wmo .odi st,o c.k . *_iM r. and Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crys- 0 * loot i1*1 LAke were in town Sunday. Uisses Lurett. »nd Grtce W«giw i <?JL H' M Stephen rzrrk w- F. W. Hartman ud ,0«. Sp?'the ^ ^ with Wheeler were callers at the county i |ytif. ' : .s . „ i-cf • i ,88es wace and Lora Harrison Mr! Br«t »» of stock visited Thursday last in the I . . home of Mr3. S. Mavis iladv * Mr. and Mrs. Emery Kimball and ^;*» son of Palatine were recent visitors ! Howard Buckland of Denver, Colo., in the home of P. Morris. who came to attend his Messrs. Albert and Graham Parker were entertained in the home of W. R. Walkup over Sunday. Mrs. Quinn of Woodstock was an over Sunday visitor in the home of her sister, Mrs. F. W. Hartman. Mrs. F. Reed, Mrs. L. I. Bennett I and son, James, were Woodstock shoppers last Thursday afternoon. mother's funeral, is spending a few days with his brother, John. Several from Ringwood attended the funeral of James McDonald at McHenry Monday. He was Mrs. S. W. Brown's father. Mrs. N. D. Stevens still remains very ill. She has been taken from the Chicago hospital to the home of Mr. Md Mr> Ern.t Colby d hter Mrs w „ g,^ tal Lake spent Sund.y evening u. the ^ Sl)nn(, Groye home of the former's brother, Earl The younjt people were invited out Next Sund.a y mo,r ning will ,b e. c.o.m -,tto/1 the Fritz home Tuesd, ay evening munion service, also several babies t e ,, t . j are to be baptized the afternoon. Services also in for a farewell party. All enjoyed a very pleasant evening. The family Mr. and Mrs. Tj MM^.C .,o lbjr»: ins dm|oving to Woodstock and will be missedinthisvicjnlt)r The community was shocked to learn Monday evening of the death of Mrs. Mattie Walters of Wood- McHENRY Shoe little son of Crystal Lake took supper with Mr. and Mrs. E. Colby Wednesday evening. Mrs. H. Johnson returned to Harmony Saturday after several weeks' visit in the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. J. Wilkins. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Yanke returned Friday from Sharon, where they stock. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the family and especially to the aged mother. TERRA COTTA Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby was an Elgin spent the past three months on the j visitor Saturday. farm of Mr. Giles. J. H. Gracy returned last Thursday Misses L. Furney and Minnie j ^rom bis trip to Nevada. Moore of Chicago visited Saturday j Miss Agnes Frisby was a business and Sunday in the home of their v'a'tor Elgin Saturday. .ousin, Miss L. J. Furney. Mis® Clara Frisby of Dundee spent F. Wille and son, Henry left Satur- | Sun<|»y at her home here. lay for an extended visit in the home | M*88 Mabel Knox spent Saturday it their daughter and sister, Mrs. j^er COUflins McHenry. Anna Breymeier, at Paxico, Kan. i Knox was a business visitor in Mrs. L. M. Goddard and daughter, I ChicaS° last Wednesday and Thurs- Marjorie, and Miss Mildred Harvey j ***?' of Moltoe, 111., are visiting in the, Ed- Bol*er of McHenry visited at home of the former's parents, Mr. | ^ home 01 his uncle- M- Knox, Sun and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. |da5r' Miss Verena Brefeld of McHenry SOLON MILLS iwa8 a recent guest of Miss Agnes Chas. Westlake spent Saturday in | Frisby. Chicago. • ' | Mrs. Marion McMillan spent sev- Mrs. A. C. Merrell spent Sunday |eral days last week with her son, at Ringwood. j Earl, and family. John Boyle of McHenry was a re-1 Miss Vera Doherty of Holcombville cent Ciller here. spent Sunday with the Misses Flor- Jim Brennan spent part of l**t enCe and Frances Kn.x. week in Chicago. , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lamed of Chi- Walter Watts was a Twin Lakps cag0 spent Saturday evening and caller Sunday afternoon Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mrs. Carl Anderson called on phalin. friends in Richmond Sunday. j Frank Lamed and Miss Lorraine Math. Rauen of Spring Grove was McFarland of Chicago were entera Monday morning caller in town. tained in the home of J. M. Phalin Mrs. Wm. Cornish spent a few the latter part of last week. days the first of the week in Chicago, j : Mrs. Chet Osborne spent Sunday VOLO with her sister, Mrs. Gus Wellman. I Work on the <*»»»«* ro*d is over Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Parker and chil- SP™»Sdren spent Sunday at Genoa June! Mr and Mrs- Peter Stadtfeld were tjon over to Wauconda Saturday. Mrs. Ed. Cropley and Mrs. Geo i Wm Rossdeutscher was a Wau Westlake spent Saturday at Mc- conda visitor Saturday mftming. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. N. Molidor were McMr. and Mrs. Reuben Turner enHenry visitors on Thursday of last tertained company from . Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Monear of Rich- danc® at Round Lake ,Mt Priday A bus load of Voloites attended the Monday callers at Ed. evening. ! Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rosing attended mond were Monear*s. Mr. and Mrs'. Chas. Westmont of ^ fun2ral of their niece at McHenry Richmond spent Sunday in the Chas. ,aBt Friday* Osborne home. ' Men'8 heayy fleeced cotton v*™ Mrs. Addie Gardner and Mrs. Nel- 3uit8' an. extra value' per ^arment' lie Turner attended club at Spring »2;50' at Erickson's Grove Saturday. I Mrs- Cora Dowe11 and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Yanke and sou, Zella' spent Sunday with the former'8 Jim, of Spring Grove spent one day Parfnte in Wauconda. recently at the Chas. Vogel home. A grocery store was opened up here Monday of this week by Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wellman. Here's hoping they will meet with great success. Those from here who attended the Mrs. Thos. Fisher will entertain the Ladies' Aid society on Thursday, Nov. 20, to tie quilts. Mrs. Phil Peterson of Wauconda attended the Ladies' Aid society at Mrs. Walton's last Thursday. Rev. E. C. Palmer and family and James McDonald funeral at McHenry Missea GeorSina Wait and Dorothy Monday were Chas. Turner, Grant Hill, Reuben Turner, Ed. Mdnear, Richard Aylward and Chas. Osborne. OSTEND Mr. and Mrs. McBroom wfere Monday evening callers at the Hobart home. Ben Hutson and son, Lyle, of . . , Woodstock were Sunday callers on mu*krats, skunks, minks and other Stroker of Wauconda were callers at the home of Miss Ella Moore Sunday. Are Thinning That the fur bearing animals thruout this locality are thinning in number is the declaration made by one of our trappers to a Plaindealer scribe the first of the week. While some E. L. and C. J. Sherman and families. Mrs. Emma Dwelly came over fur bearing animals are being trapped in this vicinity, their numfrom the county seat and visited at ber has «reBtly diminish®d and un" the home of her brother, William le83.the trapper's rewards are ex- Thomas, recently. ceedingly larger during the winter Mr. and Mrs. John McBroom gave month8 than ^ at the prfff f dinner to eleven guests Sunday. John's parents and family were among the number. time the season will be one of the dullest ever experienced in this locality.. The thinning of these animals Mrs. Lou Francisco of Woodstock " due to the fact- 80 we are told' ^ was a guest in the home of her trappers have grown m number, cousin. Mrs. Abbie Martin, the last ^ attractive prices offered for fur, of last week and the first of this. ?° doubt> caused many of the farmer Orval Hutson is at the home of his to «° into the trapping game, uncle, C. B. Durkee. A young gen-; Tractors Need No License tleman friend came out from Chi-1 Farm tractors will not have to pay cago to visit over Sunday with him. $25 license fee, according to the in- TO WORTHY EXPERIENCED • y X. • ; n' , If you are aspiring' to become the" owner of a farm, Jii this j ; p community, and have your own equipment for operating it, but have not sufficient funds to make the required cash pay- ^ ment on the farm you would like to purchase, come in and ® ^ •talk the matter over with us, ^and if [reasonable, 'we range to supply the shortage, thus rendering it possible for * 1 you to OWN YOUR OWN FARM. * HOY BANKING COMPANY McHENRY; ILLINOIS The case of Electrical Ap pjkjances rests on their high efficiency. Tata the Washing Machine i| «n example. Run in the water and soap and the materials to be washed and start the motor. The machine does the work while you simply look FEDERAL Electric Washing Machines Monthly Payments (S.N down puts one In your home Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS PLUMBING AND BEATING -BYExperienced Workmen DONAVIN & REIHANSPERGER Mark This! If you can find a fall soil here to fit your fancy-- you can buy it and know that the price you paid is as right as a Pay Master's time clock and that not one cent has been paid out for anything you don't take home. Our well made merchandise, reasonable prices and out standing big values this fall can be traced directly to the fact that we want your business in the WORST way and we are using the best methods we know of to land it. Kuppenheimer Suits and Overcoats $35 $41 $15 I6t Clothcraft Suits and Overcoats * I2S $27.54 and $» f WOODSTOCK. ILL --Physician and Surgoen McHENRY, ILLINOIS ' Office over Petesch's Drug1 Stove JOHNSBURG, ILLINOIS Phones, McHenry; Johnsburg 626-R-2 HOURS--McHENRY 10:30 a. m. to 12 noon 7:30 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. HOURS--JOHNSBURG . 8:00 a. m. to 9:00 a. m. 12:00 to 1.30 p. m. 5:00 p. m. to 7:00 p.'m. laws by Secretary Louis L. Emmerson. An item in an Illinois paper stated that tractors would have to pay a license fee, and several farmers have written the Illinois Agricultural association, asking about it. Secretary Emmerson says, "It is my opinion that farm tractors designed and used for the purpose of cultivating farm lands and used upon the public highways only in passing from one farm or from one field to another are not subject to the payment of a license fee." {afeskf £: &OCAL X,ON« D1STAMCX Selling Service ATELEPHONE company mOs service. It doea not Mil or nat telephones. The Instrument in yoar home or office Is of use to you only by mm of the servicu rendered. The bill yum pay is distinctly a service charg*. And telephone service is dtttaeat from other services If your neighbor's gas supply is defective, his lighting poor, or nls water supply inadequate, you are not affected. These annoyances concetti only himselt and his household. Bat if his telephone is out of order and you cannot reach him when you call, or if he makes you wait lon£ before he answers, your telephone service ia unsatisfactory. Thus the service of any telepho-- user may be rendered unsatisfactory by the habit or act of another. In the interest of good telepfeoae service we suggest the obientm of the following simple practices: Respond promptly when the bel ring*. Make sure before calling that ytm have the right number by cooM* ing the telephone directory first. Speak distinctly. with the lipe doM to but not touching the mouthpiece. When answering give your neaae or the name of your iim-cvnkv out "Hello." CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY •m 'si t"1 l( Everett ThniftiB, the No Hunting or Trespassing Notice is hereby given that hinting and trespassing on my premises are strictly forbidden and those found guilty of violating this notice will be prosecuted. 21-tf Anton Miller. A new supply of yard wide cotton challies and comfort size cotton batts DBWHttHI % ALFORD H. POUSE Attornej-at-Law Weat Mcfiauy, 10. - \ TekddMM Na SIMON STOFFEL • lostxrance agent for all nls»sae ei property in the best f nmpeil-- .' WEST McHBNBTf - ILLUKMi ,, f - -i- u ^ 'k'H

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