Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Dec 1919, p. 10.

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mm m B 5 •- v'fjjU;#/si ,iYt jsfc Ar» • ', ^ mmt *v- •0;'^..'^'^$. i , ( - 4jW " * ' + .*• > } « * , ^ * * * 4$UKe' . / j ? •"; *>|*«» *•> V ? iT" r&x- .i t-";; ,;4V, , rv fe '•' . - . i ; ' i * ^ll="V: /V;i »"->k--. Drags and Patent lfAIL ORDERS !$PHONE 66-W fs- ,.. ;•. ' • 'noNE M-W N. H. PETESGH iumiji w wl- H ' - . fv'o- U I - £; • % : . fv ' OUR BIG (Mertikmg a#ERS a SELECTION very seldom found in a town many times the size of McHenry. Our aim to keep our stock up to the standard has been quite successful even during the trying months when factory deliveries were so uncertain. We attribute our home as well as our out-of-town patronage due to our splendid selection coupled with fair prices and prompt deliveries. Let us Jt up your home. JACOB JUSTEN £'V ,y*v.- V W« have a complete line , of medium and heavy weight underwear to all sizes in union "Suits &au 5 hirts nBd -- drawers. Ladies' anion suits in long sleeve, % sleeve aad Ho sleeve, low neck or high neck, each $125, $1.75, $1.85 and <2^8 Men's union suits from M'--- $2^0 to $4.3§' lion's and boys' saacktnaws, a good range 4t prices, pretty patterns. Flannel shirts, special value at $2.50 and $S.M Our dress goods department is very complete in silks, satins, worsteds and cotton mixtures, per yd.fLSS to $8.t» All wool blankets up to $12.60 Phone 117-R Goods Delivered «• •IF BUTTER IS-- Too Expensive To serve you better we sell Jelly, Peanut Butter and syrup in bulk.' You need not pay for the glass or jar when you buy in bulk JeHy, per pound- 20c and 22c Preserves at_r____ _23c Syrup, per gallon_______ %c (Bring pail) WE HAVE GOOD BUTTER AND ;u>, OLEO IF YOU WANT IT BROS. McHENRY, ILLINOIS -Blankets, full size, heavy, wool finish cotton from.$2^9 to $6.90 ^ Onr stock of shoes is very ; complete in all kinds. We can positively save you money, as they were bought before the prices advanced. Bring in the whole family and we will save you many dollars. Our groceries are always the purest and best we can buy. A full line of canned goods of extra and standard brands. Special for a few days, No. 2 Monarch baked beans m tomato sauce . at per dozen ..$1.75 Extra quality sifted T peas at per dozen.. .$2.25 Full quart can of jam, assorted fruits, at per <H»rt ..Me M. J. WALSH Bfsii* ' : fIe-'V A •• i '* ' '•« • • •f iv . .• V McHENRY, ILLINOIS FOR COLD WEATHER WhatPftople Are Mt H W* Til teffe and the IHlMMt HHatty Other Short Psnjrtjhi Sweater sale. Joe. J. MUtr. $4.00 sweaters at $2.08 at Jos Miller's. See Erickson, the popular West Side merchant, for all merchandise. Order your apples now. Per bbl. $7.50; per bu., $2.75. M. M. Niesen, McHenry. Phone 40. , Those potatoes are soiling fast. Order your winter's supply now. M. M. Niesen. Phone 40. The owners of ice houses will undoubtedly get their men imsy as soon as an ice crop is assured. In spite of the many rains our country roads are in unusually go6d condition for this time of year. Place your order with F. C. Felt* for good, hard, shelled corn. 3 M? r per bu. Just the thing for chickens Call phone 110-R and have the Standard oil man fill you tank with the gasoline that has stood the test for years. There will be a meeting of the F. 0. I. F. next Tuesday evening at 8:15 o'clock at K. of C hall. Election of officers will take place. Miss Marie Miller, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Math. Miller of this village, has been made lost time operator of the Wauconda telephone exchange. The Standard gasoline has stood the test and will deliver the goods every time. Let H. H. Fay fill your tank the next time it's empty. Call phone 110-R. The annnual election of Valley camp, No. 97, M. W. of A., will take place Wednesday evening of next week, Dec 10. All members are requested to be present. Complaints about hunters entering private door yards to shoot rabbits have reached this office. This is aft unlawful practise and the offenders should be dealt with accordingly. Floyd E. Eckert of Woodstock, county chairman of the Red Cross seal Christmas campaign, makes earnest appeal to the people of this locality for their support in the big drive which will be promoted during the coming week. The Mrs. Nick Martin residence on Water street has recently been sold to Mrs. Ella Englehardt of Chicago, a sister of Mrs; H. L. Ritter and Mrs. Ben Hiller of this village. Mrs. Englehardt will move here in the spring. Three new employes have been added to the list at our local boat factory. They are employed in the various departments, cabinet, painting and row boat. McHenry can proudly boast of such a growing business in her midst. Unusually severe weather for this time of year visited McHenry during the past week. The thermom eters vary, but many have reported several degrees below zero. Compare this with the thunder storm and mild weather of Dec. 7 last year. Our up-to-date merchants, Smith Bros., have installed a small elevator which operates between the first and second floors of their store. Smith Bros, have had the use of a large store room on the second floor and mer inconvenience. the elevator will save much of the for- A change in the street lighting system in Centerville has been made by the Public Service company. The lights heretofore were attached to the poles near the sidewalk, but they are now suspended in the middle of the street, which brings about a much j better distribution of light. The village board is investigating the need of more lights and intend that McHenry shall have a first-class lighting sys tem. THURSDAY, DEC- 4 KIK (ttil BEM8S CO. IN a wnc me nvat • mum turn ; and S l% A^eciahtM SATURDAY, DEC. 6 ! ^ ROY STEWART j IN- ' ' Bus ef the Lacy Y •ad-- A TRIANGLE COMEDY A Hindoo Hoodoo SUNDAY. DSC. 7 ^ THEDA BAftA - IN.... A Wown There Was AND A I. KO COMEDY the first half of the game, ups and scores follow: Wauconda (St) Stroker \ Tiffany Jenks Hughes E. Stroker Blackburn, Meyers, Gilbert and E, Barbian, subs. Field throws: A. Stroker, 11; Tiffany, 3; Hughes, 2; E. Stroker, 7j, Blackburn, 1; Meyers, 1; Niesen, 1. Free throws: A. Stroker, 3. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS MCHENRY HIGHS LOSE OPENER Wawrwidn Has Easy Time Downing McHenry Quintet , The basket ball season was officially opened at the McHenry public school gymnasium last Friday evening, when the locals were pitted against the strong Wauconda township high school basket ball five. The visitors, most of whom are putting in their fourth year with the team, outclassed the home players in every department of the game and as a result McHenry hadn't a ghost of a show of even putting up a cred itable showing, to say nothing of winning. However, in the face of these odds, our midgets worked hard thruout the entire contest and were indeed lucky to keep the score of the visitors down as low as they did. Wauconda has a team which has been playing together for four years while McHenry's outfit is compara tively new to the game, and, taking this as well as the fact that the vis itors were a great deal heavier team into consideration, the locals are not to be censured for the showing made. Wauconda has a well balanced team of players and we doubt if there is another team in this locality, outside of the larger communities, that has anything on them. McHenry gives them full credit for the victory achieved. The two Strokers cam* pretty mar being a whole team in themselves and with Tiffany at guard, another four year man, the Wauconda outfit surely did step to it at a merry gait. After securing a safe lead, Wauconda allowed two subsitute players to finish t. e game. The final score was 53 to 2, Niesen, playing at .center fer the locals, getting McHenry's only two points on a field throw in u!:- THURSDAY, DEC. 11 WM, FOX " • Wk --present* "1PEGGY HYLAND i IN COWARWSE COURT FATTY ARBUOTLE JS A Day at the Bitch COMING. DEC. 23 MARY PICKFORD •"The Heedhmt The lino- C. G. G. •*. F. McHenry (2) Niesen Weber Ny<* barbian Frisby^ \W«|( Truateee Met In Regular Session Monday Evening . i - -il" ; • Council Room, Dec. 1, 1919. The village trustees met in regulaf session with Pres. Olson presiding. Trustees present: Cooley, Doherty, Knox, Krause, Overton and Stof»f fel. The minutes of the last regular meeting were road and approved. The following bills were approved by the finance committee: Art. Stone Co., sidewalk $ 25.60 Public Service Co., lighting sts and traffic lights 118.60 H. Meuller Mfg. Co., supplies.. 33.24 W. G. Schreiner, tele & postage l.lGj John Thennes, gasoline and oil 31.28 W. F. Bassett, Ibr on streets.. 23.90 G. Schreiner, printing 92.30 Joe Engeln, lbr on engine..... 12.85 Mathias Engeln, lbr on hose .. 3.00 John Walsh, marshal service.. 100.00 A. H. Pouse, postage 3.76 Motion by Knox, seconded by Krause, that the minutes be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded bjf Overton, that the treasurer's and col lector's reports be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Stolfel, seconded by Doherty, that the bills be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Krause, seconded bj^ Doherty, that the sewerage ordinance number 101 be passed. Ayes--Cool ey, Doherty, Knox, Krause and Over ton. Nays--Stoffel. Motion carried Motion by Overton, seconded by Cooley, to adjourn. Motion carried. John O. Olson, Pres. W; G. Schreiner, Clerk. COMMUNITY , MEETINGS Subjects of Interest to Be Discussed at Meetings Dec. 9, 10, 11 and 12 This community meetings, which are to take place at Solon Mills, Dec. 9; Greenwood, Dec. 10; Pringle School, Dec. 11, and Franklinville, Dec. 12, are planned to be full of interest and information for all who attend. There will be a morning and after noon session at each place except Greenwood and Franklinville and they will also tiave an evening session. The subjects to be discussed are Federal Farm Loan, Farmers' In come Tax, Feeding and Culling Hens Beautifying the Door Yard, Feeding Dairy Cows. The speakers are A. J. Gafke, county advisor; E. A. Carncross, as sistant county advisor, and Mary B Dalbey, home advisor. At the special evening meetings at Greenwood and Franklinville Miss Juliet Bane of the State University will speak at Greenwood and W. G Eckhardt, county advisor of DeKalb county, will speak on the State and National Agricultural association at Franklinville on the evening of Dec 12. Special musical programs and en tertainment will bo furnished by local people of each town. Dinner will be served at Solon Mills and Green wood and a basket lunch at Pringle school. Mrs. P> N. Peterson and son, Pernett, pissed last week as guests in the home of her sister in Chicago. Mr. Peteron was in for Thanksgiving. M-r Mi* t'- J :iAL PUBLICATION)! HIE REPORT OF THE CONDITION FOLoans and Discount* , . . j*.* j. . OuTv£crrdorfrtuffnfl ' *> Liberty Loan Bonds War Savings vStamps .w... u,.' Other Bonds and Stocka.-i.--^^;,I,,Lj^- Banking House, Fufnlture and Due from Banks Exchange, Checks and CflllectlOBi...l>'X^S^ Total Resources 'located at West McHenry, State of Illinois, at (he close of business an the j7th day of November, 1919, as made to the Auditor of l'uhlic Accounts the State of-Illinois, pursuant to law: h'-* \ v 5TV*' *7 , RESOURCES" *3 2. I t. fliUHLITIBsi* $ «:.$32S,938.4S 218.74 *4 77,559.00 ^ 938.00 & 23.JW.W 18.S4S.IN M,287.36 13,114.44 2,377.0® $522,094.01 **** :ytr : X; J. • I. 1 I. Capital Stock Paid in Surplus Fund... Undivided Profits (not) Deposits.. . Dividends Unpaid Contingent Fund.... 'Total Liabilities... -mSSWSM-i -'i'.lit-:*".:- * V,-..• • • > . i - > r - - V * * * . - « & • • S,090.00 19,634.74 4SS.999.25 500.00 v.:> $522,994.01 W. Stenger, Cashier of the West MoHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. W. Stenger, Cashier. Subscribed aqd sworn to this 18th day of September, |M9; |3erald J. Carey, Notary Publii.- ' 1 EXCLUSIVE DEALERS FOR Guaranteed ALL WOOL SUITS To Order $9Q-50 Full Suits $32.50 All Wool Overcoats $32.50 Same materials other tailors uk $45 and $50 for. Perfect fit good workmanship, first-claas trimmings and ev< aohitely guaranteed. Hi Reliable service lor owners oan only be had where experienced Fort workmen using genuine Ford parts, or materials, have charge of the work. This rr*t is why we urge you X Jl6 tofbring your Ford QJcarrVvilrtpc cnaere dtso "guosi nwg hoevne ^%* TKof Drive and fixing up. Carexnai ifljo ful attention given . to your car will lengthen the period of ill usefulness--prove to be money well invested. We have every facility to mef$ your wants and we give you the benefit d|- standard Ford prices* v STAR GARAGE John R. Knox, prop. ^ w; .*%• *i *>t we* wh McHENRY Jos. W. Freund Watch for Santa Ioourh^ / Says Leaths Why Is Furniture The Best Gift? More give furniture each year-- probably because it's a gift that is admired by all and gives a life-time of comfort. Leath stores have the largest stoek of beautiful furniture. A. Leath & Co. Sta$l(M Elgin. 7S-74 Grove Av». Rocltford, Opposite Court HtMftis ; Dubuque, 574-584 Main St. Aurora, 31 -33 Island Ave. FrMport, 1SJ-1S5 Galena St. Waterioo, SU-314 E. 4tb St. Beloit, U7-421 4th St Jollet, 111-217 Jailer son St. Jaoasvi^le, 3U-JM, Milwaukee St. Eau Claire. Masonic Temple. Oshkosh. 11-13 Main. Free Delivery Shoe Repair DONT THROW THEM AWAY--Shoes cost too much no\y-a-days to throw them away when they begin to wear out. At the first sign of wear bring them to our shop. Our modern electric machinery enables us to turn out the finest kind Of work and we do it with promptness. Bring in that old pair of shoes and let us demonstrate the class, ill wofk we turn out If J. E. HAUSW1RTH McHENRY, ILLINOIS Mrs. W. D. Allen and daughter, Evelyn, of Crystal Lake was a Friday visitor in the home at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Gilts For Home Comfort ^iich one of us must decide what 6ur Christmas gifts will be--but those of us who give the matter careful thought will decide on practical things whose service is not limited by the whims of fad or fancy. These gifts mean most to the home--they mean fv more to the recipient than a few hours of passing pleasure. They save and serve. We offer the following suggestions. Cabinet Gas Gas Room Heater • Gas Water Heater Gas Radiantftae • 4 Gas Lamp Gas Iron - | Gas Fixtures /•feWestern United Gas v '4#ai)d ElectricCompaofcjfi^ D. M. WORKMAN, DbtofatMa--««r ' ' - - ' -•» 3,

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