dm ~'V. - - v : ri • - jf i -' *1 J' »t *•* », * -3 •* -' s&y ¥Sl. 'mm *2- The art, the skill, the discriminating! ^* taste of any crafts unite in the con-. V- .e struction ,p4 £*,t ; ; to produce them--objects as attractive in form as they are efficient in operation --ideal Christmas Presents which satisfy the giver and gratify the receiver. ELECTRIC PORTABLE LAMPS, wraught in copper, brush brass, verde antique, silver, art iron, wick- ; ; er with shades in art glass, silk, cretonne.;,' . ./.h : ELECTRIC COOKING UTENSIL^ : (l i/r chafing dishes, toasters, grills, disc Vf stoves, percolators. \ y|^BOR SAVERS, washing machines, irons, vacuum cleaners, utility motors.. ELRCTRIC ARTICLES for the toilil table that increase comfort and miiiv convenience. All in great variety in our sales rooms Prices the lowest Public Service Company OP NORTHRRN ILLINOIS IN ORDER TO REDUCE we offer for sale, at greatly reduced prices, during the month of December all of our PICTURE FRAMES and ART PICTURES. A nice frame makes an admirable Christmas Gift and at a price you can well afford to pay. Come early while the selection is complete. « Sdmabel's Photo Studio 'PHONE 113-J WEST McHENRY, ILL. HEAR IT DANCE TO IT JAZZ Saturday Night* DHCKMBRR 6 &ofleTs Hd WKsr McHKNRY •JSCIY urn KECIEfi CHICAGO SOCIETY JAZZ BAND -FEATURING ruL "'r7 sAxonousr If you want lots of pep and oddles of jazz don't miss hearing these boys. Ask iHyone who has heard us. ADMISSION, $1.25 PER COUttE Including war tax Dancing at 8:30 Friday, Dec. 5, Armory, Woodstock Boys' Sch^pl Shoes The excellent quality of our boys' shoes offered in this selling will be apparent at a glance. You will like the material, style and fit. They are weU made by expert workman. Per pair--$3* 56 JOHN STOFFEL, WEST McHENRY RIDGEFIELD W. £ Rushtoa spent Friday i& Chicago. A. Tate was a Woodstock caller Friday. Mrs. H. Wille was shopping at Woodstock Friday. "i Mrs. A. P. Peck is rltMhg relatives at Nekoosa, Wis. Miss Lois Levey was visiting at Crystal Lake last week. F. Bockhus and H. Hansen were recent Chicago passengers. Underwear of the best quality and right prices at EricksonlB. Mrs. R. S. Dufield is visiting >n the h->me of her son in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Abbott were Woodstock callers Wednesday. Mrs. E. Bylsma and daughter were Crystal Lake shoppers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Abbott of Cary were business callers here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Reed and son enjoyed Thanksgiving day in Chicago. Mrs. Lola Bennett and son, James, were shopping at Woodstock Friday. Mr. Garner spent the past week visiting at Madison, Wis., and nearby points. M iss Esther Pierson was called home Sunday to the bedside of a sick brother. ~ Geo. W. Wheeler ate Thanksgiving din ner with, relatives at Arlington I'eijfhts. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Coates spent Thanksgiving day with relatives at Woodstock. Mrs. Carrie Johnson Mid daughter, Bessie, were Crystal Lake passengers Friday. E. H. Gblby and family spent Thanksgiving Jay with relatives at Crystal Lake. W. E. Dike and Geo. B. Baker of Crystal Lake were business callers here Wednesday. Mrs. Ellsworth of Woodstock was a Thanksgiving day guest in the home of Mrs. Mary Irish. Mrs. L. I. Bennett is spending the week in the home of her sister, Mrs. B. Conerty, in Chicago. Mrs. Inga Martini, Miss Christina Ki ickson and Alvin Carlson spent Thursday last in Chicago. Mrs. • Dora Johnson of Harmony spent last week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. J. Wilkins. Mesdames R. Goddard, A. H. Skin ner, F. S. Morse ar.d'C. Jacobs were Woodstock shoppers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Knilans of Sharon, Wis., spent the week end in the home of the former's brother, E. E. Knil ans. Mrs. Emma Johnson and daughters of Harmony were calling in .the home of F. J. Wilkins Thursday afternoon. TERRA COTTA See Erickson for groceries. Thomas Phalin was a business visitor in Chicago Sunday. Arthur C. Sewell spent Sunday with his mother in Huntley. George Callahan of Chicago spent Sunday at J. M. Phalin's Mrs. Mary Grant was a caller in Crystal Lake Monday evening. Mrs. Stella Peck was a week end guest of her daughters in Elgin. Mrs. John Liddlc was a Crystal Lake business caller last Monday Miss Alice Riley is spending a couple of weeks with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson of Chicago spent last Thursday at J. J. Riley's. Rev. E. A. McCormick of Barrington visited at . John Riley's Thanksgiving day. Miss Eleanor Phalin spent the Thanksgiving holidays with friends in Chicago. Miss Frances Knox of Woodstock spent the Thanksgiving holidays at her home here. Thomas Frisby spent the latter part of last week with friends at Notre Dame, Ind Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hawley of Crystal Lake spent last Thursday with friends here. Misses Mary Riley and Marie Dolan of Chicago spent Thanksgiving day with relatives here. Miss Jennie Hogan of Waupun Wis., spent a few days last week with Mrs. John Riley. Miss Clara E. Frisby of Dundee was a guest of home folks from Thursday until Sunday.* Howard Phalin was a guest of his brother, George, at Notre Dame Uni- -<L>: • * -I ^ «PIP • Mrs. Orr of Richmond was a Sunday guest in the home of HarryDarrow. Will Merchant and family of Solon were Sunday guests of relatives in town. Mrs. A. W- Smith and daughter, Mary, visited relatives in Elgin Saturday. Mrs. Lewis Vogel and grandson from Springfield, 111., ate visiting in the Henry Vogel home. Mrs. Ray Barthlotf of Richmond spent last Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. Mrs. C. D. Bacon spent Thanksgiving with her daughter, Mrs. Malissa Gould in Harvard. Misses Winifred Bradley and Maury Harrison from Beloit college spent Thanksgiving with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens entertained company from Chicago and Woodstock on Thanksgiving day. Miss Sarah Dodge came home from DeKalb Wednesday night and stayed until Sunday night with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Will McCannon were entertained in the home of Mrs. Clara Starritt in McHenry Thanksgiving Mrs. Edith White of Detroit, Mich., and Mrs. Sadie McCannon of Green wood were guests of Mrs. Will Mc Cannon one day last week. Some of our town people went to Greenwood for Thanksgiving dinner and some went to Johnsburg. All report a good time and plenty to eat, The Ladies' Aid society will meet With Mrs. E. C. Hawley on Friday. Dec. 12. A New England dinner will be served from 11:80 until all are served. All are invited, so remember the place and date. SOLON MILLS Ed. Liveszy spent part of last Week in Chicago John Pester was a Monday caller in Ringwood. Geo. Yonke ot Williams Bay spent Tuesday in town. Anything in foot wear---shoes, rubbers, boots--at Erickson's. Fred Sullivan of Chicago spent a recent day at Geo. Vogel's. Stanley Beall spent Tuesday afternoon with Chas. Westlake. Miss Leona Cropley was home from DeKalb to spend Thanksgiving. Mrs. Geo. Noble of Ringwood spent Tuesday here with relatives. Wm. Monear of Richmond was a Saturday caller at E. T. Monear's. Mrs. A. C. Merrell spent part of last week with relatives at Hebron. Chas. Vogel and Chas. Westlake spent one day recently at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley entertained company Sunday from out of town. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Wellman are moving into the rooms over the store this week Wm. Overton and family are entertaining company from South Dakota this week. Mrs. Walter Cairns and daughter, Lois, spent Saturday afternoon at the Chas. Vogel home. Lee Aylward returned home Sunday from McHenry, where he spent part of the past week with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Turner returned home Sunday from Aurora, where they spent several days with thejr sons. OSTEND 'Op'*- Durkee and wife ate Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Johnson at West McHenry. John McBroom, wife and little son, Burton, at Thanksgiving dinner with their uncle and family at the county seat. Mat Jung and family are preparing to move to their home north of Ringwood, which they recently purchased. The neighbors husked about sixteen hundred bushels of corn for the Thomas families, for which they are very grateful. Henry Hobart commenced delivering milk to the factory Dec. 1. He sold the dairy early in the fall. Now he has several young milkers Elbert Thomas is still improving and is allowed small quantities of food, a spoonful or two at a time. His appetite has returned and he thinks he could eat a whole bushel if proper. It is reported that Ed. Wallis has sold the home farm and the smaller place near it. We have no partic- . t> uium iwMfriWii JOIN OUR ulars who the purchaser is or when versity from Thursday until Sunday. he t>kag The farm was Miss Lillian Riley of Chicago and rented only # couple of weeks a?0 Raymond J. Riley of Indianapolis spent Thanksgiving day with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox, sons, Eldredge and Robert, and daughter, Eleanor, of Woodstock visited relatives here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Bay and daughters were guests of the -former's mother, Mrs C. Bay, in Chicago Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Wm. Coleman left last Wednesday for Davenport, la., where she will join her husband. She has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Geo P. Bay. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Shine and sons, Raymond and Bernard, Jr., of Chicago were Thanksgiving day guests of Mrs. Shine"k parents Mr. .and Mrs. John Riley RINGWOOD See Ericksou for Black Cat hosiery. Mrs. Jas. Rainey way a McHenry passenger Tuesday ma'iiing. Harry Darrow and family spent Thanksgiving day in Richmond. Miss Martha Dailey spent the week end with her uncle in Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Ben J us ten spent the week end with relatives in Chicago Mrs. Will Dodge and daughter, Sarah, were Chicago shoppers Friand renter taken possession. VOLO ~ Miss Ella Moore spent Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Paddock and LaVerne spent Saturday and Sunday in Chicago. Miss Ruby Peterson spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. PhH Peterson, at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. John Walton and son, Jason, spent Thursday of last week in Wauconda. Mrs. W. S. Farnsworth and son were callers at the home of Miss Ella Moore Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dillon and children spent Thursday last with the former's parents at Cherry Hill. Mr. and Mrs. G. Stroker and daughter, Dorothy, and Mrs. R. Smith of Wauconda were in town last Thursday. * Additional Personal ,X;D. Lodtz, Simon Stoffel, John Pint and Mrs. J. B. Young and son, Louis, were Chicago passengers Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Powers and son and Miss Eva Whiting passed Saturday and Sunday with Chas. Whiting at Madison, Wis. For news read the Plaindealer. ANDA little a week--1 cent, 5 cents, dime or more--for a merry Xmas. Regularly and systematically and you will be sure to have money for presents and other expenses. Yourself and let all the members of the family save. Make ft § merry Xmas for all. The pennies, nickels, dimes that usually slip through your fingers for nonessentials. You will never miss the .money. . for every cent you have saved-plus interest--just at the time It will come in bandy. v.v.-' • IT'S A GOOD THING FOR EVERYBODY DON'T MISS IT. ENROLL RIGHT AWAY THE FIRST DEPOSIT HAKES YOU A NHKK. ASK US ALL ABOUT IT. raws. WHTE 01 CALL HOY BANKING COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOIS The Sweetest Story Ever Told You need think of nothing but the song and the joy of singing it--if you have a Gulbransen player piano. The Gulbransen is so easy to play. It seems to understand. It responds to your story. It halts you tell your story--sympathetically and without effort The words to be aung each moment are always before your eyes as the roll unwinds-- printed on the roll. You cannot "lose the place." No notes to read; no lingering to practice. The Gulbransen does all that for you--and makes no mistakes. You have never tried a player that is so responsive to the lightest pedal touch. Or one from which you can get such delicacy of expression. If you would love to sing without the drudgery of playing, go in and try a Gulbransen at our dealer's store. Youll know him because he shows the baby at the pedals in his windows. Gulbransen play®!" piano with mandolin attachment N. A. HUEMANN, WEST McHENRY PLUMBING AND HEATING IY Experienced Workmeft DONAVIN St REIHANSPERGER Physician and Surgeon , McHENRY, ILLINOIS "OIBce over Petesch's Drug fliore . JOHNSBURG, ILLINOIS PHONES: McHenry, 44 Johnsburg, 625-R-2 HOURS--McHENRY 10:30 a. m. to 12 noon , 7:30 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. HOURS--JOHNSBURG 8:00 a. m. to 9:00 a. m. 12:00 to 1.30 p. m. ,r>:00 p in. Lo 7:00 p in. Piano Tuning! Over 25 years' experience in factory and on concert stage insures you complete satisfaction. Adam S. Jung Plione 12 353 Lincoln Ave. WOODSTOCK, ILL. m m SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY & MONDAY We have secured a limited quantity of fancy hog} rice which we are offering for three ^ ^ days only at the very special price of I I per pound. Owing to the fact that our slock is limited we reserve the right to limit each customer to five pounds and only while present stock lasts. g ^ N ---- PIwj. Prepare Now! FOR CoMWntfcr Have you taken an inventory of your household stock of Winter Underwear, Hosiery and warm Footweaff LOUIS A. ERICKSON GENERAL MERCHANDISE ^ WIST McHENRY