Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Dec 1919, p. 12.

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! : • :-v- v - - • MA., -y^w1' •' ^ * j. IN OR0ER TO RBDVCE *, j i| M-.v. WSSFF' ':"*ci^v i?-" if • L* „ " • » > * ^71** } * V / fv . i v» V' .?# - "*• ^ • •'" * »- ,*V?^ ^~T---=t^^ - >1 ' i •• ',\n ./•-* we offer for sale, m greatly reduced .< prices, during the month of December all of our PICTURE FRAME& ' ^ and ART PICTURES. A nice rame makes an admirable Christ* " ^ ^ mas Gift and at a price you can well * afford to pay. Come early while r t h e s e l e c t i o n i s p t j i p l e | e . r . f v . , v'i /<K. -Md' : -?v 'PHONE 113 J WEST McHENRY, ILL. OUR BIGUidertaking Embalming OFP8RS A SELECTION very sel-* dom found in a town many times the size of McHenry. Our aim to keep our stock up to the standard has beAi quite successful even during the trying months when factory deliveries were so uncertain. We attribute our home as well as our out-of-town patronage due to our splendid selection coupled with fair prices and prompt deliveries. Let us fit up your home. JUSTEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS & STOCK UPFOR COLD WEATHER We have a complete line of medium and heavy weight underwear to fit all sizes in union suits and shirts and. drawers. Ladies' union suits in long sleeve, % sleeve and no sleeve, low neck or high neck, each $125, $1.75, $1.85 aat f KS Men's union suits from .$2.50 to> $4.5* Men's and boys' macbtnaws, a good range of price®,, pretty patterns. Flannel shirts, special value at $2.50 and $S.W» Our dress goods department is very complete ' in silks, satins, worsteds and cotton, mi*. tares, per yd.$L00 to $S.f All wool blankets to up . .$12.50 Blankets, full size, heavy wool finish *• , . cotton from. $2J>0 to $6.00 Our stock of shoes is very complete in *11 kinds. We %'• can positively save you mon- • ey, as they were bought before the prices advanced. , Bring in the whole family and we will save you many / dollars. Our groceries are always the - purest and best we can buy. -- A full line of canned goods of extrk and standard brands. •. j --^ # •' >h Special for a few days, No. 2 Monarch baked beans in tomato sauce at per dozen $1.75 Extra quality sifted peas at per dozen.. .$2.25 Full quart can of jam, assorted fruits, at per quart Phone 117-R Goods Delivered t PREPARE WR' CHRISTMAS NOW You can buy your Candies, N uts, Cakes and other things bere now while we have a good assortment. If you so wish we will pack them for you and hold them until such time as you will want them. 60c M I. WALSH Armour Plate Silk Hose g " for ladies and men make nice presents - ? 1 ftf.-tadies Hose, at per pair __ l.$1.35, $1.75, ttJf 1 Men's Hose, at per pair...... $1.M SMITH. BROS. McHENRY, ILLINOIS -J • ro/lLL U^ERS OF LIGHT. HEAT ' AND POWER f Following the entry of an order by | the United States Fuel Administrator, the Public Utilities Commission has ordered the companies named below to enforce drastic fuel saving regulations in thfc intrffest of all the people as follows: - f Supplemental' Order It is now ordered that all public utilities furnishing light, heat and power in the State of Illinois shall, until the further orders of this commission, govern themselves, in furnishing and supplying their seivice, by the following rule and regulation and shall enforce the save in their dealings with their custofners. LIGHT 1. No ornamental lights, white way, or other unnecessary street lights, outline lighting, electric signs, or illuminated bill boards, show windows, or show case lights are to be operated. This does not affect street lighting necessary for the safety of the public.. • ; All, interior illumination of any business premises shall, during the hours permitted by this order for the use of gas and electricity for such business, be reduced to fifty per cent of the mount normally used; provided, that in establishments where machinery is being operated, the reduction of illumination shall only be to such extent as may be consistent with safety. 2. No cabaret, dance hall, pool hall or bowling alley shall be permitted to use light, except between 7:00 p. m. and 11:00 p. m. 3. Theatres, not including vaudeville and motion picture houses shall be restricted to service for seven (7) performances a week, namely, one in the afternoon and six in the evening, and are enjoined to exercise at all times the greatest economy in illumination. Vaudeville houses shall be restricted to eleven (11) performances a week, namely, five (5) in the afternoon and six (6) in the evening. Inasmuch as motion picture houses consume very little light, they are ex* cepted from regulation as to hours, but required to effect all possible economies in the use of light and heat. Use of service by theatres, vaudeville houses and motion picture houses outside of hours of operation shall be only sufficient to safeguard against freezing. 4. Stores, including retail stores and warehouses, but excepting retail grocery stores and stores selling food exclusively, must not use light (except safety lights) except for six hours per day, between the hours of 12 M. and 6 P. M. Manufacturing plants shall be allowed to use light only during the time prescribed for the use of power. 5. Offices, banks and other places of business--all office buildings included-- shall receive service from 9:00 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. only, except that banks which customarily remain open for business after 3:30 p. m., and certain evenings each week may continue to receive such service. Every possible economy in light, heat and power, including reduction in elevator service, must be effected within these hours and the heating during closed hours be reduced to the lowest margin of safety. In all buildings of whatever character, including factories and stores referred to above service lighting shall be reduced to a minimum, elevator service ..outside of the hours specified for operation shall be reduced to one car and heat must be cut off except in such deg&e as will prevent damage by freezing. 6. Barber shops may receive service from 1 p. m. to 7 p. m., except those located in office buildings, in which case they shall be governed by office building rules. EXCEPTIONS (a) Drug stores may receive service for the sale of drugs, medicines, and druggists' supplies only, and restaurants may receive service for the sale of food only, according to their usual custom, but must reduce lighting one half. • (b) Railroad stations, hotels, hospitals, telephone, telegraph and news- THttATRE THURSDAY. DEC. 11 Cotofriise Coert With P«|gy Highland and -- , FATTY ARBUQKLE 'ljl»' A*Day at the Beach and MUTT AND JpfFF IN -1 "Sweet Pilpa" ti & s * T? -£> 1* SATURDAY, DEC. 13 - WltLIAM DESMOND -IN - -Beyond The Shadows KEYSTONE COMEDY 'His Disguised Passion SUNDAY. DEC. 14 EVELYN NBSBTT IN. Thou Shalt Not KEYSTONE COMEDY Won by a Fowl . - / V* •' ft.#.'* £ is a matter for sober thought and deliberation. etmm COMINQ. DEC. 23 BtfARY PICItFCmr* IN The Hoodlum CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--Shelving, counters ai tables. Inquire at this office. ! FOR SALE--Good draft colt coming three years old. S. Rogers, West McHenry, 111. Phone 606-W-l. 2Q The West McHenry State Bank, operating under , * in Illinois charter and meeting in a most capable man-t tier the exact requirements of every depositor, cordially invites your account. Our strength, responsibility #tod efficiency have • !#on for us the patronage of hosts of discriminating If you would ctioose wisely--choose this institu-- " lion for your financial headguart^j-j, * ^ FOR SALE--A few pigs, wt. 60 lbs, each. Inquire of H. A. Asmalsky, on D. E. ' Payne place, east of Fox river. 26-lt* EXCLUSIYF BF4LERS FOR FOR SALE--The estate farms, one one of 145 acres. Henry, HI. John A. Smith of 169 acres and S. H. Freund, Mc- 8 HELP WANTED--Men and boys between the ages of 18 and 40. Also girls wanted. The Oliver Typewriter Company, Woodstock, 111. 26-4 NEW OLIVER TYPEWRITER NO 9--Best Xmas gift. 5 days free trial. Price $57, no money down, 1% years to pay. Order now. H. T. Cooney, agent, Woodstock, 111. 24 FOR SALE--Big type Poland China boars, grandsons of Gertsdale Jones and Leng Expanion. Shipped on approval. Price $45.00. C. A. Sverkerson, Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 117-R- 1. 26-4t* $12 WEEKLY. Men-women. Advertise. Start candy factory at home, small room, anywhere. We will tell how and furnish everything. Specialty Candymaking House, 5 South 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 20-10t WE desire to buy any and all kinds of logs. We have erected a saw mill and want these logs loaded on cars at your nearest station or we will buy standing timber jjf any kind. Write or phone. Express Body Corporation, Crystal £ake, 111. 26 Guaranteed - « ALL WOOL To Order' $29« Full Suits $32.50 All Wool Overcoats $32.50 Same materials other tailors ask $45 and $50 for. Perfect fit good workmanship, first-class trimmings and everything absolutely cwwraiitoed. ti FOR SALE--A few choice big type Poland China gilts, sired by Wonder Joe, No. 323241. I will also sell my herd boar, Wonder Joe. Pedigree given. Also some Poland China boars, sired by Joe Wonder. Inquire of James Hunter, West McHenry, 111. Phone 613-J-l. 17-tf EXCEPTIONS Dairies, refrigerating plants, bal eries, plants for the manufacture oi necessary food and medicinal prou ucts, water works, sewerage plants, printing plants^ for the printing of newspapers only, garages, service filling stations, and battery charging outfits in connection with plants producing light or power for telephone, telegraph or public utility companies are exempted, except that all such establishments are required to exercise all possible economy in the use of power. Jo«. W. Freund The respective utilities are hereby paper offices are not included in so J empowered to fly the time of operafar as necessary lighting is con- i tion under this provision for each incerned. I dustry or class of industries, upon (c) Dairies, refrigerating plants, |consent of the local committee which bakeries, plants for the manufacture j js acting in co-operation with the of necessary food and medicinal pro-j commission, and subject to the furducts, water works, sewrrage plants, jther order of the commission. printing plants, for the printing of: in cases where power is generated newspapers only, garages, service !from a source other than coal this filling stations, battery charging out- commissibn reserves the right to fits in connection with plants produc- imake special exceptions from this ir.g light or power for telephone, tele-1 order. graph or public utility companies are j 2. In mil buildings of whatever | exempt, except that all such estab- j character, including factories and • lishments are required to exerrfse all j stores referred to above, elevator service, outside of the hours specified for operation, shall be reduced to one car. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1. Suburban and local transportation schedules shall be reduced to the least number of runs that will accommodate usual travel requirements 2. No heat shall be provided on electric cars during rush hours and heat during non-rush hours shrll be cur tailed as much as possible. The provision as to rush hour heating shall not be applied to interurban traffic GENERAL Electric railways and manufacturing plants, stores and offices shall cooperate in arranging within the provisions of this order, schedules, days and hours of work to permit the max tnum utilization of transportation equipment. possible economy of light. HEAT 1. Only enough heat shall be fur-1 nished in offices, stores, warehouses, and manufacturing plants to keep the average temperature at 68 degrees Fah., arid then only during the hours for which light is permitted. During other hours only enough heat shall be furnished - to prevent freezing of water pipes or sprinkling systems. 2. In manufacturing plants or plants coming under power curtailment rules, heat to 68 degrees Fah. shall be allowed only during *h«»r time prescribed for use of power. POWER 1. No manufacturing plant or factory shall be furnished heat, light or power for operation in excess of three (3) days a week on the basis of normal working hours. - .. It is further ordered that said utilities shall make publication of this order, or of the substance thereof, in the principal newspapers in the territory served, and said utilities are hereby authorized to cut off and discontinue service to any consumer who, after such publication and while this order is in force, shall fail to observe pny of the above rules and regulations. The commission earnestly urges upon the public the necessity of cooperating in every way possible to make this order effective, and express, ly urges upon domestic consumers of gas, light and electricity the irapor< tance of reducing their consumption of the same to the very lowest point possible, lest there be no fuel for their necessities later on. This order is not to be interpreted so as to conflict with any orders of the Federal Government This order shall be# effective on and after 12:01 A. M., December 10, 1919, and shall supersede the orders this commission entered December 3, 1919, and December 5, 1919, respectively, and also the order entered December 4, 1919. By order of the Commission at Springfield, Illinois, this 9th day of December, 1919. , WESTERN UNITED GAS A BLECTR1C CO. Avoid chilly rooms in the morning by using Cole's Hot Blast heaters. They prevent colds and sickness. '•if • THE UNIVSR^ CAR lookout when having your Ford car repaired that the genuine Ford parts or materials are used, "bogus" imitations, No Bogus Ford Parts Here There are many or counterfeit, socalled Ford parts al sadly inferior quality on the market. Be warned against them. Buy Ford parts and have your Ford car repaired by the authorized Ford dealer as this is the only way to guard against "bogus" parts. Bring your car t6 u»for service. Come to us for Ford parts. Ours is an authorized Ford place. STAR GARAGE T IMH U KBOX, Prop. McHENRY Shoe Repair Shop DON'T THROW THEM AWAY--Shoes cost too much now-a-days to throw them away when they begin to wear out At the first sign of wear bring them to our shop. Our modern electric machinery enables us to turn out the finest kind of work and we do it with promptness. Bring in that old pair of shoes and let us demonstrate the cte88 of work we turn.out s £ SiHAUSWIRTH McHENRY, ILLINOIS M • .5.CV Gifts for How (omlMt Each one of us must decide what our Christmas gifts will be--but those of us who give the matter careful thought will decide on practical things whoa* aervioc-^:'; not limited by the whims of fad or fancy. These gifts mean most to the home--they mean far more to the recipient than a few hours of passing pleasure. They gave and «erve»* We offer the suggestions. Cabinet Gas Rang# Gas Room Heater Gat lumji Gas Water Heatejj! Gas Iron Gas Radiantfire MA Ga» Fixture* ,f\ /^fcMfesteri)Ui)itedGas /Jjft and Electric Compap/ -o ft. M. WORKMAN, Dbteht! • *v mmm •w - a • .»v- " i'-: r te

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