Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Dec 1919, p. 4.

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y mfm&nr twiw • ' / • * ' ' ' Silk Mufflers Knitted Silk Mufflers. .$2.00 to $5.00 Cut Silk Mufflers in plain striped effects, with or without silk fringe $1.25 to " - * , Silk shirts, silk crepe, fibre silk, printed and woven madras shirts in a beautiful array of patterns and colors. .$2.00 to $lSiM All silk shirts neatly boxed JbL For Men and Boys in everything that the word implies. All th& a Man br ftdfr desires in apparel has been gathered in the most convenient arrangement. Everything has been so cleverly chosen with the many masculine preferences in mind that men and women buying Christmas Gifts will see and appreciate at once the increased pleasure, ease of shopping and extr McHENRY'S CHRISTMAS STORE • -f Sweaters All wool pull overs, V neck cflf '• • . shawl collar style, regal#? i ^ coat style, with or without collars, in plain colors and stripe .$6*0 to $12.00 Gloves and Mittens For all purposes and all styles, fleece, silk, wool knit or lamb lined gloves and mittens, unlined or jrilk lined gloves.. $2.00 to $7.60 Blanket Robes In * variety of ers for men and boys/a very gift .,,...$5.00 to ftSAt Handkerchief! ftaln or initial, narrow, wide or colored borders, cotton, linen mixtures, silk or pine linen.... t «'***. .Me to 7Sc Slippers I:'-"- • or tan kid . Re will appreciate * pair of our slippers. .$4.50 to $5.00' Hosiery Cotton lisle hose SSc Silk lisle hose, all colors........50e Fibre silk hose, all colon. .... .75e Pure silk, plain or fancy colors. .$1.00 Wool and cashmere hose, all eotors . .00eto$l.00 Neckwear Our .ties are always acceptable gifts. We can show you ties to your heart's content in a beautiful arrangement of ahapes and colors, in cut silks or knitted, all neatly boxed.. ..75c to $4JOO Leather Goods Traveling bags in black or tan Men's collar bags $1.50 to $4.00 SHOP EARLY 7VLsGee &. Cdnwiiy TO CONTLY Will FUEL REGULATIONS IBS STOUTS MISINCSS HOUtS ARE mm 12M O'CLOCK NOON TO 6*0 r. R. Hats and Caps Velours and fur felts in all the popular colors and shapes.. $3.50 to $8.00 Fur caps $10.00 Inbanct ^mackinaw and knitted cm ..fte to $U0 CLA nice line of candies, nuts, fruits and table eatables. Make this your Christmas store and ?hm bg assured of the best ,' f" M. M. Niesen McHeary Phone M-W -THE--y HOME BAKERY --AND DELICATESSEN Phone your orders for Christmas Cakes and Cookies. All other orders promptly attended to. rHONE 69-R BUCK.WHEAT Flour There are many brands of pure buckwheat flour and that they are pure buck wheat there is not a doubt. The manufacturers do not dare to adulterate them. But there is a vast difference in the taste of these different brands. We do not manufacture the kiln dried variety, with the natural flavor killed and dried out of it, but we do manufacture it in the good old fashioned way, with the natural flavor still in it McHENRY Flour Mill Weit McHenry, 111. 1 WISH TO CALL YOUR to our line of Men's Sweaters. We have them ranging: in price from $2.50Z™I$12.00 SPECIAL Men's Slipover Sleeveless Sweaters, regular price $4, special price while they last S2.98 If Wve not already invested you are sure to find what you want in our stock JOS. J. MILLER McHENRY. ILL. QUARTER OF A CENTURY 4 ] Additional Personal John Thennes was a Chicago pas- Wednesday morning. **1 John Lehm of Chicago passed Sun- ***** in the home of J. F. Claxton. Prof. O. G. Treachfray was an Rvanston visitor last Sunday morn- Mrs. John McEvoy spent the first the week with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. R. T. Wray and daughter and Jfiss Verona Niesen were Chicago passengers this morning. Mrs. Thos. Ward of Chicago spent the week end as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank Ward. • Mr. and Mrs. John Pfennenstill and Misses Lillian and Dorothy Freund spent Thursday last at Woodstock. Mrs. Helena Heimer is spending a few days in the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Bickler, at Belvidere. A. R. Fryer of Doland, S. D., spent the week end. as a guest in the home of his sister^ Mrs J. F. Claxton. i 1 ' ' Items Clipped From The Plaindealer of Twenty-five Tears Ago The New Year's party will take place at the McHenry House on Tuesday evening, Jan. 1. As we go to press our Indian summer weather has taken a change and a snow storm is threatened. Henry Thelen killed an animal near this village last week which those who saw called a "possum." Jack Flusky, who formerly lived south of this village and who owned a large amount of property here, died in Chicago on Monday. A large straw stack belonging to John May near Johnsburg was burned recently and the los&~ promptly adjusted by Simon Stoffel. James Kemerling, who lost his household furniture by the recent burning of the Thompson creamery, was insured for $500 by Simon Stoffel Mrs. Schreiner, mother of William and Peter Schreiner, died in this vil lage last week at an advanced age of over ninety. She has been a resident of this town for many years. The bazaar and supper, given by the ladies of the Willing Workers' society at the city hall on Friday evening last, was one of the most successful entertainments ever given in this village. The total receipts were about $120. A large barn near Cary burned last Tuesday at eleven o'clock, destroying 20 cows, 6 horses, a lot of farming tools, hay, grain, etc., all the property of Henry Grabe, who was fully insured by Simon Stoffel in the Phoenix. Miss Stella Reading died in Chicago on Sunday last. She was a daughter of Mrs. Mary Reading, who lives southwest of this village. Her fueral was held from the M. E. church on Tuesday and remains laid to rest in Woodland cemetery. Several large wolves have been seen in this vicinity lately and our hunters are making daily trips over the country looking for them. It is said what is supposed to be the wolves have killed several sheep and a yearling heifer south of town. R. A. Howard, who recently engaged with Armour & Co., Chicago, us traveling salesman, is meeting with good success in his new field. Mr. Howard, with the assistance of his son, R. R. Howard, will still continue the meat business at the old stand near the depot. The village board, accompanied by the city attorney, made a trip to Chi cago last Friday to confer with the railway authorities in regard to putting in gates or flagmen at the crossing in this village. We believe they compromised the matter by flagging all south bound trains and freight trains while switching, at the north crossing near the pickle factory Cigars in small boxes at Petesch's. Big kaffeeklatsch and cai?d party Tuesday at 1:30 at the jubilee baz^$£ Our Fight Against Tuberculosis To the good citizens of McHenry Co.: Friends--The particular time of the year at hand urges upon all increased responsibilities, not alone from the rigor of the season itself, but equally because of the sacredness of that season, wherein two of our most revered holidays occur within the short period of one calendar month. We have 'already offered up our Thanksgiving for the many blessings which we, as a nation and as individuals, have received and are now upon the threshhold of the celebration of the greatest of all our holidays-- Christmas. E'er long missives of love and packages of joy shall weave golden threads of happiness back and forth o'er this great land and thru it all shall appear the indelible stamp of the cheer of the yuletide. But may I not ask that you make this joy even more consummate and complete? It has long been our custom to seal our Christmas remembrances with tiny seals appropriate to the occasion and therein lies the secret. Surely you wouia be willing to seal your gifts and out-going remembrances with Red Cross Christmas seals if in so doing you knew that you were materially assisting in a nation wide campaign against tuberculosis. Would it not be a great added pleasure to know that you are having a part in the fight against this dreaded disease, which can and must be conquered, and whose toll, even now, is decreasing by united and concentrated effort? Few, if any, are there but that have felt its sting, and the spirit of this Christmas time bids us respond as best we may. # It is your pleasure and sense of duty, therefore, that bids us count upon your enlisted service to that extent which you alone may deter mine as the bounds of your possibility, and may your Christmas packages bear that evidence of the determination of McHenry county to assist in this great work, as she has not failed to do in any other worthy cause. Flody E. Eckert, County Chairman American Red Cross . Seal Campaign. / Train Service Changed Owing to the critical coal situation a change in train services went into effect on last Monday morning. The passenger train, which regularly left this station at 8:19 and returned at 4:49, has been taken off for an indefinite time. It is now necessary for the Chicago passengers to leave Mc Henry at 7:10 a. m. and return at 6:20 p. m., allowing only about three hours for the transaction of business in the city. The Overton garage on the West Side has just instituted a Goodyear service station and henceforth the Goodyear tires will be obtainable at that place. ADDITIONAL LOCAL The heavy fall of snow during the few days has brought out a few bob sleighs. The appearance of the latter brings a full realization that winter is here. The pastor having been called away last Sunday, the services and subjects at the M. E. church next Sunday will be the same as those announced for last Sunday. Miss B. Mae Small, formerly of McHenry, and who for the past two years has made her home in California, is spending the holidays with her parents at Lake Geneva. She has been teaching in the west and will return at the beginning of the new year. When one sees youngsters still in their teens hiking towards woods and streams carrying, in some cases, rifles or shot guns almost as big as themselves, one wonders that there are not more accidents and fatalities. It is mostly on account of .these youngsters that farmers residing thruout this entire territory are prohibiting the trespassing and hunting on their respective premises. Boys of this tender age are very apt to be careless if not reckless and for this many a farmer has paid dearly in the past. Votes on Community High School Ringwood filed a petition with the county superintendent of schools for territory and were granted the right to vote Saturday, Dec. 6, on a community high school, which would be located in that village. The territory Mthich their petition covered included Ringwood, Solon Mills, Spring Grove and Johnsburg. In a recent interview with one who was familiar with the facts it was said many of the voters did not turn out at all and many were not in favor of it so the final count was about 3 to 1 against it Ringwood should be congratulated in this attempt to further education and give the girls and boys what real education demands. The old schools have passed out and community high schools are bound to win. On account of the heavy mantle of snow covering its surface, the ice isn't growing as rapidly as was to have been expected with the weather conditions so favorable to ice making as it has been during the past two weeks. To make matters worse the water froze solid at the water gates in the pond and before the discovery was made the back-up had caused an overflow of the entire field in the west end of that body of water. The ice was removed the first of the week, thus giving the water a natural flow, and since then all has been well. The freezing of the water at this point is most unusual and has not been experienced but twice in several years. Notice to Hunters Public notice is hereby given that hunting and trespassing is hereafter strictly forbidden on my premises. Violators will be prosecuted. Peter F. Miller. Advertise with Hie Plaindealer. The art, the skill, the discriminating # f taste of any crafts unite in the construction of produce them--objects as attractive in form as they are efficient in operation --ideal Christmas Presents which satisfy the giver and gratify the receiver. ELECTRIC PORTABLE LAMPS, wraught in copper, brush brass, verde antique, silver, art iron, wicker with shades m art glass, silk, cretonne. ELECTRIC COOKING UTENSIL*. chafing dishes/toasters, grills, d&c , stoves, percolators. LABOR SAVERS, washing machine^ irons, vacuum cleaners* utility motors. ELECTRIC ARTICLES for the toilet table that increase comfort and multiply convenience. All in great variety in our Mlee rooma Prices the lowest Public Service Company OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS NEW DRESS GOODS We have just received some yard wide French Wool Serges in blaek, brown, Copenhagen and wine color; also yard-wide storm 4* 1 i A serge in blank and navy, specially priced, the yasd OUTING FLANNEL PETTICOATS .... TAFFETA PETTICOAT3, plain and fancy oolore COVERALL APRONS, assorted styles and patten^.... OUTING FLANNEL, millends, per yard ... BED BLANKETS, wool nap, large size UNION SUITS, low neck, sleeveless BRUSHED WOOL CAP and SCARF SETS ........ • »*>v .--|l* I* ...JWI JOHN STOFFEL, WEST McHENRY According to a recent issue of the Waukegan Sun, Atty. Gen. Brundage has had investigators in the Fox Lake district recently and as a result of the data collected by them another sensational exposure of liquor dealers in that region is soon to be made. 1 • - • * .

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