mmmmm •Twll^ BUY RED GROSS SEALS---- ii.^feji^i\.lii|i.iiiii» r.----. .1 I.. ~,. . iiiiV Gift '.REALLY USEFUL UNO SERVICEABLE The kind your Friends wiU appreciate at dristnas The items below will help you in your selections Eastman Folding Cameras...110.00 and $21.90 Eastman Box Cameras $4.0® and $541 Popular Gifts in Silver 4§ake and Pie Knives, Cold Meat Forks, Sugar a Shells, Berry Spoons, Cream Ladles at prices to suit. Perfumes and Toilet Waters m "i. TWj'V • A large assortment of the finest Box Paper ever shown at prices from......r. ,,61c to $3.M fountain Pens, Tourist's Tablets,French Ivosy Sets and extra pieces to fill out. -I*" •wjf* Brushes, Mirrors Manicure Sets -/• Shaving|Sets and Safety Razors, Military Brushi- m and Brush and Comb Sets. ->• • CONE EARLY STORE CLOSES AT 9:W ML «#>&• -BUY RED CROSS SEALS- 'FH0NE SOW N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST Buy Your Groceries the ^orttjcm Way <8, IF IT'S MADE WE SELL IT WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE, McHENRY. H-R A post card will bring our salesman to your door We submit this list of quotations as proof that the volume of our business and selling for cash makes it possible for us to supply standard merchandise at lower average prices than such merchandise is usually sold. WALNUTS California, soft^l. Mm shell, per lb. J v ' RAISINS Fancy seeded, / "^1 1 lb. package ^|y V JELLO All flavors, 1 / l/2P per package JL L4 V LARD 1*%- Pure open ket- ^ / I tie re ndered,Q/ per pound CANNED GOODS Peas, Early June, No. 2 can, 6 for Pork and Beans, tomato sauce, No. 2 can....... Beets, fancy red, No. 3 caa,.. • Milk, tall cans * Maple Syrup, 2 ox. can . • • •••••• • .15c • 20c .15c . .40c CEREALS Pan Cake Flour, 4 pound bag.... Kellogg's Krumbles, per package Quaker Oats, per package .45c 12c lSc Brazil Nuts, 1919 crop, per pound .. Filberts, Sicily selected, per pound... . Almonds, soft shell, per pound Fancy Christmas Cookies, per pound Christmas Candies, per pound SSiegler's Bitter Sweets, 1 pound boxes.... Qleo Margarine, Good Luck, per pound.... ...37c ...35c ...47c ...38c ...4Sc 65c 41c dried fruits PI une.v extra pitted, per pound Apricots, fancy Moorpark, per pound '... Currants, washed and ^screened, per package -. Bates, Royal Excelsior, per package ... Pigs, California, per package Mince Meat, New England, per package. Plum Pudding, per can Xc 42c 39c 25c 25c ..15c :,#c It will pay you to send us your order, as we have the very best at the lowest prices FANCY ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS & GRAPEFRUIT nittwooD Fancy'Iwx; candies for Christinas aft Unti's. Herman Frit* of Woodstock wa» in town Sunday. \ Lisle Brunswick was on the sick list the first of the week. James Conway of Harvard was in town the first of the week. Miss Dora Massman spent the week end with her sister in Chicago. Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and aim, Byron, were McHenry shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brunswick entertained relatives from Michigan last week. Mrs. W. J. Hepburn and daughter, Marion, were Chicago shoppers Saturday. Mrs. S. W. Brown and son, Leonard, spent Saturday with relatives in McHenry Mrs. W. E. Bradley and Mrs. G. A. Stevens wore shopping in Chicago Monday. Mrs. James Carr of Greenwood visited her niece, Mrs. Will McCannon, last week. Mrs. Walter Harrison and Miss Evelyn Vogel were Elgin shoppers last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Park Ridge spent the week end in the E. C. Hawley home. Mrs. H W. Allen of Woodstock was a welcome visitor in town last Friday and attended the Ladies' Aid dinner. The Ladies' Aid society served its last dinner of the year at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hawley last Friday. It was a success both socially and financially. The net proceeds were $27.50. There will be more dinners after the holiday season. The children of rooms one and two will give a Christmas program in the high school*- room Monday afternoon, Dec. 22, at two o'clock. Everyone is invited. Santa Claus will be there too and he would like to see all the little boys and girla. Following is the program: Song--"Up on the House Top Rooms 1 and 2 deryemg a siege of grippe and tocsilitis. , Misses Avis Mid Virginia Ovepton spent Sunday afternoon in the Gardner home. Mrs. Chet Osborne and daughter, Annabelle, spent Saturday with Mrs. A. F. Wellman. Mrs. Mary Walker of La&e Geneva was a visitor in the Reuben Turner home part of last week. TERRA COTTA Balk and box candies in great variety at C. Unti's. Mrs. Michael Knox visited relatives in Elgin Saturday. Miss Florence Knox was * visitor in Elgin Saturday. Miss Eleanor Phalin was a week end guest of friends in Chicago. Miss Clara Frisby of Dundee spent the week end at her home here. Geo. E. Nelson and son, Melvin, were callers at Holcombville Friday. Mrs. John Liddle was a business caller in Crystal Lake last Thursday. Mrs. Stella Peek and Mrs. Mary Grant were callers in McHenry Tuesday. Edward Knox, Howard Phalin and Francis Frisby were visitors in Hebron Friday evening. MeHENRYL08S8 TO HEBRON And The* Are Given a Feed By the Victors A Xmas Wish" Recitation ...... Lettin On" Calendar Song" .Thomas Darrow .. .Jesse Whiting . .Kirk Schroeder Room 1 "Christmas Pudding".. .Dorothy Peet Recitation Sebre Whiting Family Troubles". .Julia McLaughlin Long Before I Knew Who Santa Wuz" William Beth Song--"Hurrah for Xmas"... Room 1 Dialogue--"Santa Claus' Work Shop Recitation Frances Helms "Fooling St. Nick"... .Kenneth Roach Recitation Harold Bell "The Boy Bill"..... Exercise Song .« Room 1 "My Dolly" Zura Whiting Recitation -.... yLeo Brunswick "Christmas" Exercise Recitation .. ... .Byron Hitchens Recitation Cora Beth Song--"A Letter to Santa"..Room Recitation ... Edward Thompson "Once a Year"; Frances Young Recitation John Thompson "A Xmas Box*... .Kenneth Merchant Looks Like Pa" Edmund Whiting Song--"Babe Jesus" Room "A Modest Xmas List"..... Melvin Whiting Recitation Helen Lawrence Recitation Ethel Bell The Small Stocking**. Alice Peet "Not Late" Edna Peet Song--"Fairy Snowflakes" Rooms 1 and 2 ALFORD H. POUSE Attorney-at-Law West OSTEND Give him one of our beautiful pipes for Christmas. C. Unti. Warren Francisco has been suffering the past few days with a bilious attack. The Woodstock mail man has been driving a team to. deliver mail for several days. Several here helped make chicken pie for the M. E. Aid society at. M© Henry, last Thursday. F. R. Eppel and wife attended the funeral of Mr. Eppel's cousin at Woodstock last week Tuesday. Elbert Thomas is still improving At last reports he was able to ride down town last Friday for a short stay. Winter is surely here and helps to make hard traveling for autos. Last week J. N. Sayler found it nearly impossible to make some of the roads. Roy Hobart hitched a team to a wide tire wagon and drove from home to C. B. Durkee's place, making it possible xfor Mr. Sayler to get thru, The whole neigborhood was alarmed by telephone last Friday morning about eight o'clock by word that the dwelling house on the E. J. Fellows farm was on fire. Farmers from all directions went with automobiles or horses and sleighs with their pails to help save the barn, which they did The house was entirely consumed A good share of the furniture on the first floor was saved. 80L0N MILUI Jack Pester spent Monday in Chi cago, A big stock of Christmas nuts at C. Unti's. Russell Turner spent Sunday with his family here. Wm. Rowson was\ <* Richmond caller Saturday. Mrs. A. , C. Merrill was an Elgin shopper Saturday. Willis Gardner transacted business at Richmond Saturday. Walter Cropley was a Ringwood visitor one day last week. Dr. A. I. Froehlich of McHenry was a caller here Saturday. Miss Vera Turner spent Saturday at Spring Grove with friends. Mrs. Anna Anderson and son, Eric sj^ent part of last week in Chicago New 108-B SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agaot for all rlsssws of property in the best companies WliST McHBMBT. - ; JLU|K>I8j jfcraeral of % peo*le lw*» «*» m- The pleasant relationship that has existed between the two schools was once more beautifully exemplified at Hebron last Friday night, when, after taking the honors at a game of basket ball between the high schools teams of that village and McHenry, the victors treated the losers and their followers to a banquet and otherwise entertained them in a manner that was deeply appreciated by the Mc- Henryites. The contest, altho a trifle one-sided, proved an interesting one to watch and the large crofrd on hand was given plenty of opportunity to exercise their vocal energies. Nichols, playing at center for Hebron, proved the ^big point maker of the evening, he "shooting the wicket for a total of sixteen points. For McHenry G. Barbian shot two baskets for four points, while Niesen made the other point with a free throw. The* first half of the contest was ather close and for a time it looked if McHenry really had some chance of taking home the evening's honors, but these chances soon went glimmering after the opening of the second half, in which Nichols put in his best and most telling work. The first half ended with Hebron leading 8 to 1. McHenry this year is badly handicapped on account of the site of our team, all of the members being short, and for this reason we are just a trifle lame at center. Niesen, who is playing that position, is doing very creditable wwrk considering Hie handicap he has been up against in every game played thus far this season when his opponent was always considerably taller and could thus get the jump on him. However," our center is showing improvement with every game and with a season's work he should develope wonderfully in spite of his natural handicap. The balance of McHenry's team is also composed of players of the short and stocky type. This naturally has worked to -a disadvantage for our players, but in spite of this fact our boys have proven themselves game to the core and with such a spirit preailing they are bound to win a good percentage of the games still to be played this season. Last Friday night's score follows: McHenry (6) G. Barbian E. Barbian Niesen Nye Weber Nichola, 8; Beard, Barbian, 2. Hebron (22) Gethen Beard Nichols Weter, Madson Slavin Field baskets: 1; Gethen, 1; G. throws: Gethen, 2; Niesen, 1. Games Tomorrow Night Tomorrow (Friday) evening McHenry fans will be given their first opportunity of the season of seeing both of McHenry's teams in action, when a double header will be staged with the first and second teams of the Richmond high school. Richmond has always turned out good basket ball teams and, according to reports from that village, this year is no exception to this rule, thus the fans may rest assured of getting their money's worth when the big double header is pulled off Friday night. Admission to all, 25 cents. Don't miss these games. State of Illinois) McHenry County )ss. Estate of Carrie Brehm, deceased. To Bertha Webb Sherman, Geraldine Webb, Betty Swendson, Edward Brehm and to all whom this may concerh: You are hereby notified that on Monday, the 2nd day of Februray, A. D. 1920, I, as the administrator of the estate of Carrie Brehm, deceased will present to the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House _ Woodstock, Illinois, my final report of my acts and doings as such admin istrator, and ask the court to be dis charge from any and all further duties and responsibilities connected with said estate and my administration thereof, at which time and place you may be present and resist such application, if you choose so to do. Dated at West McHenry this 17th day of December, A. D. 1919. Alford H. Pouse, Administrator. Mr. fttwl Mrs. Ray Thomas an«f children of Crystal Lake passed last Friday as guests of Mrs. Thomas' grand mo%rt<Mrs. .Schiessle. \ ; • x-iij -s-ts Come to^Every Home m-'fg WE INVITE YOU TO BECOME A MEMBER IN OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB Every one fc your family aai your friends will also be welcome as member*. It will be a lot of tm to iielong to this [tig friendly club. It is a big, helpful plan, which will enyou and others to accumulate money ',for Christmas by saving small amounts by ..'easy stages. You will enjoy being a member and will be delighted to see how rapidly your pennies, nickels ahd dimes grow into dollars. It's so easy to save that you will never .. miss the small amounts you pay in from t i m e , t o t i m e . . . . . . . KEEP UP THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT FOR THE SAKE OF THE LITTLE FOLKS. KEEP IT ALIVE THAT THE WORLD WILL BE BETTER AND BRIGHTER FOR EVERYBODY HOY BANKING' COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOIS *Wh«n Christens eones, ylra will ge* bidt in a lump sum all you have saved, whidi will be just like finding so much money. It Will be advisable to sava^ this yoar 8 yon have never saved before, because prices, no doubt, will continue to be high and it will take more mcney than ever Usbnp1 pnMMR 'jutd meet.other expenses. • Pur ^rhfmnn fTiili •nlrnn jmiT Oiiht ' n'ma3 problems. - . ; $e one of the merry throng who will .bis sure to have money to make them- «lves and others happy. •- ^ Make it a sure thing. NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS Have You Reserved' Your Allotment bf Preferred Stock in the Public Service Compan te^JNortha^ Illinois? THOUSANDS of customers and employes of the Public Service Com pany of Northern Illinois have already purchased their allotment at tH % Cumulative Preferred Stock of the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois now offered to them on Easy Monthly Payments. "" Only $5.00 Down and $5.00 Per Month Per Share Hot More Than 5 Shares Alloted to any one Subscriber on This Plan The instantaneous and widespread demand for this Stock, following the announcement of its sale on easy payments, in all of th* 200 cities and towns served by this Company has been more than gratifying. Everywhere customers and employes have given their unqualified endorsement to our plan of making them customer-ow#e£§ and have purchased shares--thus participating in the earnings of the Company. rA i i RESERVE YOUR SHARES ROW Remember--only a single block of 6 per cant Cumulative Preferred Stock is of* fered you in this convenient payment plan and only for a limited time. To make sure of securing your allotment make your reservation now, either through the local office of the Company or your bank. I GIFT OF THRIFT Give shares of this stock as a Christmas gifts to members of your ' family--a far more sensible plan than giving thought- Inquiry Coupon Date Public Serrke Co. of Northern Illinois McHenry, Illinois. I would like to receive further information about the Public Service Company and the stock you offer on easy payments. Name ^ Address City leal trifles which Drill soon be forgotten. The stock will pay dividends quarterly at the rate of $6 per year per share from date of purchase. BEHIND THIS INVESTMENT is a successful public utility, operating in nearly 200 Illinois cities and towns, witk assets of more than $60,000,000 and a record for continuous growth and develop, ment. The future outlook is even brighter than the past. The demand for dectrte and gas service in the territory served is increasing daily. Don't overlook this unusual opportunity to become a fully-protected, profitsharing customer-owner ill your own local utility company. ^ Public Service Company of Northern Illinois t If CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--Hie John A. Smith estate farms, one of 169 acres and one of 145 acres. S. H. Freund, McHenry, HI. 3 HELP WANTED--Men and boys between the ages of 18 and 40. Also girls wanted. The Oliver Typewriter Company, Woodstock, 111.26-4 NEW OLIVER TYPEWRITER NO 9--Best Xmas gift. 5 days free trial. Price $57, no money down, 1% years to pay. Order now. H. T. Cooney, agent, Woodstock, 111. 24 FOR SALE--Emperial ringlet strain Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels and cocks; also pearl guineas. Inquire of P. M. Freund, McHenry. 111. Phone 630-M-2. 27-tf FOR SALE--Big type Poland China l#>ars, grandsons of Gertsdale Jones and Long Expanion. Shipped on approval. Price $45.00. C. A. Sverkerson. Crystal Lake, III. Phone \117-R- 1. 25-4t* $12 WEEKLY. Men-women. A<frvertise. Start candy factory at hom% small room, anywhere. We will teB how and furnish everything. Sp4* cialty Candyrnaking House, 5 Soutli 18th St, Philadelphia, Pa. 20-10t FOR SALE--A few choice big type Poland China gilts, sired by Wonder Joe, No. 323241. I will also sell mtf herd boar, Wonder Joe. Fedigref given. Also some Poland Chir* boars, sired by Joe Wonder. I*» quire of James Hunter, West McH«ery, 111. Phone 618J-1. 174f - : m •m,