Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jan 1920, p. 5.

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mm. v Js| CHAPPY NEW YEAR! %&y^U S3 , r • V 'fE;f •; T&t fejw if'% jfe '** .."'"At S^'J.- #>1 n - -; *0 *••>•• j. •t 3* V{#.v?r; PHONE «e wN. H. P E T E SCHT i t o c o i s T tME UNIVERSALCAl :*rn THe Pord Sedan, with electric starting and limiting system, demountable rims with 3 >6-inch tires all around, is the ideal family car because of its general utility and refined and comfortable equipment. Finely upholstered. Plate glass windows. An open car in the spring, summer, and early fall. A dosed car in? inclement weather and winters Rain-proof, dust-proof. In the city or the country, a family car. The low cost of operation and maintenance is not the least of its charms. Won't you come in and look it oyer? Star Garage John K v%l - ;r FOR THE NEW YEAR itf Ciok the Easy, Reliable '•V*" On a Cabinet Gas Range •M If you are still cooking on an old style, muss-making cook stove, or if your present Gas Range is out of date, decide today to banish cooking troubles--to have a bright, shiny porcelain finished Cabinet Gas Range in your kitchen. ; time--fuss money wftll # new job. Youll You'll save fbo^ up-to-the-minute Qas Range on the marvel at the ease with which you can cook on one of the new Ranges at the uniform excellence of the dishes you prepare--at the simplicity of construction r a n g e i t s e l f . • %.M. WORKMAN, DUtrict I *" f -Xt • ,• .*• '-...J' 1 wish in this manner to thank the people of McHenry and vicinity for their valued patronage give* me during the past year, which has made it a successful one for me. Soliciting your further valued patronage, I wish you one and alT.ii r • \ r'" ^ Happy Netar Year «•*>. - JOS. J. MILLER McHENRY, ILL. TO THOSE WHO ARE OUR and to those whom we hope will sbon be our customers, we extend Onr best wishes for a Happy New Year. jfefaiiiiiiii ML McHENRY Flour Mill WM McHcwy^IlL I'-jX-A >- Chas. Wesiftl' SflHng Grove. Milton Bennttt of Chicago It a |Mst in the Pester Iw--i C. W. Croplegr tranaaeMd buMness at McHenry Friday. Wm. Aostih of Richmond «rae a Thursday caller at Geo. Vogel's. Mrs. Mary Aubert entertained her sons from Chicago Christmas day. Vivian Esh of Spring Grove transacted business here one day recently. Prank Cairns of Richmond was a recent caller at Richard Aylward's. Mrs. E. E. Cropley is nursing in the Brott home at McHenry this week. Miss Thelma Gibbs spent Saturday with Miss Irma Smith south of Richmond. Geo. Yonke of Williams Bay spent Christmas day at tfie Russell Turner home. Mr. and Mrs. Geb. Turner entertained relatives from Ringwood on Christmas day. Edwin Livessy, who is visiting relatives here, spent Sunday evening with friends at Long Lake. Miss Leona Cropley is spending a few days at McHenry with her grandmother, Mrs. Jas. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Osborne cf Marinette, Wis., are spending several days visiting among relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Gardner entertained twenty-four relatives at Christmas dinner last Thursday. Mrs. E. S. Johonnott has gone to Chicago to spend the remainder of the ; winter in the home of her son, Ben. Miss Anna Pester came out from : < 'hicago Christmas day to spend the noliday vacation with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Merchant entertained Mr. and Mrs, Jack McLaughlin and faihily of Ringwood Christmas •lay. James and Charles McCannon of Beloit, Wis., are spending several days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Westlake. Miss Mae Aylv^ard and Mrs. Geo. Turner were entertained in the C. W. Cropley home one day recently by Miss Leona Cropley of DeKalb. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Aim are moving to the section house near the depot and Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Wellman will occupy the rooms over the store just vacated by the Aim family. [Last Week's Delayed Letter] Jack Pester spent Sunday in Chicago. Carl Anderson is numbered with the sick list. Mrs. E. Brigham WM a Richmond shopper Friday. i Mrs. Wm. Rowson was a Friday caller in Richmond. - I Mrs. Victor Aim- is spending part of {tbis week in Chicago. 1.1 r. and Mrs. Wm. Merchant sprat j Friday at Richmond. | Dr. Foster of Richmond was a pro II ersional caller here Saturday. ! Lyle Jackson and Edwin Livdhzey ! spent Saturday evening at McHenry. Tom Williams of Richmond was a business caller here Tuesday morning. Geo. Vogel and son, Edwin, spent part of last week at the Chicago horse sale. Mrs. Wm. Davis is numbered with the sick. Dr. Nye of McHenry is in attendance. Messrs. August and Roy Aubert of Chicago spent Sunday with their mother here. Mrs. E. B. Cropley was qaite sick last week at her home here, suffering from tonsilitis. Dr. A. I. Froehlich of McHenry was professional caller at the Wellman home Saturday. Wm. Aylward of Spring Grove spoilt Friday afternoon here with his father, Richard Aylward. Messrs. Lee Aylward and Bruce Porter attended the Chicago horse sale several days last week. Edwin Livezey of Indianapolis, Ind., is spending several days here, the guest of his grandmother, Mrs. E. Liveszey. Miss Leona Cropley arrived home from DeKalb Friday, where qhe is attending school this year. She will re turn after the holidays. The Mystic Worker lodge will hold a New Year's eve dance here Dec. 31, at Cropley's opera house. Mack's orchestra of Woodstock will play. Miss Mabel Anderson came home from Elgin Saturday, where she is attending business college, to spend the holidays with her parents, who reside south of town. RINGWOOD A. J. Walters of Woodstock town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clark of Ostend were Sunday guests of T. A. Abbott. Miss Varina Wentworth of Mc Henry spent Sunday with Miss Dorcas Foss. Elmer Francisco was in town Wed nesday in the interest of the Stand ard Oil company. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelley of Richmond ate Christmas dinner in the Wm. Kelley home. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and son, Byron, spent the week end with friends in Chicago. E. C. Hawley and family spent Chrisfmas with Mr. and Mrs. D. Bacon at Crystal Lake. Mrs. C. T. Smith and son, Clifford, of McHenry ate Christmas dinner with Mrs. Emma Brown. Miss Winifred Bartholf of Rich mond is visiting her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. Mrs. Emma Brown and Mrs. A. W Smith spent Friday and Saturday with friends in Woodstock The Fay family had their reunion and Christinas dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Merwin. Miss Winifred Bradley was ac companied home from Beloit by friend from Leavensworth, Kan. „ Mrc Henry. Heinier V > ' * " * • •• "M dfcy * Mrs. Irvin Merchant spent days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Paul Webster, at Woodstock. Miss Emma McCannon and Burnes Williams, bath-formerly of Ringwood, were quietly married in Chicago on Christmas day. Their many Ringwood friends wish them a happy wedded life. was C. TERRA OOTTA Mrs. Leonard Beal was a Crystal Lake caller Friday evening. Mrs. Mary Grant was a business caller in Crystal Lake Friday. John J. Riley spent Tuesday and Wednesday of last week in Chicago. Henry Shales of Crystal Lake spent Christmas day with relatives here. Mrs. Margaret Coleman and friend of Crystal Lake spent Friday at Cteo. P. Bay's. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillan and children spent Friday afternoon at M. Knox's. Mrs. Kate Meyers of Crystal Lake 8pent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. John Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Nels PerSon of Chicago were Christmas day guests at S. B. Leisner's. Miss Alice Bergman of Chicago was entertained m the S. B. Leisner ihome Christmas. Geo. P. Bay and daughter, Nancy, spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week in Chicago. Miss Eleanor Phalin has gone to Cleveland, where she will spend a couple of weeks with relatives. Miss Florence Knox visited from Friday evening until Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Edward Malone, in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Knox left Friday evening for Cleveland, O., where they will visit relatives for a few weeks. * Mr. and Mi*. George Nelson and son, Melvin, were guests Christmas day of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gaebe and family at Holcombville. Mrs, Fred Bergman of Chicago spent last week with her parents and sister here. Mr. Bergman and son, Carl, Vere out Christmas^ YOLO ~~~ John Walton spent Friday in Wauconda. Ves Wagner and family entertained ompany over Sunday. Miss Effie Gilbert is boarding at the home of Mrs. Huleberry. Mrs." Phil Peterson of WauConda a visitor here last Thursday. E. Cox and family will soon move from the Townside farm to the Meade farm Alphonso Rossdeutscher and Miss Ruby Peterson attended the basket social at Roseville Friday night. Don't forget Jan. 1, 1920, is the d»U> set for a chicken pie dinner atN Frank Hironimus', given by the Ladies' Aid Mrs. Cora Dowell and daughter Zella, spent Saturday and Sunday in Wauconda at the home of the former's parents. Misses Georgina Waite of Round Lake, and Edna Werden and Messrs Harold and Arthur Stroker of Wauconda were Sunday guest* M}.the home of Ella Moore. 5^ "f OSTEND The school children are enjoying holiday vacation. Russell Thompson came out to spend his school vacation with relatives here. Miss McBroom was the guest of her brother, John, and wife the first of the week. E. L. Francisco, wife and son, Raymond, were brief callers on relatives here Sunday afternoon. Warren Francisco has recovered from his recent illness and is able to be out looking after business. Elbert Thomas continues to improve. He drove down town Monday morning with poultry to ship to "Chicago. C. J. Sherman, wife and sons, Clyde and Clarence, ate Christmas dinner with Myron Francisco and family at Wauconda. Joe Harrer, wife and children and frank Kaiser, wife and lit$le«^aughter, Anna, ate Christmas dtouer with their sister, Mrs. Carl Hwdtick. YOLO Frank Rosing 'was over to Grayslake Saturday Mr. and Mrs. F. Hironimus were Grayslake shoppers Saturday. Frank Henkee and daughter were Wauconda visitors last week. J»s. Lenzen of Fremont was a Sun day caller in the holne of Dr. Ross deutscher. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Molidor of Lib ertyville spent Christmas with Ben Rosing and family. Miss Ella Moore spent Thursday and Friday last at the hom6 of Mrs W. S. Farnsworth near Wauconda. Mr! and Mrs. F. Croaker of Libertyville were visitors Thursday and Friday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Huson. Mr. and Mrs John Walton tained Mr. and Mrs. H. Krueger and sons of Wauconda and Mr .'and Mrs Wm. Dillon and children at dinner Sunday. The current issue of the Cherry Circle, a monthly magazine issued in the interest of the members of the Chicago Athletic club, contains a very interesting story of the Chapel Hill Country club, locatid at Howell's Villas. In connection, with the story also appear three vtry fine half-tone cuts, showing the lrttle chapel, from which the club derives its name; the entrance to the club Vrounds and the club house. A historV of the little t ha pel as well as the Ylub made the story an interesting one indeed. Still Awaiting lee Machine 'Th•w m«y>jt l maikft and Aiearv to '-.y W *"»«. W ^ ' * • ; WE WISH YONE IN THIS • ;u"' AND ABUNDANT PROSPfeRjtTf £ mm ;':.V p/i", BANK TO ASSIST, AS FAR AS IS REASONABLE, IN YOUR FINANCIAL PROBLEMS, THERE BY ASSURING SUCCESS TO SUCH AS ARE, OR MAY igOME, OUR CUSTOMERS. -..M - V' 'i.J BElvV l7Kr - X:.,. . " <•' i % *P a Hi $ t •&, _ \ (• 4' HOY BANKING COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOIS iHi •iii MHH| kittiHs CXHiWCT n "HOT SPOT" Why excess carbon, overheating and burned < out bearings are common in winter .'iii cold What fouls your spark plugs rapidly in winter? ' What makes your engine overheat--an a run of 25 mile* or weather more rapidly than on a summer day? Why do bearings burn out more quickly in winter montfia? „; Spark plug troubles, overheating and burned bearings are winter weather because cold, raw, gasoline goes into the cylinders in a wet,mixture, arid fails to explode completely, thus it works down past the pistons into tfae crank case and thins the oil to such an extent, that the lubrication is ruined. THE LOSEE PROTECT-O-MOTOR will eliminate thistroubfe, that II Wfey we give it the name of PROTECT--O--MOTOR. See your local dealer or write J. S. Losee for full particulate 3^";. I. S. LOSEE -MANUFACTURED BYHEBRON, ILL. •w PHONE 141 We"wisti aidfer1' friends aqd customers a H«V MINI M. M. Niesen McHeiiry Phon« ALFORD H. POUSE r<«t-Law Thone » Weal .in. Tilfh--Na ISa-B SIMON STOFFEL Insurance ageat for afl rlssssi if property in the best iimpaatas WEST HcHBNBT. ILLINOIS opened in Water street by Peter J Heimer is still awaiting the arrival of the ice machine or cooling system. It is Mr Heimer's desire to haw the place complete in every respect beannouncing the opening. " ' With most kindly good-will we extend to you compliments of the season and thank you for past favors . ' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY STUMS # We wish also to call to your attention that we will have ft number of very attractive specials on Friday and Saturday that will surely interest you. We have arranged our oice line of Canned Goods and Groceries most attractively and you will be agreeably surprised to see our neat lay-out on your next visit to this establishment EAST SIDE CASH MARKET & GROORY HENRY HEUSER Phone 39 McHENRY, ILL NEW DRESS GOODS We have just i%c€fted some yard wide French Wool Seizes in black, brown, Copenhagen and wine color; also yard-wide storm £ 1 A A serge in blank and navy, specially priced, the yard OUTING FLANNEL PETTICOATS TAFFETA PETTICOATS, plain and fancy oobon ...i--. COVERALL APRONS, assorted styles OUTING FLANNE1L, millends, per yard. BED BLANKETS, wool nap, large sizei-.-.i UNION SUITS, low neck, sleeveless _ BRUSHED WOOL CAP and SCARF SETS - JOHN STOFFEL, WEST < 4-.- Get "The Woman's Magazine" and ly" «ae year far * 'one copy of the "New Idea Quarter- fl.85. "i.M

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