Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jan 1920, p. 9.

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r ^ .r , ' •"" ^YV' *" W* T^T * '^"WT 'r^,^4 " : •^T ": * y^^.T" '"F T' K3RH 'if$p&:-"- ^~"S PSEP^" '"it"*^ ,:v ' ^-"V '"-'""Vv.-X^'V- ^ ."•" : •"•? ' ': '-. ' :• '""r ••'••••;•'-•••*•.,/:• ;" • J-;i "•>;••>•:• ••,• . \^r.---rs-i a *.™ ..' •".'•:W'-" •" • ' » • -•' •"'•"• <".«>•; v • • * •• • THE HeHBNBT FLAINDEALBB, MofiENBT, IU. vr>>w<Si Tftis Is of Interest to Mothers You doubtless have read many, many times about ••TIER GRAY'S MEET NIBEM FN 0)HME^ • package th« »«t t yon perhaps have aiwolthav* B *,' » S$-' i! £ '.P .-- M'.. . and resolved that you would tun* jam war* at your forgotten <* Belted to do so, and as tried this most np^rior pnnpt|ltfeiit which for over thirtv as haa given •jrc satisfaction to1 i little ills to which children are i i Mo*)*"?* il» «W*Setiiift ibject. We are confl- GRAF8 SWEET dent that a trial in your family will convince yon that these Powders are deserving of the higheet praise, and we BOW offer yoa the opportunity of h»tin^» regular SOotbos delivered to your door absolutely FREE. ^Simply cut from this paper the above Trademark Bead and mail to ns together with name and address of five ot More of your friends who have children, and by mail you will receive a full-meed package of POWDEEHRS8.. AAddddrreessss,, MMootthheerr G < ray Oo..L,Iia Boy.N.Y. Think what that means to you in /"•w- * fe'cod hard doUars with the great de- ' Biaud for wheat at high prices. Many farmers In western Canada have paid (or their land from a single crop. The same success may still be yours, for you can boy on ea*y terms, . am Land at $ 15 fo $80 an Acre located near thriving towns, eood markets, railways--land of a Wnd which Brows SO to 48 bushels of wheat to the acre. Good grazing lands at low prices convenient to your grain farm enable yoa to reap the profits from atock raising and dairying. Learn the Factattbeut Western Canada low taxation (none on improvements), healthful climate, good *r<J°° • churches, pleasant social relationships, a prosperous and .. *r9r ,UIM*»*SP literature, DIM. description of farm opportunities In aod Alberta. reduced railroad m«, ate, writs B. Ottawa, Canada, or C. J. Braogiitoa, Roses 412,112 W. Adasss Street. Clik>|s> B| M. V Mar In IMS, 176 Mftnoo Avenue. Detroit, Mick Canadian Government Agents ; , Physical couragu can be bought eap, but moral courage is nnpnrasable at any price. TAKE ASPIRIN ONLY - ' AS TOLD BY SAYER faya^ Mtduced Aspirin to ths * phyalcians over 18 year* - y;i-r ago. To get quick relief follow carefully the safe and proper directions in each zi_- ;inbroken package of "Bayer Tablets Slf Aspirin." This package is plainly Stamped with the safety "Bayer Cross." ^ The "Bayer Cross" means the gen- Jjjine, world-famous Aspirin prescribed ' •'/ Apr physicians for over eighteen years. • "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" can be taken safely for Colds, Headache, toothache, Earache. Neuralgia, Lum- \ .|pago. Rheumatism, Joint Pains, Neuritis, and Pain generally. ,* Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost tit a few cents. Druggists also sell rger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture Sf Monoaceticactdestsr of Salicylic* add.--Adv. * J»UCH EXPLANATION IN 0R0ER Young Wife Had to B« Satisfied as 1» the Identity of Husband's. :r "Aims." , A hosband, newly wed, snd also a " ' 'graduate of the University of Southcm California, went to attend a banquet on the campus with a few of his ^College mates. He omitted teiepbonig his wife. «• When friend husband did arrive ifcome his wife was almost ready to Areak off diplomatic relations. "Where in the world have you '%een7" was her menacing question. 3jj' "Why, dearie, I have been out en- 9>, jbylng the evening with my dear Alma 'L Mater." "What?" ejaculated bis wife, jumping to her feet "Alma who?" Then | It took the errant head of the fam- ' fly Just two hours and twenty-flve pilnutes to convince bis heart-broken jkelpmate that Alma Mater was not an alluring vampire.--Los Angelea Times. t A Cultured Quarter. "We are now passing through a neighborhood which has more culture to the square foot than any other part Of town." "Well I Well! Everybody about here, I suppose, is a highbrow." | '*-.'4 "Yes. Why, the people In this nelgh- C ,ij(orhood talk about Shakespeare as If fee hadn't been dead more than a week." Money makes the automobile go, and the automobile makes the money go-- and there you are. SHE DYES HER OLD GARMENTS LIKE NEW "Diamond Dyes" Make Faded, Shabby Apparel So Fresh and Stylish. .Don't worry about perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether It be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods,--dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers--everything. Direction Book with each package tells how to diamond dye over any color. To match any material, have dealer show yon "Diamond tyre" Color Card, --Adv. Just before s man succeeds In get ting all be wants in this world (he undertaker gets busy with his person. Qarfield Tea, taken regularly, will correct both liver-and kidney disorders.--Adv. SIMPLE MATTER TO DIAGNOSE Collar Salesman's Ailment Would Probably Yield to Treatment «f the Right Kind. The collar salesman leaned his linen- like face over the counter at nae and whispered: Ton getting collaritls." "What's that?" I asked, twisting s number lifteen choker around my sixteen neck. "A disease peculiar to cbllar salesmen only. After one has sold these linen and flannels circles for any length of time he begins to think, walk and dream In circles and cplrals. "Mentally, I can never arrive .t any conclusion. I start to think from a thought which always seems to me to be a bone collar button, and I Inva riahly arrive at the point where I began, "When I take a walk I catch myself describing circles which seem to fe made of collars. The streets, tlie houses, the stars seem at times to he a merry-go-rouqd made up of linen objects. % "At night I dream of mounting vast circles up the sky made up of millions of collars, at the top of which is a giant collar box." "Young man." J said, "yoqr brain needs laundering."--Cartoons Magazine. Some men have a regular. Sunday morning attack of homesickness when the church bells ring. f A Sleep Is Sweet --so if coffee plays tricks with your nerves and breaks your rest try INSTANT POSTUM iFus economical beverage- has a rich coffeelike flavor that truly ^ satisfies. < < Madafcy ) Postum Cereal Co. Battle Creek,Midt»' - > Sold by Grocers and General Stores* • ^ I Bo Simple Designs j for New Frocks FsBowins After-ihe-War Extravagance in Clothes Reverse Reaction Prevails*: DRESSES IN fftOR Fabric Bids Fair to Be Popular for Spring Wear -- Summery-Look. , Ing Hats for Southern Visitors. As s violent reaction, clothes became widely extravagant almost as soon as the war was over. There were a few months of readjustment, while dressmakers were getting their establishments back Into normal working condition; but this period was surprisingly brief. No sooner was this done, even In a limited way, than the market became flooded with as avnlanehe of clothes, as extravagant as any that the world has ever seen. Now we are experiencing a reverse reaction, observes a prominent fash- Ion correspondent While it cannot be claimed that our frocks are any less expensive than they were six months ago, they are a great deal simpler in design. (There is no mistaking the* indication that women want all of their dresses built on the simplest and most youthfur lines, and that they will pay more for a dress of this character than one elaborated with applied trimmings. Season Calla for Pretty Clothea. We tire, in time, of all our clothes, and now is the time when we especially feel the need of something fresh and different. Then, at this season, we have so many more social engagements that we like to have a great variety of pretty clotbes In which to appear. In both the early and late autumn this need was filled by one-piece cloth dresses and beautiful furs. Later, these frocks were topped by coats of either cloth or fur. Now, we feel the need of a suit that Is completed by some sort of an attractive blouse, unusual enough to make the costume something Quite different from the old-fashioned coat and skirt. A suit, by Doeulllet, was created to All this need. Its arrival may be heralded as the most popular suit that this famous house has launched for the winter. The strong one-side movement and the long coat are Its features. The portion which laps across the front, buttoning under the left arm, to give a seml-belted appearance, j Is cut In one piece with the right front 4>f the Jacket. The1 color combination worked out In this is remarkably pleasing. Copper brown velours de laine Is the material selected for It The tendency In tailored suits Is toward the use of pronounced colors. The erstwhile popular dark blue Is. for the moment, neglected. Much of this is doubtless due to the fact that In rough wool pile fabrics dark blue Is the least attractive of all shades. There must be some changing depth to the color tone to bring out the beauty of the fabric; hence, browns and greens are chosen in preference to blue or black. The vest and collar are of broadtall fur, although it has been made with these trimmings of the heavy dresses biwHm with continued •access In the midwinter season. Th<&e who look ahead In fashions will see ta this Indications of a considerable Use of this fabric for spring. We have esme to think of It as such a practical material that It never has had the attention that It deserved from the artistic standpoint It was always featured iif evening gowns for members of th6 younger set, but we rarely saw it In handsome daytime frocks, as for some reason or other Is has come to be considered a somewhat informal material. Now our grentest designers have taken it up and are exploiting It in a way that makes everybody wonder why we did not realise Its possibilities before. Taffeta Popular W[lth Designers. Probably the purfy skirts of this autumn gave It the first boost toward success for It does come Into prominence whenever we have a wider sil- BOSCH EPS SYRUP, 1 cold la probably the most common of all disorders snd when neglect* ed is apt to be most dangerous. Statistics show that more than three times as many people died from influenza last year, as were killed In the greatest war the world has ever tricwa, For the last fifty-three years Boschee's Syrup has been used for cCughs, bronchitis, colds, throat irritation and especially lung troubles. It gives the patient a good night's rest, free from coughing, with easy expectoration In the morning. Made in America and used in the homes of thousands of families all over the civilised world. Sold everywhere.--Adv. A High One. "The aviator you took me to ssa Is s trump." "Yes, and he's an ace, too." As. we grow mora tengible, wa refuse rug cathartics and take instead Natare*! barb ewe, Garfield Tea.--Adv. < Very Much. • -- "Is there anything in that clphe message?" "I am sure it Was not sen fw naught. ' > far this sea«on. While the broadtail x decidedly more luxurious, the plush Is most economical, and has the adran tage of being equally fashionable. I Juliet completes this costume with t smart bodice of black satin, »roidered In copper color. This makes the wit beautiful and practical. It Is surprising to find taffeta Tailored Suit of Brown Duvetyn, With Jacket Showing Yoke Effect and Skirt Having an Overhanging Panfel at Frant. itself to a long-line drapery with any degree of grt#e, but It could not be surpassed by any other material for short, puffy drapery. Lanvln especially has had great success with her taffeta dresses. She makes them wlt£ and without embroidery. Black and navy blue are the colors most In demand In taffeta. Please Southern Visitors This winter hats have reflected the uncertainty of the silhouette. There has been a war between the dress with the puffy hips and the one of slender lines and the question of a choice between the two has had an Important bearing on all fashions. As both these types were worn. It was natural that there should be both large and small hats ns well as those that were plain and those greatly trimmed. We always see the full skirt accompanied by a rather large hat of picturesque shape, which Is topped by trimming of a fussy character; while the straight-line dress has in its wake the small hat. Fur toques are fashionable bits of besdwesr for this midwinter. Those going South are beginning to think more of springlike things, and for them quite summery-looking hats are already making their appearance. Glazed chintz and cretonnes are featured in some of them. We have had chintz and cretonne hats for the country in other summers, but the glazed, or shellacked chints, has not been used before. It is Indefinitely more practical than ths ordinary chintz, as it sheds the dust easily and may be wiped off with u damp cloth. Then, If one la enughtf In the rain with one of these summery- looking hats on, there Is no fear of Its turning into a bedraggled mass of cloth, for even a rubber rain hat could shed a downpour no better. Quite a remarkable trimming appears on the glazed chintz hats. It Is a fringe of straw. Although you may not be go^pg south It Is a very good Idea to get some of these bats, for they are most attractive and In the hurry of getting ready for an exodus from town in the spring It is not always easy to find Just what ogp wwpts in country hats. To Mske Wheel Chair. A wheel chair for an Invalid is made by buying four casters attached to rubber sockets Into which the legs ol an ordinary chair are slipped. Soiled Clothing, 8oIled clothing should not be al« lowed In the bedroom. Fashion in Girls' Clothes Designers Now Give Thought ta Apparel for Little Misses - Ns Idsss to Copy. It 4s only within the past few years that mpch attention has been paid to little1 girls' clothes. In fact notes a fashion writer. In other years there were no fashions ior children. In the eighteenth century children were dressed exactly like their mothers. Even babies' dresses were made of velvets, overlaid with elaborate and frilly aprons. Later, frocks for little people were really grotesque, making their small wearers look like caricatures. Then they became very plain, and for some time there has been little change In them. This shows us that there is very little for us to draw upon In children's fashions. There are no Ideas to copy, so that now, when a great deal of attention Is being paid to them, they require much of the designer's thought and skill. To be different at all, they must be purely original. We practically have no history of fashions in children's clothes. Provided they do not . grow too elaborate^ it is rather a nice thing to have some variation in them, for everybody knowi the delight that a little girl takes la a ftoetty dress. • - * Reverse Side ef Kid Trimming. The'reveree side of kid is often lyrefl in narrow strips as trimming, it li very effective In red used on dark navy blue. Sometimes this reverse side of the kid in red Is used with narrow strips of black patent lrathoi to very good advantage. Easy to Remove Feathers. When making pillows make a slip ol strong mosquito netting and put th« feathers Into this; slip the first pillow into the ticking and fasten the end* with clasps. The feathers csn be easily removed for airing «im| ticking for washing. f RECIPE FOR ORAY HANfe"; ; To half pint of water add 1 ot. Bay Rum, a ft ma 11 box of Barbo Compound, and % oz. of glycerine. Apply to the hair twice a week until it becomes the desired nhade. Any druggist can put this up or you can mi* it at home at very little cost. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and will make harsh hair soft and glossy It will not co'or the scalp, is not sticky Of greasy, and does not rub off.--Adv. Appropriate. "What do you think are ths hart flowers for an April bride to carry?** "I would advise a shower bouquet" HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD Says Cream Applied in Nostrils x Opens Air Passages Right Up. Instant relief--no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your head clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffing, blowing, headache, drynefep- No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream In your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. It's Just fine. Don't stay stuffed up with a cold or nasty catarrh.--Adv. et Contents 15 ¥U»d ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT. AAWaWeftcpamtiosibrAs similatinfclbeFbod tin^iheStoa>achsa«lBa»cls« TheretyftomotlnjWrtW neither Opianu Morphea" Minerali NOT NARCOTIC Ahd|rfut%£j Constipation ami and Fcverishness Loss OFSlBEP restfllin facsimile xeWTTORg Exact Copy of Wrappet. oOHiy Mothers Know Thafy Genuine Castoria P Always Bears the Signature of li U$s For Over Thirty Years CISTORU DISEASE AMONG HORSES--the umr la SPOHN'S DISTEMPER COMPOUND Naturally. ' poet sang to his love. Drink to tne only with thine eyes.'" "She must have had liquid eyes." hooette, due to the fact that Its stiff-' ness makes It suitable to these de^ signs! Now those who make dresses are using It for straight-line models which wrap about the figure. Of plush, which Is often substituted for ^course It Is not a fabric which lends WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND SWAMP-ROOT druggist* have with much interest the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine. It ia a phyaidan's proscription. 8wainp-Root ia a strengthening medicine. It helps the kidneys, liver and bladder do the work nature intended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood the test of years. It is sold by all druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other kidney medicine has so many friends. Be sure to get Swamp-Boot and start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for S sample bottle. When writing be sura and mention thia paper.--Adv. In many cases the only difference between a 1910 and a 1920 New Tear reaolutlon Is the date line. Oh, So Much! Wife--You complain that I am always asking you for money. Why don't you give me so much a year and have done with It? Hub--I do give you **s6 much." That's just what I complain of. Whenever there Is contusions disease among ha SPOHN'S Is the solution of all trouble. SPOHN'S la tevalimble in all cases of DISTEMPER, PINK EYE, HCF1.0> BNZA. COUGHS and COLDS. A few drops a day will protect your horse exposed to disease. Regular doses llirae times a day will act marvelously on your horse actually Sick. 60 cents and $1.50 per bottle. SPOHST MKDICAX CO, (takei, InC, V. S. A. #?1i WHY NOT TRY THE SAME WAY? Mr. George Stecun sent us the following letter from Leduc, Alts., Canada : "December 27, 1919. We farmers at Relethll and in the neighborhood return you our most sincere thanks for your excellent remedy. Trlner*s American Elixir of Bitter Wine bas helped many farmers whose stomach troubles were so serious that it seemed In some cases unavoidable to take them to the hospital for an operation." If you suffer from indigestion, constipation, headaches, nervousness, Insomnia or other troubles connected with stomach disturbances, why not follow the experience of the Canadian farmers and take Trlner's. American Elixir of Bitter Wine? And at the same place where you will buy thla remedy you can also get Trlner's Liniment for rheumatism and neuralgia, Trlner's Cough Sedative, the best remedy for coughs and colds, and other Trlner'a preparations.--Joseph Triner Company, 1333-48 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, lil.--Adv. 30 §TS!*COUGI1S Unrelrablllty. "Figures are* hard things with." **In what way 7" "Sometimes they wont sometimes they won't stand.' ta deal lis and UIMIm Opportunity --Money Bark Ouna* tee. "Radium." world's most vaiiuible kMVV mineral. Corporation with assets of tKT.SSS. Do liabilities, all its properties fre« aad eftaos> of obligation, engaged In tbe prodaetlaa eS "Radium." verified by reports and oartlSMfeH issued by the U. 3. Federal Government SaM corporation recently purchased the p«m nent source of supply of Its raw material the sum of S100.000: ofTers this opportasMV to benefit the greatest number, for a llalu) time only: opportunity limited to the stta tg 150 to any one person. Terms: Forward ONy order, draft or check. In the aum of $$ «r multiple thereof, not In excess of the IMI of $S0 Upon receipt of your remlttanM w* will forward to you $10 Interest, or thereof, according to your remittance. (• I limit of S100 Interest in the said corMratlsab together with copies of reports aaa aaatScates Issued by the Federal OoveramaM. --•» statement of assets, with the guaraate* y money refunded to you If not rrartlr urn represented. All remittances payable to hi ill of Wm. Pres.. S«« 811 llMmUb Bid*.. Der •tef . Cent Siv BIl-Traat Oa. 1b ITCH! j" ' 11 treats sJJ RING p/ ltchla A IBcat O UIW oney baei without immss Htnrrs salvs &A ia tao treatment of ITCH, P* 'HSW > m TTTTWITII lis Si M akin Mn druggists, or dtreet km LI Ikfcsffe SiStlai Ca.ttMia|fe FRECKLES KEWARD--W1LX PAY REWARD IW Information that will lead to parehasa aS good walnut timber or black walsat Ian Address 170 Union Street. Free port, IUia£ AN OIL LEASE IS THE THING Learn how >0% of the fortunes haws feMS made tn oil: circular free. ORANT OL lOHs* BOSE, Boston. Block. Pekln, Illinois. W. N. U* CHICAGO, NO. &-W& C- liT some today! ^ You're going to /call Lucky Strikes iust right. Because Lucky Strike cigarettes give you the good, wholesome flavor of toasted Burley tobacco.

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