Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jan 1920, p. 10.

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*1. -1^: Aria A CSNTORt fcfcftifadMa 20# Discount ^ Pf* on all waist Bne cut " t«m Clipped From The Plaindealer «f Tftaty-ln T«ui Ag* p . - * * • • a t * , < ! • ; * < - r T : ^ r * • : * ; r - ; •' ^ " • *' _ . J' PHEA-TRE tm ~ iSf1;•<:<:• *.. ..!&£* ffifcis THURSDAY, JAN. 29 £M hladva Brockwefi m.-nt Broken Connuandoients . - ' •>: j - and ^m^ATTY ARBUCKLK Ef, • *4 • - --ind *&'*'- fWUTT & JEFP ^ 2-. "%t*> 1**.- ^ vm**- Wy, ^fashion has decreed that waist lin#*^ % icut Suits and Overcoats are> oi style for spring and fall 1920. !>••• & ..«• >»n I.ttf> 'ifmT' Jv 1 , lid { 1 >>'v "" JOS; W. FREUNEI WEST McHENRY, ILL. ' • &•' f' Ji" % FS*- ^P" = If fes. I**":'- ..-Vi' p' I"-s S&V Isn't It So? This is the season of the year when one spends more time in the house than at any other time and therefore the idle hours seem to make one wish for the things that help make the home more cherry and comfortable. A piece of new furniture from our store will add comfort while one of pianos or victrolas will bring the cheer which possibly may now large assortment and wide range in prices make]this place a popular shopping center and we extend to you a cordial invitation to inspect our big display at any time * UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING JACOB JUSTEN McHENR, ILL. Mil is® ft i5 & k V^ STOCK UPFOR COLD WEATHER We have a complete line of medium and heavy weight underwear tj» fit all sizes in tmioii suits and shirts anft drawers. Ladiecf union suits in lony sleeve, % sleeve ani po sleeve, low neck or high neck, each <125, <1.75, $L8S and |I25 Men's anion salts from $2J>0 to 94JT Men's and boys' mackinaws, a good range of prices, pretty patterns. V flannel shirts, special •«fae at $2^0 and $>.00 Our dress goods depart* / ment is very ctnq^ete • In silks, satins, worst* eds and cotton mixtares, per yd.$L0Q to j All wool blankets ip *> ..|12J^4 Phone 117-R "4|f Goods Delivered f Blankets,' full size, heavy wool finish cotton from.|L50 to $&A0 Our stock of shoes is very complete in all kinds. We can positively save you money, as they were bought before the prices advanced. Bring in the whole family and we will save yon many ^ dollars. Our groceries are always the purest and best we can buy. A full line of canned goods of extra and standard brands. Special for a few days, No. 2 Monarch baked beans in tomato sauce at per dozen $L7S Extra quality sifted peas at per dozen...ft^S Fall quart can of jam, . . assorted frnits, at per: quart .Me' M. J. WALSH i?- '/ '*£• W r I 4 KMv - i Ik*- We have them at 2S cents per in cotton up to $2.80 in silk for ^ladies. From 25 cents per pair up to $1.09 for men. Children's at 25 cents up to 68 cents per pair for heavy cotton and silk lisle. Your money's worth, any of them. SMITH v BROS. McHE£fttYr, ILLINOIS ... , . J\r i J&j 'i;, January 30, 1895 Died--In Chicago on Wednesday, Jan. 9, 1895, C. Fred Tryon, aged forty years. court is agala in' win of Aurora presidlog. ^ John Miller, .the junior member of the firm of Miller & Son, rejoices over the arrival of a daughter on S»t urday. Weight 8% pounds. Jos. J. Frett of Chicago was calling on old friends here Sunday. He is engaged in Vilas ft Robbins' packing house on Halsted street Noah Pike of Chenoa, 111., was oit our streets the first of the week and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Story at the Riverside hotel. The social, by the ladies of the Universalist society, held at the Riverside House on Friday evening last,> was well attended and a most enjoyable event. Freeport claims to hamlle mbre mail than any'other city in the state outside of Chicago. Thirty-one mail trains arrive and depart from Freeport every day. Jos. Mertes is building a new summer *teort hotel at Pistakee Bay, to be knofm as the Oak Park club house. He expects to be ready i o open about May 1. The women of Dundee have organized an "anti-gossip society." Those who fall from grace and break its by-laws are subject to fines. Every town needs such a society. A process has been invented to distill brandy out of basswood. Now, what sort of a chance have the temperance societies when a man can go out and get drunk with a fence rail? Mrs. W. D. Wentworth entertained twelve of her young friends on Saturday evening last, the 20th, at her residMute in this village, it being her nineteenth birthday. It was an enjoyable occasion. We have been experiencing socme very cold weather in this section the past week, the thermometer registering from 12 to 20 degrees below zero, while the storm of Friday and Saturday was the most severe known for years. Sheriff Eckert has made the following appointments as deputy sheriffs in their respective towns: M. W. Lake, Harvard; N. S. Robb, Marengro; L. Benthusen, Nunda; J. L. Kihbard, Woodstock; H. L. Holmes, McHenry; H. G. Ehle, Richmond. Died--In this village on Saturday morning, January 26, 1895, Mrs. H. W. McLean," aged fifty-nine years. She had been in poor health for the past year. She leaves an aged husband, two sons and two daughters. Her funeral was held from the Univerealist church. IF you are not already a customer of ours may we not, at this the beginning: of a new year, ask you to give us a trial? We feel confident that after you have tried our goods and enjoyed our service you will beia'regular visitor at our store during the year 1920. Always a nice line of fancy and staple groceries. Our perfect delivery system is at yoiir service ev«fy minute of the day. M. M. Niesen McHcnry Phone W-W He High out of the high ooit oi living by attending the Poultry, Rabbit aid Pet Stock Slow --ATTHR-- MHMtY, WOODSTOCK, Oi. FEB. 3 to 8th and learn how to raise Poultry for eggs ^ } Rabbits for meat Don't Fa9 t* Attend !f'~? SATURDAY. JA*f. 31* Claire Anderson 'V -INThe Mask -and- > -r'A KEYSTONEICOMEDY "^*^Shjrts and cabamts SUNDAY. FEB. 1 Weaker Sex V ' and. '••/"•A KEYSTONE COMEDY ^ MATINjEE AT| 2:3* ^ Xdmhtioil, 10 aniJlS Cent*. ylf'k -TUESDAY. FEB. a "V iworltf'• biRKcst motioaplctere The Whip 09 Cecil Raleigh and Henry Hamilton Produced by . Maurice .Toucnei|| Toasters A food may be very high in'nutritive quality but just the j same you won't hanker for«it if it doesn't taste good. Toast has- a-place in the list of good foods. iBut the toast often ^served has about as much .flavor flsynuf^. Sold on Monthly Payments • ' O yes, a humbug does .occasionally get over the plate. But not often a second time. A thin^ ? to last must have a deep substratum of merit. Andsproof that the electric toaster is a good ,thing is the fact it's part of the tquipment of hundreds of thousands of American homes. . Types Public Service Go. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS "Tkey olwsys come l»ck wiik a smite after using Honest John" writes a prominent Illinois merchant, >wKo has handled hundreds brands of Com Remedies I Thousands of people are provn. daily that corns are needless. T$ . < i they can bo removed and the p ^imuntly stopped * Yo« am prove it this very day with HONEST JOHN. CORN PLASTERS Homm John removes hard wrn*~oot\CO dMWtM b«rw«cn the toes and harde, cubon*. Honosi John does not irritate the llMlwJ^tiMuw The pain leaves almost "Apply Hones! John Today, you will quickly kaow cum taKtf 25c at yomr diagjpM. or mailed diNctfaom } N. WH«kO«k NEST JOHN. Inc. Af. CHICAGO - •4 - • u t f 4 - • > i,v V t . ^ %i a man's life is that moment when he approaches V # .y ^ * Ihe rccciving teller's .window and jga$^.tbc •• 4 . deposit that <^>ens an account. \ "*** This one simple act has been known to serve , ttitr Whole course erf a career into channels of .per^ *;/; . Inanent progress. . < ( / ^ Would you hold back from taking a step which tneanssomuch? : te;'. * TT > -,'v "<J.vfc£V- * r ^ y ,4 Payings Accounts'are \wlcome^F1iei%k f •' - " % r* * * '*"* '* " : , < , ^ V. « ,• t , • * * iCe / ^ fXv V ' *4M ' j 1 V 'r ' ' • : ' ; ; Candy Shoes -j - - •' • . , ' *'i-'-'V ' . "4^' ^ Hosiery Notions . Underwear • Crockery ; ^ Dry Go6d$ Queensware '.-"I Fancy Dishes Aluminum War* ; Rubber Footwear Household J|tilitse|;.-"! w i'i; «• Staple and fancy Groceries • V -GET THEM ERICKSON'S • n' Y" %XC ^ GENERAL MERCHANDISE WEST McHENItgl - KDMRC AO SHDIC Experienced Workmen * D^NAVIN & RBIFIAMSTBRGER iaL Phj«keian and Snrfeon v'. 4 ' ' ' McHENRY, ILLINOIS Office over Petesch's Drug Store JOHNSBUBG, ILLINOIS PHONES: MeHeuy, 44 Johnsbourg; 625^R-2 HOURS--McHENRY 10:80 a. m. to 12 noon 7:30 p. m. to 8:80 p. HOURS--JOHNSBURG 8:00 a. ra. to 9:00 a. m. 4.712:00 to 14J0 p. m. 5:00 p. m. to 7:90 p. air ' " ' • V. :: i N--' . . ' 'yf -. • •<' * "• V ; v» 11 •- v.* r •? THE UNIVER^AI. CAR pay Now While Deliveries Are Possible iy>- • * * Bay your Ford car BOW while deliveries are possible. There is only A # Hmiteci, specified npmber of Ford cars allotted to .this territory. You will V. wise to buy one now while we can get cars to deliver. A signed order , us is your protection. % Even our small allotment of Ford cars is not shipped u« until we have • t bona fide orders for them. This is because the demand for Ford care ^all | dyer the country is greater than the supply or production. So, don't de ^ ; %'j^end on spiring delivery. . ^ ^ Only so many Ford cars wfflfce shipped in to this territory; only so * Siany will be able to get Ford cars> If you would be ferehfcnde4>aad |to| 5 jfliead, you will have us deliver you a Ford car as soon as possible. Then ^ ' you will haveMl^to use whenever you want it. |; ,. The Ford is an all year utility--in your home orbusiness. Its service- . Ability its ease of operation, its low cost of maintenance h«» made it such.** vIff t "" 1 D : 1 anfnmn and win- will serve you the year around. Spring and summer, autumn and winter, Jt is youf servant; always ready jSTXr garage : "-JOHIs' R; ItKO*, Pr«p. PWHtfE M V >•; . y 1 , • •4-lv. •J* 'v..*' , . v.. , * : ^

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