Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jan 1920, p. 4.

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Out TELEPHONE NO. IS M.. 4 ^ ?% ' ' Call us up at any time for anything in the linejof staple and fancy grocerielf and general merchandise. We deliver to any part of town. JOS. J. MILLER McHENRY, ILL. OLD FASHIONED BudM Flour The old mill stone is practically a thing of the past. It is an old fashioned means of milling, us old as the milling industry itself, but the very suggestion of one brings pleasant memories to the minds of the older folks of the many tasty things that were made from cereals milled on the old mill stone. Our buckwheat flour is still milled on one <)f these time honored mill stones. That is why we sail it Old Fashioned Buckwheat Flour. McHENRY Flour Mills West McHenry, III. . Cash and Garry Prices are for a short time only, so hurry. Crisco, 3 lb. can 'Santa daus Soap,•> 17 ban Men's Felt House Slippers, 11.50 values Children's Bedroom Slippers Bojs' and Misses' Union Suits ... ... a. Men's heavy fleeced Shirts.. •* Children's Buckle Arctics, per pair. Coffee. Select Santos, 2$ lbs Fancy Maine Corn, 5 No 2 < . .SUM . I1.M ..*1.00 ..$1.00 ..$1.00 ..I1.M ..SIJS ..flJM 11.00 JOHN STOFFEL, WEST McHENRY ^ t * H" If It's Made On a to * ---It's Good The use of a Cabinet Gas Range so simplifies cooking that things made on it--whether they be cookies, soup or a roast--are uniformly good. ^ GET YOUR NEW GAS RANGE TODAY It is easy to keep clean. This is one of the joys of ownership of this range. Its white enamel oven doors, splasher back, drip pan and broiling pan can be instantly cleaned simply by using a damp cloth. w Ik M. WORKMAN. Dbtrict M>m|« <f t Look! Look! " . TTi "V-- We handle only the finest quality of y ^ Meats and Canned Goods - f: --SPECIALS-- C'-' Fresh Oysters and Halibut, Salted Bone- > less Cod Fish, Salted Holland Milk Herring, Smoked Finnan Haddies and Smoked White Fish. Open Sunday Mornings frost Til to KM Orders Delivered on Time EAST SIDE CASH MARKET & GROCERY HENRY HEUSER Phone 39 McHENRY, ILL. Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Roadster 1715.00 Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Touring $735.00 Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Sedan._« $1185.00 Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Coupe $1110.00 Chevrolet Model "F. B. 50" Touring .$1235.00 Chevrolet Model "F. B. 20" Roadstef _ $1210.00 Chevrolet Model "F. B. 40" Sedan._.$1795.00 : Chevrolet Model "F. B. 30" Coupe..... $1795.00 ^ % Chevrolet Light Delivery Wagon. ^ .$735.00 Chevrolet 1-ton Truck Chassis. $1325.00 A ALL PRICES F. O. B. FLINT; MICH. / Now is the time to buy and assure yourself early delivwy ^HiSMcHENRY GARAGE s J. W. SCHAFFER, PROF* . Ijj* v • a v. Auction Sale! Chat. Leonard, Auctioneer My lease having expired, I have decided to quit farming and will sell on the premises, situated 3 miles south of McHenry and 4 miles north of Crystal Lake, known as the Peck farm, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1920 commencing at 10 o'clock, sharp, the following described property, to-wit: As this is a large sale we will sell all machinery before lunch. 34 COWS Otoe registered bull. This is <$n» of the best Holstein dairies in the state and are nearly all new milkers and springers. 14 HORSES All good ones. Matched ttnfci of blacks, wt. 3000 lbs.; grey mare, wt, 1700; grey mare, wt. 1500; grey mare, wt. 1400; grey mare, wt. 1400; grey horse, wt. 1600; bay Lorse, wt. 1100; 2 bay mares, wt. 1100; 2 bay mares, wt. 1000; black mare, wt, 1400; 2 black colts, 3 yrs. old; blade pony, 4 yrs. old, wt. 500. 27 HOGS 14 brood sows, bred for,April fatrow; registered Duroc Jersey boar* 6 shoats, 6 fall pigs, 50 chickens, 6 Shropsh&e sheep. 15 tons choice timothy hay in barn, 20 tons corn in crib, 1918 Overland touring car in fine condition. Machinery Two McCormick grain binders, Mc- Cormick corn binder, McCormick mower, disk harrow, 8 Deere cultivators, Deere hay loader, breaking plow, seeder, land roller, feed cooker, new; tank heater, 3 truck wagons, nearly new; low wheel wagon, new; narrow tire wagon, milk wagon, 15 new milk cans, milk strainers, 5 sets double harness, 2 sets single harness, 3 stable blankets, P. & O. gang plow, 3 P. & O. sulky plows, P. St O. 2 row cultivator, 3-section harrow, harrow cart, new; Waterloo pumping engine, pump jack, blacksmith forge, lot of blacksmith tools, bag truck, 2 hay racks, new; 2 hog racks, new; 3 wagon boxes, feed cart, cook stove, oil stove, 300 ft. hay rope, 60 grain bags, 2 swill barrels, forks, shovels, and many other articles too nnmer ous to mention. Usual Free Loch at Noon Terms of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. No property to be removed until settled for with clerk. PETER NELSON. C. W. Stenger and Wm. Bonslett, Clerks. Public Auction! Chaa. Leonard, Auctioneer \<i - . Having decided to quit farming, the undersigned will sell at public auction on the E. M. Owen estate farm in the village of McHenry on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1920 commencing at one o'clock p. m., sharp, the following described property, to-wit: 29 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK --consisting of-- 22 Choice Cows some new milkers and balance close springers; 2 ten month old calves, 1 registered Holstein cow. Horse* Gray mare, 8 years old, weight 1400 pounds; gray gelding, 12 years old, weight, 1400 pounds; good work mule, sorrel mare, 4 years old; bay gelding, 3 years old. These are pacer bred with good breedings Grain 18 tons of hand husked corn, 1 stack of corn stalks. Machines? , McCormick corn binder, McCorniick grain binder, Jones mower, 7 ft. cut, Milwaukee mower, 4% ft. cut; Tiger grain drill, 7 ft.; Clean Sweep hay loader, Emerson pulverizer, 2 riding cultivators, Janesville corn planter with wire, 2 section harrow, 3 walking plows, wede tire wagon, narrow tire wagon, bob sled, top buggy, hay, grain ao.d hog rack, one horse milk wagon, ) leavy milk wagon, 2 sets breeching harness, 2 single harness, fanning mill, tew; set wagon springs, corn shelter, platform scales, galvanized milk tank, 50 grain bags, hay fork and rope, 2 wheelbarrows, 6 milk cans, pails and strainer, forks, shovels, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will 'he given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. No property to be removed until settled for with the clerk. Bobt. Thompson. Carl W. Stenger, Clerk. Buy your apples of M. M. Niesen. Phone 40. The' Whip" at the Empire Tom day evening, Feb*. 3. Those potatoes are selling fast. Order your \winter's supply now. M. M. Niesen. Phone 40. Mrs. Harry Kist of Chicago is spending the week as » guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs John Pint. 'A beautiful red fox was trapped on the Hook farm near Fox Lake last Friday morning. The animal is sup posedly one which had escaped iroan the Lippincott hotel lant summer. The Waukegan street hill once more affords an excellent place for coasting and the yo>ung folks as well as a number of the older ones are enjoying the sport th< «e days and ownr*': m. •• ± GIVE TO IRELAND AND LEND TO LIBERTY?' fs' f : WWk" & » : & A ; V Oh ^BEGINNING JANUARY 17, 1920 •-imh live Your Liberty Bonds to Liberty. Help the Government of tin RepaUk dlrebrt to Fmetkii Every Bond Certifi cate you buy will help: Keep Ireland tor the Irish; re-people the land; harness the rivers; put the Irish Flag on every How the Money will be Used! THE MONEY WILL BE USED INTkE SAME WAV AS THE PROCEEDS OF THE LOAN ALREADY SUBSCRIBED IN IRELAND. OUT OF THAT FUND FOR -EXAMPLE, DAIL EIREANN HAS ALREADY VOTED SUMS To establish a National Judicial System. --v.-* X"-' -* To tinance a Consular System. •' • " : To develop and.encourage Irish Sea Fishwife*; '!' --' ; : W Vf v - To inquire into and report upon the Industrial Resources and Pomib1Hti<$ ril rreland To develop and encourage Irish Industries. : » * To establish a National Civil Service. To re-open Technical Schools closed by the anti-Irish policy of a British Department To establish Land Tenancy societies with a view to reocoupancy of untenanted land To establish a Land Mortgage Bank to financf the Land Tenancy Societies. , ' 10. To encourage the Replanting of Forest A^as. * ? IT IS FOR THESE AND A SCORE OF SIMILAR PURPOSES DESfGNED TO GIVE WORK, STOP EMIGRATION AND DEVELOP IRELAND SOCIALLY AND EC'ON OMICALLY THAT THE MONEY WILL BE SPENT. 40% ifcs . atari tne DootnT spinning; abolish the slums; drain the bogs; lift Ireland up; turn her face to the rising sun. *flass*ssafiteafc To Eamon De Valera, President of the Republic of Iroln^'./ 411 Fifth Avenue, New York City. /f * I.. --- --- - j*?. _.hereby tender to the Government of the Republic of Ireland^ the sum ot$.- This sum to v&tatarily m&Kribed me. "lf«ithe(>-the President of the said Republic of Ireland nor the Government, of the said tt^blks x nor its agents are under any obligation to repay this sum, or to pay interest, on said sum to me or to my heirs until, the >wid Republic of Ireland is internationally recognized and the lapse of six months from the date of the freeing from Urit.ish military control of the territory of the said Republic of lrfehttrt. ^ , Signed t Addra(to..v-->. OMar - i.Jk -- SUBSCRIBE TO THE BOND CERTIFICATES OF THE IRISH REPUBLIC? Issued in Denominations of $10, $25, $50, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 PAYABLE IN FULL OR AS FOLLOWS: .First Payment 20% With Application Third Payment 20%, ApfH li 1920 Second Payment 40%, March 1, 1920 Final Payment 20%, May 1, 1920 AUTHORIZED SOLICITORS: Thomas Bolger, Edw. R. Sutton, P. J. Cleary, Carl W. Stengel Peter Doherty, Ray McGee, M. J. Walsh , • ' . . ." i, • . " •« .'" 1 Bond Certificates Issued by American Commission on Irish Independence, F. P. Walsh, Chairman SALE IN ORDER TO CLEAN UP OUR STOCK we have continued our January Clearance Sale, ent indications are that next year's markat will be higher than the past year. Woolen mills are now offering goods for next winter at advances all the way to 75%. It is not our intention to urge the purchasing of merchandise you do not need, but if you have hitherto refrained from purchasing as economical measure, here is the opportunity to buy and buy right. MEN'S OVERCOATS $50.00, $52.50 and $55.00 values $38.50 $40.00 and $45.00 values _.._ T .$33.50 $35.00 and $38.50 values, .... $28.56 MEN'S AND BOATS' MACKINAWiS Boys' Mackinaws, belt all around, pleated back, $12.00 values $8.§5 Men's Mackinaws, oxford grey, plain back, 38 in. long, all wool, $18.00 values «$12J5 K% DISCOUNT ON MEN'S AND BOYS' WINTER CAPS $2.00 Caps $1.50 $2.50 Caps ; $1.95 *3.00 Caps U35 vCfa* i v --^ REDUCTION M mrs $ BOYS* GLOVES m wm lien's one fingered Auto Mitts, sheep lined; 95:00 , values .... $3.95 Hen's one fingered Gauntlet Auto Mitts, fleece lined, $4.50 values ..1 $3.1%, $3.50 values ; --r?'4 $2.13' • - Men's Mocha, fleece lined Mitts, 43.00 value!: 1_. $1.9S Men's knitted Gloves and Mitts, $1.00 and $1.25 values : 85e Boys' dogskin Gloves $2.00 values.. $1.3S Boys' Mocha, fleece lined Mitts $1.00 values.- 85« V toys* Mocha, fleece lined Gloves $1.50 values----$1^15 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS . Sizes 34 to 42, belted and plain, single or double breasted models, $35.00 to $52.50 values.. .. $29*85 SWEATERS Men's Pull Overs, plain colors or fancy stripes, heavy, shaker knit, all wool, $12.00 values. .$8.16 V-' *• •• ^ • MEN'S SWEATER COATS Shawl Collar, fancy stripes, heavy shaker knit, all - wool,$12.00 values.. .. $8.16 Men's Sweater Coats, shawl collar, fancy stripe, mediuin weight, shaker knit, all wool, $10,50 values BOYS' SWEATER COATS Boys' Sweater Coats, shawl collar, heavy shaker fcltit, maroon and khaki only, $3.50 values T .$24# Boys' Sweater Coats, shawl collar, grey, brawn and maroon, sizes 30 to 34, $2.50 values,...-.^..$146 MEN'S HEAVY WOOL SOCKS 60c values DURING THE SALE ^ ^ Men's blade cotton Hose 20c values 2 pair for..... Jpt Not more than 4 pair to a customer A LIMITED AMOUNT OF HEAVY BLUE STRIPED OVERALLS, PER PAIR $1.9i McHENRY, ILLINOIS PF h'.y.

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