! . *U/» *$• '• • -Y < " 11 ,• " h , " ; V-IUrk' i: --••••---*• -•••>. l i - W f * j * n , kK-f, •- $Pr " *U Fashion has cfecreect mil waist cut Suits and Overcoats are out of $ ityle for spring and fall 1920. • JOS, W. FREUND ;,v v ^EST McHENRY, ILL. IHMIiittiili V >"*V . ' i"- ' Isn't It So? This is the season of the year when one spends more time to the house than at any other time and therefore the idle hours seem to make one wish for the things that help make the home more cherry and comfortable. A piece of new furniture from our stote will add comfort while one of pianos or victrolas will bring the cheer which possibly may now It missing. Our large assortment and wide range in prices make this place a popular shopping center and we extend to you a cordial invitation to inspect our big disflay at any time UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING JACOB JUSTEN McHENR, ILL. STOCK UPFOR COLD WEATHER " W« have a complete lias pf medium and heavy weight underwear to at all sizes in union Mrite and shirts and drawers. Ladies' anion raits In lone sleeve, Vt sleeve and •o sleeve, low neck or high neck, each $125, $1.75, $1.85 and $LS Men's onion suits from , .$2.50 to $4-9 •i f Man's aad boys' mack|- nawB, a good range of prices, pretty patterns. • Flannel shirts, special •aloe at $2.50 and $S.|| Oar dress goods department is very complete in silks, satins, worsteds and cotton mix. tares, par yd.lLOO to $8.# AH wool blankets Phone 117-R Goods Deliy«ed Blankets, foil size, heavy wool finish > cotton from.$2.50 to $6.00 Our stock of shoes is very complete in all kinds. We can positively save you money, as they were bought before the prices advanced. Bring in the whole family and we will save you many dollars. Our grbceries are always the r" purest and best we can boy. . A full line of canned goods of extra and standard brands. Special for a few days, No. 2 Monarch baked • beans in tomato sauce ' at per dozen $1.75 Extra quality sifted peas at per dozen...$I25 Full quart can of jam, up * 1 assorted fruits, at per .$i2j(y J quart ..Me M. J. WALSH JWHEN SALES OR SPECIALS Are Advertised prices are quoted about the same 4$ we sell at regularly. You can safely buy here. As to the quality of the goods, you are the only judge concerned. In groceries we sell the Richelieu Brand for our best and can say it is second to none Sure, we deliver. 'l SMITH BROS. McHENRY, ILLINOIS Frank Chicago. Simon S toff el passed Thursday last in Chicago. W. E. Claxton was a county s#at visitor Monday. J. F. Claxton spent* Thursday of last week in Chicago. J. C. Bickler was a Chicago passenger Monday morning. Miss Maud Kurr was'm Crystal Lfke visitor last Saturday. Fred Weinschenker passed Friday last in the windy city. Wm. Smith transacted business, in Chicago last Thursday. C. F. Norager boarded the Chicago train Monday morning. Harry Levine was a business Visitor in Chicago Monday,? S. H. Freund was a Chicago passenger Monday morning. J. W. Smith boarded the Chicago train last Friday morning. P. J. Heimer attended to business matters in Chicago Monday. Ray Conway attended to business matters at Woodstock Saturday. Miss Marion Conway of Elgin spent the week end with home folks. P. M. J us ten passed the latter part of last week ih the metropolitan city. M. J. Walsh attended to matters of a business nature in Chicago Friday. Miss Florence Carey of Woodstock is confined, to her home here thru illness. 1 Mrs. Jas. T. Perkins passed last Sat urday as the guest of Woodstock relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pries and family visited relatives at Edison Park Sunday. i J. W. Schaffer attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Monday. ! J. F. Miller was among those to board the Chicago train Monday morning. Jos. J. Miller attended to business matters in the metropolitan city last Thursday Miss Catherine M. Freund returned home Sunday after spending the week at Ringwood. | Miss Varina Wentworth was the guest of Miss Dorothy Carr at Ringwood Sunday. ] Mr?. R. G. Chamberjin and sister, M rs. H. Losey, were Chicago visitors last Saturday. ! Miss Flossie Randall of Hebron passed Saturday as the guest of Mc- Henry friends. t { Jos. Hoffman of Chicago' was, a week end guest in the home of Mrs. Helena Heimer. Wm. Bickler of Chicago passed the week end with his parents at the McHenry House. Miss Mayme Barbian and brother, Edward, were Chicago visitors a few days this week. Thos. Knox of Chicago psfssed the week end in the home of his mother, Mrs. John Knox. Mrs. Anna Mollohan of Ridgefield is spending the week in the home of Mrs. Jas. Sayler. Mrs. J. J. Vycital and daughter, Frances, passed last Saturday in the metropolitan pity. Stanley Warrington of Chicago was the guest of his wife and family here over the week end. Edwin Larkin of Elgin spent Sunday as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton. Mrs. J. Schneider and son, Jay, attended the funeral of her sister at Mont Clare Sunday. | Miss Alta Wentworth passed the week end as the guest of relatives and friends in Chicago. j Mrs. M. Schlosser of Chicago was a guest in the home of Mrs. A. Wolff several days this week. j Miss Anna Wolff of Chicago spent the week end in the home of her mother, Mrs. A. Wolff. i Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cronin of Kenosha passed the week end as the guests of relatives here, Mrs. Lonergan and daughter, Kathleen, of Chicago were week end guests in the John Flusky home. , -fUld- MUTT & JEFlfU >• SWND YOlik - SATURQAY. FEB. 14 Jack Abbe ^ , ^ -INMystic Faces Oriental Mysticlwn and Weilwa RealiMB help to make a Thrillintr Story. and KEYSTONE COMEDY ; SAFE DANGER . ft * . .<•-- SUNDAY, FEB. IS • v i Olive Thomas ^ IN c Love's PrisoBW ,t Prices, 15 and XCcnts > u MATINEE AT 2:30 u and " Cent* TUESDAY, FEB. 17 Charles Chaplin -INA Dog's lift Charlie Chaplin V In answer to inquiries from young millers, for a receipt for making graham, flour, the milling journals usually give the following: 1 part bran 1 part middlings 2 parts low grade flour We manufacture graham flour in the old fashioned way, as follows: 100 parts of good cleaned wheat, ground to the proper fineness on the old mill stone. McHENRY Flour Mills Weft McHenry, III. : J>f a oank are three--resources, facili Tic v->$. - -l »*£r<<-* «- . v *, * ' a Tice, and the greatest of these is service. , . ^ v " r f! : ; 'b • ' i'- ' \ " "SI *i*.'*s v - And this becatMte a Mnk to exist Strong resources and adequate facilities, but its sei vice depends upon the caliber of thbse behind it, ; The quality and flexibility of our service will" - * I i^ses. rv^:' ' Sl^' you. Your needs are not too large to taJL l : iis, nor too small to merit our best attention. ^ ' *•' - '- .;T ^ *r1- ; :V- •' : / ) / ^• y 4':j • < - -:W'. ^ Last summef, before the big advance in shoe prices, we placed large orders for ladies', men's and children's shoes. These shoes are now arriving and we would advise that we are now offering them at prices in many instances below the present wholesale price. It will be to your interest to satisfy your shoe wants here and now. / • '"N • We have also received several destinctive numbers m oxfords. Ask to see ttoa. m? 4^ M L. A. ERICKSON CENERAL MERCHANDISE WHST MeHfiNii fHPHRG AND. HEATING DONAVIN & -BY Workmen REIHANSPERGER Miss Mae Kessler of New York City is spending a few weeks in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith. R. S. Howard returned last Friday to Monroe, Mich., after a week's visit with his wife and family here. Mrs. L. F. Malum and baby of Savannah, Ga., are guests of their uncle, Chas. Bechtel, and sister. Miss Anna Knox of Elgin passed the week end as a guest in the home of her mother, Mrs. John Knox. Fen ton McEvoy of New York City passed last Thursday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John McEvoy. Richard B. Walsh of Chicago was a week end gueat in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh John Haupris of Port Huron, Mich., spent the first of the week with his sister, Mrs. Jos. Schneider. Chas. Whiting of Madison, Wis., is spending the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Whiting. J. E. Waite of Lake Geneva, Wis., spent one day last week in the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary A. Waite. Miss Marjorie Oviatt of Beloit, Wis., was a week end guest in |the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cooley. Miss Edyth Petesch of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Petesch. Misses Mayme Ibsh and Marion Whiting attended the basket ball game at Hebron last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Jus ten aad Physician aad Surgeon McHENRY, ILLINOIS Office over Petesch's Drug Store JOHNSBURG, ILLINOIS PHONES: McHenry, 44 Johnsburg, 625-R-2 HOURS--McHENRY 10:80 a. m. to 12 noon 7:80 p. m. to 8:30 p. ;|)j& ! HOURS-^!OHN8BURO ' 8:00 a. m. to 9:00 a. m. 12:00 to 1.30 p. m. &.00 p. m. to 7:00 p. m. spent Sunday at the Peter Freund home. Mrs. J. J. Vasey of Chicago is spending a few days this week in the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary A Waite. , m Mrs. M&gdelina Hobler of Chicago passed the week end as- a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wein schenker. Mrs. John McHugh and son, Jack of Chicago were guests of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John McEvoy, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Shepard of Ringwood were Sunday guests in the home of her p«ejata» Mr, J sons, EloMr.and Joseph, of Rtafwo*d'F. Claxton. ' 11 Jt"M BECAUSE we are crowded for room, we will give the following discount on winter goo^js, for a limited time only. Men's sheepskin lined (Joats and Vests 25 disc. Men's duck and corduroy Coats 25% disc. Men's felt Boots, Socks and Rubbers.15% disp. Sweaters. 15% disc. Men's winter Caps 29 disc. Men's wool and fleece lined Underwear ___.10%disc. Bed Blankets 10% disc. Now is a good time to buy these goods and save money- Yours for ^>usineat ... JOS. J. MILLER McHENRY, ILL. vvW-*' ...*. .. .t i„. • V rf , Miss Elizabeth Siehoff of Burlington, Wis., visited the latter part of last week with Misses Helen and Julia Freund. Miss Emma Pint of Chicago passed several days this week as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. # Elmer and Joseph Jus ten of Ringwood spent several days last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. fester M. Freund. / JSdward Bonslett, who has been at- Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Roadster.--^.'--$715Jl Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Touring --IWMt Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Sedan •:! Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Coupe.T--HllMt Chevrolet Model "F. B. 50" Touring...,1-ltW.lt; Chevrolet Model "F. B. 20" Roadstef„„.. J121I.H Chevrolet Model "F. B. 40" Sedan H7«M# Chevrolet Model "F. B. 30" Coupe,...-..- $17»5.H Chevrolet Light Delivery Wagon. -17J5H1 Chevrolet 1-ton Truck Chassis -- $1S)M9 - ^ ALL PRICES F. O. B. FLINT, MICH. Now-is the time to buy and assure yourself early delivery f McHENRY GARAGE / J. W. SCHAFFER, PROP. ALFORD -fa Atteraey . H. POUSK -at-Law | TUae'Sl :i . Wsst Mi > :M: • ;eHe«lyt DL TebflMN N«u lft-B SIMON STOFFEL lasuranee ignt for aQ class** eft property in ths last WBST McHENRY. tending the university at Madison, Wis., is spending a few days' vacation at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.'J. WdA and daughter, Helen, wsrs guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robinson at Woodstock. Math. Steffes, Jacob Steffes sjpd Geo. Wirfs were Chicago visitors « !aiv' *'i•' a;;, *• ' LJ '•* ~ ^ "*i . . . . . • V - - .. . i • i.iS I ^ • ' , jm&.hZ