Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Mar 1920, p. 9.

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Of OOB BUSY VILLAGB t.Sw* by Plain lialKr iUpwfed lute O# Miss E!ri« Vyeital Chicfcgo. tm. Bonslett pssosd last Timlin Chicago. Math. BaueV passed Monday in the Metropolitan city. l:-p C. G. Berner transacted business •ib Chicago Monday. / J. D. Lodtz was 4 Chicago passwi j|er Tuesday awrnirig. Mrs. J. E. Wheeler was a (Xricafo Visitor last Thursday. ; " *S Herman Schaefer passed the mik #id in the windy city, f P. M. Juaten boarded the Chicago ^•^ffcain Tuesday morning. Tffcos. Stanton boarded the Chicago ' c. Wain Monday morning, i Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Vogt «m CM- *||fw«ago visiters laat Friday. I;' ; -, • Mrs. Geo. It Jefenson wH t CUMgo visitor last 8*tafrday Mrs. Wm. Bass* (jessed last TluiM- * i|ay in the miHrepolHan city. JL . Mr. and Mrs. James Revor <%aucoada visitors last Friday. « ; Frank Hovatt spent the week eod With Ms wife and family at Elgin. Kathleen O'Reilly was a mettSn eit# visitor last Saturday Mf. and Mrs. M. A. Thelen passed t Friday in the metropolitan city. flifer 'jjftt tiki' waflk sited^it fhelMBe sf ,*h» p*ter ThdNm. Wa. Harrylftaritt **d M(m Mary of m*mo passed A» week ?ad *B the guests of McHenry friends. and Glenn Van Natta of Chicago ware week end guests of their pereate, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Van Hatta. 1)M Misaaa Mildred and Eleanor of Cllsegn were week end at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoewer. Roy Boh lander «f Sycamore, 11L, passed laat Wednesday aa a guest hi the homa of Ms parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miaaes Mam--iite Overton, Mary Walsh aad >illl Hehner passed the letter part of laat week as the guests of Elgin relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Reihansperter passed the week end as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bethsnapsigsr, at Vest Chicago. Maya* Hah, Mayme Bar- Heka Jieton, Marion and El- 0MMr Whittaf sftandsd the basket ball game atHsbron Saturday night. Mrs. Jos. W. Freund and daughter, Rita, passed several days last i this week as guests in the home of the former's daughter, Mr*. M. J Kent. ? Mi . • and Mrs. Chas. Lamphcre, daughter, Amy, and son, Donald, of Caipentersville; Mrs. Hettie Fuller A^g Mrs. John H. Miller and daughter, land S. J. Frazer of Chicago; Mrs. llara, were Elgin shoppers Tuesday. | Jacob Wentworth and daughter, Lucy Mrs. C. W. Goodel} spent Friday i» 'tta metropolitan n ™ 'and Saturday '";w „ aas Berteel Spe ncer and Lenore passed last Friday at Crystal Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fleming V,/passed Sunday with relatives at AljfJonQpin* V Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Stilling i-'v^i»iied the latter part of last week in ^.JpMcago. " . . Dr. C. R. Fegertt Was aniong th« ;s: fehicago passengers ' Lst Saturday ^ • >'^orning. :• J- E. Pufahl attended to matters 11. ; df a business natfeie in Chicago laat I , *fhursday. • Richard Overton and Liale Bassett Visited the schools at Crystal Lake '^-v^Jbst Friday. '• u: T : Jane, of Belvidere spent 8unday aa gueits in the "home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth, where Mr. Wentworth and his sister, Mrs. Lamphere, celebrated their birthday anniversaries. QUARTER OF A CBNTUIT tems Clipped Prom The Ptaiadealrr of Twenty-five Yeara Ago C. H. Granger had tLe misfortune to lose a valuable cow en Saturday Jacob Justen has just put in a line new delivery wagon, purchased from Bishop's w Hie Lake County Agricultural society will hold its forty-second annual fair at LibertyviHo in September. Math. Piteen is building two new cottages at Pistakoe Bay, which will Miss Jennie Mae Cooley spent the 'be ready for uicupaaij early In the eek end with her sister, Opal, at season. Miss Dollie Began, daughter of the late John Hogan, died at the home of her mother in Vo|o on Tuesday. She was well known hare* having formerly resided here. Married--On the 88th of February by Rev. J.' Straub of McHenry, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner of Terra Cotta, Miss Estella Anna Leisner to Frederick Bergman ol Bancroft, la Died--:At the home of her father near Yolo on Tuesday morning March 5, ox consumption, Miss Carrie McCabe, daughter of James McCabe, years, 6 months and 6 days. Famtal was held from 8t. Patrick's church in this vfflage, Rev. Father OTfeil sMating. Whereas, In view of the loss we have sustained by the death of our beloved brother and associate, John 1 , J•Thl*o it, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jastar spent |Thursday of last weak in the metro- ; ' - ^olitan city. "'p Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Bohr passed the .••J .Vifttter part of last wsdc in tha aati'C i^ijopolitan city. . ^ Chas. Fret^ Jr., of 4>«rsm v«it - Vj^iieveral days last v relatives here. » Miss Dorothy Speocer spent the ;,Jfroek end at Beloit as Am gOSst of .Iter sister, Elleii. I' Mrs, Roy Hankermeyer and children ^4^ Jiassed several days last week with ^ •^riatives in Chicago. Mrs. E. E. Bassett passed Friday -|tod Saturday last as the guest of rely lltives in Woodstock. K ^ Ernest Meyer of Stacyville, fe* f || visiting rriatives and friends In ;y: pcHenry and vicinity. i' Stephen Adams and sister, Chris* ne, spent several days this week th Spring Grove relatives. John and Richard Cronin returned yenoaha Monday after spen^Bng a mm day* wMi friends hare. ' Miss Sao Frett of Blgin was a week <md guest in tin heine of her parehta, fr. *ai Mrs. AAtrt M. Frett. '4Hr«. John tegala a yintait, wort SMiM * •>- r.. ' ' P. Lay, who departed this life February 22, 1920, and of the still greater loss sustained by thoee who were nearest and dearest to him, therefore he it Resolved, That it is a just tribute to the memory of the departed to say that in wgrittlni his rsaMval MM ear aridst, wt ihaara for see was 1tm Mi iMths A# an» ttiftKillA ifaEK |t Ikli nninL ' . f-£\K. • " , ' . . ' V / " ' Mia arMk- tUt on the dispensatiota with tsMek H . has pleased th» Divine Piovldeacs to •Set tihetn, and I'rimiwsad fiMBi tar censolation to Kim wis orders all things for the best, aad whoa* chas- j tisemeitts are maaat iu morcy, and be it further Roeolved, That, this heartfelt testimonial of our sympathy and' sorrow be forwarded to the family of our departed brother by oar secretary and a copy be spread on the minutes e£ tfc» «»uneU. j * /V ; .' pt. F. J. Akher, . _ ^cter 1L Justen, \ ^ M. A. Conway, vi Committee on Resolution^ ,, McHenry Council, No. 1288, of lis* Henry, 111. Closing Oat 8ak of M Head IIsis is . Having sold my four farms, I will sell at public auction on the Va. Cricthon farm, I aulas aosthwest of Elgin, 2% miles west of Dtttdoe, SH miles east of QOherts, ts Weiaeaday, March 10, at 10:00 o'clock sharp, 8 head of registered mares, some la foaL Itey are the heavy honed type, weighing anmd 1M0 pouads; 6 head of staBtons ranging from 8 to 4 years old; 1 dapple grey stallioii, 8 years old, weighing arpund one tea; 90 head of good rugged draft mares aad geldings from 4 to 10 years old, weighing from 1200 to 1600 pounds; 2 saddle hsrsas and saddles; 1 extra good family driving horse, 4 complete sou «f farming, tools, 26 aets of heytx breeching ^ harness. James DOrsey, Prep, / ' r Auctioneers, Chas. BalllWa ipwl Chas. Leonard. Potato Cestcst Open to every gM and boy in McHenry eounty between the ages of IS and SB. Bach one must put la 1 aad take earn of 1-8 of an acre of potatoes, kss|L a record of the work done aad izhftit at a county show. We have arranged for ssaM very fine seed, which will be sold to the> contestants at cost, *&2S for 1* . bushels, which is the required amount f to plant year plot, if you are coming in on this your UHMmy for seed must be' in/the hands of the county leader not later than March 11. Come on in, the spuds are fjsa. Bvery boy aad girl who exhibits wQI receive an achieveassat pin sad there ), will he prises awarded. Ths tfaae of 1 show and prises will be aaaouaced later** ', Thomas H. Murray, County Junior Adviso|fc ," ?»j' . '5. %^; Notice v J:. / T, Atford H. Pouse, Atty. ~X' I Estate of Mary Hess, Deceaae^: M : ^ The und««igned having been appointed Administrator of the Estate * r of Mary Hess, deceased, late of the County of McHenry aad State of , • Illinois, hereby gives notice that Jm ,•**• will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court ^ House in Woodstock, pt the May 4 Term, on the first Monday In May next, at which time all persons hav- ^ ing claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the seme ad- >• justed. All persons indebted to said Estate-are requested to make teasdiate payment to the undersigned. ;r Dated this 26th day of Februdiy, A. D. 1920. Peter Freund, Jr., Administrate^ v - , ' .*m IPMB VWHBH ; V - su 1 • A $86,000 Spanish dwelling la te be sristed on the baaks of Fox rfter liliw iiB Algonqal* aad Chry by Pres. Herts of tti TeBow Taxi Cab of Ghfeag». OC also :«:5 ' r?IS'

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