Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Mar 1920, p. 5.

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vm vf'.iM <v ~r .< - 'l.xf'-.i,." - J < » *--> • -- .,»<*i >U .-»<•»<«»>- V *. *.• «k !•&••»* k ***•&^ ^i>^r' v*;«$s > ? '^'V* 'S*4-Jr - . * -< *•*// <* •>* * %..? fr ' -;" ' •# .*, *,. «• j" xf '-w\' * * t •* i „ V, ,l ' ' ' V <r r < •> . £.' i "'i.< „ " * * " - < * » % - - » « * « * - " ^ - >/£?"* i~ < * ,, ^ *X£. „,i •»., ^••' '*;* -,";• ';'*.>• $nmm4 Drugs and Patent Medicines ^ / " H . ; ' : ^ ; - . ' v ' , f*; y fc.\, TBONE w-w N. H. PETESCH DJUGSIST Think What Gas Can Do In Supplying Hot Water providing you have a Gas Watpr Heater to your bom Vou need merely turn the faueet--if you bave an Automatic Heater-* to have steaming hot water from the tap just a£ you need it--fat kitchen, laundry or bath. With a Tank Water Heater just light the Gas under theooUa to have Water that is piping hot in a few moments. ' "4 You will find that water is heated hotter and far more conveniently with a Gas Water Heater than by means of the furnace coil. The furnace toil continually fills up with lime, spring| a leak and must be renewed often. In mild weather the water is, not sufficiently heated and in summer there is no hot water at alii The use of the separately fired coal heater means firing, ashes, inconvenience. A Gas Water Heater is efficient, economical and gives you water that is really Hot Water--the year around. * Let us install a Water Heater in your home.)' It will add so much to your comfort. You will wonder how you ever got along withovt ifc. _ /jVWesteroUnited Gas -O and Electric Compai)/ D. M. WORKMAN, DUtrlct Ma»ftt«r ONE DOLLAR paid down will put in your house any ,0 Electric Appliance I^alatice of cost in monthly payment* This ok fer is limited to the first ^w6 Weeks in March There is no reservation--everything is included--Washing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, Electric Irons, Electric Fans, Percolators, Toasters, Curling Irons, Utility Motors, Ironing Machines, Chafing Dishes, Grills, Radiators, Vibrators, Portable Lamps etc. On one of these articles the deferred payments are attended over the period .erf sixteen months; on numerous tothers twelve months. ' •' a *x .. . • 5* :• •- ' , Iff •'fuvCtvwTCO tunity that you place your order without delay because our stock of many of these articles is , United. At our Sales Room ippfltjp at Crystal Lake ic Service Co. OF 'NORTHERN ILLINOIS PHILIP JAEGER „GPMERAL COriMISSIQN MERCHANT mout ATTnmOM Qiru* TO THS tui or Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Hides, Etc., Butter end Eggs This is the oldest heme on the street fogs and prios lists tarnished oa avnUcation. GOLD STORAOE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Snh?<aib» tat Xb» ffUipdMlar on E. E. Knilans was a Woodstock via* itor Friday. H. Reed passed Thursday last at Crystal Lake. F. W. Hartman was a Woodstock visitor last week. Mrs. R. Walkup called en relatives at the Lake Friday. The Ladies' Aid will meet In the church parlors March 4. Mrs. B. R. Draper was a Woodstock visitor Wednesday. Mr. Fitzgerald was a business visitor at Woodstock Friday. Mrs. A. H. Levey did shopping in Woodstock last Thursday. Mrs. A. Jacobs was a business visitor at Crystal Lake Tuesday. Miss Laura Bliss and brother were Crystal Lake callers Tuesday. Harry Byers attended to business matters at Woodstock recently. Mr. Fitzgerald has quinsy, but is still on his job at the factory. W. E. Dike of Crystal Lake was a business caller here Wednesday. Miss Lois Levey was a shopper at Woodstock Wednesday afternoon. Nels Peterson and Herman Wille called at the county seat Tuesday. W. H. Wegtphaln was a business visitor at the county seat Wednesday. Miss Lucy Benson and sister, Ruth, passed Tuesday last at Wood£toch. James Tait and family are moving from the Dike farm to Indiana. Lyman Levey of Crystal Lake called on his father, S. Levey, Saturday. Mrs. A. H. Skinner and Miss Etta Levey were Woodstock visitors Tuesday. Mrs. . Will Abbott and daughter, Dorothy, passed Tuesday at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacobs were business visitors at Woodstock one day last week. ^ The Cemetery society met at the home of Mrs. A. Jacobs Thursday of last week. Mrs. H. M. Walkup and Mrs. W. F. Abbott passed one day last week in Woodstock. Miss Mildred Pearson was callin:; on relatives at Woodstock several days last Week. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Colby and two sons were business visitors at the Lake last Thursday. Richard Reed and Ira Burdick attended the milk meeting held in Elgin last Thursday. Lars Johnson ' of Minneapolis is moving onto the Westphaln farm, which he has purchased. Mrs. Elsworth of Woodstock was a visitor at the home of Mrs. Geo. Irish the latter part of last week. Mrs. R. Goddard is caring for her sick daughter, Mrs. Yanke, at Greerwood, Glenn Skinner taking her place in the postoffice. The C. & N. W. R R. Co. has been overhauling the pumping station here, taking out the old boiler an-i installing another old one, but in better shape. Claud Jacobs and family have moved from the Peterson house to Crystal Lake. Mr. Fitzgerald will move into the house vacated by the Jacobfe family. RINGWOOD Good potatoes. Try thsm. M. M. Niesen. Phone 40. ' • Mr. Gray of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Kelley home. Mr. and MrS. John Frett of ^Johnsburg were shoppers in town Tuesday. Miss Lbta Florick of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mrs. Harold Whiting. Miss Dorcas Foss spent the week end with Miss Florence Conway at Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young of Spring Grove spent Tuesday with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelley of Richmond spent Sunday with relatives in town. Mrs. John Gould of Harvard spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. Miss Winifred Bradley came home from Beloit to spend the week end with her parents. Mrs. Winnie Rosenstock spent Monday night with her brother, Harold Kelley, at Richmond. Mrs. Henry Heimer of McHenry spent Sunday. with her daughter, Mrs. K. M. Bradley. Mrs. Alma Thomas spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. Gerald Newman, at McHenry. Miss Lora Harrison is home from Woodstock this week on account of the illness of her mother. Miss Corabel McOmber of Woodstock spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hawley and Edwin Hawley of Crystal Lake were Sunday visitors in the E. C. Hawley home. Mrs. Happy Hall was called to Seattle, Wash., on Tuesday .of this week by the serious illness of her mother. Miss Ellen Hall accompanied her as far as Chicago. Our people were saddened Sunday morning to hear of the death of Vivian Esh of Spring Grove. Mrs. Esh was formerly Miss Bertha Bell and has many relatives and friends in town, who extend their sincere sympathy in this, her hour of sorrow. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at Spring Grove and the remains were brought to Singwoqd for interment. The following letter was received by Mr. and Mrs. David Hall last week from their son, Louis, who is still in the U. S. service. He is the only boy from this part of the county who has not returned from overseas: Jan. 23, 1920. Pear Ones Home--Just a few lines to let you know that I am fat and sassy as ever and having a ftnfe time on the Rhine. ' We are out on post duty now. How is everything at home? I hope fine. The weather is fine here, very little snow. I had a letter from Happy the other day and I was sure glad to hear from her and that every body was well. I was in the hospital for a few days, but am feeling fine now I had the grippe badly. I sure have had some fine trips over here. I want to take a trip to England soon and then home for mine. When I get home I will tell you all about it. I have written Abby a few letters and I have received no letter. A* it is midday, I must go to dttty. J From your loving son, Sgt. D. L. Hall, Co. H, 8th Inf., JL.t F. Coblenz, Germany, JOHNSBURG Miss Margaret Smith was a Chicago caller Friday. ; ? Joseph May of McHehry passed last Sundr.y here. Mrs. Adolph Fischer of Elgih was a caller here last week Friday. % Mrs, Nick Justen of McHenry was a caller here last week Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling of McHenry were Sunday callers here. Fred Schaefer of Chicago was a visitor here last week Thursday. Miss Lena Klein has returned from a visit with her brother, Math., in Wisconsin. Miss Rose Miller of Chicago visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math. Miller, Sunday. Jos. Frett and Albert Frett of McHenry attended the funeral of John P. Lay here Friday. Mr. apd Mrs. Peter Miller and Mr. and Mrs. John Stilling of Volo were Sunday callers here. Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers of McHenry were guests in the home of Frank Miller Sunday. Miss Gertrude Williams is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams. Mrs. Jcfc. J. Miller of MfHenry passed several days last week with her mother, Mrs. John P. Lqy. M iss Katherine Hess returned to Wauconda last Thursday after a visit with friends and relatives. Bernard Tonyan, who has been sick with the flu, died last week Thursday and was buried on Sunday. M rs. Joseph Michels, Mrs. Joseph Huemann and Mrs. John Mertes were >isiting Mrs. Geo. Nell last week Friday. ' SOLON MILLS Miss Marjorie Brigham is on the sick list " Fred Bell of Richmond was a Man day caller here. Artistic wall paper--get it at L. A. Erickson's store Mrs. Math. Freund was a McHenry visitor Saturday. Miss Mae Aylward WM a Chicago passenger last Friday. ^ Walter Cropley spent Sunday at Ringwood with friends. Arthur Aubert was out from Chicago to spend Sunday here. Miss Caroline May spent Sunday at her home in Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Turner were Chicago passengers Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibbs are moving to the rooms over the store. Ben Watts of Grass Lake was a Monday caller at Richard Aylward's. Mrs. Grace Jackson called on friends at Spring Grove Sunday evening. Mrs. Victor Aim spent Friday in the John Schumacher home at .Spring Grove. Russell Turner was down from Janesville to spend Sunday with his family here. Dr. Wm. Foster of Richmond made a professional call at the Brennan home Saturday. S(iss Lillian Yonke of Williams Bay, Wis., spent part of last week here with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Vogel. Miss Irene Dalziel left Sunday evening for Ingleside, from which place she expects to leave in a few days for Minneapolis, Minn. TERRA COTTA Miss Frances- Kuox was a visitor in Chicago Saturday. Charles Wheeler was a visitor in Chicago over Sunday. Sugar, all kinds and all you want, at Louis A. Erickson's. Wm. Conway spent a recent Sunday with his sisters in Elgin. Miss Lizzie Ames spent a couple of days last week in Elgin. Miss Eleanor Phalin was a Chicago visitor the latter part of last week. Miss Clara E.' Frisby of Dundee was a week end visitor at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Richards of Crystal Lake were callers in this vicinity Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Hull of Crystal Lake were callers in this vicinity Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chicago was the guest of her parents and sister here over the week end. Miss Hazel Bryant ef St. Louis, Mo., spent Frday evening and Saturday with her aunt, Mrs. Marion McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gracy spent several days last week with relatives at Janesville, Wis., having been called there by the death of Mrs. Gracy's only brother, Moses Earle. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Linhahl and daughter, who have resided on the J. M. Phalin farm for the past three years, moved to Crystal Lake the first of the week. Mr. Lindahl will work in the Terra Cotta factory. Plaindea?er ads bring result*. • • • - • ' v . p/' . 'f 'J* Do you realize that with the high wagis #011 receive you can save enough by depositing a certain amount of your pay check with this bank to give you a fair start in business, in a comparitively short time?. ,DO IT NOW because in all probability yjiigh wages will continue; afterwards it will Sbe TOO LATE. HOY BANKING COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOl FORDSON TRACTORS Power Farm Machinery; Specially Designed Implements Oliver Plow, Oliver Culti-Packer, Roderich Lean Disc, Roderick Lean Spring Tooth Harrow, Roderick Lean Steel Levpr Spike Tooth Harrow, Amsco Tractor Drills, Rude Tractor Spreader, Stover Famous No. 40 Feed Mill, Port Huron Thresher, Ann Arber Disc Thrower S&P Otwell Mower, Little Giant Tractor Belts. * We can now make delivery on any farm implement that the farmers may need at prices that are right. Steel prices are advancing every day. Place your order now and protect yourself. GARAGE JOHN R. KNOX, Prop. ' fhone HcHENRY, ILL. Refusing Milk According to last week's Grayslake Times the Nestle Food company, which recently purchased the interests of the Wisconsin Milk company, which operated a condensing plant in that village, has notified members of the Marketing company that their milk will not be accepted at the Grayslake plant after March 1. Patrons of the plant are up in arms over the action of the food concern and it looks like a real milk war over that way Ninety Per Cent of Motors in cars for 1920 use some type of Hot Spot to vaporize the gasoline. Why not make your car up to date with a Loeee PROTECT-O-MOTOR "Hot Spo#' Sm youi dealer or write. J. S. LOSEE; HEBRON, ILL. J ^ : ' jfciM:?1 AS , u>. ..MmI

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