Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Mar 1920, p. 10.

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m mm, M „>«: w ft* T •' t:. %'** ' ^VS V«v-1. r . p? k ;: . : i '•• \:.x.,. •' •; •' SST-'^ 'b "m •' t t4 tfc- I:' r. W:. ' l'y t® |: ifHp20% Discount-^ ;! oiall waist line cut V^j* Suits and Overcoats ,V :# • • I1*1*."' Fashion has decreed that waist line cut Suits and Overcoats are out of style for spring and fall 1920. a , JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, ILL. about placing that furniture order with us today. Our stock offers a very good selecting and the prices are all plainly marked. For your information will simply state that a large portion of our stock still consists of Furniture purchased before the war and hence some very attractive bargains are awaiting you. Don't believe everything you see in print and come and convince yourself that our statement is correct. You'll be the benefitter and well be pleased to have you call t UttDKRTAKiNG AND EMBALMftjG, _ JACOB JUSTEN McHENR, ILL. SPRING TIME is coming and calls for new gowns, shoes, etc. Our line of shoes is large, with all the popular styles to select from, in black, brown and white. We bought them early and can save you money in high boots or oxfords. yyiu1 Dress Goods Popular shades in voiles, organdies, silks, all wool sod worsted fabrics. You can make up your own gowns at much less than the ready to wear garments this season. "•••••ft ' ' \ •. ] • " . •• • , 1 . > : " • ' 1 • . , • • Men's Suits and Top Coats %ttr new spring samples now ready. Have your suit made for you by the International Tailoring Co. We guarantee a perfect fit and lower prices than the ready made goods. Phone 117-R Goods Delivered Fresh pure groceries always on hantf.; * T M. j. WALSH New Ginghams Last fall gingham, or rather the best patterns of ginghams, were alloted jo dealers as sugar used to be. We were fortunate to get a good assortment We are still selling it at 40c a yard. Come and see the patterns anytime and use your own judgement as to the quality. Most of them are M. F. Cs. McHENRY, ILLINOIS ANNUAL trMM'-} fiO! 3 pr- THEATRR Bear J. E. Hawaii and' Prtrf. ft W ^ Mumford at Woodstock Thursday Hie annual meeting of the McHenry County Soil Improvement association, which will be held at Woodstock on Thursday of next week, March 18, promises to be'. one of the biggest meetings ever held in the county. The organization has been exceedingly fortunate in the type of men which they have secured to address the meeting. # J. R. Howard of Clemens, la., wms elected permanent president of the American Farm Bureau Federation at the final organization meeting in Chicago on March 3. Prof. Mumford has taken up his duties as head of the livestock department and promises to have the department organized for work in a very short time. Farmers and others interested in agriculture cannot afford to miss this meeting, for it will afford an opportunity of hearing two of the biggest men in American agriculture. In addition to the two addresses above mentioned, detailed reports of the various lines of work which are being carried on by the local association will be given by men who have been in close touch with the work. Program--10:00 a. m. Address of Welcome--R. W. Bardwell, superintendent of Woodstock public schools. 4 "* Business Meeting--John ft.-; Wells, vice president, presiding*. Address--J. R. Howard, Clemens, la., president of America Farm Bureau Federation, representing over 1,000,- 000 farmers. Address--Prof. H. W. Mumford, Chicago, head of livestock department of the Illinois Agricultural Assn. The Relation Between the Local Business Men and the Farmers' Organization-- E. A. Manley, Harvard. General Work of the McHenry County Soil Improvement association-- C. W. Gibbs, West McHenry. Cow Testing Work in McHenry County-- J. O. Tupper, Woodstock, president McHenry County" Cow Testing association. Live Stock Shipping Association Work--A. L. Weaver, Harvard, manager Harvard Community Shipping Assn. , Federal Farm . Loan--Pure Seed Business-- A. J. Gafke, County Advisor. Live Stock Problems--E. A. Carncross, assistant county advisor. and Girls' Club Work--T. H. Murray, county junior advisor. The School Situation in McHenry County--A. M. Shelton, county superintendent. The Woodstock male quartette will furnish special music for the meeting. A hot lunch will be served at noon by the Ladies' Aid society of the Grace' Lutheran church. " 'ITS A BE ART With Taylor Holmes, at tho Empire Sunday Evening Cast: Orlando Winthrop Taylor Holmes School Teacher Vivian Reed William Cogney..... .Howard Davies An Old Flame of Cogney's Edna Philips Holmes The Bear, "Bessie" The Winthrops, Bostonians, derive their income from sheep ranches in the West. Their son, Orlando, devotes all his time to his hobby, entomology. Word is received that Cogney, the ranch foreman, is jeopardizing the property. Armed with new-found determination, Orlando, the supposed idler and waster, bids his amazed fiancee and parents farewell and goes West to the ranch, where he is received with laughter and jeers. | Belle Waylay, proprietress of the I Blue Chip saloon, advises Cogney to get rid of Orlando by stringing him. But it can't be done. At poker he outbluffs the bluffer: out-drinks the j ' drinkers, and out-rides the riders^ i In a final attempt to outwit Orlando, Cogney takes him on a fake bearhunt. But Orlando turns the tables and brings back a live bear instead of the stuffed one. Now desperate, Cogney hires two cowpunchers to destroy the Winthrops sheep. Warned jof the plot by a friend Orlando catches (the thieves red handed. Then ensues ja fight with Cogney, and Orlando's colorless fiancee, who "hates successful" men, arrives in the West just in time to see her proposed husband whip the foreman. When he bites off a big hunk of "eatin'" tobacco, shocked and disgusted she immediately leaves, much to Orlando's relief. For he has found a girl who loves successful men. SMITH BROS, "^St. Mary's Notes r flew Lay Trustees The 'fttlfht Rev. Bishop of Rockford has appointed the following four lay trustees for St Mary's parish: Nick Weingart, Jacob Freund, Jr., Wm. Cfc Schreiner and Will Smith. Sunday School Resumed After a respite of two months the Sunday school class will be resumed next Sunday afternoon. 'Children preparing for confirmation will be expected to present themselves henceforth on Sundays for bible and catechism instructions. Over seventy have already been enrolled. Children over thirteen are invited to attend. Printed Statements I An itemized statement is about to go into press which will show in detail the money paid or subscribed by each individual for the rebuilding of the new church. Since this has been authorized by the building committee, delinquents will please take notice and blame nobody but themselves if their names do not appear as paid up. THURSDAY. MARCH £1 Gladys Brockwefl IN m Thiev#-, " " MUTT & JEFF- .. .IN.. .* "-V* All THAT GUTTERS IS NOT GOLD FISH SATURDAY, MARCH 13 - Belle Bennet & Barney Sherry - IN Reckoning Day- -- and A KEYSTONI COMKOV I LOVE CHARLES ALBERT : ; • SUNDAY. MARCH 14 ^ ^Taylor Holmes v/' " , N-- V^;S It s a Bear •iiYr?' ' end-- Y> •>X?®;iCEYSTONE COMRB^'ljj NEWSPAPER CUPPINGS MATINEE AT 2:.t# . Admission. !• and 15 Cents Evening, IS and 25 Cents . TUEJ3DAY, MARCH 16 From farm hand to merchant prince--a revelation of farm life as it should be by that master teacher. .... . Mr$ • :7 Charlie Chaj?lii> Charlie Chaplin ' INSunnyside His third million dollar comedy / Manufacturing good spring Wheat flour is the main business of this mill. We cater to the public demand, for a light, white loaf of bread; and employ the latest ideas, and the most up to date machinery in the manure* tureof Early Riser Flour * McHENRY Flour Mills Werft McHenry, 111. 4^ •!; ^ s§i>v§ .;%< ^(OFFICIAL PUBLICATLCAI) : ^ THE kEPORT OF THE CONDITION '.v/Y-V;.*' ft located at West McHenry, State of Illinois, at the close of business on thfl. 28th day of February, 1920, as made to the Auditor of Public Account!^:* .p*M>ant to law: , •> - •* v • ' : - RESOURCM, F \ loans aha f)lscounts . . > » 2. Overdrafts. %. Liberty Loan Bopdt . -^4^--.- - 'V " ' " "A? i^ -H-'- 12 13 A. - • < • • AL War Savings Stamps 838.^- ; FC Other Bonds and STOCK»«a^ *1';.. • xt- , V,< 6. Banking House, Furniture APD Fixtures....-i......4..-_».S -18,545.01 7.. Due from Banks C ......VL'I' 694.64^ < S. T^ash... ---- IL.MTT I.*8 Exchange, Checks and COUEC;TION»A^- - - - 1 S,678.T>; ! ,i Total Resources...^. 1'...4.V,.«.J..»«»,- - -TWL 178.|7 LiABiLiTiW" * , • iv.n h y Capital Stock. "'Surplus Fun4. : - 1 ' - " - - - A . . ^ M 3. Undivided Profits (net) I T.., ^ *»,781.52 ; ^,.1-44* ' -K5,888.75 S., Dividends Unp«|d5;.ir.....v-. ' 8.«f < *• % .Contingent Fund ' 59t.H • :- Total L I A F C R N T I ^ : . . . . . . . . . . ; : ^ V v I, Carl W. Stenjfer, Cashier of'the. West McHenry State Bank, 4$. solemnly swear t/iat the above statement Is true to thfi'best of my know^t edjje and belief. C. W. Stenjfer, Cashier, i»-] iv>. sC: Subscrilietl and sworn to before me this tith day of March, 1920. ^ ' * \ f ; Jv Carey,;YNota^ ^l^ 7'if • f • • iY ' •••• ... ,*!*- - v «<' 4. Deposits if.:*? L if (f,Ci {-.-v >f te.3jtv •sY;f, •> i imr, Call early and select your Shoes for Easter. Last Rummer, before the big advance in shoe prices, w<T" : placed large orders for ladies', men's and children'*- - shoes. These shoes are now arriving and would advise that we are now offering them at^ ? prices in many instances below the present whole- V , X k * •ale price. It will be to your interest to satisfy- 4 • j^our shoe wants here and now. .. Jffe have also received several destinctive numbers Jd ladies' oxfords. Ask to see them. - ' - • J j :m • ««•'* W" "v': -V' •. -CENERALJMERCHANDISE Physician and Surgeon WcHENRY, ILLINOIS Office over Petesch's Drug Store JOHNSBURG, ILLINOIS PHONES: McHenry, 44 Johnsburg, 625-R-2 , ; Yf^HOURS--McHENRY 19:30 a. m. to 12 noon •. *;/ f:30 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. , pOURS--JOHNSBURG v 1:00 a. m. to 9:00 a. m.t • If :00 to 1.30 p. w. f:00 p. m. to 7:00 p. m. All moneys coming in on or before Mar^h 18 will receive honorabl* mentiosu Lenten Sermons Tuesday evening of each week during Lent has been reserved for one of Chicago's newest notable preachers, the Rev. J. Stoesser, present curate of St. Theresa's church. After completing his philosophical studies in Rome this brilliant student received a most thorough training in the famous uni versity of Innsbruck. He began his studies after many years of hard labor in an iron foundry. He grasps the problems of modern life with Jfe*? .¥- 1 Miller's For Your Men's and boys* drep; shoes, men's and boys* work shoes, ladiea' dress and work shoes, growing girls' shoes, children's and infants' shoes. In fact, shoes for every one of the family at most interesting prices. Also men's, boys' and chOdrea'tt r4tbbat boett. JOS. J. MILLER McHENRY. ILL. breath and bravery as only an experienced and well stocked mind -can. Last Tuesday he held his audience with thrilling interest from start to finish. His big subject next Tuesday night promises to flash his ability in mightier chords. Non-Catholics who wish to familiarize themselves with the teachings of the strongest and most effective church in the world today have been courteously invited to hear this literary dorian next .Tuesday evening. X T H E U N I V E R S A L C A R ^ ^ Ford Coupe with an electric self-startfwgir 'j|nd\lightinc system is one of the most popular Yfcihembers of the Ford Family. It is a permallently enclosed car, with sliding plate glass > firindows--an open car with plenty of shade. Then in inclement weather, enclosed and cozy, . dust-proof and rain-proof. Just,the car for -traveling salesmen, physicians, architects, contractors, builders, and a regular family car for two. Demountable rims with 3^2-inch tires all '•jjiround. To women it brings the convenience ' "§nd comforts of the electric with the durability %>*nd economy of the Ford car. Early orders will Avoid long delays in delivery. . STAR Phone 31 rVfs"" - y John R. Knox. ProfL •'••"A &-%$"•#•••* •" J--5' WEST McHENRY ALFORD H. SPOUSE Tele^kon« Nn. 108-R SIMON STOFFElrf f •. Jew AHiiMj •* Iiaxr- rffi; : Iwtmnce agwt tor all daa-- ef I»^Mrty in the but conyodM

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